Guardian Spirits 2K

Chapter 5: Chapter 5 – Origin Church – Nsak

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“Go to page 45. Specially crafted modern firearms start from there. However, I would like to advice you to go to page 70 directly. You will see special bullets starting from that page. They might be the most suitable for you guys at this stage. They are easy to use. Even your normal firearms will do.”

Looking at the two men still watching at the image of a sword and reading its description, Nsak told them to skip those cold weapons directly. Looking at a well trained but normal body, Nsak knew what they were in need immediately. Cathy leaned back on the lounge chair comfortably and she was reading the book which Nsak was reading previously. Chester and Peter leaned forwards to check the catalog together. Nsak was sitting straight on his chair and looking at the catalog in a certain distance with the help of his extraordinary eyesight. From time to time, he would say some advantages of the item and make some recommendation to the two lads.

Nearly three hours passed just like that. Cathy poked Chester and said, “I’m hungry. I’m hungry. I’m extra hungry.”

Peter closed the book and said, “That is. Purification bullet, thunder bullets, Sika bullets, magic breaker bullets, and explosive bullets. We want 1000 rounds for each of them.”

Chester stood up and stretched his slightly sore muscles. Then, he asked, “Can I stroll around and take a look?”

Nsak said, “No problem.”

Then, he looked at Cathy and said, “Since it is already too late, why don’t you just eat here?”

The latter’s boring eyes lighted up and asked, “What you cooked for today?”

Nsak smirked and said, “Roasted venison, come from adult elk I just received from the tribe yesterday. They are in usual place.”

Cathy laughed and said cheerfully while familiarly walking towards the back, “I am going to take it.”

While watching at Cathy walking towards the forging room, Nsak said to Peter, “You know what boy. This is a girl I’ve raised carefully from a little baby. If I hear about some injustice on her, I will come to look for you guys. Guardian Spirits, I have noted about you. I don’t know about you and I don’t know about that guy Chester either. Since my girl has already identified him, I would not restrict her freedom of chasing love. But from now on, you guys must protect her well. You hear me?”

Looking at the face of Nsak turning to look at him, Peter nodded quickly. Hell, that is not even my wife. But then, watching the ammunition cans flying over, Peter felt that he might be in a pit. Nsak must be a super strong guy. It is not a good thing to be stared by someone like him for sure. However, why must I take care of Cathy? Isn’t it good for me to take care of my own wife? You are obviously telling to the wrong person. Go to Chester, that is.

Various griefs and thoughts flashed in the mind of Peter until Nsak took out a revolver and gave it to him. He looked at Nsak with doubts. The latter explained, “This one is called Flame. It can cause great damage to evil soul of tier one. My gift for you. How about it?”

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Peter looked down at the finely crafted revolver and swore directly, “Of course, I have to protect sister Cathy. We are men who should protect women after all. Don’t worry, I promise that no one would be able to hurt sister-in-law.”

Then, the two laughed and started to chat about trivial matters. Most of the time, it was Peter remembering about the things Nsak said. After all, Nsak’s insignificant things might be somethings which should be noted carefully for him.

Several minutes passed and Cathy and Chester came back together. Chester was holding two big plates full of meat in each hand while Cathy was carrying some canned beer. The four people started to eat the roasted venison which was well cooked and flavorful. They were having a nice time; eating a big bite from a big chunk of meat and drinking cold canned beer when they got thirsty. Not to mention, the two went well together.

While eating, Nsak would ask Chester about his life occasionally.

“Ummm, I gave him Sun Knight training manual.”

Cathy was biting the last chunk of meat and talked vaguely while chewing meat. Nsak nodded and fell into thoughts. Soon, everyone finished the last foods in their hands and put down the forks and knives. Peter and Chester felt that it might be probably the best meal they had ever had. Peter opened the small cloth pouch and started to count the gold coins and put them on the table while Chester opened the catalog and looked the items inside with great interest. Cathy pointed at the plates, forks and knives on the table and muttered several unknown words. Soon, a group of water appeared and the dining wares flew into it. After a minute, they came out again bright, clean and spotless. As for the mass of water, it was condensed into ice cube and taken into the handbag by Cathy. Chester took a plate and looked it carefully as he asked, “You can do magic?”

Cathy tidied herself a bit and said proudly, “Yea. I am a Tier one magician. How about it? Do you feel that you get a big advantage to be able to attract this beautiful and talented lady to pursue you? I’m just kidding. Don’t worry. As long as you train hard, you can become tier one knight too. This magician needs her knight for protection. See? We are meant to be a pair.”

Looking at Cathy talking nonsense, Nsak coughed and said, “Okay. You can go to pharmacy.”

The trio stood up and said farewell to Nsak before they walked towards the entrance door. When Peter pulled the door opened, Nsak called, “Hold on! Cathy, this is my gift to your lad.”

He made a bitter smile and took out a sword from his space ring. It is a one meter long standard knight sword. The sword flew towards Cathy slowly and the latter then took it into her handbag. Cathy smiled and said, “Uncle, Nsak, I will often come and visit you when I’m free.”

Then, the trio left the store and got back into silent corridor again when Nsak made some changes to the lounge chairs and simply lied down. The burly man fell into deep thoughts as he watched the white ceiling in silent. Only after several minutes later, he got up and resumed reading the book about puppets again. He never thought that Cathy would set her sight on a normal man. He didn’t want to think more. Just master puppet refining and make good ones for Cathy. That is.

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