
Chapter 9: Ch. 9

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Hey there, dear readers! I'm happy to bring to you the next chapter of Hairball! Once more, this chapter was proofread by Trismegistus Shandy! Please enjoy!





Hairball (Chapter 9)




Elite Shade






The interview came and went. I sat with the Fergusons on the couch in the living room to watch it last night. The interview had been edited so that it fit into a piece about me, all of which was nothing but the truth, and nothing too sensationalistic. There were shots of my former foster home which... I guess was a bit more run-down than I remembered. They included shots of the windows that Noah had busted out, along with the section of the porch that was partially collapsed, and the broken and rusted playground equipment in the backyard. Rebecca had let out a small gasp at the sight and pulled me into a tight hug. Nick had given me a concerned look and reached over to squeeze my shoulder. And Ben... he just looked really ashamed, and wouldn't meet my eyes.

The report moved on to the school in the daytime, with some students walking by in the background. That part was pretty short, before it moved on to the the interview itself. I wish my eyes hadn't... moistened... when I was giving the interview, but Rebecca had assured me that it helped, and gave me a hug during that part. Even the part about me and my card collection didn't come across as being too dorky. Or... well... maybe it did.

All in all, Tim was true to his word, and the entire piece painted me in what Rebecca called a sympathetic light. He didn't make me out to be a freak show and... well... it did make me feel a little more... human... I guess. Don't get me wrong, there are still some out there trying to make me out to be a freak show, but that interview really helped. Hell, even the number of reporters loitering outside the gate had dwindled to just a handful. I will give those holdouts credit, they are persistent.

I guess I'm still nervous about them... or maybe my upcoming first day back at school, which will be next Monday. Ben's been bringing me back my homework assignments and offering to help me catch up. I have... reluctantly agreed... what can I say, he's pretty damn persistent, too. The thought of school brings a fresh pain to my stomach. Presently, I'm laying on my side on my bed. Okay, I guess I'm a bit more nervous than I let on. I woke up today in kinda a bad mood, and couldn't help but literally hiss at Ben the very first time I saw him. And I felt a little like cry-- sad, I felt a little sad earlier today... is all.

It didn't help that I got to a sad part of one of the new books I'd borrowed from Nick, nor when some sad commercials came on every friggin' channel I tried to watch on TV today! If it wasn't one of the ones about abused animals then it was endangered animals, and if it wasn't endangered animals it was sick kids, and if it wasn't sick kids it was something else that made me sad... I just... something just feels wrong today, okay? And my... my b-breasts... feel kinda sore too. I start to get off the bed... what the hell is that? Did I spill something on my white shorts? Something... red...

Oh no... oh gods no...


I feel myself slump against the wall next to the door, just before I sink to the floor, clutching my still cramping stomach, unaware that I'm screaming. I also take no notice of Rebecca practically bursting into my room in a panic, seeing me leaned up against the wall with my knees drawn up to my chest, my tail wrapping itself around them.

"Alex, what's wrong?" Rebecca asks, clearly shaken. She got back from her office a little while ago, working on the defense strategy of her client, I think. Part of me feels... ashamed... and dirty... but another part of me is truly happy to see her and feels... that she can make everything better... or... well... that's just how I think it feels. I'm not really sure... and all I can manage to do is croak very weakly.

"Alex, what... oh." That soft little 'oh' lets me know that she's figured it out. Or maybe she can see the... the stain on my shorts.

"Oh, honey..." My body forcefully lets out a sob, despite my efforts, as she takes a seat on the floor right next to me.

I have no idea what I'm supposed to say or do... I still feel the cramps, and my boobs still hurt... did I just think of them as my boobs? I guess they are... damn you, Ben! I just... I'm just... Why am I shaking?


"Everything will be okay, sweetheart, I promise," Rebecca says, and I feel a flash of anger.

Nothing's EVER going to to be okay because of YOUR damn son! I just barely keep from saying that out loud, but I guess the look I gave her said enough because Rebecca flinched a little, before continuing to comfort me, pulling me into a hug. As she practically pulls me into her lap, I notice that she's still wearing her skirtsuit. It looks expensive, and I'm a little worried about... staining it... too...

"It will get better, Alex honey, even if it doesn't seem like it right now, it will." She says it with such conviction.

"What was it like when you first got yours?" I have absolutely no idea why that question popped into my head nor why it just sort of fell out of my mouth, but it just did. Wonderful. Rebecca looked thoughtful for a moment.

"I was at dance practice when it happened," she says.

"W-Were there others there?" I ask.

"Yup, the entire team. I was fourteen when it happened, and all my friends were there, along with my mom and my sister." Okay, at least this happened here, while I was alone... well, alone in my room. I say as much and Rebecca smiles, stroking my head.

"Oh yeah, not the best highlight of my life, that moment," Rebecca says, still smiling. "My mom wasn't really a lot of help. She helped me get to the car with my sister, but I swear, it was like she wanted to take pictures to mark the occasion."

"Wow," I can't think of anything else to say to that. Then a fresh wave of cramps hits.

