Guardian Spirits 2K

Chapter 17: Chapter 17 – Ranch base – a nice day

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At the next early morning 6 o’clock, Peter arrived at the ranch with his white ford in time. After parking the car randomly among a pile of second hand cars and pickups, Peter zipped up his gray jacket and jogged towards the ranch house along the long dirt road. When he reached to the ranch house at the other side 5 mins later, there are already many guys doing push-up with weight bearing suits on the lawn in front of the ranch house. Seeing Peter coming, Ronald dropped the 70 kg barbell to the ground and greeted while wiping off sweats on the face with his hand, “Good morning boss. Did you have a sweet night?”

While thinking about Tina who went wild last night for some reasons, Peter twitched and said calmly, “I don’t know. But I think we should urgently build the buildings directly instead of training with weights.”

The other guys stopped doing their things and watched at the two speechlessly. Come on, man. We were just doing our things. At that time, Chester walked out of the house with a bowl of hot soup. He took a big mouthful of hot soup and asked, “What’s going on?”

Mike stood up and said while taking several deep breathe and trying to control his bloodflow and muscles like in the book, “Nothing boss. Brother Peter is proposing whether we should build our cabins first or just do like yesterday.”

Chester looked at Peter in surprise and thought about it. Then, he took another mouthful of soup and walked back to the house after saying, “Guys, you should go inside and drink this spicy beef soup first. Then, we will continue our construction rampage so lest our brothers went out to sleep in small motels.”

Men stopped exercising and wiped out their sweats simply with hands or their shirts. Some were already washing their face and drinking some water in water well. Although everyone felt glad that their leaders were considering about them, some were already bad ideas about how to bring back the girls since they couldn’t sleep outside anymore after the cabins were built.

Peter looked at the guys crowding around the stone old water well, he felt that they were in need of a lot of things. Amish people surely keep away the technology things from their community. And it gives nothing but headaches to Peter. But they can still accept these simply living conditions. Of course, they also put things like solar panels and batteries for electricity and diesel generators for machines. They even stored dozens barrels of diesel in the basement. Even if they don’t use them to run generators, they can still fill their car fuel tanks in emergency.

When Peter walked inside, he saw several good looking women serving the foods to the brothers in several tables. Lawrence and Belsoka couples are busy preparing the foods in the kitchen while Alex is filling the bowls with soups. There are even several guys lining up in front of him. Peter noticed two Amish young men with their iconic blond hairs. They are wearing simple shirts and jeans pants unlike other men with sweatshirts and cargo pants. Peter asked Chester, “Are these two boys brought by Alimosh?”

Chester drunk the last bite of soup in one go and said satisfyingly, “That’s right. They are grandsons of Alimosh. He personally introduced them to me just an hour ago. These lads are good. And the soup is good too.”

Peter nodded and walked towards to take a tray with a set of cutlery and a steel bowl. Although he ate breakfast prepared by Tina at home, he felt that he should have a taste of first breakfast made by people he brought in. After a while, Peter took a seat and started to taste some hot soup first. It was pretty good. He felt refreshing and warming inside his stomach. His taste buds were greatly stimulated. He picked the beef and potato burrito and had a big bite. He felt chewy and very flavorful. Then, Peter had a fun and delicious meal as he drunk some hot soup and bite the burrito in turn. He finished two burritos and a big bowl of hot soup in just five minutes. Although he still wanted to eat some more of these, his already full stomach let him know when to stop.

Peter came out of the ranch house which was almost completely transformed into canteen after he finished washing the steel tray, steel bowl and cutleries and put them back in place. He saw the burly brothers already moving the construction materials from their storage building which was originally used as a barn by previous owner Alimosh. Under the morning sunshine, sweaty and shirtless guys are digging the soil hard, moving the bricks, lumbers and bags of concrete and sands. Soon, one after another simple frameworks for 4mx4m cabins appeared in the backyard. Everyone excepts the five cooks participated in this hard work. Even two newly joined Amish lads were no exception.

