Hakushaku to Yousei

Chapter 11: Volume 2 - CH 4

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P. 126

P. 140

She must be talking about when they found the young boy, but more importantly, Lydia wanted to ask about Lord Graham.


When Carlton made a visit to the earl’s house claiming that Lydia hadn’t come home yet, it seemed like he had already went to several places to look for his daughter and to top it off the thought of picking up a hack completely slipped his mind, so he apparently had walked all the way to the earl’s residence.

According to the housekeeper’s account, Lydia had left to go home early sometime just after noon and shut herself in Carlton’s study, but then went out again sometime in the evening.

When she left, Lydia said she was going out to give back something forgotten to someone and she only had on light clothing that didn’t look like she was going to stay out long.

“Pardon me, my lord. I thought she might had some sort of business here, so I came.”

P. 149

When Carlton found out that Lydia wasn’t there as well, he looked like he was about to take off again.

“Mr. Carlton, please try to calm down. I’ll also go around to places that she might have gone to,” said Edgar to prevent him from leaving.

He had his butler prepare his coat and hat, and called for Raven.

When Edgar heard this news, Rosalie immediately came to mind.

After the solo recital was over and he returned home, Rosalie made a terrible fuse that she had dropped something. As soon as Raven said that he had handed the thing he picked up to Lydia, the color of her face changed and she sped out of his house.

Raven said that what she dropped looked like ‘a stone similar to an Easter egg,’ but Edgar intuitively knew that it was the ‘fairy egg.’

That originally was his possession.

In the ‘Wonder Chamber’ that took up a corner of the large manor house that Edgar grew up in, there were endless numbers of rare treasures from all ages and countries that were collected by his past generation family members. Like its name, it was a room that was made to surprise the guests that entered it. There were numerous relics with strange and interesting histories and although it might appear vulgar or gross to gaze in wonder at unidentifiable mummies and stuffed animals but that wasn’t unusual in the families of the peerage.

P. 150

The ‘fairy egg’ was just one of the many artifacts that were on display there.

With a pattern that looked like it was covered with thin veins of a leaf and the water that was trapped inside. As a child, he was drawn to the mysterious movement of the water’s shadows that moved inside the stone.

He didn’t know that it was an agate, or its other name was the ‘fairy egg’ or the legend behind it and had secretly taken it out off his father’s ‘Wonder Chamber.’ He remembered that he always had it hidden in his pocket. But couldn’t remember when he lost it. 

Until he found out that Rosalie had that agate stone.

The first time he met her was at the seat of a tea party hosted by a certain noblewoman. She claimed that the glass ball used in the fortune-telling game was a mere child’s play and so Rosalie showed that agate stone to the young ladies there.

At that moment the jumbled memories of Edgar immediately pieced themselves together.

A hazy memory of a cold dark room he was tied up in. Plagued by a horrifying nightmare and not being able to tell dream from reality as he feared the approach of the fogman. The two girls he thought were an illusion. He remembered that he handed over the water-sealed agate stone he always carried around with him to them. 

And then, at that moment, he realized. If Rosalie was the girl from that time, then the one who was the cause of all his pain and torture was someone that was in close proximity to her. 

From then on, Edgar narrowed down the names of the one who was involved in his kidnapping to Lord Graham who was related to her and started his investigation.

P. 151

He immediately found out that Rosalie was unaware of the criminal acts of Graham. She was just a selfish, egotistical, naïve young lady.

Since he found that out, Edgar wasn’t all that interested in the bogey beast that Lydia was talking about. There was no mistake that Graham was unrelated to that. 

So he figured that if Lydia hadn’t come home and something happened, it must only be another fight that continued from the one this morning with Rosalie and so unrelated with Graham. 

But Graham was near Rosalie. If he found Lydia, then the situation would turn worse.

“Um, has Lydia gotten herself involved with something dangerous again?”

“Everything’s fine. I think she’s just kept back by a little willful acquaintance,” said Edgar in a calm tone like no big deal as much as he could. Since Carlton showed such a worried face to him.

He was a man on the thinner side and his appearance made him looked tired and aged, and it was hard to try to find a resemblance with Lydia, but he pushed up his round spectacles that played up his goofy appearance and looked straight in the eye at Edgar. 

