Guardian Spirits 2K

Chapter 7: Chapter 7 – Origin Church – Tera and Theia

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“So, this guy let all that happened and chose to watch and write all of these?”

Peter is of course a smart guy who used to be the best detective in Texas state. He quickly understood the whole story just after reading a few pages.

Jenny took a sip of the magical juice and said calmly, “Sir. Lewis is ancient god. His mind is not someone like us can guess. Dear, you have to prepare yourself. There are invisible rules in our world. Gods shoulder the duty of protection but they are not obliged to save everyone. It is not just gods. Every strong powerhouse bears the responsibility to protect the weak. But they are also not obliged to save and protect everyone. Everything depends on fate and mood. Because your every choice would establish another fate line. Let me simplified it. Will you save ants living in your backyard fighting against another ants in your neighbor’s yard? I can answer it for you. You would not care. You might even flood them with water. Do you know why Gods choose to protect us?”

Just when Peter was confused by Jenny, Chester and Cathy walked over and sat down on the free seats. Cathy smiled and asked, “How is it going?”

Peter said, “Yea, no one is obliged to help and save another person. We choose to do it unconditionally just because we don’t wanna see tragedy and distressing family. But that guy didn’t help even after he knew it.”

Jenny handed over the half finished juice bottle to Cathy and said seriously after glancing at the faces of three people, “Let me tell you the biggest secret of our world. Origin of Mankind started from four billions years ago. Origin Father Asteios who is also known as Almighty Creator or Creation God with other various names, created two planets and gave them to his two wives. One was known as Tera. The other one was known as Theia. The one we living on is Tera. After the first generation of innate Gods were born, Origin Mother Tera created a race from her blood and power of five elements. That race is known as Mankind or Humans. These early humans are called Golden Humans. They are loved by nature. The Gods favored them as their little siblings. In some records, it is even said that some talented Golden Humans became Gods. All of them were standing under one banner called ‘Terran’. The similar things happened in another planet Theia and they were called ‘Theians’. Later, something taboo happened and the two influences were greatly damaged. The reason and what happened at that time were not known. I haven’t found out any record about that period yet.”

Peter was amazed by the big information. Even Chester and Cathy were surprised to hear it. Although Cathy was raised by several people in Church and she has always been in touch, she still doesn’t know that kind of information.

Jenny didn’t care about their reaction and continued after the pause, “Later, Theia went missing mysteriously. Humanity’s bloodline also started to slowly deteriorate as they reproduced quickly. Gods took away some people and went into hiding. Only several Gods were left behind to manage the influence left behind and keep in touch with normal human societies on Tera. This process repeated many times. Mankind also regressed into Silver humans, Bronze humans, Iron humans and finally us, normal humans. You might familiar with the last generation of Gods. Yeah, that last batch of Gods were born ten thousands years ago. And they also took away some of their believers and left to somewhere. The big and famous influences were Pantheons of Hellenes Gods, Yucatan Gods, Kemet Gods, Aesir Gods, and Heavenly Court. Some powerhouse who became Gods also chose to hide while some are still walking around and blessing fated people till this day. This is the most complete history of Mankind and the reason why Gods protect us. Because we come from the same Origin and because we are the descendants of Origin Mother Tera. And that is why we are still living well here in this universe which is full of war and law of dark forest.”

The room fell into silent as the trio digested the huge information told by Jenny. At the same times, Jenny also became mysterious in their eyes. No way, this woman knows too much. She is certainly not normal.

Peter opened the mouth and still tried to weakly refuse, “Even so, he chose to watch the death of his descendants.”

Jenny didn’t talk anymore and looked at Cathy. The latter laughed softly after looking at the two.

Jenny suddenly smirked naughtily and said to Cathy, “Okay, my little Cathy. Take your man and go back. I am going to teach this man about the law of jungle.”

Then, without waiting for reply, Cathy and Chester flew towards the door involuntary. The door quickly opened by its own and when the two recovered they were already in the corridor. And Peter was still inside. Chester and Cathy looked each other with big and small eyes for several seconds. After a while, Chester asked, “Peter would be fine, right?”

Cathy rolled her eyes and said, “How do I know? But don’t worry too much. Sister Jenny is a gentle person who loves small and cute animals. I still know her character since we grew up together. Your brother would be taught a few lessons at least. And he would be fine.”

Chester looked left and right as he didn’t remember the direction of the entrance they came in. He said, “Well, let’s go back. I wanna show our home to you.”

Cathy smiled sweetly and said, “That’s right. Let’s go back to our home.”

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Then, she held Chester’s hand and walked towards the entrance. While walking, Chester suddenly asked, “By the way, how old are you this year?”

Cathy said carelessly, “In this November 15, I would be 22 years old.”

Chester noted the date in his mind and said, “I am in my 28. My birthday is January 13.”

Cathy looked carefully at him and said, “I thought you would be in your thirties. You look older than you are.”

Then, she comforted him, “It’s okay. When you became formal tier one, your age would be no longer a problem. We are still young. I can buy good things from Jenny and support you. At the worst, I go to Lilac and make a fortune. You just have to train well and leave these things to me.”

Chester laughed softly with complicated mind and didn’t talk anymore. Soon, the two reached to the metal door again. Cathy slapped her forehead and pulled Chester back towards Fortune Bank room again as she thought of something.

After they got there again, V and Lilac were still playing with their phone. Cathy walked towards Lilac familiarly and greeted, “Lilac, buy me several lottery tickets please. 50-50. They are for your brother in law.”

V smiled as if she had expected that coming already. Lilac didn’t complain and came out from counter. Then, the three sat down on the sofas prepared for guests. She entered the familiar app in Cathy’s phone and asked, “Instant or hourly?”

Cathy said sharply, “Open one hundred instant lotteries first. Then, fifty hourly, ten daily and five monthly tickets. We will fish the whole pond today.”

Lilac gave OK gesture and started to operate. Cathy checked her pocket watch and told Chester, “We have to wait forty minutes. How about you read something to pass the time?”

Then, she took out the books they bought today from her handbag and gave them to Chester. The latter picked Basic Apprentice Knight training manual and started to read. Cathy put away the other books and walked towards V to open bank account for Chester. Soon, she came back with V who brought some snacks and drinks.

V asked while holding a potato chip, “Did the handsome guy go home?”

When Cathy thought about Peter, she felt funny and said, “He was kept by sister Jenny. At first, sister Jenny gestured me to give them a space to communicate. So, I took Chester and left them alone. Then, when we met again, she was talking about a big secret of our world. Then, Peter annoyed her and she kicked us out. As for Peter, he was detained by sister Jenny. She said she was going to teach him something.”

When V heard it, she hurriedly drunk a sip of fruit juice and started laughing. Lilac looked at them with confusion. She is a pure baby so she didn’t catch up with dirty mind of mature woman like V.

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