They would rest for five minutes after working for one hour. It was just a literally resting which they would eat several energy bars and drink bottled water from the old well. As for healthy or not for drinking well water directly, they don’t care since those Amish people are living well. Moreover, they are already stepping the first step into mysterious hidden world of Gods. Even if they would really have health problems for drinking raw well water, they believe that they would be able to solve with a pill or a potion. They heard that their boss Peter took in a pharmacy boss with his extraordinary charm. Looking at their relationship, a pill or two for the life of their brothers would not be a problem right? Moreover, almost all the people here came from simple rural background so they don’t care about these issues too much.

When the time arrived at 12 o’clock, they dropped the things in hand and went to the old well to wash away the filth and dirt on them. Then, they would enter the open ranch house or the canteen to have nutrition rich lunch. After the lunch, they would rest and enjoy their free time until 1 o’clock. When the rest time is over, they would go back to continue building the cabins. It would continue until 4 o’clock in the evening. The guys would line up and take a bath before they headed to the city by their cars to enjoy a good night. Several guys who don’t like to seek fun or on duty would stay behind in the ranch and sleep in the ranch house.

After working hard the entire day, Peter remembered to dig several wells and build shower rooms and restrooms while driving back to San Christobal. Although their big men don’t care about too much things in showering together around the old well, lining up for the only restroom behind the barn has become a big problem. Some guys who couldn’t wait simply just walked into the forest 100 meter behind the current building site with a roll of toilet paper. As for how they solved, only them know. But after all, doing that all the time is not realistic and convenient. Moreover, they are planning to build a base for their guild for a long term situation so Peter contacted the construction team who remodeled his house and talked about it. At a price of two millions dollar, the contractor promised to look at the site tomorrow for a special two story building which would contain 50 bathrooms and 50 toilets; bathrooms at the upper floor and toilets in the ground floor. Each of them would take 2m in length and one meter in width and 2.5m in high. That is definitely a big project. Although Peter felt that the price was probably expensive, he put forward a little condition to dig several wells as bonus. Considering the big profits, the contractor promised to dig several wells for free. However, he said he would still need to look at detail situation of the site but the price would not change too much as long as the building space would not change from 300 square meters for each floor.

Peter called the private contractor but then he remembered about the tight financial situation of them. So, he called Chester and informed him about his thought about the plan to build bathrooms and toilets. At first, Peter was thinking about how to fill the funds. However, Chester told him about the money which Cathy gave him and he said to donate that 2 millions dollar. Peter felt soured when he thought of him introducing Cathy to Chester but he put away those thoughts quickly and congratulated Chester for having a generous and considerable wife. After driving for nearly half an hour, Peter arrived to the Origin Church and saw his beautiful wives walking out of the church. As soon as he stopped his car, Tina and Jenny opened the door and got in.

Peter sighed that another just passed again like that. When they got back to home, Tina went to the kitchen directly and started to prepare to cook. Jenny brought Peter with her mind power into bathroom calmly. Soon, suppressed moans and gasps came out and they seduced Tina who was washing the ingredients in the basin. Tina looked down at the vegetables in the basin and muttered, “Let’s just have Pizza today.”

So, Tina also went into the bathroom after giving a call to Pizza house she was familiar with. A certain man who was working hard was surprised by Tina who suddenly entered and directly gave him a kiss. But after a short several seconds pause, he put away his surprises and continued working hard as Jenny’s snort pulled back his attention. However, the opponents changed from one to two. It was a long shower until the bell rang one hour later and Tina reminded them that she ordered pizzas. Only then, the trio stopped their action and Peter hurriedly went out to pay for pizzas they ordered with a bathrobe. After he paid and took their pizzas from pizza boy, he put them on the kitchen counter and went back into bathroom cheekily. He swears to be a heroic swordsman tonight. Peter felt that the chance like tonight would be hard to come by in the future. Little did he know that his two women had reached an agreement secretly.

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