Guide From The Past To A New Era


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"Gizelis, go down!" 


Gizelis immediately fell to his knee and saw a swing of the blue flaming blade above him. He also dashed forward before rolling himself and flipping to see behind him.


Haha, I know it was a fluke! Winning so easily, who can believe it!


He chuckled before he stood up again and prepared his battle stance. Trez had already stood up with eyes showing he was so angry. Even his body glows red. 


On his hand, a big blue sword and a blade covered in blue flame appeared after he woke up. However, his face dripped with blood. It was coming from his nose and lips. He brushed it off and growled at Gizelis.


Ah, this time could be a real fight. I need to be careful or else I'll lose my life.


Gizelis was amused by his thought.


The speaker looks at them before turning his head towards the royal podium. Sektar waves his hand showing the battle can continue. It doesn't seem fair or exciting enough if the friendly match ended early.


"Oh wow, oh wow! It seems our participants haven't had enough to battle! So, we will continue it once more! Very sorry for our winner! You might need to struggle again!" The speaker announced that the battle would continue after receiving Sektar permission. 


Zeliker and his friends stare at Gizelis and Trez. Just now, Zeliker, Silvert and Riseptos shouted to Gizelis while standing. They surprised the others and then, realised that Trez had made an ambush towards Gizelis who had his back to him.


"God, I almost got a heart attack. But Trez, his intention just now…" Miulwess frowned.


Zeliker has long been in anger with Trez's guts for attacking Gizelis. He would have attacked Trez if Silvert didn't stop him.


"Calm down, Zeliker. Gizelis was alright." Silvert telepathy him.


Zeliker glared at him before he sat again.


"Your Highness, please be at ease. The guards were already in preparation if something bad happened." Riseptos also telepathy him.


Zeliker nodded slightly but he was really disappointed with Trez. Trez could have yielded so they could end this friendly match early. Moreover, if it ends, Trez and other demon prisoners from Drick would be free and will no longer be under Drick's control. 


Wasn't this the true purpose of this match? Why can't Trez get the clue?


He's so stupid!


Zeliker scolded silently. Riseptos and Silvert look at each other before they sighed. But, they were glad to see their prince's care for someone. They sat again and looked towards the arena. Gizelis and Trez have started a fight with each other again. But, this time Trez had used his power.


Xcerox grimaced after seeing Trez's slave collar have been sizzled with electricity. He also glowered at King Elamos for not giving some release for Trez to use his powers. No wonder Trez was angry. He must be in a lot of pain.


Not just Xcerox who noticed it, everyone there had realised it too. They figured out what had made Trez like that. They aimed their glare forward but not towards Elamos. It would be rude and impudent toward the king if they do it.


But, seriously! He could have allowed for less restriction for Trez. This was after all a friendly match. Now, it looks like a battle to the death.


Sektar frowned. If Trez was under his command, he would let Trez free from his collar. But, here was Elamos, one of the kings who hated demons. 


He can't stop the match nor can help Trez. All he could do was pray that Gizelis could win it quickly. He can see Trez's neck bleeding.


Zeliker stares at Trez's neck. Help or not? He dislikes Trez right now. After all, what if Trez becomes more violent when he fights Gizelis. That can't be done so… He turned his head to Silvert.


Silvert had his eyes on the match and noticed Zeliker's concern from his body language.


"Do you want me to severe it?" He asked through telepathy.


"Will that help Gizelis?"


"Erm, probably not."


"Then, it's useless."


Zeliker sighed. "Maybe I should make him lose the match instead."


Silvert groans. "No, you can't! You should respect their battle. Look at Gizelis. He's doing his best."


"Tsk! I know that… Hm?! What the heck?!"


Zeliker's eyes widened, as did everyone else in the stadium. 


"Oh, no! He's calling the guardian!" Stiria shouted in panic.


Trez, who they were watching, had moved far from Gizelis' reach when he suddenly roared loudly. His aura suddenly grows larger before it moves and surrounds his fists. Then, he slams his fist to the ground.


A field of magic circles with a monster symbol appears behind him. The field was glowing before everyone there heard the roaring of something coming from the field.


"This is…! Elamos, order him to stop!" Sektar shouted.


"Trez Kalis, I command you to stop right now!" Elamos ordered. His voice was loud enough to reach everyone in the stadium.


Unfortunately, Trez disobeyed it even though he felt the most painful current jolting his neck. He would have fainted right away but he held on. He gritted his teeth hard while his neck bled profusely and dripped to the ground under him.


"You force me like this! So, go to hell with everyone else!" He replied in a hoarse voice that sounded like madness.


"I summon thee to eradicate these people who humiliate me! Come out, Dark Simorgh!"


Glowing white eyes appear within the field. Its giant body half the stadium-size can be seen before a pair of wings open and waves to the sky. Then, a loud shriek sounded from it. 


A black and blue aura was what Zeliker and everyone saw from the monster that appeared. It was like a bird but had an armoured body and sharp talons. On its head, an amulet of dark blue flame glowing brightly, the same as its armour.




The spectators shout while panicking before some demon knights summon the wall of magic shields to protect them.


"Tell everyone to leave the stadium now!" Sektar ordered the speaker.


"Everyone please leave the stadium! Be careful with your step! And follow the soldier's guides!" The speaker announced immediately.


However, everyone was already scattered to get out. Eskimos soldiers quickly guide them while eyeing the monster bird. They must be careful while protecting the spectators.


“Your Majesties, Your Highness, please leave the area,” Dasu asked the kings and Zelfon to leave because it was no longer safe to be there.


“Wait, who’s that?!” Zelfon pointed at someone walking towards Gizelis.


