Guardian Spirits 2K

Chapter 70: Chapter 69 – Conversation I

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A few minutes later, Peter, Flora and the old priest in green robe were left alone under the bell tower. The rest of the people quickly and quietly spread across the whole town in small groups of two.

Several white robe priests went to count the number of newly transformed undeads who were still unconscious. They stood nearby and waited. It was all according to rules, they were going to wait for these undeads to regain their conscious and then they would register their identities.

Moreover, they got duty to explain these unlucky fellows about the mysterious occult world. After all, they could not stay like normal humans anymore since they became undeads.

But may be, it was not entirely a bad thing for some of them because they would be able to enter the mysterious occult world from that moment. However, to the people who treasured the family and relationships, the world after they woke up would be somewhat difficult to accept.

Not to mention, thousands of people were eliminated by Peter’s seven men team while they were still mindless ghouls.

Fortunately, many residents left with Emma. They were able to escape from the test of fate. Although they lost the opportunity to enter the mysterious occult world with one step, they still gained a lot.

Peter glanced at the delicate patterns on the robe, and explained about what just happened in this big town to the old priest in green robe.

The old priest seemed to be the leader. Under his eyes, after the newcomers composed of priests and fully armed mercenaries got out of the vehicles, the old priest gave the order and everyone in their team chose to follow it without any question. And his dark green robe seemed simple but delicate patterns on it showed its extraordinariness.

While Peter was telling the story, the old priest was standing straightly with two hands behind the back of his tall and lean body. The beautiful green robe and his slightly long white beard were slightly moving along with the gentle breezes. The pale green eyes, which seemed to be full of wisdom, were looking deeply at the small light sphere above the bell tower.

Old priest’s hairs, eyebrows, beard were all white. However, there was no wrinkle on his skinny square face.

He was staring at the light sphere in the air emotionally since they arrived. He was still paying attention to it so much that Peter almost thought that the old priest had no interest in hearing his story.

If the old priest wasn’t giving back a few replies occasionally and asking some detail things, Peter might have taken him as a sloppy old man.

In fact, the old man was just really surprised to see the legendary Holy Light spell. As far as he knew, the grace of Holy Light had not appeared for a really, really long time. Moreover, this long period of time is actually counted in millions of year.

He understood that several millions year may not be a problem for Gods with seemingly eternal life. But for mortals and small transcenders or even Gods’ priests like him, several decades and even a century or a few centuries could wipe away many traces containing the information of Gods. So, even to him, a period of millions of year is something unimaginable.

The birth of honorable and noble Holy Light God is a grand thing for everyone who are living in that period of time. Old priest couldn’t wait to share this news to other fellows.

Although he was not one of those transcenders walking along the path of Light, he felt glad and fortunate for everyone. Because, a benevolent Holy Lord is finally born in their time.

Holy Light will only appear with the benevolence lord. Normally, although powerful transcenders could use Holiness through various means, it was not so easy to use power of Holiness like other powers due to the lack of Holy Divine seat in Tera.

After the Grand Divine Crusade, various Lords of Light still appeared one after another during the long years. However, none of them were able to get their hands on power of Holiness. That was also why no God was able to smooth out the half destroyed sun, which was done by Fallen Light Goddess Eius.

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Moreover, the old priest was having a bad feeling recently. His level was too low to have access to the plans of Gods. However, as a person who had been living for nearly two centuries, he sensed that a very, very big thing would happen soon.

Gods are going to make a change.

That’s all the old priest could think of. He knew the problematic things about Gods. Unlike in myths, which are very popular among mortals, the real Gods are just so willful even though they still have a sense of responsibility and rules.

The old priest also understood the main binding source on Gods, the sacred codex of Holy Tera: The Sacred Codes set by Holy Mother Goddess Tera after the Grand Divine Crusade and before she went into Divine Sleep. Hence, the Sacred Codex which contains dense lines of laws became alive and became the force firmly binding the willfulness of Gods.

Of course, that is also all he could know. As a priest, he had to learn about the Sacred Codex first before he qualified to become a formal priest. Along with it, he also had to study the background story of how the Sacred Codex was created and why it was created.

He used to be a mortal before he became a priest so he was thankful to the Holy Tera for fellow mortals.

Yes, he is the rare priest of Holy Tera who only worship the Holy Mother Goddess Tera. This group of priests is known as Holy priests and they represent the highest honor among many priests who worship other Gods. Their robes are different from other priests’ robes. Almost all Holy priests are leader level cadres in various units due to their particularity.

“And then, that man said that he was the grim reaper of Asidius clan before he took away the dangerous man.”

“Holy Mother Tera, you have finally given a new benevolence lord to us.”

The old priest murmured and smiled at Peter. He said after looking down softly at young Flora, who was also standing near Peter and eating a chocolate bar, “I understand the situation. Young knight, you didn’t do anything wrong.”

The old man rubbed the soft hairs of Flora gently with his skinny fingers and said, “The Grim Reaper is exclusive title for Gods of death path. And, Asidius is a very ancient clan. Almost all male born from this clan became Death Gods as far as I know. They have been working as Grim Reaper for a long time.”

“Grim Reapers take charge of the underworld or the spirit realm you may call. They are honorable because they guard a place for dead souls.”

Saying here, the old man glanced at the place, where the recently transformed undeads were sleeping, with his narrowed eyes and said sharply, “However! This matter cannot be just forgotten like this. Even if the culprit is the son of Asidius clan, he must be tried according to Sacred Codex. Even if he is a Death God, he will be dealt with the laws set by Holy Mother Tera.”

Then, he sighed and said, “Gods are just so willful. They do what they feel doing right. It is really a sudden and unexpected disaster for the residents of this town. Hey, who could have foreseen this. A lot of people died. Even if he is a god, he is going to be punished heavily.”

A gentle breeze passed through the three people. Long white beard of old priest moved along with the breeze as gentle as Flora’s messy brown hairs. Like that, the two old and young men were looking at the buildings at the distance, which experienced the speeding leads, while a young girl was nipping the chocolate bar absentmindedly.

Suddenly, Flora asked weakly, “Did Flora’s mommy also leave with the Grim Reaper?”

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