Guardian Spirits 2K

Chapter 47: Chapter 47 – Battle in the forest I

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Peter and his men didn’t dare to relax. They tried their best to pass through the current ranch and approach the deeper forest which could provide them with excellent position to transfer their location easily, and better defend or attack against chasing troops. They planned for the worst situation because SWAT can use special helicopters in operations. However, they didn’t expect to meet the military too. Moreover, it is a platform of veteran soldiers coming after them. If Peter knew, he would shout for injustice and unfair treatment.

“Request for the nearest satellite assistance. Location 1km north of Karen Vineyard, Laredo city, Webb county, Texas. Find the fleeing terrorists immediately. When you found them, inform the location to our units. By the way, call the first lieutenant Joe to come over and let him command the battle.”, a burly man gave the command to the operators before he walked out of the command room.

“Got it. We are now heading towards your latest location. ETA 5 minutes.”

“Sergeants, check your things and prepare to land in 5 minutes.”

In just two or three minutes, pilots driving the four helicopters received the intel from the command center. They immediately adjusted the flight direction and informed the soldiers at the back. They are going to drop the soldiers ahead to intercept the fleeing terrorists. It would be a perfect combination with the chasing law enforcers.

Five minutes later in the dense natural forest behind the forest ranch, Ben who was rushing forward in the front was hit by a bullets rain. He immediately got behind a big tree to take cover. The other people were not slower than him either. As soon as they noticed that Ben got attacked and some strayed bullets passing on the sides, they rushed to the nearest big trees and took cover. Ben was not damaged but it ignited his already almost disappeared fire again. What made it worse was a frag grenade dropped near him. Ben who peeked to check out the enemy noticed the incoming grenade. However, reasons and experiences told him that it was already too late for him to evade it so he turned his back, crouched down on spot and lowered his head slightly while embracing his gun with one hand and covering his head with another hand. He had done it all in just a second and the grenade exploded behind him on the next second. Ben felt that somebody poked his back hard but the back armor wasn’t even pierced nor damaged by the shrapnel. It was perfectly fine but Ben’s mentality exploded. He raised his gun and started shooting back at the direction where the bullets came from.

“These are fucking fully armed soldiers. Peter! Fuck your moral codes. They are enemies and they are coming to kill us. Now we get two choices which is either killed by them or to kill them.” ,Ben roared loudly on the communication channel. Peter hesitated while the rest started the fire exchange. Although they were completely fine due to their heavy armors, they fell into disadvantages because the opposite party came earlier and occupied better positions.

Ronald leaned his head out and aimed at the enemies with his sniper rifle. But before he shot the enemy, he saw the big guy flying towards his place. Ronald rolled over and lied flat on the ground because what he saw was special armor piercing product Javelin 140. He placed his beloved sniper rifle under him but he forgot about the backpack and the communication server in it. So, the explosion damaged the backpack and the server box inside. Peter’s squad also lost the communication channel.

Ronald rolled on the ground, aimed at the distance and shot down the enemy in one go. His excellent marksmanship created the first ever casualty in the battle. The other people in the squad also started to attack back toughly and they realized that they got no other choice.

One minute passed. During the intense fire exchange, army side already lost 7 men in a short period. Watching at the familiar brothers in arms died in front of their eyes, the rest of soldiers were already red eyes. One of the four sergeants roared in the radio, “Request for air assistance! The enemies are too powerful. We got 7 men sacrificed in a short engage already. I suggest using armor piercing attacks. Enemies are in strange armors and our normal bullets cannot make any damage. Around brother is down. I repeat! We need air assistance!"

In the command room, a handsome strong man took over the communication tool from one of the operator and said calmly, “Calm down, soldiers. Two eagles just left the ground and they are coming for you. Four hawks on your side will cover for you during this period. All you need to do is to stick to your position and hold your enemies at there.”

Another Javelin passed and hit to the ground behind him. This time, Peter could only put away the worries for the families of guys at the opposite. Since he got no choice, Peter decided to live through this. He wants to see his two wives. ‘I don’t want to do this but you guys are forcing me to do it.’, Peter murmured and he also started to attack back.

Ben turned around while backing the big tree and gestured Glenn and Dale to flank right. The two nodded and rushed to the right under the fire cover of Ben. In the back, Ronald just exploded the head of another soldier exposing in his sight. At that time, dozen of 20mm bullets hit his back. Ronald felt that somebody punched him several times in a second and rolled over immediately. He checked back fast but found no enemy units. At that time, Ronald saw several bullets hitting Allen nearest to him. Allen was not injured either. Looking at the guy doing the same operation as him, Ronald finally noticed where the bullets came from. Enemy is in the sky. Ronald instantly aimed at the sky and tried to search the enemy. He knew that there should be at least an armed helicopter or several at there. However, it was hard for him due to the trees blocking his sight. But nevertheless, he found the target at the tenth second. He didn’t hesitate and shot at the tail of hoovering helicopter. At the same time, secondary pilot in that helicopter launched a series of rockets to the ground.

Ben saw the whole thing accidentally when he turned back to order Mark and Peter to rush forward with him. He quickly gestured them to look back and he also immediately activated the rune system of his armor. Mark and Peter were confused but they were not idiots. So, when they noticed the fact that Ben opened rune system and also his gestured to look back, they too quickly activated their rune systems of their armors. As for Ronald and Allen at the back, the two guys had already activated their armors’ rune systems and got behind the nearest big trees. Although their actions exposed themselves to the enemies, they couldn’t think of any better choice either. They were able to complete the movement in a very fast speed due to adrenaline explosion and boosts of armor’s rune power system. The attack also quickly came down. Three of Ben, Peter and Mark turned their back quickly and crouched down on spot while protecting their weapons and the attacks came in. They were covered in series of explosions. Fortunately, no one was injured. Although Nsak’s armors have various defects, the defense is better than perfection.

Ben stood up quickly just after the explosions and shot a few times towards the direction of enemies targetlessly. He saw Glenn and Dale had already made an opening in the front. Just when he turned his head and wanted to gesture the rest of the squad to move forward behind Glenn and Dale, he saw Peter passed beside him and Ronald and Allen rushing towards him at the back. Then, he noticed the smoking big guy coming down towards them. ‘Oh shit, what is that! A falling helicopter?’, Ben cursed in silent and didn’t hesitate to join the fleeing team. The boost of rune system provided them with better agility and they luckily escaped the fate of being hammered by a sudden falling helicopter. If they got hit by it, the unlucky guy might get several broken ribs or legs even if the armor’s defense is against the sky.

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