Hacker in Town: Stealing the Protagonist’s Sister

Chapter 1: Chapter 00 – Prologue

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- 'I hate high schools.'

What was he supposed to do here? Listen to the math teacher explaining concepts he had already understood years ago?

Ridiculous. Was a repeating thought of his.

Ren turned away from the window, he had enough of the outside for now. Not that it was any better on the inside, a group of bored boys, girls, and a white-haired man solving equations. He could see the entire class from his back seat but the first to appear in his vision was none other than the protagonist.

Which protagonist? That of the manga he got thrown into, obviously.

- 'As dense as ever,' Thought Ren. Because just like any rom-com manga, the protagonist is a member of the dense metals family.

His name is Osaki Reiji, the protagonist of a manga Ren doesn't even remember the name of. Out of all the stacks upon stacks of mangas Ren had read in his previous life, he had to go and get himself into the only one he barely read. Hell, a hentai would have been better. Forget that. Anyways, the only thing he could remember are the basics:

The story revolves around Reiji and two heroines. The first is the elegant and always refined class and student council president, Sato Minako. She's a slender beauty with long black hair of a singular shade, just like Ren's, and of tall height, for girls at least. She's called the goddess by the class as she treats everyone nicely and helps those in need. The dutiful type. She fell in love with Reiji in 1st year of high school.  

The second heroine's name is Goto Minori. Below average height, red hair, and cheerful. Though that is not what most boys would see first as her big chest is where their eyes would converge too. Ren tested the theory once. Out of boredom. She is a great cook, unlike Sato-san, and has been a friend of Reiji since middle school, the period in which she also fell in love with him. Goto-san is also the close friend of Reiji's sister, Osaki Kyoko. Your typical rude little sister. Though Ren didn't pay her much attention back then because she did not have much page-time. At least on those he had read.

Going back to the initial topic. Reiji is dense because even though he's bad at studying, specially math, and would always get distracted in class, he still hasn't managed to see the two heroines glancing at him from time to time. Or having a stare off. The entire class did though. The boys' low-key curses are evidence of that. Well, except for Ren. he doesn't give a shit. As he would think.


- 'Damn life... Why do I have to sit here with high schoolers?' Ren complained to himself, again. Face down on the table.

- "Takeshi Ren! How much longer do you intend to keep sleeping in my class?"

- 'Oh fuck off.' Ren did not say that. He raised his sleepy head and looked at the math teacher. In his mid-40s with all-white hair. More genetic than of old age, but he did look exasperated.


- "Takeshi!" He yelled.

- "Yes. Kawano-sensei." Ren replied, managing to remember the sensei.

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- "You better give me a good answer, " Kawano-sensei tapped the board, "Or else I'm sending you to the director's office." He threatened.

The entire class was silent, watching the drama. Some hoping for Ren to get the correct answer while others wishing to see a good show. The class president, Sato-san, looked with some pity-mixed-worry in her eyes.

- "... The equation has two roots. Both real. 1 and 7." Ren replied calmly, a yawn was about to escape him but he caught it as his hand fixed his glasses.  

Some looked at him like an idiot, coming up with a random solution while others looked at him with praise, for his acting skills. Only six looked with surprise.

- "That is correct, Takeshi. You better not sleep in my class again." Kawano-sensei gave him a nod and a light warning. He was known for getting angered easily but also being lenient when the actual punishment came.

Ren nodded and plopped back down on his chair. Slouched and looking like he might fall asleep on his desk at any moment. If he didn't get glances from almost all the class, that is.

- 'Ugh, stop staring for fuck's sake... That's why I always preferred college.' Ren complained and ignored everyone by looking outside, chin resting on his hand.

He always was an introvert that disliked social interactions. He had been an orphan in his previous life and went to an orphanage-maintained school. It was a horrible experience as anything he'd do out of the 'norm' would be the talk of the entire kids for at least a week. Well, not that he'd prefer to have parents now, as he's an orphan in this world too, ironically. More practical, his reason. Well this time, his 'parents' died some year ago.

- 'At least they made me an adult before they died. for some reason.' Ren thought as he started playing with a pen and solving the exercise in his notebook. The sensei was wandering the class, watching.

Anyways, Ren is 17 years old, biologically, in this world. But his ID card says 18. So he could do whatever an adult citizen could, almost. And for that, he was thankful for the parents he never knew. Whatever their purpose of giving him an extra year was.

- "It seems you are improving in maths, Takeshi. Good job." The teacher patted him on the shoulder after he checked his notebook and moved on. Not like he got better, but just had learned all this 'basic' stuff already. Cybersecurity did require a good knowledge of math. One of higher difficulty than this, at least.

- 'I should be able to roam the web freely. Might as well start looking for good fish today.' He looked forward to it. One less fish in the sea won't alert the NGOs, he smiled.

Ren sighed, At least this world was less cyber secure, probably hasn't experienced many global cyberattacks yet. He is thankful for this.

He was sure rich kids wouldn't miss a few bucks. And for that, he couldn't wait to return to his laptop, his ticket to improve his new life.


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