Guardian Spirits 2K

Chapter 53: Chapter 53 – On the way back

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The convey consists of seven vehicles moved forward along the dirt road beside badly damaged no.83 highway road at a normal speed of 40 kilometer per hour. Peter looked at the various types of vehicles trapped on the highway road and suddenly asked Ben, “Ben, how much distance do we have to travel before we get back to San Christobal?”

Ben took out the cigarette in his mouth and put out a puff of smoke ring. He said calmly, “I don’t know. But it is like around one thousand kilometers between Mexico City and Laredo City. If your guess is really true and the earth expanded, it is going to take us longer to get back.”

Peter lay flat on the truck bed and looked at the blue sky while feeling the nourishing effect brought to his body by the burning sun rays. Peter wondered what was going on. He wanted to call his wives but the phone had stopped working already.

On a whim, Peter took out a black metal card and tried to get into the forum. Surprisingly, the forum is still working well. He sat up and murmured, “How I forgot about this?”

Then, Peter moved and gave his back to the sun to make a shade in front of him so he could see the holographic light clearly. After a moment, Peter shouted in surprise, “Ben, look at this dude. Eternal Sun God told us that today’s situation would happen again and again frequently. Gods are expanding our planets. My guess is right. He warned us to not take any aviation vehicles recently before everything stopped.”

Ben moved over and looked at the information on their influence page. At there, a post updated by Eternal Sun God is pinned. There is only a short paragraph but the content is very surprising. In short, he warned his affiliated forces to stay in one place and to not go out during these days. As for the period, he estimated that it would take at least one month. He recommended to not use any aviation vehicle and ships. And finally, he gave each affiliated force a gift pack consisting of one hundred thousands rounds of purifying bullet and two hundred thousands rounds of magic breaking bullet. They could go to the nearest underground market opened at Origin Church and receive them. At the end, there is a warning to be careful of evil spirits and to not take any oath carelessly anymore.

Ben put out another puff of smoke and moved closer to the cabin. Then, he knocked the cabin hard and yelled, “Speed up! We need to move faster!”

Glenn silently stepped on the pedal hard and accelerated. The guys at the back also tried hard to catch up with the head although they got no idea why it suddenly accelerated. When trapped drivers on the highway road saw this scene, they started to think about getting a lift. It seemed not a bad thing than waiting on their cars for helps and waiting for the phone signals to come back. Of course, it was just a small part of the travelers on the highway road. A large part has already moved on with the dirt road. There are also some who got into car crash and helplessly waiting for the ambulance and medical help. They are also just a part of the crowd who got into traffic accident due to earthquake because they turned down the offer of getting a lift from samaritans. As for how these people would do, it was not considered by Peter nor Ben. After all, they could see rising dusts at the distance ahead and various vehicles moving forward on the dirt road.

Soon, their convey also caught up with the front vehicles. Unfortunately, they had to slow down the speed. Ben’s plan to accelerate directly announced bankrupt. Ben stood up and tried to look at ahead. As far as he could see, various vehicles were slowly moving forward on the dirt road. Ben angrily sat down again and started to think another way.

Peter laughed and said, “Didn’t you think of meeting this situation before? Just calm down and enjoy it. We get no other choice anyway.”

Looking at Peter who was simply and comfortably lying down in the truck bed, Ben was speechless. He also understood that there was no other way. So, Ben also lay down and looked at the sky.

The crowd continued along with the long convey. After comfortably sunbathing in the truck bed for a while, Peter remembered something and sat up. He patted Ben who was squinting his eyes and daydreaming on the side and said, “Ben, why don’t we reload the magazines in this free time.”

Ben who was daydreaming about his beautiful days in the past cursed and sat up. But he didn’t deny it. So, the two took out several emptied drum magazines and two cans of 12.7mm bullets. Ben thought about it and knocked the cabin again. He told Glenn to stop the car. He wanted to take their emptied magazines together.

As the front pickup stopped, Dale also stopped his pickup and the rest also came to a stop.

“I’m going to ask them.”, said Allen and he got out of the cute beetle. It was suffering for him. Although some sun rays shone upon him through the window and his arm which he put out to bath in sunlight, he felt that the effect and speed of nourishment he got from the sunlight dropped a lot. When he got out of the car and got exposed in the sunlight again, he really felt comfortable.

‘Yea, this is that feeling.’, murmured Allen as he walked to his buddies at the front while stretching his muscles. That blue beetle was really unwelcoming to a tall and muscular guy like him. Allen felt rejoiced for being able to come out and walk.

Ten men from Iron hands gang looked at the situation and they calmly waited when they saw nothing wrong there. Soon, Allen walked back and got into the blue beetle again.

“What’s wrong?”, Emma looked at her boyfriend and asked. Allen shrugged and said, “Nothing. Ben and Peter asked our emptied magazines. They want to reload them because they get nothing else to do.”

Emma looked at the leather pouch enviously and asked, “How much free space is there in your storage bag?”

“About one cubic meter, I guess.”

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Although Allen didn’t understand why Emma suddenly turned around and asked that, he still honestly gave the answer. But he realized the real situation after a moment later.

“How big is it originally?”

“Probably about twenty five cubic meters.”

“Wow, that is really big. But why you only have so little free space?”

“Because…, I have to put that big armor in it. Moreover, there are still ammunition and high calories foods.”

“I also want one. How can I get it?”

“It is really expensive.”

“Expensive? So, you mean that I can buy it. Where can I buy it?”

“Uhhh…, you can’t buy it. But I can buy one for you. However, this is really expensive.”

“How expensive is it?”

“A thousand gold coins. That is a unique currency we use to buy things like that. A hundred thousand dollars for one gold coin. Think about it. I’m not lying. They are really expensive.”

Emma counted and stepped on the brake in surprise. She pointed at the small leather pouch tied on Allen’s belt and asked, “That small bag cost a hundred millions dollars? Are you joking me?”

Allen pushed back Emma’s head which was getting too close to him and said bitterly, “Why do I have to lie you? It is really that expensive.”

Emma stepped on the acceleration pedal and asked, “Are you a hidden rich man who hides his fame quietly?”

Allen pursed his lips and said, “You have read too much fantasy novels. I am a poor man with four digits bank account. All of my equipment and gears are sponsored by Peter. Or should I say his wife Jenny? Anyways, you just have to know that Peter is our boss who is providing us with everything we now have. Moreover, we are able to get into the hidden mysterious world thanks to him.”

Emma pouted and asked, “So, you mean, if I get familiar with your boss’s wife, will I also have that kind of storage bag?”

Allen was amazed by the brain circuit of Emma. He helplessly leaned back on the seat and said, “I don’t know. But you can try it.”

The team slowly continued the journey along the dirt road. While the guys at the back were chatting, Peter and Ben in the truck bed of front pickup of their seven vehicles team were also busy reloading the magazines.

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