Haikyo Series

Chapter 1: Prologue

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That tower was called the “Ruined Tower.”

It was a gray tower, standing isolated on the frozen land of the farthest ends of Hierbas, which was buried in freezing snow for most of the year.

Hugging his skinny body, the boy reached the tower.

Spring was warm, but sometimes there was no mercy.

(She must be here.)

He let his gaze wander. The unsteady-footed child who looked like a drowned rat was immediately spotted by the guards. They asked him his name, but he was so cold that he couldn’t get his teeth together and only let out a pointless breath.

“Don’t let your guard down even for a child. Grab him and interrogate him——”

When one of the soldiers said that with a stern look on his face, a cold voice sounded.

“Wait. Can’t you see he’s trembling?”

Loose blonde hair undulating like a golden river and bright green eyes. In Ilbus, which was dominated by grey skies and cold snow, she was dazzlingly bright. She was a girl with the color of the sun in her.

“What’s your name?”

The beautiful princess who lived in this tower——Beatrice Bertram Hierbas asked him that question. It was because she was here that he went to this Ruined Tower to protect his tiny life that was almost lost in the avalanche.

Beatrice, the blessed princess who was promised to become queen eventually.

Under her gaze, the boy was led to speak up.


That was his name. Garrett. He was born into a family of insignificant craftsmen.

However, Rilbek was the most industrialized city in Hierbas, and it was believed that a craftsman could live a better life than some countryside nobleman if he spent his entire life in Rilbek.

Garrett and his family had just moved to Rilbek in search of a better life.

The family, who was poor, worked hard to gradually regain a normal life. His father went to the factory every day, and his mother learned to dye clothes while doing menial work.

As he sent his father out and helped his mother with her work, Garrett gave thanks to the city. He was able to go to school. He could learn to read and write at church. Coming from a poor family, this was a dream come true for him. Without a doubt, it was a big step for Garrett and his parents.

He never thought that this dazzling hope would turn into unbelievable despair.

——Garrett. I’ve run out of dyeing materials. I’ve received a lot of orders, what do I do? The customer said they were in a hurry. That flower can only be found in the mountains…

After calming his panicking mother, he went into the mountains with his mother and his father who returned from the factory. It had been snowing a lot recently, but luckily it was sunny today, so they should be able to find what they were looking for easily. The flower, which bloomed deep into the mountains, became a vivid pink or red color when crushed, and even the mottled colors were beautiful. Handkerchiefs and decorative cloths were popular among women.

Therein lay their miscalculation.

They had completely lost sight of the fact that they were ignorant strangers who had just arrived in Rilbek.

The warmth of spring had melted the solidified snow, and they couldn’t imagine the danger of that. When he was swallowed up by the large wave of snow and struggled to get out, Garrett found himself all alone. It was so cold that he felt like his body was about to freeze.

He tried to dig out his parents, but he had no idea where they were buried.

He had to call for help. Garrett began to shout in a voice that had already dried up.

No one was there. His voice became hoarse and tears rolled down his cheeks. A white demon had swallowed his parents. No one can save them——

Yes, no one…

His blurred vision caught sight of the Ruined Tower.

That grey tower with a name that was unfitting of a place where a princess lived.

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Garrett began to run like a madman. His feet sank into the snow, he lost his shoes at some point, and he couldn’t feel his fingers. But even so, he couldn’t stop.

Just as the rumors said, Beatrice was there.

He could immediately recognize her as Beatrice because of her golden hair and green eyes, the distinctive traits of the Bertram royal family. Her bright green eyes, full of life and curiosity, captured Garrett.

Beatrice rubbed his back as he tried to get the words out.


That was all he said, and her face changed.

“I’m glad you’re unharmed. Where do you live? Where did you come from?”


When he told her the name of the village at the foot of the mountains, Garrett was finally unable to stand and collapsed on the spot.

“Quickly! Somebody bring this boy over to the fireplace. Prepare some hot soup and a hot bath.”

Yes——his father headed for Rilbek because he believed in the protection of the Bertram royal family.

Princess Beatrice of the Ruined Tower will protect craftsmen with great care. If anything happens, knock on the door of this tower. In accordance with the duty of the Bertram royal family, she will not abandon the people.

That was what Garrett’s father kept telling him over and over. In his imagination, Princess Beatrice was very much an adult with a tall height and prim features. But in reality, she was a young girl, not much older than himself, and an irresistibly charming princess.

We’re saved. That was what he thought the moment he saw himself in her eyes.

At that moment, when Garrett was at his physical and mental limits, he might have thought Beatrice was an angel sent by God.

He clung to Beatrice.

“My parents are in the avalanche…”

“I’ll send a search team immediately.”

“Me too…”

“You can’t, not in your condition.”

She was right. Garrett was trembling from cold and exhaustion.

“I will protect you. Rilbek is my land, left to me by Grandmother. The people who live in my land are my treasure.”

He was carried into the warm tower. His wet clothes were removed and new clothes and blankets were wrapped around his body instead. Garrett collapsed in front of the fireplace, dazed, feeling the force of the fire as the wood crackled quietly.

“Take care of him as though he is my own family.”

The maids nodded at Beatrice’s order, and bandages and hot water were brought in.

His cold and stiff fingertips were gently loosened by their efforts.

With Garrett’s head on her lap, Beatrice brushed his wet bangs out of his face.

“Your hair is so splendidly jet black. It’s just like the feathers of a black swan. The color of your eyes is beautiful as well.”

He had never really thought about his own black hair. But it seemed to be rare to the blonde Beatrice. Garrett’s eyes were a greyish-blue, like a spring in winter.

Garrett had always thought that he had a gloomy coloring.

(But…the princess is much prettier than me.)

When she peered into his eyes, her wavy golden hair touched his cheek.

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