Sektar and Elamos turn over to see. Sektar's eyes widened.


“Zeliker?! What is he doing showing himself right now?!” Sektar screams internally. 

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His body gave a little sweat and slowly looked at Elamos who had his eyes widened too but then changed to glaring.


A demon prince?! Here in Eskimos?!


He could recognize it because Zeliker had his hood down and showed his black hair. Although Zeliker had his back to them, the aura he released can be seen by Elamos. Only a demon can do that.


“Sektar, what’s the meaning of this?!” He snarled.


“This, erm, I’ll explain later. Let’s go to the throne hall first and let them handle the situation here.”


Elamos breaths in and out heavily before he leaves the podium with heavy steps. He wanted to see the outcomes of these incidents but since he also wanted to know what happened and why a demon prince was in Eskimos, he agreed to meet Sektar in the throne hall. 


Zelfon had to follow along because he needed to make sure of his father’s safety. But his eyes slightly looked over to the seats below where Xcerox, Miulwess and Stiria were sitting. His expression showed guilt and disappeared after he stepped out with his father.


"Stiria, leave! Ashla, bring her out!" Xcerox ordered.


Stiria nodded. Ashla leads her out while the rest stays.


"Wait, where's Zeliker?!" Miulwess was shocked when he didn't see Zeliker by their side.


"He's over there!" Riseptos pointed.


As for Zeliker, who was seen by anyone there, stopped beside Gizelis who looked at the summon guardian with seriousness. Gizelis was stunned when he saw Zeliker beside him.


"What are you doing?!"


Zeliker shrugged. "No idea. Feel like helping out. If you don't want to, then I can leave now."


He makes a move to walk away.


"Wait, wait, Zeliker! You have already arrived. Why are you leaving now for?!" 


Gizelis was flabbergasted by Zeliker's action. He reached for Zeliker's hood cloth and tugged it. There was no way he could defeat this guardian alone.


Zeliker stopped and turned back. He also smirked.


"Wait… Why hasn't the guardian attacked yet?" Gizelis was confused.


He turned to stare at the guardian again. 


Zeliker yawned. "I freeze it."


Gizelis snapped his head back at him with his mouth slowly widening.


“Ah, it seems this guardian is just a low-level one. You can defeat him without my help.”


“Seriously?!” Gizelis gawked at him.


“Yeah. He’s easy to defeat since he hasn't undergone the tribulation thunder yet. This one is just a baby guardian. So, go ahead and stab it in his forehead. That’s where its weakness is. Don't worry if you'll get burned. I already put a shield on its body.”


A baby guardian?! This huge monster is a baby guardian?! Why is it hard to believe it?


Gizelis also hesitated but since Zeliker already pointed out the guardian’s weakness, he instantly climbed the bird's talons and went for its head. Everyone there shouted at him to run away.


“Is he crazy?!” Nish screams in a panic because of Gizelis's action.


“Don’t worry. It seems Zeliker has stopped its movement. Moreover, this guardian is weak.” Silvert explains to them its weakness.


After knowing the truth, they all release a breath of relief. Gizelis' actions scared them to death. 


“Huh? Is he dead?” Zeliker nudged Trez’s head with his right foot.


Trez has slumped down after his summons, not once moved after that.


“Sighs… If only you didn’t start attacking Gizelis again, you would have been free along with the rest of the demons in Drick’s custody… And live here with them in Eskimos. Hopefully, you can rest in peace now…” He prayed for Trez silently.


He also lowered to one knee and destroyed the slave collar around Trez’s neck. His action astonished his friends and the guards. 


“Trez… Is dead.” Silvert told his friends.


Xcerox and others looked with sadness in their eyes. There’s nothing that can be done now.


“King Elamos is too hateful,” Xcerox growled lowly. 


Miulwess nodded in agreement. “His action cannot be forgiven.”


Riseptos, Nish and Frix thought it as well. They can’t forgive King Elamos. This was too cruel.




Zeliker couldn’t accept the death that easily so he went to check on Trez’s neck for sure. He didn’t notice his friend's sadness or have his attention on Gizelis who managed to make the guardian disappear after stabbing the amulet on its forehead. 


Gizelis landed beside him and stared at him strangely before he noticed Trez no longer breathing. He was stunned. Then, his eyes slowly followed Zeliker’s finger that was put on the back of Trez’s neck where it was more clear to find the heartbeat of a demon.


Zeliker’s eyes instantly widened. He didn’t say anything and just manifested a chain to the mansion and threw it down on the ground. A door appeared and he just grabbed Trez’s body along and jumped at the door which opened abruptly because of his jump. The door disappeared afterwards once it closed. Gizelis and others in the stadium were startled by his unexpected action.


“Silvert, could it be?!” Miulwess snapped his head to Silvert who had his eyes widened.


Silvert slowly smiles. “It seems we were wrong. Maybe Trez can be saved. I’ll go check on them, Prince Xcerox, Prince Miulwess. Please excuse me.” 


Silvert summoned a dimensional portal beside him and went in. He too was gone from the place, leaving the dumbfounded friends.


Riseptos got normal first. “Your Highness, I’ll go ask the guards to clean this place up and see if our people are safe.”


Xcerox nodded. Frix went along with Riseptos while Nish accompany Xcerox and Miulwess to approach Gizelis who was staring at the same place the door disappeared.


“Congrats, Gizelis. You’ve won.” Nish told him after they were near.


“Huh? Really?” Gizelis felt it hard to believe.


“Yes. And now… Let’s go over to my father. We need King Elamos to free those demons in his custody.” Xcerox's eyes look serious with slight anger again.


Miulwess, Gizelis and Nish nodded.

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