Gyeongseong's Hunter Academy

Chapter 7: CH 6

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『We shall now begin the entrance ceremony of the 34th class of the Gyeongseong Yeopsa Vocational School. First, Principal Uehara will give us a speech.』


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The first thing in the program was a speech by the principal.

『Now that April has arrived, with it spring has come not only in the Mainland but also here, to Gyeongseong in Joseon, and so I, the principal of this school, welcome all our cadets to this school, built infused with the spirit of Bukhansan……』

The principal’s speech went on for a long time under the scorching sun of early April.

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Apart from the fact that the formalities held before the ceremony were towards Japanese Empire, and the language was in Japanese, the principal’s speech wasn’t too different to what I had experienced attending school in the 21st century.

Especially in the fact that it was boring.


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It was very unlikely that the principal’s speech would end soon, so instead of just spacing out listening to a story void of any meaning, I decided to think about something else.

‘Status system.’

Yesterday, when I fought the monsters, I tried to call up my status window for the first time, and although there was an error it did come up.

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I repeated the call command in my head.

‘Status window!’



[Error: User’s information has been corrupted.]

[Unable to operate status system.]

The status window still showed an error.

Yesterday, I just simply said that the status window had corrupted in the process of being possessed, but to be more specific, I feel I need to explain that 21st century Hunter term known as “ghost”.

Ghost, something every individual has… It’s a 21st century Hunter term for something like the soul or spirit, or well whatever you would called something like that in religion or philosophy. It’s an intangible substance that’s separate from the physical body.

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The mana engineering technique that was artificially implanted into this “Ghost”, analysed the mana wavelength, converted into data, and displayed it as text in front of your eyes was the status system, that is, the status window.

If you heard this, you would think, “Huh? If it’s installed onto the soul, shouldn’t it still work even if the body changes?”, but it wasn’t that simple.

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This current status system had come along with my soul, but it wasn’t originally implanted on this student, Baek Cheol-yeon.

To explain in easier terms, let’s say you install a hard disk with a program on it onto a new computer. This was similar to said program not running properly because it was not installed through the regular installation process on the new computer’s operating system.

Then, was the status window unusable?

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That wasn’t the case either. The status system had a self-recovery function in case of problems, so it could be used normally if reinstalled through this.

…Or at least that’s what I’d heard. I’d never tried it so I didn’t know if it would work properly,

[Do you want to proceed with the recovery of the status system?]

[The system will be reinstalled onto the Ghost during recovery.]



[Status system recovery initiated.]

[Status system being reinstalled onto Ghost.]


[Time remaining: calculating……]

It was working! Now all that was left was sit and wait.

The advantages of having a status window were infinite. Not only could you see your ability stats objectively as numbers, but it also helped you use your mana more efficiently, increasing combat efficiency, and also included additional functions like an inventory.

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For a Hunter, the difference having a status window made was like night and day. And now, I would be the only one in this world to have a status window.

‘I’ll be the only one with status window……!’

Lost in thought, I raised my head at those words. Is it over?

『Next, we will have congratulatory speeches from prominent figures of various fields. The congratulatory message sent by Governor Minami will be read by me, the head of the department of school affairs. It has been 34 years since this brilliant institution was founded…』

『Next, director Motoyama of the Daedonga Yeopsa Foundation will deliver a congratulatory speech…』

『Next, a congratulatory speech inspector Murasaki, chief of the Jongro Police Department…』

『Next, manager Kimitsu of the Magic Gate Development Center of Dongyang Cheoksik Co., Ltd…』

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Of course. There was no sign of the idle congratulatory remarks ever ending. I called up the status window once again to check the progress.

[Reinstalling…… 0.03%]

[Time left: 83 days 18 hours 22 seconds]

‘Time left: 83 days?!’

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Are you kidding me? Are they trying to tell me I should just go on a worldwide trip until then? It’s almost three months! Three months was almost the same as a full semester, yet you’re telling me to live without a status window during that time?

Of course, I knew that performing a transplant onto a soul wasn’t something that could be done immediately. In the 21st century, it took a few whole days to get the system implanted with a high-power magic engineering device that looked like an MRI machine.

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And, since right now the reinstalling would have to be processed internally, without the help of any external equipment, it was only natural for it to take much longer

‘But still, this is too long!’

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To live without a status window for three months. If I had never known about it like the other people of this era, it wouldn’t matter, but as someone that had been using for such a long time, this was unbearable.

