Guardian Spirits 2K

Chapter 72: Chapter 71 – Crowd who woke up

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When Peter arrived, the fainted undeads were already starting to wake up one by one. Almost complete knowledge about their racial talents and skills were also successfully inherited. However, due to their low level of life, they were not able to directly read them all at once.

Although the knowledge was already there in their head, they would still need to read one by one carefully. After all, what Morsius did was just passive knowledge instilling. Due to large amount of information being instilled at once, the brain chose to shut down the conscious and accepted the incoming information quietly.

If the conscious was still active, they would feel the impact generated by the forceful information instilling. Even if they had already transformed into undeads and gained the ability to withstand pains, brain was still their weakness.

After the undeads woke up, they slowly recalled the last moments they saw. But they only remembered about the scene of them transforming into something strange under the effect of mysterious dark mists and finally the strange black coffin. It made them afraid and greatly terrified.

A man looked his hands and carefully touched himself all over. He sighed in a relief only when he realized that there seemed to be nothing wrong with him. The man laughed and looked around. Only at that time, he noticed that he was among many people. He was just someone sitting on the ground among many people who were also either sitting and examining themselves or standing and looking around.

“What happened?”, the man asked himself. He decided to stand up and take a look to the further. Then, he noticed the badly destroyed familiar buildings and several men in white robe priest. At that time, white robe priests were talking calmly and patiently to several men and women.

The man crossed the ones who were still sitting on the ground and squeezed into the ones standing in front of him to get out of this crowd of people. He still got a wife and a son. He wanted to get out of here and went back to home immediately to check about their situation.

The man had no idea about what exactly happened but he felt that something big had probably happened here. He felt really unlucky for choosing to go to the evil ranch together with other guys and now all he wanted was just to go back to his home to see his wife and son.

“Jasmine, why did your hairs turn into black? Wait! Your eyes are also black.”, a woman exclaimed while looking at her friend. The once beautiful blonde hairs and enviable blue eyes became pure black.

The woman called Jasmine also looked at her friend and exclaimed, “Laura, your hairs, oh my gosh, your eyes, too, they are all black. What’s going on here?”

“Wait a second! Do you remember that we lose conscious in front of that evil ranch? Why are we here?”

Almost everyone got doubts about what was going on. Except one person. He was Sheriff Benny of this big town.

However, unlike other people, Benny was just lying flat on the ground and looking blankly at the clear blue sky. At the moment, he didn’t want to think of anything. His mind was very complicated. He knew that he couldn’t do anything to the willful God. He couldn’t find any reason to find trouble with that group of knights either.

One fortunate thing was that Benny was still a bachelor so he didn’t have to worry about his non-existence family. However, he knew that many people or many ghouls were eliminated by the knights. Moreover, it was that kind of one stop service which stopped at ashes. No, it could be said that even ashes were not left.

Benny felt headaches when he thought about these. If there was a mass shooting, remaining families could still get back the bodies of their beloved people. But here, even ashes would be hard to differentiate even if they gathered all ashes around the town.

Furthermore, as a sheriff, the responsibility of the death of many people in the town under him fell on his shoulders. And he was familiar with many of them.

Benny still didn’t know that many people chose to evacuate from the town with a young traveler, Emma.

There were not a lot of people who survived. Among over a thousands men and women, who were marching with the black coffin, only around four hundreds people survived. Combining with over two thousands people who were summoned from various parts of the town later by Morsius, there were only around three thousands people.

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Although the scene looked crowded, that was only because all of these people were at a street. The other parts of the town was extremely deserted and empty. After all, it was a big town which housed nearly twenty thousands residents before that.

Soon, the people realized what kind of situation they were in and what exactly happened to their hometown and familiar people, they started to cry and wail one by one. Some pointed their fingers at Peter in bulky armor and cursed.

Even the white robe priests were not spared from being cursed and scolded. Even though these priests were not from the church of their town, it didn’t prevent these folks from scolding them for not protecting them from evil.

Some of the priests and several fully armed mercenaries nearby didn’t look good under the bad greetings of the folks. Peter just calmly looked at all of that. He had already prepared his mind to face this kind of situation. Flora didn’t care about these either as her current mind was full of her mother.

The old priest in green robe just watched all of these with a humble smile. But most of his attention was placed on Benny who was still lying flat and watching at the sky with his blank and loveless eyes.

Fortunately, although the crowd was so angry, they still didn’t involve physical fights.

In fact, some people, who felt that the world was loveless, wanted to attack Peter and the priests. However, looking at their empty hands, feeling their still weak body and Peter in strong looking metal armor, they chose to just use their mouths.

Not to mention, there were still the guys who were holding the cool looking automatic rifles.

So, the scene of scolding and cursing continued for a while. At that time, Ronald, Ben and several other guys came back. When Peter looked at them, they just shook their heads one by one. They didn’t find out any other living people. Later, they decided to stop searching and came back to see this lively scene.

Peter coughed and shouted, “Silent!”

Under unconditional use of his soul power, almost everyone felt buzzing in their head and closed their mouths. The scene also fell into quietness instantly. Peter glanced at the men and women and said calmly, “I understand you. We eliminated a lot of people. But they were all ghouls at that time. We were also helpless and forced to eliminate the threatening existences which were going to endanger the innocent people.”

“I hope you could also understand us and the situation at that time. However, I still wanna say something.”

“I am sorry. I didn’t know that the ghouls would be transformed back. I gave the order to eliminate the evil looking ghouls. So, you can hate me if you want. I know I owe you apology. I am sorry again. I can’t let you do whatever you want to me because my life is still shouldering the missions of Eternal Sun God.”

“My apologies. I hope you all could get through this sad moment soon and get back to your life again.”

Then, Peter gestured at his guys standing not far away and said, “Excuse me. I shall take my leave now. May God bless you.”

He nodded at the old priest in green robe and walked towards his team with absentminded Flora in his arm.

Sobs and wails appeared again and broke the short silence. However, this time, nobody was scolding nor cursing anymore. They just wept quietly in place.

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