"S-So what do I do now?" I ask. I feel like that's a stupid question, but Rebecca just smiles and leans in to gently plant a kiss on the tip of my pink nose. Look, I'm not going to describe all the nitty gritty of what Rebecca's talking me through about what's happening with my... body... you can find out in health class or something if you really wanna know so badly... and she made sure to cover certain... products... I knew some of this stuff anyway... but it's nice to have her here, talking me down. And yeah... I'm pretty sure that we're both aware that my being a female feline makes this whole situation weirder. But... I don't know... I... it feels like... maybe... she and I are closer? That feels like a cliche... as does pointing out a cliche... but that's the only way I can think to describe it...

We sit like this for a while, and I get myself more or less under control. I suggest taking a shower, and Rebecca nods. I get up and go into my bathroom, shutting the door behind me. I strip off my shorts and panties first, in just one go, and I don't look at them. Then I take off my tank top. I turn on the water, and immediately step inside. I more or less mechanically just scrub myself... especially... down there. I don't look down. I'm toweling off when I notice my clothes on the bathroom tile are gone. I guess Rebecca took them. I exit the bathroom, with my towel wrapped around me like women do in movies and shows, to see an opened package on my bed.

I can already guess what it is... yup... a package of... pads... I sigh as I go to my dresser and pull out a pair of panties... these ones are blue... as opposed to what are now my ruined orange ones. I slip on my underwear before I open the package and pull one of the pantyliners out. I remember what Rebecca walked me through, and put it in my p-panties. According to the package, these are for... heavy flows... so I'm pretty aware of its presence... not that I have much choice. I then grab a bra from my drawer, taking off the towel. I forgot that my breasts were sore, but I put the damn thing on anyway. And I did not just let out an annoyed huff. I put on some jeans and a grey T-shirt before I open my door and make my way downstairs.

Rebecca smiles warmly at me from the couch, patting a cushion right beside her. I make my way over and take a seat, wincing a little as I am reminded of my... pad. On the TV is some kinda movie on that one channel that's advertised for women, Lifespan. My general impression of the channel was that it was mainly movies about women in abusive relationships, crazy women who were stalkers and murderers, romcoms, and stuff to make women cry. I guess that that's probably just me oversimplifying their programming, but that's just the impression that I got from its advertising. Not that I mind watching the channel, at least with Rebecca. It just... I feel a little better around her... about... this...
Moving on, the movie that's on seems to be a Lifespan Original. It's clearly a romcom. I'm not really a fan of romantic comedies. Not because I'm... I was... a guy... It's because they're all pretty much the same movie. Oh sure, different details and actors and stuff like that, but the core story is pretty much the exact same thing. Will they, or won't they? Will they, or won't they? Will they, or--yes. They will. If they don't get together in the movie, it will be heavily implied that they are absolutely going to get together just before the end credits.

I open my mouth to say as much, but instantly shut it tight. I don't want to say anything that could hurt Rebecca's feelings. She and Nick have been so nice to me, taking me in, actually seeming to... to give a damn about me... making me feel... w-welcome... Why the hell am I crying about this? Rebecca looks like she's about to say something about it, but I find myself flinging my arms around her, my tears flowing freely down the fur on my cheeks.

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"Thank you." My voice sounds like a rough mumble, but I can't help it. My roiling emotions come and go, along with yet another cramp. After we let go, with Rebecca still sitting close to me, we watch the movie. I notice that once again I'm playing with my tail, but I don't do a damn thing to stop it. It's my tail, and I'll fiddle around with it if I want to! Uhm... a-anyways, this movie, while still pretty predictable, isn't that bad. The two main characters are apparently on the worst first date ever. My little crying fit made me miss why his tie is burnt and why the woman's hair is all messed up, but it's still worth a chuckle.

And commercial time. I stretch a little as I get up from the couch; gotta go to the bathroom. I've made my way over to the stairs when the front door unlocks and opens. In walks Nick, smiling at me. He's wearing his red scrubs and looks exhausted, yet once again, like the happiest guy in the world. I asked him about his new position of Chief Nursing Executive. According to him, it's a lot of extra work, and he loves every minute of it. He's been making decisions that actually matter, while also still logging in time with the patients. He had gone into a bunch of details I could only barely follow, but i surmised that this was something he's wanted for a very long time. He walks over to me and gives me a hug, something he's recently started doing, apparently feeling more comfortable around me.

"Hey there, kiddo," he says. Oh crap, why is that making me tear up now?

"Is something wrong, Alex?" he asks, worried. I know that he's a nurse, but there is absolutely no way in any Hell that I'm telling him that I just started my... p-p-period... If it's gunna happen to me every month... oh gods... I'm going to feel like this every month? Crap. Anyways... I might as well get used to calling it what it is. M-my... period... Oh! He's waiting for an answer. Just as I'm about to speak, Ben walks in and shuts the door behind himself. He sees me and smiles before my involuntary hiss wipes it off his face. I let out a sniffle and then immediately bolt upstairs, crying and hating myself for it all the way into my room. I still have to pee, so I take care of that first... well... that and... change the... pad...

