
Chapter 1: Chapter 1

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Hello there dear readers! I am SUPER thrilled to be starting this story! Firstly, this is set in the Hush! universe, which is a story by my good friend Clarity! Be sure to check their stories out, as they are a very talented author!









Elite Shade






My eyes shoot open at the insistent loud beeping of my alarm clock. My hands fumble around in the dark around where I think my bedside table is until I finally feel the small digital clock. I switch off its beeping and just lay there on my side, not entirely feeling like getting up. Grudgingly though, I sit up on my lumpy mattress. I stretch and yawn, still wanting to just go back to sleep but instead stand to get ready for school today.



I shuffle along in the semi-dark of the early morning twilight, my eyes having adjusted, as I open the door to head to the bathroom. Two smaller forms dart by me along the way, giggling. I assume that they are Nate and Carl, two of my younger foster brothers. And yeah, I'm living in a foster house.



My mom and dad joined this cult back when I was around three. This cult went the way of Waco in that the leader, a man by the name of Roger Williams, based them in this large compound and started stockpiling weapons and ammo for nearly two years. The feds got involved, mainly because of some allegations of child molestation, and a huge standoff took place. And then...well...very few people associated with the cult made it out alive that day. My parents not being counted among them.



I've been in and out of too many foster homes to count ever since. Hence how I came to live here in the Spencer house. It isn't as bad as some of the other places I had to live, but that still doesn't make it enjoyable. It's overcrowded for starters, since the Spencers count on the stipend checks to be their main source of income and therefore take in as many kids as they can get away with. They also largely ignore all of the kids in their care, the exception being if they are in some way inconvenienced by the aforementioned kids, which means that we all have to fend for ourselves in the food department. They also couldn't care less about what happens at school, not counting the kids who don't simply lie and ditch. And of course, any and all conflicts between the kids they just prefer not to be bothered with.



The bathroom door opens and I'm roughly shoved aside by Jonah who grunts angrily at me before storming off. At fifteen years old he's actually younger than me, not that you would know it from looking at the two of us. I stand at around five foot seven while he is easily a head taller than me. Not to mention that I'm about as lanky as a guy can get, whereas he's around two hundred and twenty pounds of pure muscle and rage. I largely try to avoid him, not that that has ever done anyone nearby any real good whenever he gets in one of his moods.
I close the bathroom door behind me and lock it, to ensure privacy. Past experience has taught me that the hot water has more than likely been all used up by now, so I forgo a morning shower. Instead I simply brush my teeth, run a comb through my short brown hair, and put on some deodorant.



"Just two more years, and then you'll be gone." I say softly to my reflection in the medicine cabinet mirror with a long crack almost dead center running down it. My brown eyes had some red lines in the whites, showing a hint of how exhausted I feel from staying up so late to study after working such a long shift at Whereaburger. "Just two more years" I reassure myself, right before a series of loud knocks disturbs my mini pep talk.



"Who the hell are you talking to in there, Alex, an imaginary friend?" A high familiar feminine voice sneers. "Hurry the hell up!"



I sigh before grabbing the toothbrush, toothpaste, comb, and deodorant that I had bought with my own money. I turn to open the door to reveal an annoyed-looking girl named Cassie. She's a tall and curvy blond girl just a few months older than me, whom I might have found attractive if not for her somewhat grating personality.



"About damn time," She says as she pushes me out of her way and slams the door behind her. I walk back to my room, which I know I am lucky to have all to myself, and shut the door behind me. Pretty much everyone else is crammed together in the remaining rooms. I lucked out however, thanks to the fact that the rest of my foster siblings prefer to keep their distance from me. I'm not sure why that actually is though, but I guess everyone needs someone to look down on. And I guess that that someone is me. Not that I'm bothered by that.



I look through my closet consisting mostly of church donated clothes and pick out my school uniform. The navy blue blazer is very well worn and has a few small rips here and there, the khaki slacks being similar in that regard.



I get dressed and grab my backpack from where it rests at the foot of my bed. I double-check that my textbooks, notebooks, homework, and other school supplies are all where they should be before clipping my school I.D. to my front left breast pocket and exiting out to the hall.