Of course, it wasn’t impossible to install faster. Just the same way that the system is installed with high-power magic in the 21st century, all I needed was to get a supply of magic with the same amount of power.

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For example, absorbing fresh mana stones from monsters…….

The problem was where to get them from.

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‘Could I get them from the school? Or do I have to work a part-time job on top of attending school……?’

『Next, we’ll have a recitation of the oath from the freshman representative. Cadet Shimazu Renka, please come up on stage.』

Deep in thought, I looked up to the podium after hearing a familiar name.

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Shimazu Renka.

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The girl I swore myself never to get involved with again was walking on stage. Was the reason she just said “I’m busy, so I’ll head off” after having caused such a commotion at the gukbap restaurant because she was the freshman representative?

As Renka got on stage all the freshmen started to whisper among themselves.

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『Whoa, is that Shimazu Renka?』

『Shush! She’ll hear you. If you don’t want to get into trouble call her Lady Shimazu.』

『Nobility sure have a different air around them-. She’s like a princess.』

『It’s not just the air around them. You surely heard about the Magic Gate incident at Myerongryunjeong yesterday, right? I heard she defeated three Takoashi there in one swipe. She’s on a different level to us from the very start…….』

She did seem famous. Well, after all, her authority as an aristocrat, her position as a guild leader, and her outstanding ability for her age, there was no way she wouldn’t be. And that’s why she is the student representative.

『We swear, me, Shimazu Renka, and the 60 freshmen cadets here-』

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Renka stood in front of the microphone and began reading the oath she held in her hands.

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『to hold our entrance to the Gyeongseong Yeopsa Vocational School with pride, to become outstanding cadets that obey school rules and be faithful to the department, and furthermore, as a member of the Empire, to honour the school by promoting its national prestige. Showa year 14, April, 5th. Freshmen representative, Shimazu Renka, and all 60 students.』

After reading the oath, Renka got off the podium with the sound of applause, and the teacher who was playing host grabbed the microphone.

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The freshman oath had finished, so surely the entrance ceremony was about to end. No, there was one thing remaining.

‘They’ll probably do that. That thing.’

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This time, I could predict what the next program would be. In my past life in the 21st century, I had watched so much media that I could predict what would be at the end of events like this.

And of course,

『Next, we will finish the ceremony with three cheers to the Emperor. Attention!』

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The host led, raising both his arms.

『Tenno hekai…… Banzai!』

At the lead, the students also repeated after raising both their arms.



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Of course, since I didn’t want to shout out some shit like 「Banzai」just like that, I lifted both of my arms and shouted loudly, drowning my voice in the sound of the other students shouting banzai.

“Mansae!” (note: mansae is the Korean equivalent of “banzai” or “hurray”)


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『Did you hear that as well? Some guy shouted “mansae” in the Joseon language!』


I pretended not to know what Song Byung-oh was saying all excitedly. Earlier, after I shouted mansae, a few members of staff looked around the students saying 「Who is it! Who just said that!」, but,

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Since I was mixed in with so many other students, nobody found out who shouted out “mansae” in the Joseon language and it all just ended as just an incident.

Song Byung-oh was excited and kept on talking.

『I don’t know who it was, but that’s one brave guy! At emergency periods like this, if you get caught saying “mansae”, you might just end up getting tortured at Seodaemun Prison.』

『Yeah…… You’re right. Who could it be? Haha…….』(note: Seodaemun Prison was notorious during the Japanese colonial period for being the place they imprisoned and tortured Korean prison fighters).

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On the way to class at the main building after the entrance ceremony. I checked the class distribution list on the bulletin board in front of the main building to look for my class.

‘Let’s see. I’m in…… Class ‘gap’.’

After checking the distribution list, I went with Song Byung-oh following the other students and entered a classroom labelled 「一ノ甲」 . I guess it would be the same as “1st grade, class A”.(note: “一” is equivalent to one, 甲 is pronounced as “gap” in Korean and is used to represent higher class or, in positions of power, the holder)

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The 60 freshmen were divided into class “gap” and class “eul”, but they did not seem to be divided according to superiority or inferiority. After all, Renka wasn’t in this class, and if skills had been the criteria for dividing up the classes, she would have surely been in class “gap”. (note: “eul” would be the opposite of “gap”, hence the remark by the narrator)


I should not associate myself with such a scary and crazy person……. Even if I had made up my mind towards that aim, had we ended up in the same class it would have been impossible for me to avoid her, but since we’re in different classes, that’s one less thing to worry about.