I lay on the bed and let myself cry it all out. The crying subsides, leaving me feeling embarrassed. I can hear a muffled conversation going on downstairs, but I try to tune it out. I'm not very successful. I can hear Rebecca explaining to what I assume is Ben that right now I'm not feeling too well.

"Is something wrong?" I can hear Ben ask, sounding concerned.

"No," Rebecca says, "Alex is just... going through something right now."

"Is it the reporters outside? Because I think at this point we can call the police on them for loitering, or harassment," Ben suggests. I feel a flash of frustration. Why the hell can't he just let this go?

"No, it's not them, sweetie," Rebecca seems to be trying to choose her words carefully. Maybe she knows... or at least suspects that I can hear her. Great, now I'm feeling guilty for eavesdropping when I wasn't even trying to! Not that I try to, it's just these damn ears that move about to zero in on sounds! Ears I have thanks to Ben!

"Is it... something to do with her old foster home?" He's still guessing? I think if he had turned me into a dog girl, I'd be growling right now.

"No, Ben, it's a sensitive issue. Alex is just fine, but she's just feeling a little... emotional right now." I... okay... I guess that that's a fair statement...

"Oh," I hear Nick say, "I think I know what you're getting at, babe." Nick is a nurse, so I guess that it would make sense for him to be able to figure out what's going on.

"Ben, let's you and me go for a walk," he says.

"O-Okay, Dad," Ben says back, just before I hear two sets of footsteps heading in the direction of the back yard. So Nick is going to explain to Ben what's wrong with me... I didn't know that it was possible to be grateful and mortified at the same time. My ears, which briefly lay flat against my head, swivel back up to trace a soft set of footsteps, no doubt Rebeca, heading upstairs. My ears follow the steps as they make their way to my door, stopping. Sure enough, Rebecca knocks.

"Alex, honey?" Rebecca's voice softly calls through the door. I'm not too surprised that she would come up and talk to me about this. I feel conflicted. I simultaneously want to sink into the ground as well as run over to the door, open it, and hug Rebecca again. Instead, I get up and walk over to the door, my hand hovering over the knob, hesitating, before I open it. Rebecca stands there, looking concerned, while I can only manage to look at my paw-feet. She puts an arm around my shoulder and starts to guide me towards the bed.

"So... I hear Nick's explaining that it's m-my time of the m-month," I say, trying to sound nonchalant. I sound totally chalant.

"Yes, and he's just explaining to Ben the importance of being sensitive about it," Rebecca says, rubbing my back.

"And probably on ways he can help," I say, a bitter edge creeping into my voice, and I have no idea why. Rebecca says nothing, just continuing to rub my back.

"There's a lot of things a girl can do to help make this easier," Rebecca offered.

"Like what?" I briefly wonder why Rebecca hadn't mentioned this earlier, but I chalk it up to her maybe sensing that I wasn't ready to hear it or something to that effect.

"Nice warm showers, yoga, soft, meditative music, chocolate, I've tried quite a bit," Rebecca says.

"Does that all really help?" I ask, suddenly picturing myself doing yoga and twisting myself into a cat pretzel. No, thank you.

"Some to a greater degree than others. The music works best for me most of the time," Rebecca explains. "We'll just have to see what works for you. Oh, and of course there are medicines that can help, especially with the cramps."

"Does it... always feel like... this?" I ask.

"Some periods are better than others. I think it's especially jarring for you because you used to be a boy," she says, stroking my back. Makes sense.

"I'm having a hard time thinking that this is something I'll ever get used to," I reply.

"Perfectly understandable," is Rebecca's answer. I don't think she's going to say that I will, but I can feel that it was implied. A section of my mind is still holding out hope that I can change back one day, but seeing as how Ben was blackout drunk at the time he made the wish, I don't think I'll ever know how he had phrased it. Without knowing exactly how he worded it, I'll never be able to undo the wish, provided I can ever find one of those loras stones.

Nope. Not going to focus on that again. Thinking about how even rarer than the wishing stones the loras stones are makes this seem even more hopeless and--nope, focus on the here and now. Anyways, while that part of my mind is holding out hope, another section is hoping that Rebecca's right, and I one day will get used to having... periods. Because at least then I'll probably be able to handle them, I think.
I let out a yawn , which Rebecca takes note of.

"And that's another thing," she says, her voice soft and comforting, "resting and relaxing can be really helpful too."

I want to protest that I don't feel like taking a cliched catnap, but a wave of fatigue suddenly washes over me out of nowhere. I mumble meekly as she guides me down onto the bed, pulling back the comforter and sheet for me.

"It's okay, sweetheart," she says softly as she actually tucks me in, which is just... nice... but embarrassing and awkward.

"It may be confusing at times, but it's important to listen to what your body is trying to tell you, at least when it comes to sleep."

I try to protest, letting out another yawn instead. Rebecca then starts stroking my head and--dammit! Again with the purring. I mean, it does feel nice, and I guess that I am kinda sleepy... I just... oh never mind.

As I drift off, I feel Rebecca lean down and kiss my cheek. I'll just... rest my eyes for a little bit... that's all...






Thank you all so much for taking the time to read this newest chapter! A special thanks to Trismegistus Shandy for their extra help with this chapter! Thank you, Shandy! Hugs.

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