Guardian Spirits 2K

Chapter 44: Chapter 44 – small conflict

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At night, Peter brought his squad directly to the same neighborhood they just raided at last night to find the congressman who also played together with city mayor Joseh. He also planned to take care of a rich man nearby too. This time, Emma didn’t come along with them because she was immediately sent to San Christobal together with her mother who couldn’t reassure of her only daughter’s safety. In fact, Hugo meant it. Although he is not fear of sudden attacks, family is the only thing which he is afraid to lose. Things might not even happen unless everything went to the worst ever situation. But Hugo is not lack of caution and that is also why he is still sitting as the leader of a big gang safely ever after two decades.

Seven big armored men walked out of the woods one kilometer away from their target elite neighborhood in steady paces. Cold looking armors are sprayed with black paint which provides them better camouflage ability during night. Except the one with big and long sniper rifle, everyone else is holding strange looking automatic rifles. No one would want to try their firepower when they knew that these guns used 12.7 mm armor piercing bullets. The ground stepped by them sunk obviously due to heavy weight.

Ronald joked on the communication channel and broke the somewhat silent and heavy atmosphere, “Hey, dudes, do you know that I had a prior career as a night time sniper? I was really young at that time and every mission was a shot in the dark. After successful accomplishment of several targets, I switched to the guy in the light. Who knows that I would become a night time sniper again like now although it is with a different mission and different target.”

In response to him, Ben asked, “Dwag, which branch were you serving in?”

Ronald replied in somewhat serious tone and even made a standard salute while walking forward, “Commissioned officer of Third Army, Lieutenant Ronald Tait greets you sir.”

Although Ronald’s action of saluting the air in front of him made the rest laughed, Ben still said calmly, “Commissioned officer of Second Marine Corp, Captain Ben Hardy accepts your salute, Lieutenant.”

“Corporal Allen White of Third Army requests your pardon Captain.”

“Sergeant Glenn Wick of Second Marine Corp greets you Captain.”

“Specialist Mark Rosileda of Second Marine Corp greets you Captain.”

“Private Dale Thomaschild of Second Marine Corp greets you Captain.”

“Commissioned officer of Third Marine Corp, Lieutenant Peter Lucid reports the position Captain.”

Since these two guys were making real things, the rest of people also couldn’t laugh anymore and started to introduced themselves one by one. For a while, guys were saluting to the air in front of them while walking one by one. Since they were talking on their special communication channel through wireless mics and headphones, no sound came out. But even if it did, no one would be able to hear it. After all, they were walking along the no man path. Even several cars occasionally driving on the road several meters away from them would not notice their existence at this night time. Moreover, due to special place of elite neighborhood which exists at the corner of the city not far away from the mountain and ranches, the surrounding is usually very quiet and the roads around it have few passerby people.

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Ben said emotionally, “If not for our Ronald Duck, I might not even notice that we are all brothers who once served the country. You all had done well and fulfilled your responsibilities. But knowing these is making me even sadder. While sons and daughters of the country are out there serving the country, bleeding for the country, sacrificing many things for the country, a load shits of bastards who can only hide in the homeland dare to do things to flesh and bloodline of our brothers and sisters. I read the victim profiles took out by Peter, it was just on a whim but I found many unbearable things. For example, that woman named Jofwind is not a single mom who accidentally got pregnant because she went to club and slept with random guys. She is a faithful wife. Jofwind is the surname of her husband Jeffery Jofwind who died in the Normandy landing as a private. And another woman with surname Yorkman is also in the same situation. Her husband Loki Yorkman served as a marine and sacrificed for the country. But what did these bastards give back to our brave heroes who died for the country? They killed their wives and children in the back just because of a certain reason that single parent would be an easier target than a family with husband. Let’s not even mention about children in orphanages. What are these bastards doing? Don’t they have a fucking emotion and a bottom line as a human?”

The more he spoke, the angrier he became. And Peter added wryly, “It’s no way that no one in the army noticed it. According to procedures, someone must come out and investigate when the family member stopped taking the pension money. Not to mention, these must be a lot of victims during these years. And we are still talking about the possibility based on dead personnel. If we also think about active servicemen, the problem is quite big. But since there hasn’t been any big trouble like our action during all these years, I can only say that families of active servicemen are not either targeted or these guys are idiots to believe about accidents. Of course, a very high possibility is our men might have their troubles and they couldn’t find anything when they came out and investigate later. If that is so, things are still not too bad. Otherwise, military is definitely participating too.”

Ben habitually moved his hand to find cigarette and remembered that he was in the armor as he only touched solid metal armor. He said depressingly, “I can also guess one or two things. These guys are obviously treating us as numbers on a paper they could use at anytime. It was the same in the past. Now is also the same situation. If they has ever regarded us as fellow human beings who deserve to be treated the same as them, they would never allow these pigs in office to do something inhuman like that. Adult citizens enlist into military and become servicemen. Give birth to children for continuing of bloodline and reproduction of our human race. Children grow into adults. I understand that nobody is innocent. But this is not even a fucking problem of being innocent or guilty anymore. Who doesn’t know that military is the biggest power of our federation. Many retired servicemen are now working in various government agencies and departments. With a single command, military can even purge the entire government as long as it wanted. But now, haha, what a disappointment. Cold blooded actions chilled my heart.”

After that, the team fell into silent depression and anger. They walked slightly quicker than before with heavy steps and heavy hearts. They didn’t directly rush into the neighborhood and stopped under a big tree in a pasture not far away from the neighborhood. Peter took out a spotter scope from his space ring and checked at the situation. As he expected, a patrol car was parking at every two hundred meters distance on the road and he also saw several guys in FBI uniform chatting with police officers in front of a patrol car.

Peter took back the scope into his space ring and said, “There are vested guys ahead. What is the plan?”

Ben patted the gun and said in a cold tone, “Kill everyone blocking our road.”

Peter turned his head to look around at armored men beside him since he couldn’t differentiate who was Ben and said helplessly, “I don’t know which one is you, Ben. But these men in uniforms are also servicemen. They have to obey order. Killing them is not a right way to do.”

Ben said angrily, “Then, why are you still fucking asking us what to do? If you already have a plan, just do it. I am only going forward like fucking war machine under your plan.”

Peter raised his hands and said hurriedly, “Slow down, man. Relax. I am not bossing around here. I know you also understand that. I also understand that you are very angry. But Ben, after all, you don’t want to create another fatherless child or husbandless wife, aren’t you?”

Then, he took out a megaphone from his space ring and said, “Look! I pre-recorded what I want to say. I will warn them to leave us alone because we are going to solve those inhuman bastard without bottom line. If we still failed to persuade them, I bet we would have no other choice than attacking them.”

Ben punched the tree beside him and muttered, “Fucking moral codes for good people.”

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