“My lord, Lydia has her trust in you. A fairy doctor’s job comes with its dangers but if my daughter has chosen to work for the earl family, would you please protect her.”

The scholar-like sharp eyes that were used for observation must have figured out what sort of character Edgar was.

P. 152

He must also have realized that Lydia was involved in some sort of dangerous incident. 

And yet he decided that he wouldn’t press any further if Lydia had her trust in him. 

He did resemble his daughter as a father who also had a soft heart.

“Yes, of course. Your daughter saved my life, and I’ll do everything in my power to protect her.”

Carlton must have been satisfied with that response and went home.

He wasn’t lying when he said he thought that she saved his life.

But Lydia didn’t trust Edgar like Carlton claimed she was. Of course she wouldn’t

It was normal to think that one should keep their distance away from a phony criminal. 

Edgar himself, couldn’t show all of the cards he had in his hand.

To tell the truth, she was different from Raven and his past comrades, so he was confused at how much distance he should put between them. 

She wasn’t someone who shared the experience with him in the depths of despair and poverty and even if Lydia was told of someone else’s unlucky past, it would only be troublesome for her.

He couldn’t be sure if that could be a reasonable excuse to take advantage of her and use her without telling Lydia the truth and his circumstances, but in the end Edgar only was using her half-handedly. 

“Hmm, so you do have some conscience that condemns.”

He felt that the meowing voice coming from the floor which was aimed at him as he had on a troubled expression was Nico.

“Nico, where are you going?”

P. 153

“To look for Lydia. I can’t rely on you any longer.”

He watched as Nico dashed off outside the door and disappear, but that could have just been the fog that was passing by.

Edgar took ahold of the stick that was held out to him by Raven and stepped outside.

“Lord Edgar, I had just gotten some news from one of our informers.”

“Is it bad news?”

“At this timing, yes.”

“…..Was the man who attacked Lydia in the park hired by Graham?”

“Yes. The man was called ‘the dog tamer’ and was periodically used by Graham. Graham had also asked around to several hoodlums in the downtown area to go after the Earl Ashenbert’s fairy doctor. The man who previously helped out in slaying psychic girls, clairvoyantes, and girls who sees premonitions, but this time he refused or so I was told.”

“Which means Graham is definitely one of Prince’s men.”

Edgar went silent to concentrate for a moment, then asked Raven again.

“And, what is that?”

He asked because he saw Raven holding a can that was bent in one spot.

“It wouldn’t stop saying to deliver it to the fairy doctor.”

P. 154



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The letter that the Worpole family’s maid was secretly asked to take to Rosalie’s room was from Edgar.

It only said that he wanted to see her, which made the young girl in high spirits, and departed alone to go to the famous hotel that was used by the people of the ton. 

It was usually used by the nobles to stay long periods of time as they lived in the countryside and didn’t have a residence in London, otherwise, it was a respectable hotel that many of the ton members stayed at like their hiding place.

The room that Rosalie was lead to was a guestroom that was furnished with completely composed, unobtrusive furniture. 

The blond haired Earl met to greet her. She felt victorious at his smile.

“I was surprised that you suddenly wanted to see me.”

“Why? You knew that I was completely enamored of you?”

When she was gazed down by his forlorn, doleful ash mauve eyes, her heart beaded rapidly.

“But it hasn’t been that long since we parted.”

“It’s been several hours. And besides, I wanted to talk with you more in private.”

P. 156

It was just like the fairy said. As long as she listened to it, the happiness she was expecting came. 

She gave herself up to the appealing whispers of his and took a sip of the wine he offered her, which all made Rosalie feel great.

That girl named Lydia, she was such a liar for saying that Edgar was dangerous.

Even if a man was a little dangerous, they would turn loyal in front of a charming lady.

“Actually there was something that I wanted to give you.”

“Oh, I wonder what?”

Opening a velvet case he took out, there was a ruby necklace inside.

“Oh, my, this is for me? Could I accept such an expensive gift.”

“Do you like it?”

“Yes, of course.”

“Then please tell me where Lydia is.”

She thought she misheard him. Because Edgar was still looking at Rosalie with gentle eyes like he was in love with her.

“…..What did you say?”

“You know, right? Where Lydia is. I thought she may still be with you, but the maid at the baron house said that you returned home alone quite some time ago. But Lydia remains missing ever since she has met you.”

