Guardian Spirits 2K

Chapter 74: Chapter 73 – Big fist solution

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“I don’t know what you are trying to do, and what your motives are. But I want to say to all folks here. You all understand that something are just forced to do by various situations. Moreover, fighting with us will give nothing good to you. And you also know the main culprit.”

The old priest said calmly while looking around. Then, he suddenly shouted while pointing his forefinger at the man, who was trying to find fault.

“Listen here, little friend. I am tired of listening to your nonsense. If you are still trying to provoke the two parties again and again, we would have to take you down as a fallen, whose mind was polluted by something strange.”

Everyone was instantly afraid and the problematic man also wisely shut up his mouth. Although these outsiders didn’t do anything to him, he felt that he should better stop provoking.

Of course, many people were not even interested in this conflict. After all, they had seen the horrifying ghouls and also tried to survive in various ways.

Some just tried to hide. Some tried to attack the ghouls with guns. Of course, some smart guys fled and escaped successfully. However, it was just a small number of people who were scared shitless.

To these people, who experienced the dying slowly in the hands of ghouls, they felt deep disgust for these ghouls. And they couldn’t find any reason to blame those knights although the knights were not being able to save them.

Nevertheless, they didn’t blame these knights. They just sat down on the ground and sobbed while thinking about future life. Some were already heading back to their homes.

Old priest continued, “The one who did this would be tried and he would receive a harsh punishment for his actions. I know that what just happened here is a sad tragedy for all of you guys. But please have mutual understanding. Think about your future and us. You have to continue living your life. And, I want to say, please trust us and our laws. We will give you justice and fairness. That one who caused all of these would not escape from being responsible for his crimes.”

At the side, Peter felt guilty for attacking the ghouls. But of course, he would not stupidly give away his life for it. Although paying life with life might be very popular with protagonists in novels, he never thought about doing that. After all, he knew that he was just a normal guy with a little luck and he only got one precious life.

Just when Peter was thinking about what to do, old priest turned to look at him and said with a wave of hand, “Don’t talk. Leave everything to us and you should just continue your journey.”

Peter nodded towards the old priest and gestured his brothers to leave. He realized that their presence was not providing any help to the current situation. Even, it gave some malicious people in the crowd to get a reason to find trouble.

So, Peter and his guys left the scene and of course, Flora was also taken away. The trouble finding man also didn’t talk anymore again. It seemed that reasoning with big and hard fist was the only way in solving most of the problems.

Old priest watched them leaving and gestured his men to resume the previous interrupted work. Next, everything went well. No one stood out to make the things difficult again.

For these, Peter and his men, who left the scene, could not know.

Several minutes later, Peter suddenly stopped and looked at back to the town. They were fast and they almost reached to the highway road.

The team stopped and looked at Peter with doubts. And then, they followed his line of sight and looked at it.

Instantly, the crowd thought of something and their face became somewhat strange. They were looking at the direction of town’s center, or exactly, the glowing light curtain and a small bright light ball at the sky above the town. From the small light ball, a condensed thick light ray was still shining straight towards the high sky.

Peter’s mouth twitched and said, “Guys, we probably did a stupid thing.”

Ben guessed something and his mouth twitched slightly. However, he didn’t ask his guess to Peter.

But Ronald asked directly, “Did you forget to turn it off? It’s not a big deal. We can go back and solve it.”

Peter shook his head and said while trying hard to not laugh, “The problem is that it has no turn off function.”

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Ben slightly nodded and chuckled as Peter’s answer confirmed his guess. Ronald laughed for bad luck, which the undead townspeople would face. Allen just rolled his eyes while thinking about how Emma was probably doing. The rest didn’t show any opinions or thoughts on their face but they looked at the town with a meaningful smile.

After all, who wouldn’t get angry when they got called as bad guys although they were doing the right thing and trying to help. It was just they had met that kind of situation a lot back in the days when they were working as police officers. So, they got a strong resistance to it and they would not easily get angry.

However, it didn’t prevent them to gloat at the bad luck of these people. It was satisfying.

Ben said with a chuckle, “Did you do it intentionally?”

Peter looked at Ben with a surprised face and asked, “Do you think I am someone like that?”

And, he also glanced at the other buddies and asked, “Am I that kind of guy in your eyes?”

The guys shook their heads neatly. Even, wooden guy like Glenn was no exception. But Peter didn’t stop and said, “Come on, guys. I really didn’t do it intentionally. At that time, the whole town was in danger.”

Ben suddenly inserted with a smile, “So, you chose it among many methods?”

Peter said, “It was not intentional.”

Ben smiled slightly and asked, “Is it going to be there permanently? Come one, man. Let’s talk about it while walking.”

He waved his hand and continued walking towards the highway road. But at the next step, he suddenly stopped and looked at Peter with retarded eyes. Ben asked, “I’ve got a question. Why are we walking? We have pickups. Have you forgotten about it?”

Peter smiled in embarrassment and took out the two pickups from his space ring. Flora looked at the two pickups which suddenly appeared and asked, “How did you do it?”

Peter said with a chuckle, “It’s magic.”

Well, in a sense, he didn’t lie. Although he took them out from internal storage space of his space ring, the space ring was cast with space magic.

Peter opened the co-pilot door and put Flora on the worn leather seat. Then, he joined the rank of disconnecting the full body armor. As for some connections located at the back, another person was needed to loose them. The method, which was used by Nsak, was very user friendly.

One only needs to press some specific places hard and connections inside would be loosen. Then, one could easily separate it from other parts.

Like usual, they spent nearly five minutes in taking off the armors part by part. After taking off the armors, they put the dissembled parts into each storage space and got into the pickups with thick inner leather suit on.

It was for protection against sudden attacks. These leather suits can easily resist rifle bullets. But of course, no matter how these suits were enchanted with various magics, they couldn’t resist large caliber sniper rifle bullets due to limitation of materials.

The team drove back to previous city along the dirt road, which was just beside the highway road. They had agreement with Emma to go back to previous city they passed when they met danger. So, at every city and town they passed, they set a place as a gathering place to wait the other people. The waiting period is just a week. After that, one should just directly go to the base camp of Guardian Spirits Guild.

This time, Peter rarely sat on the co-pilot seat instead of feeling the warmth of sun at the back. Along the way, he told Flora about the mysterious occult world with a gentle voice.

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