I gently push my way through several other foster kids and make my way down the stairs to the front door. I walk five blocks to the designated bus stop, stopping by a small convenience store to grab myself a quick breakfast, which today is a hot dog and an energy drink. The prices at the store are a little high for my liking, but I'm hungry and there's nowhere else to go within short walking distance of the bus stop.



I'm usually pretty cheap with my money, saving every little bit that I can for when I age out. I refuse to get any kind of a student loan for college, choosing instead to look at grants. I may be two years away from graduating, but still, it's something to think about. While I do study hard and work even harder at maintaining my 3.8 GPA, I have forgone looking at any university. It's just cheaper to go to a community college.



My stomach tightens in a knot as the yellow bus pulls to a stop and I get on. I try not to make eye contact as I walk down the aisle, quickly locating an empty seat. I sit down as two girls begin laughing loudly at something on their phones. I stare blankly out the window as we drive on through the city of Nowhere, Arizona.



And yeah, that's the actual name of the city, honest. The sun is already shining brightly, hinting at another warm day. Looking out the window I see the rocky desert that surrounds Nowhere. In the small run-down area where my foster home was, I can see a number of other rundown houses. Boarded up windows, faded paint, scorch marks, and one house that is surrounded by police tape with a squad of police cars out front. That's new at least.



As we head further into the city, I see signs of a little more hustle and bustle. Traffic picks up a little and I see some people walking along the sidewalk. We stop a few more times before the bus finally pulls in to the drop-off zone of the school. Soon I'm walking along before a friendly voice calls out to me.



"Hey Alex!"



I turn and smile as I see Adam Barone bounding towards me. He and I have known each other since middle school. Thankfully, while I was being shuffled around the system over the years, I did get at least some stability in that I've been placed here in Nowhere since seventh grade. Adam went from being a small and skinny nerdy kid, much like myself, and gone through several growth spurts. He had also traded in his Sorcery the Assembly cards and sci-fi fantasy books for a football. All of that combined with his good looks made him the cliched Mr. Popular at Nowhere High.



Amazingly though, he and I were still best friends. that I think about it...he's kinda my only friend. I'm not really the social type to be honest. I really am glad that he and I are still close...although...he has been spending more and more time with his other friends...not that I'm worried.



"Hey Adam." I say as I look a little longingly at his crimson red pickup in the parking lot. His parents also happened to be loaded by the way. Sometimes I swear that he or someone in his family used a wishing stone to get all the luck.



I'd probably be spending all of my spare time looking for one of those magical blue stones, if it wasn't for the fact that you have a better chance of winning the lottery a hundred times than you do of ever finding one. Some people actually do spend their entire lives searching for them, never to find any. I choose to be a bit more practical with my free time.



"You coming to the game on Friday?" he asks as we fall into step while walking toward the school entrance.



"Can't man, I gotta double shift on Friday," I say. I'm not actually into sports at all, but I still go to Adam's games when I can.



"That sucks. Well what about the party at Sabina's house after we win? Her parents are out of town for the weekend, so it can go all night!" Adam easily pumps himself up, which always brings a smile to my face, this time being no exception.



"Aren't you guys getting a little ahead of yourselves by assuming that you're going to win?" I ask while already knowing that I'll be too exhausted after work to go.



"Dude, we're playing Dalton." is all the argument Adam apparently felt that he needed. I wouldn't know any better because, once again, I'm not a big sports fan.



"Well that may be the case, but I'm going to be tired as all hell when I get off, so that's a no."



"Aw c'mon man, just call in sick! You can't just go missing another party like this!" Adam says as he slows a little to flash two girls staring at him a smile, before turning back to me. "Besides, there's gonna be plenty of girls there."



"Yeah, I'm just gonna go to work instead."



"You are officially impossible," Adam said as I roll my eyes.



We don't have much more time to chat as the warning bell rings. We split off to go to our separate classes. For me, homeroom is Honors English with Mr. Cassidy, which I actually enjoy. See, Adam has other friends...much more popular friends...and I...well...I spend most of my time alone. Being alone a lot, I tend to daydream, usually of epic fantasy worlds with dragons and magic and...well, you get the picture. I really want to become a fantasy author.



As I'm walking along, I trip and knock into someone. I pull away to see that Benjamin Ferguson is glaring daggers at me. I'm largely ignored, but Ben, he deals with a lot of crap from everyone. In fact, the gossip that I overheard from time to time is that he has absolutely no friends in addition to being picked on all the time. Even I have Adam, who's influence is more than likely the reason why I'm not target numero uno for the usual bullies.



