Guardian Spirits 2K

Chapter 42: Chapter 42 – Peter – Laredo City Part IX

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At the next day morning, Peter and his squad were sitting around two tables in the Hugo’s grill house and chatting. There were dozens of bikers in the dining hall too. At that time, a sudden piece of news caught Peter’s attention. He told Ronald in a low voice to stop and listen to the news. After the only talkative guy in the squad calmed down, everyone heard the news clearly.

“In view of yesterday’s terrorist attack on our Laredo City’s mayor Mr. Joseh Trueman, we are going to take the highest measure we can to destroy those criminals. We will not tolerate the existence of such dangerous terrorists in our state.”

It was an old man in formal attire saying in the press. Not all reporters are afraid of death so one asked, “Excuse me, sir governor. Do you have anything to say about mysterious organization preying on children talked by late mayor Joseh in the video? Moreover, he said that many government high ranking officials, rich and elites also involved in it. Since he gave the names of these people before his death, are you going to investigate them?”

The old man stared at the reporter for two or three seconds before replying.

“Listen here friends. You are falling into the scheme of those criminals. I believe that late mayor Joseh spoke that in fear of dying and under the threats of criminal mastermind. Their purpose must be to attack influential people of our state and trying to destabilize our state. Of course, I understand your worries that someone might be staring at our children in the dark. There are also possibilities that these things were done by the criminals who killed Mr. Joseh. Believe me, we are going to investigate this matter to the end.”

Then, despite of being under continuous questions of hungry reporters who were not afraid of death, old man calmly walked away from the press conference. Ben asked, “Who’s that?”

Peter said in a low voice, “State governor Musk Well. Although he was not in the list told by Joseh, he seemed to be also involving with that organization too according to investigation results of my previous team.”

Then, Peter shook the coffee and drunk it all in one go. He pursed his lips and said, “Joseh is just a small fish. We are going to catch bigger ones.”

Ben seemed to realize something and asked with a smile, “How much merits did you get for Joseh?”

Peter said calmly, “About 50 points.”

Ben’s eyes lit up and said emotionally, “Even Joseh who has been with that organization for nearly a year can provide us that much points. I really wonder about how much we are getting for solving big guys who has been operating like five or eight years.”

Peter leaned back on the chair and said calmly, “It’s all fate. Guys like us exist to take care of scumbags like them. Getting wealth on the way is just a convenient factor. Our priority is still to cleanse tumors like them on our own. Of course, it is better when someone can provide us with some money. After all, nothing is free in this world.”

At that time, Emma cheerfully came over with a tray full of french fries. After she put it on the table, she kissed Allen’s cheek before she left. Seeing this scene, Ronald moved closer to Allen to gossip while Peter asked with some depression, “Allen, dude, don’t tell me that you have already eaten that lamb.”

Looking at the latter shyly nodded his head, Peter shouted bad in his heart. However, Allen’s reply calmed him down, “Don’t worry, cap. I gave her recovery potion. No one will be able to see what is wrong with her.”

Ronald gave Allen thumb up silently while the other men were still paying attention to news. Peter wanted to say something but he saw Hugo who was walking over with cold ass face so he swallowed back his words. Peter silently sent a blessing for his little buddy. Soon, Hugo stood beside their table and said with a cold smile, “Friends, would you mind if I borrow this little friend of your for a minute?”

Peter shrugged and shook his head. After Hugo saw that no one was making trouble, he pulled Allen to the back. The latter also silently followed him since he slept with other party’s daughter. But whether he was silently cursing Emma for being unreliable or not, only Allen knew himself. But he understood that Emma was not wrong in this matter either because he would also do the same thing like informing one’s own father if he was her.

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When Hugo brought Allen to the kitchen, Peter said to Ben, “I am going to call my wives.”

Ben didn’t look away from the TV and asked, “At outside?”

Peter walked out after saying, “Yea, just at the bench outside.”

Ten or twelves minutes passed. Just after Peter turned off the phone and walked back into the restaurant, several cars slowly parked in the parking lots in front of the grill house. One of them is police patrol car and three others are just normal civilian sedans. However, the guys who came down from sedans were not normal people. They were all tall and strong looking men. And the point was they were wearing FBI vests which showed their identities that they came from most troublesome department of entire federation.

Just when Peter sat down again on his chair, eight FBI agents also walked in under the lead of two police officers. Peter looked relaxed and happy with a smile as he just talked with his two wives. However, his face became calm and cold as soon as he noticed one of the guy in the agents group. It was the man with square face and neatly combed blond hair. That man patted the counter and said out aloud, “Where is the boss? I want to see him. Let him come over quickly.”

Under the difficult face of two officers, a group of fifteen or eighteen bikers in the dining hall stood up while taking out their pistols and revolvers. Even if they saw the identities of the incoming bad people who seemingly came to find fault, no one flinched back. The blond agent still looked arrogant and glanced around calmly as he believed that no one would dare to really shoot him. Then, he paused his sight on Peter’s squad and said with a surprise tone, “Peter, why are you here?”

Peter shrugged and said calmly, “Why can’t I be here, Walter?”

Blond man walked over, pulled over a chair nearby to sit down and asked, “Shouldn’t you be in Mexico state? Of course, I am not saying that you shouldn’t be here but you know, things are a bit complicated lately and we have regulations.”

Peter pointed at Emma lazily eating french fries at a table and said calmly, “There is no secret. One of my brother is engaged with that girl over here and so we came here.”

Walter put a french fry on the tray into his mouth and said while chewing, “Are you still in the system?”

Peter looked at the news and said in a depressing tone, “Not anymore. One month ago, we got into trouble. It was a really big trouble. Many people died in it. There were over a thousand victims. Although I did great contributions, I felt that I shouldn’t involve in those dangerous things anymore. So, I quit two months ago and got married.”

“Wait! Are you already married?”

Walter was obviously surprised. But Peter didn’t care and continuous talking while pointing at his squad, “These are my teammates I got at there. This guy is called Ben. He is old school who doesn’t like to talk unnecessary things so don’t mind him. That is Mark, alcoholic Russian. He is Dale. Another old school. One beside him is Glenn. He is also old school. And this guy is Ronald. He is talkative and joker of our team.”

Then, he pointed at Hugo and Allen who came out from the kitchen and said, “That bald head is the one you came to find and the guy beside him is my buddy Allen. His girl is the precious daughter of that bald head. And Walter, you better keep your stance low here. That bald head is no joke. He has thousands of younger brothers who dare to kill and dare to go into prison. And you better go and calm down your guys.”

Walter looked at his men who were holding their guns and having a staring contest with bikers at the opposite and shouted bad silently. He patted Peter and said before rushing back to his team, “Thanks buddy. I will buy you a drink later.”

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