Guardian Spirits 2K

Chapter 68: Chapter 67 – Doubts

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Looking at the unconscious people on the ground and thinking about the ones they purified, Peter felt desperate for the first time in his life.

He used to be proud of his high IQ. He was able to smoothly pass a lot of things relying on his intelligence although he was not very good at communicating.

A nameless fire started to rise intensely in his heart. He was so angry that he didn’t know where to vent it out.

At the same time, doubts wildly appeared one after another in his mind. His established faith started to get waver and he started to feel that Gods could also be harmful to normal humans.

Just like that, Peter felt into a daze while blankly staring at the unconscious people in silence. Suddenly, he felt that his shoulder sank slightly and came back into his sense.

When he turned his head and looked, he saw Ben and his hand resting on his shoulder. Ben was really surprised to see Peter’s condition.

As a veteran soldier, he was very familiar with these looks. The looks of self-questioning which only those at the edge of total collapse had, Ben had never expected to see them again and especially on Peter.

Ben first waved at the five guys inside the light curtain and called them over. He then looked Peter carefully and asked, “What’s wrong?”

Peter didn’t say a word. He was already on the verge of being broken. He couldn’t accept the fact that they killed many people wrongly. Many thoughts flashed and they told them that everyone would have been fine if they were not here.

He dropped the big sword and asked with slightly wet eyes, “Ben, do you know, do you know that everyone would have been fine if we are not here?”

Ben was confused by Peter’s sudden question. Peter looked down at his opened palms and said, “We killed them, Ben. We killed them. They could have survived but we killed them.”

Ben dropped the gun and the helmet held in his two hands onto the ground. And he held Peter’s shoulders and started to shake roughly. He said while shaking, “Look at me, Peter. Look at me!”

Peter raised his head to look and his eyes met Ben’s calm eyes. They calmed him down a little bit. However, his mind was still full of confusion and his eyes were already full of tears.

“I also saw the whole thing, Peter. I don’t know what he talked to you and why you became like this. I can still guess a few things.”

“Do you think we are wrong for eliminating those corpses who didn’t look like a living being?”

Ben stared at Peter’s eyes and asked calmly. Peter said weakly, “If we didn’t kill them, they would have been transformed and become alive again.”

Ben suddenly slapped Peter’s face with his big hand. No sound came out as the metal glove smacked the cheek. He said loudly, “They were evil at that time and we got no other choice. I don’t care what he told to you. But you didn’t do anything wrong. We did nothing wrong.”

Then, Ben crouched down to pick up his helmet and gun. After standing up again, he looked at the unconscious people and said, “If you cannot even pass through this, go back to accompany your wives. We don’t need such a leader. Think about it.”

Peter looked at the back of Ben who walked to the other five guys and touched his cheek. He was woken up by that slap. Not to mention, that was really hurt. The cold metal touch didn’t reduce the painful feeling of his cheek and it produced pains.

Peter spatted out something extra in his mouth and three bloody broken teeth fell onto the ground with some blood. A black line appeared on his wide forehead.

‘That old bastard. Did he just take advantage of the situation and beat me intentionally?’

Peter thought suspiciously. But he felt that he should thank him for waking him up. It was really dangerous. He almost thought of giving up everything as he doubted about his existence. After all, mysterious man told him that he was just a test set by fate for the townspeople. The information was too big and he couldn’t accept the fact that fate was playing with them for a while.

But after he was completely woken up by Ben’s painful slap. However, his impression on Gods had already wavered and it also effected his faith on Eternal Sun God.

Peter took a deep breathe and looked up at the sky. He asked in a low voice, “Are all Gods doing things without caring about the mortals just like that?”

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Suddenly, it started raining. The sky was clear blue and the heavy raindrops fell as if they wanted to wash away all dirt and filth on the ground of the town.

Peter felt the slightly warm rainwater washing his face for several seconds before he sighed and walked towards his team after crouching down to pick up his sword on the ground.

Ben felt relieved when he saw Peter’s calm face and firm eyes. That was the young man he had been together with. Although today’s things hit him hard, this might not be a bad thing for him on the long term. After all, Peter was still young and his journey would be really long.

Peter nodded at Ben and said calmly, “There must be survivors still hiding in the town. We have to find them. I know it would take time but we have to find them and take them away.”

He glanced at the unconscious people in the rains and said, “After all, we don’t know what these guys would do to them after they woke up.”

Peter pointed at the light shield and said, “So, find the survivors and gather them at there. Then, we will wait for the reinforcements from Church. As for the problem of corpses eliminated by us, let’s talk about it later. Okay, you can disperse and search the nearby buildings first.”

"What about them?", asked Ronald while pointing at the unconscious people in the rains.

Peter said calmly, "They will be fine. You don't need to care about them. Alright, I will search this building and you guys should also go. We get no time so make sure to be quick."

Everyone nodded and left. Peter also chose a building and entered the first floor. It was a coffee shop. The door was already nowhere to be seen. Peter stepped on the scattered pieces of glass and glanced around. There were no chair and no table inside. He realized that his team might have already visited here to get wooden furniture for the ceremony.

But still, Peter didn’t choose to leave immediately. He walked to the back and checked the restrooms.

“Is there anybody here? If you’re still alive, please come out or talk to me. I am here to help you.”

He asked in a loud voice. But he didn’t hear any reply he wanted to hear. Only after checking the restrooms and confirming that there was really no survivor, he left the shop. The one next to the coffee shop was a flower shop.

Peter looked around carefully and also went to the back to check the restroom and storeroom.

“Is there anybody here? If you’re still alive, please come out or talk to me. I am here to help you.”

He asked again but still there was no expected reply. Furthermore, the door of storeroom was missing. Peter guessed that it was probably the wooden door and got taken away by his guys. The whole storeroom looked like a tornado wrecked in it. He speechlessly came out and looked at the small corridor in the middle of two shops.

Peter walked in and saw the staircase under the dim light at the end of the corridor. There were still some wooden fragments left on the ground and the first several steps. Without going out to ask his buddies, Peter was almost sure that it might be done by them.

Several thoughts flashed and Peter felt that there might still be some survivors at the upper floors. After all, only the ones who wanted to live would use various furniture to block the stairs so the corpses couldn’t go after them. As for the chance of his guys going up to the upper floors to look after the wooden furniture one room after another, he didn’t expect too much out of them.

Over ten minutes passed, Peter started to feel hopeless again. He was now heading towards the only remaining room of the entire building and he didn’t find anyone yet. He was discouraged.

He looked at the opened door and walked in. He didn’t have much hope at first and habitually said the same words again.

“Is there anybody here? If you’re still alive, please come out or talk to me. I am here to help you.”

A small noise sounded. It was as if something moved and the movement caused the sound. At first, Peter felt that it might be caused by the wind. But when he walked into the kitchen, he was surprised.

At there in a corner against the wall, a large freezer was placed. The thing was a pair of bright eyes staring at him from a narrowly opened crack. Peter put away the sword and walked over to open the cover. Then, he saw a little girl in it. Peter found Flora.

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