Then, what was the criteria they used to make the classes? But, considering that both Joseon and Japanese students, and both male and female students were in the same class, it wasn’t by ethnicity or gender.

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It seemed that they just divided us up into 30 students per class without any other specific criteria.

Soon after, a teacher came into the classroom, tapped on his desk, and looked around at the students before talking.

『Attention, all of you. As mentioned on the schedule, there will soon be a pre-field study soon. The study is a hands-on practice to experience the art of hunting monsters in rough terrain before you start you full-fledged classes.』

A pre-field study!

Monster hunting!

Going by what the teacher explained afterwards, this pre-field study would be about defeating monsters that would be released by the school in the Bukhansan area adjacent to the school.

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So…… Hunting practice from day one, does it mean that they prefer actions rather than words? This was good for me. After all, I needed to get fresh mana stones if I wanted restore my status window.

『The necessary tools will be provided on-site, so you can use them, and this practice will be conducted in squads, so from this moment, freely organize yourselves into squads of six people and submit them once you do.』

They’re even giving us weapons. And squads of six men……. So, they’re telling us to get into parties. That wasn’t bad, either.

‘Being in a group is better than working alone.’

I grabbed a piece of paper and told Song Byung-oh.

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『Song Byung-oh? I’m writing your name down.』

『Sure, whatever.』

I wrote down Song Byung-oh’s name next to mine. First of all, I recruited him because he was closest, but it was also for efficiency.

I didn’t know if this practice would even be reflected on my grades or not, but regardless, I needed as many mana stones as I could get. If I built a balanced party it would increase hunting efficiency, and it was only natural that through that I would be able to collect a lot of mana stones.

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……At least it would work if he didn’t make an error like yesterday.

The next person that came to mind was Lee Yu-ha, who happened to be assigned to the same class as me.

‘Her ability is…… probably ice release.’

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I could know for sure if I used the status window, but with my experience, I could know to some extent just by feeling the kind of mana an Awakened emanated.

A type of Awakening ability that allowed the user to convert their mana into physical energy and release it. In Lee Yu-ha’s case, among other things, it was ice, the ability to release ice or cold air.

I walked towards where Lee Yu-ha was sitting.

A schoolgirl with silver daenggi hair.

She was having a hard time blending in with the other students, and kept on wandering alone. Maybe it was because she had an atmosphere that made her unapproachable.

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‘In the morning she looked so sloppy, though.’

Right not she had a completely different air. I approached Lee Yu-ha. Lee Yu-ha, who was standing there stiff, saw me and couldn’t hide her joy,

“Oh, thou art—”

As she started saying in Joseon, I got startled and hurriedly said.

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『Wait! You should speak in Japanese at school.』


Lee Yu-ha nodded. I brought up my proposal first.

『By any chance, if you didn’t have any other plans, would you like to join my squad? We’re two right now, including me. If you join us it’ll be three.』


Lee Yu-ha didn’t respond, looking lost in thought for a moment. Wait, what? Is this a rejection? Does she already have a squad to join?

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In terms of proportion of the total number of Awakeneds, the number of people that had the ability to use elemental releases was very small. However, the utility they provided far outweighed the capabilities of other Awakeneds.

And the amount of mana I felt coming from Lee Yu-ha was…… quite incredible. So, it would be no wonder if she had already been invited by another squad.

But, Lee Yu-ha started twitching her lips as if she wanted to say something and then said.

『Ah……. Al, alright. I am…… no? not? sure if I should be of help, but I go your squac? squad.』

Wait, her Japanese is so bad.

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‘Man, did you never go to a new-style school and only attend a Seodang?’

The way she spoke was so stiff and awkward, as if she had learnt to speak from a book. Would this…… be okay? But whatever, her answer was a yes. That was a relief. I didn’t want to let her talents go to other people.

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『Mm……. You’re joining then, right? I’ll add your name.』

I wrote Lee Yu-ha’s name on the list. Although her Japanese was poor, it was not so bad that we wouldn’t be able to communicate. And if it’s urgent, it should be okay to use a few Joseon words.

‘Of course, the problem is that her Joseon is also very old-styled…….’

Listening to a girl speaking so old-styled, or listening to her speaking in poor Japanese, which would be more painful?……. As I was having those hasty thoughts,

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『Ne ne, Shirabayashi-kun! Can I join, as well?』

A female student was approaching me, speaking softly.

