Guardian Spirits 2K

Chapter 27: Chapter 27 – Ranch base – Shooting stars

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Peter stood up and patted off the dirt on his butt. He took a deep look at the lush fields ahead, turned his head and said, “Let’s go. We need to train hard to get stronger while we still have time.”

Then, he walked back towards the camp. Ronald patted Allen sitting beside him, stood up and trotted after Peter. As Allen also stood up and walked back to the camp, the remaining guys also stood up and followed them back to the camp. When they got back to the camp, men were already training with various dumbbells of different weights at the open space in front of the canteen hall. Women went back to their cabin houses to sort out their things while kids were staying on the porch and looking at sweaty figures admiringly.

Since they have already finished doing side quests like building the cabins for themselves to live in, they have resumed their regular training program. Although everyone have surprisingly condensed their vitality seeds, their strength didn’t directly increase visibly. At noon, they have finally touched the guns again after a long time. The guns are all modified AR-17 carefully redesigned and crafted by their weapon expert Kevin. The barrel has significantly become longer and it can even be used as a sniper rifle. It comes with two shooting modes of automatic and single shot. 7.62 bullet is used as its ammo. Many people were greatly satisfied with it. Especially, two Amish young men, and Alex got very excited when they also received their guns. Normally, Alex could not get one but Peter talked with Kevin to give one to Alex as a meeting gift and Kevin was also happy to do that because he loves Alex’s soups. Moreover, money was taken out by Peter, anyways.

They spent the whole noon and evening in practicing shooting. Most of the crowd were just playing around to get back their familiar feeling while some novices were giving their best to build up the accuracy. The dinner has become a special one as they decided to do a big barbecue party. Almost everyone participated except Peter, Chester, Rock and Kevin. The four guys left the guild base at 4pm and had to go back to their homes in city since their families would be waiting for them. After they entered the city, pickup carrying Rock and Kevin turned into a road while Chester and Peter drove their cars towards Origin Church together.

Two cars slowly came to a stop in front of Origin Church one after another. Chester was in the front and Peter was behind Chester’s car. Jenny, Tina and Cathy were having a nice chat together on a bench under a tree. Mainly, Jenny and Tina were teaching Cathy about how to handle the husband well and the tricks to get pregnant soon. When Jenny sensed Peter’s unique soul energy which kept getting near, she ended the talk and brought the two women to the church’s entrance. Her estimation wasn’t wrong. As soon as they got out of the church, two cars came to a stop in front of them. The ladies greeted farewell and got into their cars.

Peter waited patiently for Chester in front of him to go first, then he drove his white ford back into the lane and asked, “How’s the business going today?”

Jenny took a sip of familiar blue juice and replied boringly, “You are the only customer who comes to my pharmacy during this month. Seriously, I don’t know why there are very few hidden world people around us. If not for Lilac, I would have probably gone bankrupt since along time ago. Fortunately, now I have a long term customer who would buy various items in bulk from me.”

Tina laughed at the side and Peter felt speechless suddenly. It seems that Lilac is the one who is supporting everyone to live a rich and luxurious life. For a moment, Peter sincerely thanked Lilac deeply from his heart. She is such a good girl who would willingly use her luck for her friends and family. Peter accelerated the car and concentrated on driving. It was until when he stopped the car in front of their home’s garage, Peter asked, “Can I also ask Lilac to play the games with my bank account?”

Jenny rolled her eyes and said angrily, “Don’t I give you money? Why do you want to rub Lilac’s luck too?”

“And, you can’t do it. We are in the scope because we are all familiar people who grew up together and are in deep affection. Moreover, we are not intentionally letting her earn money for us. Basically, we don’t have any thought about using her. If someone broke some rules and rub her luck, fate and luck will come up with a price. So, please forget about your quick money making idea, okay?”, said Jenny, then she opened the door and went out. Tina also got out of the car and walked towards the house to open the door since the key was with her. Peter stayed in place for several seconds while thinking something before he also got out and opened the garage door.

At night, Peter hugged left and right on the big bed while the two were using their phones. Peter said suddenly, “I have something to tell you.”

Jenny said without turning her head away from her phone, “Make a long story short but detail on important parts.”

Tina chuckled at the other side but she turned off her phone. She moved a little to find a more comfortable position and said, “Start your story my charming prince without white horse.”

Peter rubbed Tina’s shoulder and said jokingly, “Although I don’t have that white horse, I have a white ford in my garage.”

Then, he coughed and started to tell the story he told to Ronald and others in the morning to his two beautiful wives again. As soon as he finished the story, the two women started to speak out their opinions. One thought that Peter was wrong for not making a big noise as she believed that a big influence could have protected them. Another woman said that it was all according to fate so Peter could come to a small city, survived through a tragedy, got into contact with mysterious world, and got a beautiful and talented woman like her as wife.

Although Peter was ready to accept some different ideas of solving the case from his two wives, he got the same answer surprisingly. Both Jenny and Tina proposed him to sneak in and kill everyone involving in it. They said that trade one life with another life. Moreover, they told him not to solve this vicious gang with laws because they were afraid that justice system would not be able to give the suitable justice. It sounded a little bloody but Peter felt that solving the problem directly with his hands would be better. After faces of his dead friends and photos of victims flashed in his mind, Peter decided that he would solve it with his own hands. But he felt that he should prepare something ahead for the storming future days. As someone who used to be one of the best in the system, Peter understands that their government is not something useless nor a piece of wood.

A night peacefully passed again. After Peter dropped his two wives at the entrance of Origin Church like usual, he drove his car to their guild base at the outside of the city again. There, he would train together with his brothers in arms. In free rest time, he would be busy with a computer together with Ronald, Allen and the others. Although many people noticed them and they were curious about what they were doing secretly, they chose to respect the privacy of Peter’s small group. Then, Peter and Chester would drive back to the city. Rock and Kevin chose to move their family to the guild base too and didn’t have to drive back to the city again. Especially, Kevin was already having a great time with a group of men helping him building his workshop.

Day after day passed and unknowingly, it is already the end of November. Many things have changed. A group of sweaty shirtless men are still training hard at the open space in front of canteen hall. However, their bodies became extremely muscular and firm. Moreover, they have become taller and their average height is 6 feet. Strong guy like Rock is now around 6 feet two inches. Even Peter is already 6 feet tall and his strong body is full of muscles. Unlike some body trainer with only big muscles without strength, the muscular men here are very strong and powerful. Each man can easily deadlift one ton dumbbell and curl 200 kg dumbbell with one hand. They can run at a constant speed of 7m per second with 200 kg load on their body for one hour continuously. Their transformation is very big and the gains are also great. Although contributions of magical potions are undeniable, they got awarded by their hard effort and persistence for a whole month.

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