Guardian Spirits 2K

Chapter 29: Chapter 29 – Peter – Normal night at home

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“It’s all about struggling empire of mankind in a universe of dark forest. Basically, the empire there is trying hard to rule a galaxy. Interestingly, it is also a big universe with Gods and Daemons. Daemons bring degeneration, corruption and destruction. And mankind is well known for its greed so they are constantly creating wars and fighting endless wars. It’s a grim dark story. And overall, I see nothing but just weak gods and foolish mankind.”

Jenny moved a bit and leaned on Peter who was sitting in the middle of the long sofa for four and she explained slowly in a soft voice. Tina also moved closer to her lover at the other side and said while taking a handful of chips, “Have you finished reading that book?”

Peter put several chips into his mouth, pointed at the armored men besieging two strange looking guys in the big empty hall, and asked curiously, “Who are these guys?”

Jenny still gave the answer again, “The armored guys are called retributors. They are basically special space marines responsible for hunting down the heretics who betrayed the empire. The two strange looking guys are psykers, and they are heretics apparently. And interestingly, everyone who chose to get out from the empire are called heretics and their entire planets would be killed. How brutal!”

Peter watched the fight intently for a while until it finished and he said, “Dear, don’t you think these big guys look cool? Should I customize some similar armors from Nsak?”

Jenny thought about it for a moment and she replied seriously, “It looks cool but that thing is not very practical for us. But if you want to wear one like that, I can ask Nsak for you. And, you have to look at how they put that armor on before you decided to get one.”

Peter turned to hold Jenny’s soft hand and said, “I want one. No, I want seven. Can I count on you?”

Jenny pulled out her hand and said in disgust, “Could you wipe your hand first please? Now, I have to wash my hands.”

Then, she asked while looking at the TV, “Isn’t one enough? Why do you want seven?”

Peter also watched the guys stabbing the metal ball on the TV screen and said, “Because I have a small team of six people. Do you remember about the plan I told you before? We are going to take lots of risks and I want to make sure that everyone would be able to come back alive well.”

Tina asked suddenly, “Are you talking about Ronald and the guys?”

Peter nodded and admitted, “Yep, it’s them. So, if I can get the good armor like that in this movie, I want to give them to my buddies.”

Jenny said in a careless tone, “Familiar people?”

Tina smiled and said softly, “We used to be in a team for months.”

Jenny was surprised, she turned her head to look at the two beside her and asked, “Is that QRT team?”

Peter nodded slightly and said, “It’s them. They quit their jobs and followed me into our nameless guild. Now, I am going to take them to fight.”

Jenny suddenly put the scooped ice-cream in her hand to Peter’s mouth and said as she turned her head back to TV, “I will ask Nsak later. But, even if you can’t get the set of armor similar to that one in the movie, I can still buy some good armors for you. They should be able to easily take care of anti-material bullets which you used to kill Greed Devils in Cerriro town.”

Tina smiled and Peter said sincerely, “Thanks.”

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Jenny said, “You don’t have to. I just don’t wanna want my man to die or get injured while fighting against evil forces before he became a strong man.”

After hearing it, Tina laughed and Peter speechlessly fell into silence. Then, the trio continued to snuggle together and watched the movies and TV shows until they went to bed. In the bed, pyskers’ attack methods flashed back in Peter’s mind. He looked at the two who were still using their phones and decided to ask, “Jenny, how do mages usually fight? Is that psyker in the movie too strong for you?”

Jenny continued to chat with Lilac on her phone and she said calmly, “We usually cast various spells and create a well arranged battlefield. You can simply think of it as a mine field in the front and a machine gunner waiting at the back. If you come unprepared, then it’s only sending death to well prepared mage. Moreover, mages are not that weak in melee battle too. Since almost all mages rely on intelligence and favorable thing called Miracle magic, we can create many obstacles around us and a simple swamp spell can cause greatest damage at sometimes because most people cannot fly. Then, several earth spikes will take away the trapped poor guy. For me, I am very good at earth, fire and wood type spells due to my tri-attributes talent. Although I’ve never fought with anyone since I was brought into this world by my mentor, I can be pretty sure that I can easily erase your entire guild by myself.”

Peter and Tina were surprised. The former asked while the latter turned off her phone and prepared to listen the conversation with curiosity, “Are you that strong?”

Jenny rolled her eyes and explained while continuing to text to her friend, “That’s right. I am very strong for you guys who don’t even have a complete set of equipment. Let’s put it that way. If the psyker in the movie is value as one, I would be probably at somewhere around sixty. Although I don’t know the energy reserve of psyker, I can constantly cast formal spells, which each of them can destroy our house, for two hours or three. We also have variety of spells which can adapt to various situations which give us greater chance to survive. And if we can’t fight head on, we can still easily run and sneak attack at later.”

Jenny turned off her phone, found a more comfortable place on Peter’s arm, snuggled and said, “Moreover, mages are very rich because we can constantly create valuable items. In comparison, you knights are poor because you cannot generate valuable things by yourselves. Well, you can do blacksmith part time job since you have great power and precise control over your body. Rune carvers could be counted too. However, the world is advancing and the technology tree is also growing fast. So, these two professions would be gone soon. People without strength would be able to do the same things with machines as long as they can design the runes well.”

Peter muttered, “So, what should I do? Are knights so useless?”

Jenny patted Peter’s broad and firm chest and said, “You are the knight of this lord. This is enough.”

At the next morning, Peter proceeded towards the guild base as usual after dropping off his two wives at Origin Church. He seemed late again when he got there. The time is only 7 in the morning and everyone in the guild base are training already. Even the women and children joined the fun by participating in morning run. But they are running with a simple set of exercise clothing while men are wearing weight bearing clothes on them. Everyone’s looked happy and healthy.

During the breakfast after the exercise, Peter put his tray on the table and sat down beside Chester. The latter felt that Peter had something to say because Peter would usually go and sit with his small team. So, he asked simply, “What’s wrong?”

Peter said, “I need to go to a place to solve some troubles. I am taking my guys together with me.”

Chester thought about it for a moment and he said, “Actually, you don’t need to inform me. As long as you left your leave record in the guild record book, things would be fine.”

Peter said calmly, “I know. I just wanna tell you so you could come and support us if we are in a very dangerous situation.”

Chester was surprised, he stopped the movement of dipping the burrito into sauce, he turned his head to look carefully at Peter and asked, “Is the situation so serious?”

Peter nodded, he looked the blue eyes of Chester seriously and said, “More than you’ve thought of. Basically, it can almost be said that we are going to fight against entire county’s government forces or even of entire state.”

Chester muttered, “Man, you brought a big problem to us. But don’t worry, our brothers are one family, we are the greatest backstage to us. If things are so serious, we can also move our muscles a bit and do the first ever operation of our guild.”

“But for now, let’s eat first. Then, you need to talk about your thing to all of us.”, said Chester and then he started to devour his breakfast fast. Peter shook his head slightly, sighed lightly and started to eat his foods too. It seemed that he had been doing wrong all along. May be he should have had told them too.

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