A schoolgirl with bright pink hair that was parted by half into two sides and curled behind her ears in a circle.

Looking closely, you could see that she had light makeup on, and the smell of perfume spread from her body. Maybe she had matched them with her hair, but her hot pink shoes were sparkling.

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……She’s an Awakened, so she couldn’t help the colour of her hair, but other than that, isn’t she violating school regulations?

Anyway, considering she seemed to know me, I wondered if she was someone I met at the preliminary call-up day like Song Byung-oh. But, considering she wasn’t showing any antipathy towards me, she was probably a Japanese student, not from Joseon.

『Oh. You. So, you—』

Just as I hadn’t been able to recognize Song Byung-oh, I had no idea who this girl was, so I tried to look……

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……at her name tag, but her name tag was hanging on her chest, which was embarrassing to keep on staring at. So instead, I looked up to her face and asked her.

『……Sorry. What was your name?』

Even if we knew each other, we had only met once in the preliminary call-up day a few days ago. Asking her who she was again wouldn’t be too rude or strange.

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『Eh, we introduced ourselves a few days ago, but you don’t remember me? Well, you can just comfortably call me「Tomiko」! My Awakened ability is telekinesis!』

Didn’t Japanese kids use their surnames to call each other until they got close? Well, whatever, it didn’t matter.

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The important thing was her ability. Her skill was telekinesis, the ability to move things without touching them.

It was an ability that would be useful in a party in various ways. In particular, it was a good match when combined with elemental release abilities because they could control physical energy, such as the fire or cold air released by the elemental release Awakeneds, in great detail.

She would be perfect next to Lee Yu-ha.

『Sure thing.』

『Thank you! I’ll write down my name myself!』

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Another line was added to the list. But, Tomiko asked, getting closer.

『Hey, hey, Shirabayashi-kun. I wanted to ask you last time but I couldn’t. How did you do that? You know, that.』

What did she mean all of a sudden? It was senseless question. Did I do something strange on the day of the preliminary call-up? I asked her.

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『What did I do?』

『You know that, your myouji(苗字; Japanese surname)! My father was rejected even though he poured so much money into the General Government to get a myouji.』


This girl, she isn’t Japanese? Now that I saw, her name tag had the Joseon name ‘梁福子(Yang Bok-ja)’ clearly written on it. Wait, didn’t you say your name was 「Tomiko」?

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And about having a Japanese surname, it’s 1939 right now anyway, so you’ll have to use a Japanese surname next year anyway, whether you like it or not, so why would you even pay so much just to have it faster? Is this a real pro-Japanese?

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Not just her surname, the fact that she was asking me to call her with the Japanese pronunciation 「Tomiko」 of her name ‘Bok-ja(福子)’, this clearly meant that she was pro-Japan.

That’s why, unlike Song Byung-oh, she was approaching me with kindness.

‘……Oh gosh.’

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This needed clarification. Especially since Lee Yu-ha was right around us. It would end up as a disaster if the misunderstanding lingered.

I spoke to Tomiko, no, to “Yang Bok-ja”.

『Wait, I think there’s a misunderstanding. My surname is “Baek”, and the surname Shirabayashi isn’t something I got because I wanted-』

『Wait wait! If you’re a Shirabayashi who used to be “Baek”…… Are you the son of Baek No-pyeong, the man who was given the title of baron in the past? You are, right?』



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Baek No-pyeong was definitely the name that showed up as my father’s when I checked in the family registry after having woken up as Baek Cheol-yeon.

As I had a Japanized surname, I thought the father was just pro-Japan, but he even received the title of baron? What the hell did he do to receive this title?

Although a baron was the lowest rank in the ladder of the aristocracy, the only Joseon people who received a noble title were those that had contributed greatly in giving the country to Japan.

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‘I’m not just a regular pro-Japan…… I’m a professional traitor……?’

Due to this, I wasn’t in a position to accuse this girl, Yang Bok-ja, for being pro-Japan. I had become the child of a traitor who had sold his country.

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‘Why did I have to resuscitate in this body……?’

What the hell were the God thinking? Why, out of all the other people they could have chosen, did they have to choose to resuscitate me in this body? I got goosebumps from the overwhelming malice. Goosebumps……

‘No, wait, I think it’s actually got colder.’

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It wasn’t just my imagination, I could actually feel a sudden chill. What was this? It was early April, so the last cold snap should have already passed and completely be spring. Then why did I feel a chill?


Lee Yu-ha’s eyes, looking towards me, were very serious.

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