Guardian Spirits 2K

Chapter 66: Chapter 66 – Misunderstanding

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“Asiridus?”, the man called Morsius was surprised when he saw the newcomer.

“Wait! Wait! Wait! Brother, listen to me first. It is really not what you think.”, he stepped back a few steps while waving his hands. Morsius obviously thought of something and suddenly felt bad.

Although the distance between the two sides were not that closed enough to be attacked suddenly, Morsius didn’t think so. Only after creating some more distance between them, he continued.

Asiridus neither pursue nor attacked. He just stood at the place where he landed and calmly watched at the slightly nervous Morsius. He rubbed the handle of the scythe and said slowly,

“I’ve never thought I would see you again, brother. Especially in a situation like this. Give me a reason Morsius. You might not know it. When Asirus knew that a heretic was attacking the town of nearly twenty thousands residents, he was very angry. He directly ordered me to obliterate the sinner on scene directly. Your behavior of attacking the innocent people is a major sin against the sacred codex of Gods council.”

“What? Wasn’t the council only staying in land of Hellene? When did they come here?”

Morsius was surprised by the news. He now understood that he had probably caused a disaster. He didn’t dare to wait and hurriedly explained while pointing at the strange corpses neatly standing not far away.

“Look! You also know the ghouls. I was sleeping, Asiridus. I was really sleeping for a long time. You know the Olmecs right? Before I went to sleep with my late wife Chalyej, they were still flourishing in this land. When I suddenly woke up a few days ago, I found out that a family of farmer was occupying our sleeping land. I thought they were the tomb keepers. So, I gave these mortals the mercy to join the family of undeads, the immortal family, Asiridus. Back in the days, many mortals were in a hurry to become one. Of course, they have some defects in the early period. I admit. However, as long as I gathered all the little guys and gave them a ceremony of death, they will all become undeads successfully. But who knew, this team of knights suddenly appeared and started killing my little guys. ”

“I do not lie, Asiridus. It’s the fault of these deaf knights. They not only killed my little guys, they also worship the fallen light god. Hurry up and arrest them. As long as we can know about their light god and report it to the council, we are going to make a rich contributions.”

Asiridus seemed to understand where the things went wrong. Although he hadn’t seen this his cheap brother of the same father and the different mother for nearly three thousands years, he could still feel Morsius’s foolishness.

Asiridus sighed and said calmly, “Olmecs are gone, Morsius. They abandoned this land long time ago like other clans usually did. Moreover, mortals these days don’t want to become your undeads anymore. You’re still stupid as always and you caused a disaster this time.”

Then, he waved his hand and called Morsius, “Come with me. I will personally escort you to the council. As for how you are going to explain to them, it’s not my problem.”

Morsius glanced at the light curtain and the seven heavy armored knights behind it unwillingly. He pointed at them and asked sharply, “What about them? They killed my little guys. Many of them were killed by them just like that. And there must be a heretic god of light behind them since they can borrow the power of red sun.”

Asiridus glanced at Peter’s squad and said lightly, “There has been a new situation. In short, council has a plan and a powerful god of light was born in the family line of Goddess Tera. You don’t need to care about these. Father had made a prophecy and told us to not interfere in this.”

Suddenly, a black metal token appeared. On one side, the image of a raven squatting on the human skull is curved vividly. At the other side, a crowned skull is biting the stem of four-leaf clover. Four-leaf clover represents Life, Death, Reincarnation and Luck.

“Are you going with me obediently or not?”, asked Asiridus. Morsius was shaken by the cold tone of his brother. Even after many years had passed, he still had some fears in his bones for this strict brother who usually punished him during his childhood for his mischievous wrong doings. Morsius raised his hand and said helplessly, “Fine. I will go with you.”

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Then, he looked at his little guys standing at the side and pleaded, “Brother, please give me some time to give them a death ceremony so they can completely become undeads.”

Asiridus speechlessly waved at him. He also didn’t know what to do. Since these townspeople became the ghouls, it would be better for them to become undeads. Leaving them as ghouls is a sin. Since they could become undeads, obliterating them is also a problematic thing.

After all, ghouls are just mindless things full of death auras. But undeads are different. Undeads can regain the complete memories of the previous life. The soul’s conscious will be revived and in fit again with the body. The death aura filled body will also become similar to the body of mage of death path; partly death energy elementalized body, stored death energy and soul with death energy affinity.

In short, being the newly born undead is very favorable for most untalented mortals who have lifespan limit so they could become almost immortal and can also cultivate the death path.

But who knew that things would turn out to be a mess. Thinking about it, Asiridus helplessly looked at his cheap younger brother busying with various things to start the ceremony. And then, he speechlessly glanced at the knights behind the light curtain.

‘Is that considered as friendly fire?’, Asiridus thought. He also wondered why these bastards didn’t communicate with each other. However, he understood the reason of misunderstanding between the two parties. After all, a guy has been sleeping for a long time and out of touch with the society while his opponents are born in a society which regards things like undeads as evil things. Of course, not to mention, his foolish brother directly took good care of a town.

He felt that he might have also taken good care of this bastard if he was in their place. Furthermore, light and death are almost like enemies because they are of two different extreme sources.

Asiridus walked over to the light curtain and showed them the token of grim reaper. Then, he asked calmly, “Can you guys come out? I need to talk.”

Peter on the other hand recognized the token but he didn’t hear what the newcomer guy was saying. He was full of doubts and couldn’t make sure whether the newcomer would be their friendly force or not. However, he felt that the guy holding the legendary grim reaper token might not be a bad and evil guy. So, Peter took off the helmet and walked out. But, he still chose to hold the sword tightly in his hand and didn’t put down the vigilant just because of a token.

“Hello, Sir. We are Knights of Guardian Spirits guild under the order of Lord Eternal Sun. May I know your honorable name?”

Peter bowed slightly and asked. Of course, he didn’t step out of the light shield out of caution.

Asiridus nodded and said calmly, “I am Asiridus the Grim Reaper of Adsidus Clan. The whole thing is a misunderstanding. Don’t worry. You are doing your job and that guy, he did something wrong because he is out of touch with the outer world. Now, I will take him to the court and he will receive the appropriate punishment. I just wanna let you to know that he was not doing this with bad intention although the whole thing badly turned out as a mess under your insertion. However, you don’t need to worry about it as you just did what you should.”

Peter was confused but Asiridus didn’t have any plan to explain the things to him. He turned to look at his brother who was already starting the ceremony and said calmly, “When the church personal arrived, tell them that someone from the Grim Reaper Court has taken away the criminal.”

Asiridus then slashed the death scythe into the air in front of him. Strangely a vertical crack like opening appeared and it was full of darkness inside. After it appeared and under the attraction of unknown strange power, small light spheres full of various colors flew out from various parts of the town to their place and entered into the crack. They were only as big as golf balls and completely visible to normal vision for unknown reason.
Peter and his guys witnessed this miracle. Although they didn’t understand what the mysterious man with death scythe did and what the small colorful orbs were, they felt that the whole scene was just very magical.

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