P. 157

Blood immediately rushed to her head. Rosalie felt like she was insulted and threw down the necklace.

“How dare you, I don’t know anything about Miss Carlton! And I won’t accept this!”

“It’s not me to return it to. That’s a present from Lord Graham to you.”

“From Uncle…..?”

That didn’t make any sense. 

Edgar made a little chuckle and in that little second he appeared like a completely different man to Rosalie’s eyes.

It was a chilling, inhuman smile that she never saw before.

“Did you know that this hotel’s owner was Lord Graham? But he had a terribly large debt, that was built up from his excessive spending and the gambles he lost to, but this was also secured as his mortgage. So, I seized this place just now as I was his creditor and this room was used by Lord Graham and so it has his things still in it, but how interesting, there were so many interesting things that you couldn’t dare leave laying around in your house.”

For example, said Edgar as he stood up and held out a group of papers. Rosalie, who was in a complete chaos, wasn’t able to accept them strongly, so the wad of papers all fell to the floor. 

P. 158

“He had been using the fortune that was suppose to be Lady Doris’. Of course, you were also a victim of that. However he started to not be able to make up for the damage. So what was he going to do? He thought. First, he had Lady Doris go missing. You were wanting to make her do as you said and there were many who knew that you were unilaterally doing mean things to her. That was it. Your flamboyant and vain personality where you would supply ample money to men you took a liking to but didn’t realize that you were being an easy mark for your money, would become a key part of the plan. Lord Graham had already driven away several men in the past to stop you from throwing out all the family’s savings. Luckily, you were quick to fall for them but also quick to be bored of them and so you were quick to forget about the men you financed. But he used that against you and made it look like you had gotten your hands on Lady Doris’ savings. And when you also went missing, society would figure that you got rid of Doris and couldn’t hide that and went on an escape.”

On a number of the paperwork that were scattered by her feet, she saw that they were signed as if in her handwriting to make it appear like Rosalie had been the one that was doing the expensive shopping. Even the ruby necklace must have been made to look like she bought it. 

“Now I went this far and let you know of your dangerous situation. I’d really like it if you’d answered my question.”

While in her disoriented state of mind, she was vaguely able to understand the actions of her uncle, but Rosalie was more terrified of Edgar in front of her.

Who in the world is this man?

She thought he was the kind, gentle, breathtakingly handsome earl, but now his perfectly sculptured face appeared chilling cold. 

She backed away to tried to run but he grabbed ahold of Rosalie’s arm.

P. 159

P. 160

“I…I’ll scream.”

“Go ahead as much as you like. There are no other guests on this floor and I already had a word with the manager. To not pay attention even if they heard the sound of a screaming woman.”

"Where’s Lydia?", he pressed on.

“If something were to happen to me….you’ll never be able to find her…”

“Is that so.”

A second after those words had left his mouth, he turned his head and called for someone. 

“Open the window.”

For the first time, Rosalie realized that there was an auburn-skinned servant standing in the corner of the room.

Edgar dragged her to the windowsill.

“No, STOP! What are you doing?!”

“If you don’t intend to talk, then it wouldn’t be any different to me if something were to happen to you.”

Without any hesitation, he grabbed Rosalie’s neck. He pushed her further out the window as she lost her breath from suffocation.

“Intoxicated by the wine and on a spree fell out the window, is what they’d think.”

I’m going to be killed. Rosalie sensed his seriousness and lost control of herself and cried and screamed for her life. Most likely she must have spilled the truth about Lydia as she was crying. 

When the suffocation stopped and she came to her senses, she was sitting on the floor. She couldn’t stop from sobbing convulsively and her body wouldn’t stop trembling. 

P. 161

And yet, she felt an overpowering drowsiness come over her, there must have been something put in the wine.

“Young naïve little lady. You should learn that you’re able to dream like the world revolves around you because of your blind ignorance.” 

He swiftly put on his overcoat and was about to leave the room with his servant.

“Oh, yes, the wine you had was also from this room. Although I don’t know what was in it.”

No. I’m scared. If I lose consciousness here, then Uncle would come….

But the blond devil walked out of the room, leaving Rosalie alone.

For some reason, the memory of the blond young boy who she mercilessly abandoned, just like this, came to mind.

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