Hakushaku to Yousei

Chapter 18: Volume 3 - CH 4

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P. 125


Paul pointed out that Lydia was trembling and he didn’t back down at that time. 

If he entered the earl residence in order to search around the grounds, then he would have avoided doing something that would upset Edgar’s temper.

Which means, Paul is indeed unrelated to the “Scarlett Moon?”

Or did his sense of justice overpower his urge to complete his mission.

As Edgar was fumbling that over in his head, he quickly overwhelmed with self-hate and let out a sigh.

“Is something the matter?”

Raven, who was sitting near the door, looked over to him as he asked.

Beyond the glass window, the hustle and bustle of people who crowded the Oxford Streetpassed by. 

He wanted to organize his thoughts on if Paul was connected to the Robin Hood gang, but however much he started a new train of thought, the image of Lydia’s face would pop up. 

“Just a little something.”

P. 154

He felt remorse for making Lydiatremble in his arms, but Edgar had sensed the presence of Paul near at that time, and in order to see how he would move, he purposefully didn’t let Lydia go.

On the other hand, he was irritated at her for continuing to reject him and had a feeling like things would have turned ugly if he didn’t stop himself. 

There was a cold side of him who was calculating Lydia’s worth and an emotional part of him who was just seeking for Lydia.

It would be troublesome for him if Lydia who had left him and so it would of course be best to build a friendship between them as she wished, but the proposal of that idea only upsetted him, so there was nothing else he could do.

“Raven, there’s no doubt that I’m using Lydia for my benefit, and yet I wonder why I don’t want her to think that I am.”

“How do you want her to think of her?”

“Like, I’m deeply in love with her so I don’t want to let her go at all costs.”

“Wouldn’t that be impossible at this point.”

That’s why I’m troubled, thought Edgar as he crossed his arms. No matter how much he said that, Lydia wouldn’t believe him. 

“Sir, are you serious about that?”

“Yes, I don’t want to let her go at all.”

“No…..I didn’t mean about that.”

P. 155

“If I’m deeply in love? The problem is if everything would turn out wonderful if that were seriously the case, then I can get serious.”

Like he didn’t understand, Raven tilted his head.

“But, Lydia wouldn’t approve of that kind of seriousness.”

It will always be my one-sided feelings. Said Edgar, as he breathed out those words in a sigh.

“I’ve never heard of that kind of serious love.”

There was a voice that shouldn’t have belonged in the carriage.

“I can’t believe you. I knew I couldn’t leave Lydia in your hands.”

On the seat in front of him, the one who faintly appeared was a young man with wavy jet-black hair. 

Edgar stopped Raven with only a glance as he was about to react. 

“Mr. Kain, if you have business with me, then you would need to go through my butler first.”

“Human rules don’t apply to me. And besides, Lydia just wants to become a fairy doctor and doesn’t care about you at all. Don’t misunderstand that.”

“Wasn’t your proposal refused by her? At least, I haven’t been denied yet.”

“I don’t consider myself refused. Humans quickly grow old and incompetent and they come to hate each other and kill each other and deceive one another. If one was a fairy doctor, then eventually they are sure to choose a life with fairies than those kinds of creatures.”

P. 156

“You were a kelpie, was that right. Don’t you eat humans? I would think even Lydiawould have her guard up so that she wasn’t eaten by accident.”

“I would never eat her. A kelpie’s will is strong.”

“What a waste. I would want to taste Lydia.”

Kelpie didn’t hide his frown. 

“You….., even though you’re a human. Are you a pervert?”

Edgar chuckled and raised his eyes. 

“Why do you have feelings for Lydia? Isn’t against the nature of a water horse to have feelings for a  human?”

“It’s because she doesn’t fear me. Of course, she sees me as dangerous since I’m a water horse. But, she sees me not as my species, but just as myself. Even if I get near her and talk to her, she doesn’t run away. I never met a human like that.”

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“Then you were cut-off and lonely till you met Lydia.”

“Lonely? Water horses are like that. We don’t group even with our own kind and live in solitude.”

“But, you met her and discovered the comfort of being accepted by others. And so, you came to want her all for yourself.”

