Guardian Spirits 2K

Chapter 20: Chapter 20 – Ranch base – Life Mentor Peter

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At noon, during lunch break, two groups of men enjoyed the lunch prepared by two couples and Alex together in the canteen. The lunch was offered by Peter to the workers. Although the group of workers are like twenty people, Peter thought about of their inconvenience and chose to invite them. Not to mention, they were really struggling hard too. In just one morning, they have laid the foundation of the building and four septic tanks. At this rate, they would be able to get out of queuing life. Brothers who can’t wait also don’t need to go into forest nearby to solve the trouble anymore. Although he hadn’t went in and strolled around, Peter can guess that he would step on land mines at anytime if that continues just like that.

Two groups of men also had a nice chat and got to know each other. Brothers of the guild also came from normal hardworking background so they quickly got into heated conversations. If not for them busy with training and the builders busy with their work, the guys might start a barbecue party on a clean lawn full of grasses. The ranch environment is also good. Amish people are environmental friendly and old Alimosh even dug a one acre pond at a corner of the ranch. With lush banana trees surrounding the pond, it is a perfect place to have the barbecue party.

After the lunch break, both groups resumed their construction progress again. Several trucks full of building materials drove into the ranch familiarly. They are from local COSTCO and have been transporting materials to the special ranch in Amish community. At first, drivers had troubles because they never entered the Amish community where local people deny various technological things. They were amazed by rows of ranches full of nature atmosphere. They greeted Peter familiarly and ran towards the pond in a corner, several hundred meters away from the barn. Looking at this group of old bastards who would bring their lunch and eat under banana trees near the pond, Peter felt speechless. However, who made them to be around the age of his father, Peter can only allow them to do so. Moreover, they would pack up their trashes back with them anyways. Several muscular brothers looked each other and started to move the things into the barn from the trucks. As for somethings like rebars and pipes, they don’t need to take care of, they just placed them at the outside. Although barn is quite big, it has limited space after all.

Not far away, builder guys looked at the old guys laughing and walking to a corner full of lush banana trees, they wondered for a moment. Work is important so they decided to ask later. Occasionally, they would rest and continued working when they saw the perverts working tirelessly. May be even Justin never thought that his men would start a race with the guys in the ranch.

The working process continued until four in the evening. Then, they packed up their things and took a simple bath, at the stone well or in the pond. Both brothers of the guild and builders from Justin dragged their tired bodies and went back. After bidding farewell to the brothers on duty, Peter walked to the car parking along the dirt road. The car parking full of vehicles was now almost empty. Peter opened the door of his white ford familiarly and got in. After starting the engine, he didn’t immediately drive out but waited for several minutes. While waiting, he sniffed at himself smiled bitterly. Very sour and tangy. As if he didn’t take a bath for entire week. Peter hurriedly lowered the window glasses for air circulation. It really helped him as fresh air came in with a breeze.

Just when Peter drove out of the parking, he saw Nick waving at him. After he slowed down, Nick opened the passenger seat door on the side and entered the car. Looking at the freak calmly tying the safety belt, Peter asked with a doubt, “Well, Nick, aren’t you staying in the ranch today?”

“I’m going to find a woman and have a goodnight. I am feeling suffocated today. So, I feel like trying to vent these out.”

Nick told Peter calmly as if he was just going out to buy a chewing gum. Peter started to accelerate the car as it got out of the ranch. He looked the road ahead carefully and said seriously, “You know what, Nick. I can understand your feeling. But you better find a new love and settle down. Living with the guilt and self-blames and sinking in them all the time would only ruin your life and newcomers trying to get into your life. You are also a mature man, dude. You should have already understood these things. Life is like a train journey. Some people will accompany you until your last stop. Some might go down in the middle. After you reached your station, there will also be newer guys coming up and taking your place.”

After saying his true thoughts, Peter glanced at Nick before he continued, “Of course, you can find a random woman and vent out the things suffocating inside you. Let’s take it as you didn’t go to

find random prostitutes, you might meet a random good looking woman which suit your aesthetic in some bars. She might also be seeking a good guy who could spend a good night with her. She might have some emotional problems or she is just purely trying to get pleasure from sex or even excitement. You know, Nick. I am a traditional guy although I am not that religious yet. I prefer woman like Tina who never choose to do that. But I don’t despise them. They might have some troubles or may be they are still finding the man of their life.”

Nick played with a silver lighter and interrupted, “Get to the point man.”

Peter got into the highway from the dirt road and continued talking about his thoughts after he drove the car into acceleration lane, “So, basically, you might have had a nice night. The woman you slept with might be finding a good man or may be she got a husband already. The first one would never get together with you. Well, may be you might occasionally have fun together. In the case of second one, you are probably ruining their marriage. Think about it, Nick. You can even get her pregnant accidentally. What are you going to do at that time? Are you going to take responsibility? How? By marrying her? Don’t be a joke. Since, you didn’t get together, she might have fooled around with other men when you didn’t go to her. A bed friend is good for you till it happened. Even more, that child could be yours or accidental product of another man. It is still like that with the first woman. If that is with the second type, you basically cuckold another guy and ruined his family. If you also chose to not care about that child of yours, you would become a bastard and I will never believe in your guilt for your dead family again. I don’t care about how other men do. But you are my brother I admit. You shall not do it.”

Nick turned his head to look at Peter and said weakly, “Man, I just wanna have a good night. If you continue, I might probably become the biggest criminal in history.”

Peter said firmly, “So, Nick, do me a favor. Just try to restart. Find a good woman who suit your taste. Date her. Make her your girlfriend. Create a good story. Okay?”

Nick raised his hands and promised feebly, “Okay, okay. I get it. I will try my best to do it. Just drop me near our bar. Man, for god sake, you really sounded the same like my late father for a moment.”

After the conversation, the car fell into silence as one was looking at the road ahead carefully and another one was staring at the silver lighter thoughtfully.

Peter doesn’t know if his attempt succeeded or not. But he chose to try it on a whim after knowing that Nick was going to find random woman to vent his problems. Although he is still a guy in late twenties with life experience of a detective, he can think of various followup problems because he usually read a lot of philosophy and psychology books. He couldn’t correct all guys in brotherhood but he doesn’t wanna standby and watch a guy like Nick walk into wrong road. Moreover, their purpose is to end the wrong and evil things. If they also choose to do wrong things, how would they cleanse up the evil guys. Unknowingly, after reading the codex of Sacred Heart established by the founder of Holy Heart School mysterious cardinal Emuel Steller, Peter’s thoughts have started to change. And, it just happened over a night after he visited the forum of Holy Heart School during last night. Jenny even praised a lot while Tina didn’t comment. Jenny is still a freeman while Tina already has believed in Moon Goddess Ixchel who can command floods and storms, bless the mother and child in pregnancy with healthy and good luck, can wield the thunder and punish the bad and evil, and ultimately can shelter the weak and innocent in the darkness with her Lunar light. So, Tina didn’t think too much about codex of Sacred Heart.

After dropping Nick at the bar of their guild, Peter proceeded to the Origin Church and took his two wives back to home. He chose to put away all troubles at the door and was carried into the bathroom again by chuckling Jenny with her magic power. Although he was the beneficial party, Peter swore to become stronger quickly. Being carried by the woman carelessly like that isn’t a good thing to a man after all even if she is his wife. Tina put away the beef back into the fridge and called the pizza house familiarly. Uh, it’s going to be pizza night again. Then, she also entered the bathroom.

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