... Unlike Ben...



He's a little shorter than me, with shoulder length black hair, glasses, a smattering of freckles across his face, and oddly piercing blue eyes.



You are reading story Hairball at

"I know it was you," he hisses at me. I stand there confused.



"Ben, I tripped on something. I swear that it wasn't intentional," I said. I am really thrown off here due to the fact that Ben and I haven't really ever had much to do with one another before. There were more than a few hushed whispers about Ben being the most likely to become a school shooter. I try to stay under the radar for someone like that.



He continues to glare at me as we both enter homeroom and take our seats. I open my book and instead choose to focus on the lesson. During the entirety of the class, I can feel him continuing to stare angrily at me. I turn my head a few times to see him doing it. There is something in his eyes, a strange glint almost, that is really starting to freak me out. I also notice that he isn't writing anything down. He doesn't have his text book or notebook out or anything. He's just sitting at his desk and staring right at me. I may not have had much to do with Ben, but I do know that he is a straight A student. I say nothing as I focus on my notes, feeling a little more nervous.




One Honors English class later...




As the day continues on, I come to the realization that Ben is in all of my classes. And in each one, I notice that he is still staring right at me. I'm kinda starting to worry that he actually did bring a gun to school and, somehow, I made myself his target.



I didn't see him anywhere at lunch though.



After I grab my tray, I look around for him as I walk to a table no one else ever sat at, not even Adam. When he isn't at practice, Adam is usually hanging with his other...much more popular friends. I'm okay with that though, as I usually spend my lunch periods checking my notes.



Ben did reappear to attend my last two classes with me, much to my discomfort, as he continues to stare at me with what seemed to be hatred in his eyes. The final bell rings and I shuffle out into the halls after everyone, Ben included, left.



I'm walking to my locker when I round a corner, and there he is. I stop short to avoid colliding with him again and start looking around for anyone else. Unfortunately, the halls are completely deserted.



"Hey Ben," I say as calmly as possible, feeling my stomach twist itself into knots again.



"I know it was you," he said, practically shaking with rage.



"Ben, I don't know what you're talking about," I try to explain.



"I know it was you, and I'm going to make you pay," he says, a smirk appearing on his face. The glint is still there, and I'm beginning to feel downright scared. He says nothing more as he walks away, turning only once to pat the left breast pocket of his blazer, before continuing on.



What the hell is that all about? I wonder to myself. I think for a moment about telling a teacher about what just happened...but they probably wouldn't believe me. Memories of being bullied when I was little and telling the teachers about it only to have the abuse continue briefly flashed in my mind. Not wanting to miss my bus, I start considering calling in sick tomorrow.



I look around periodically as I make my way to the bus. I'm still feeling worried as I take my seat and sit to stare out the window, oblivious to the cacophony of rowdy voices on the bus. I look around as I step off, worried that Ben might somehow be waiting for me at my stop.
The knot or worry is still there as I walk through the front door of my foster home. I make my way to my room and lock my door after closing it. I immediately started my homework assignments. It's a little hard to focus on algebraic equations though when you're worried that someone might be out to get you.



I do get through it though, as well as my other assignments. I pull out my laptop and fire it up while I also pull out a shoebox, filled with Sorcery the Assembly cards. I just collect stop your judging right now. Those are the two things I have ever splurged any money on, actually. Holy crap that sounds nerdy. Well, my laptop at least I can justify, since this is the age of the internet after all.



I keep it with me at all times, knowing that things have a tendency to go missing in the Spencer house. I climb onto my bed and open my bedside table to grab a bag of jerky that I had gotten at the convenience store earlier to be my dinner for tonight. I check my subscribed UTube channels for any new videos, and smile as I see some from my favorite shows. As I watch, I'm also looking at my cards, smiling a little at the rare foil ones I had managed to collect. Say what you will about how I spend my time, but at least my stomach is unknotted and Ben's no longer in my thoughts.



I only usually leave my room to use the bathroom, and that's about it. That's actually about it for most nights. The only time things change is when I'm at work or cheering Adam on at a game I manage to make. I never invite him here mainly because I'm a little worried about what he would say. And I don't really hang out at his place anymore either. The last time I had visited, I had gotten the distinct impression that Adam's parents were not too thrilled with him hanging out with me. I'm not really sure why though, but still, we kinda both figured that hanging out at his place probably wasn't for the best.