Kelpie stared back at him, like he was observing inside his heart. He had such beautiful, black pearl eyes.

P. 157

His inhuman and devilish shine shared a quality with Lydia’s golden-green eyes.

Like they saw passed anything, which made you feel that there was no use in hiding anything, hence, put you in a relax.

“So you know.”

“I’m the same. She didn’t fear what I had done in the past. She wasn’t swayed by the label that society would put on someone like me, but listened to what I had to say and pitied me. She helped me. She helped me remember the human part of me that no one should lose. As long as I have Lydia, I believe that I would remain relatively decent from now on as well.”

“Ohh, so you’re the type of human doomed for hell.”

Kelpie made a devilishly happy smirk. It made one dizzy, perhaps that was his magic as a fae. Now that I remember, his kind doesn’t choose and eats both man and woman. So men are also influenced by this mysterious beauty as well.

He’s like the finest of statues. No wonder people who want to get their hands on them and set them in traps. 

“Lord Edgar!”

Raven shouted out to him and placed his hand on Edgar’s shoulder. In his other hand, he pointed a knife in the middle of Kelpie’s brow.

“Don’t get all steamed up, little boy. ….No, is that a snake? Or is it a bird?”

Once Kelpie pulled back, Edgar’s body suddenly felt lighter, like he was released from a bounding spell.

“I’m all right, Raven.”

P. 158

Whispered Edgar, as he made his valet pull back his knife. 

“You could say that. Although I don’t believe in hell. ….That’s why, Mr. Kain, I have no intention of letting her free. That is definitely certain.”

The black fae laughed with a hmph.

“Challenge accepted.”

After Kelpie disappeared, the carriage stopped not long after.

The place Edgar came to was the UniversityCollege, a London university.

He stepped off of the carriage, and headed alone to the building where Carlton worked.

There was something he wanted to ask and discuss with him, so he had the professor open up his schedule between his private lessons.

He was guided by one of the college staff and when he reached the laboratory, Carlton, who had his hair untidy as he wore his spectacles, which made him more like a general office handyman more than a professor.

“Welcome, my lord. Pardon this room for being in such a state of chaos,” said Carltonas he slipped through a tall stack of paperwork and his desk, but the hem of his coat was caught on his chair and made the mountain of papers crashing down with a loud noise.

“Ahhh, now, I really shouldn’t have stacked all of these books on top of each other… Oh, my lord, please don’t be bothered. Please, have a seat.”

P. 159

He finally realized that there was another pile of paperwork that crowded on top of the sofa for guests and rushed to move them aside.

His manner and movements were so clumsy and disordered that unless his assistant Langley, who had been in the next room, didn’t quickly give a hand, he was sure to make that pile of papers come crashing down yet again.

“Uh, so then, you said you have something to discuss, did Lydia cause any sort of trouble?”

P. 168

And he softly made a declaration to Edgar. 

It was useless for him to approach Lydia on a whim of a feeling.

If he was told that, Edgar was more like the type to have his urge to take up a fight heightened. That was the case when he was crossing glares with Kelpie. 

But right now, unexpectedly, it made him depressed.

There were plenty of ways to keep Lydia from running off. If that meant he needed to become serious about her, he arrogantly thought that, sure, he could be serious. 

But it was like that enthusiasm and scheme was easily pulled out by the root, which surprisingly just made Edgar simply want to see Lydia.

She had commuted to work to the earl family house today as well, but she locked herself in her office and didn’t even open the door for Edgar.

Even if he deserved it, it looked like she wasn’t going to talk to him for a while. 

That was no that big of a deal. For Lydia, the job of a fairy doctor was important, and even if the reason was that she couldn’t allow herself to take a day off of work, so he thought that he wasn’t completely rejected by her. 

He had the confidence that he could make yesterday’s ordeal be swept under the carpet. 

But, even if he was able to do that, he realized that didn’t mean it would make Lydiaremain by his side on her own will.

P. 169

He sensed that he quite, really liked Lydia, and yet, he felt he was rebuffed and dismissed in that he was missing something conclusive.

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