... Actually... it was more or less his idea... I suppose that maybe we have drifted a little bit apart... still... better than not having anyone at all... like Ben...



I look at my clock and sigh. I figure that I had better get some sleep. I power down my laptop and toss the empty bag of jerky into my waste bin. I undress, electing to hang up the khakis and blazer, and grab a ratty t-shirt and shorts for bed. I also take the time to hide my laptop under a series of loose floorboards beneath my bed, just in case. I brush my teeth before hopping into the shower. I'm in luck as the day's heat had warmed even the cold water enough for my purposes.



I dry off with my own personal towel and dress quickly upon hearing the front door slam shut.



Jonah's in one of his moods. That realization makes me act quicker. My suspicion is confirmed when I hear his thundering, yet partially muffled, voice cussing someone out. I dart back to my room and lock my door again before turning out the light and climbing under the sheet. I could hear him ranting about something to himself as he walked by my door. Then the walls shook a little at the sound of the bathroom door slamming shut. I'm used to these kinds of tantrums around the house, especially from Jonah. It's not that hard for me to drift off to sleep.




The next morning...




I wake up panting and with my heart racing from a nightmare. I had been running through a hallway of some kind from something...but that is all I can remember. I take a deep breath to compose myself, and look over at my clock, which is beeping. I turn it off and sit up again. Once more I yawn and stretch, suddenly realizing that I'm feeling a little warmer than usual. And itchy. I shrug it off as I stand up though, trying to keep to my daily morning schedule. I look around my room, instantly spotting the tiny handheld overnight bag I keep my bathroom supplies in.



I scratch as I yawn again and make my way out into the hall. For some reason, my chest feels like there is some kind of weight on it, but I ignore it for now. Two smaller forms dart past me again, stopping in their tracks. I looked down to see both Carl and Nate staring up at me with wide eyes. I ignore them as I make my way into the bathroom, shutting and locking the door behind me. I sit my overnight bag on the counter and look at myself in the mirror, after turning on the light, and freeze.



Staring back at me is the face of a large black cat. I turn, confused as all hell, to look behind me. Seeing nothing other than the toilet and the shower, I turn back to see the cat face looking right at me again. I then put together that I'm looking at myself in the mirror.



Am I still dreaming? I wonder as I look at my arms, which are covered in midnight black fur. I look at my hands, feeling my stomach tighten into a knot once again as I do so, to now see that they too are covered in the same black fur. My fingernails extend a little as I flex my fingers, looking more like claws. I pinch my left arm and instantly yelp in pain.



Is this real?! This is real?! I think as I examine myself further. I suddenly notice the two mounds on my chest.



Are these? I wonder as I confirm that I indeed have a pair of breasts. I notice a slightly swaying tail poking out of a hole torn through the back of my shorts as I inspect myself further. And then, looking at the breasts, I feel tentatively down between my legs. Something's missing.



"I'm a girl... and I'm a cat..." I say softly, clamping my hands over my mouth. My much higher and more feminine voice shocks me. There's a sudden knocking at the bathroom door.



"Whoever the hell's in there, get out already!" a certain whiny voice says.



I'm about to say something, but stop myself. Instead, I grab my towel and throw it over my head, I think in an act of desperation. I open the door and brush past Cassie who stands there, stunned.



"What the hell?" she asks aloud as I hurry to my door, locking it behind me. I focus on trying not to hyperventilate as I wonder what I'm going to do. I pace back and forth, I becoming aware of how much smaller my new frame must be, since my shorts keep threatening to slip right off, with the, my, tail being the only thing keeping them up.



I can hear the near-hysterical muffled voice of Cassie out in the hall. I feel tears prickling the back of my eyes as I sit down to try and collect my thoughts. I yelp again a little after I sit on my new tail, once again confirming that I am wide awake.



"How... ?" I wonder aloud as I hear more footsteps coming closer to my door.



"How?" I sob, feeling a stream of tears trickle down my face.






And there you have it, dear readers! Once again, please check out Clarity and their works here on TGS, as well as my other stories. Feel free to leave a review!

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