Hakushaku to Yousei

Chapter 33: Volume 5 - CH 5

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P. 157


She felt her head pounding from a headache and a cold shiver run through her, probably because she was wet from the rain. 

For that night, Lydiaunusually went to bed early and as she was nearly drifting off, she was dreaming of being at her house in Scotland.

The old house that was at the corner of the town was surrounded by a large garden. The garden was filled with grasses and trees that the fairies adored, so it had become the gathering ground and passageway for fairies and constantly the source of a busy commotion.

From the second floor window, you could see the fairy rath that stood circularly mounded up on the earth in one part of the vast field of heaths. 

Fairies tend to come from there and spend some time enjoying themselves in one of their favorite locations, and then eventually go back there. 

Lydia sat by her window was looked out into the hill, and murmured to herself I’ve home now. 

As she dazed about she won’t be returning to that London anymore and was reminiscing oddly about how those few months were like a dream in her dream. 

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She, who didn’t have hardly any experience in being with the opposite sex was flirted with and proposed to.

She wondered what would have happened if she were to remain in London.

I wonder…..if I would have gotten married. 

With that Edgar? How ridiculous. Sooner or later it was going to end up like this. 

It’s all right, Lydia cheered herself again. It wasn’t like I went through heart broke or anything. It was good that this happened before I fell in love with him. 

There wasn’t even any chance that I would fall for him. He’s a man that doesn’t choose in who to flirt with.

For no reason, Lydia traced her lips with her fingers and thought it was the greatest mistake of my life. 

He asked her why she couldn’t understand him. Even to go as far as to say that he would let Kelpie have the diamond.

That was surely a lie. Just his specialty of not doing what he says. 

And yet, why do I have to be the one to feel bad and guilty?

“Young miss, are you crying?”

It was the coblynau’s voice. She couldn’t see him.

“What? I would never be crying.”

“Bow is telling me so. That the young miss’ heart is wounded and she is in sorrow.”

Lydia quickly lifted up her hand and realized that she still had on the moonstone ring. 

She wondered if she forgot to ask him to take it off and came home wearing it.

P. 162

She didn’t have anything to do with Edgar now.

“Coblynau. Would you take this off. He's already agreed to annulling our engagement.”

“Oh, no, he still hasn’t, young miss. You are only running away into a dream of yours.”

“But I don’t want something like this. I don’t have any intention of getting married.”

“Yes, yes, I can understand your feelings. The earl is being quite the unfaithful one. However, young miss, you must not lose to the other women. Because you are the rightful fiancée of his.”

Oh, who cares. Don’t bother me.

She might have hurt Edgar. But even Lydia was hurt.

If it was just a marriage to keep his fairy doctor by his side and yet he was treating Lydia as someone’s replacement and wanted her to comfort him, then that was just horrible. 

She had enough of the lies like he actually had serious feelings for Lydia.

It wasn’t like he was hurt at all, so don’t pretend like you’re hurt. 

“Please don’t cry, young miss. This old me will do something about it. Yes, indeed, so that the earl would treasure just you young miss. Please leave everything to me.”

Her head was pounding. 

Her dream ended, and Lydia was half-awake when she heard the voice of the coblynau.

But, she felt into a deep slumber once more.

P. 163

And when she awakened, she noticed everything around her bright and sparkling. 

Ahh, it’s because of the chandelier. 

A chandelier was covered with clear crystals reflecting the gas-lit flames and radiated luminously. 

Chandelier? By no means could there be such a light hanging in my room….

Lydia’s trail of thought ended there, as she sprung up from her resting position.

She had been lying down on a long, slender sofa.

A transparently-thin curtain was blocking the view around her, but from the other side which she could see faintly through the cloth, she could tell she was in a spacious room that was filled with marvelous pieces of furniture.

Lydia had a feeling she’d seen this place before and was about to stand up, but the piece of cloth that was wrapped around her got in the way and she wasn’t able to move freely. 

“Wh-what is this…..”

When she lifted up her arm, she heard a clinking sound, like metal hitting each other. The golden pieces of decorations that were woven into her sleeve and veil, were hitting against each other.

It was an outfit like the princess of an Arabian knight. And on top of that: this room. 

It was Edgar’s harem. 

And for some strange reason, Lydia was in place of the blond-haired doll that should have been sitting here and she even was wearing the doll’s exotic costume. 

P. 164

It was a silk dress decorated with beads and embroidery. There was gold and jewels heavily sown into the cloth on the arm, legs and her hair, but her outfit was surprisingly thin and light.

Lydia lifted up the curtain and gazed at herself in the near-by, big mirror like she was a strange, foreign animal but then realized she was wearing the black diamond necklace.

“What, what is the meaning of this!”

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“Let’s go home. I’ll take you.”

He took off his coat and used it to cover Lydia’s shoulders.

“I think that will be difficult.”

“What do you mean?”

He leaned his head to the side curiously as he opened the main entrance door but the path was blocked with open, exposed rocks.

“Didn’t I say that the goblins had dug holes and made a path? This is their pathway and the fairy realm and human realm have become jumbled up with each other.”

He seemed confused as he set his hand on the wall and combed his hair with his fingers.

“What can we do to get out?”

“We will have to wait until the goblins appear again. Only fairies can see the path of fairies. They are sure to know their paths, so I will make a bargain somehow.”

“It’s just the two of us here until then.”

Lydia heard the two of them and she stepped back a few steps in caution.

“I won’t do anything. But even if I was the one who said that you couldn’t believe me, but I’ll say it just for sake. You can rest easy, so go ahead and lay down on the sofa.”

As Edgar said that, he took a look around the room and searched inside the cabinets. 

“I never imagined that I would be left stranded in the middle of London. And it looks like there isn’t any decent thing to eat in this room.”

P. 183

It was a doll house so it couldn’t be helped.

Lydiadid as he suggested, then felt a cold shiver and pulled the front of the coat she borrowed tightly around her. 

“Are you cold? That coat is quite thin. Looking wise it’s quite thankful though.”

She hurried to hide her stomach area with the coat.

“If I knew you were going to wear that, I should I put more requests in its design.”

“……..Even so, why would you make a doll that looks exactly like your mother wear something like this?”

If she thought about it, it was something that appeared quite strange. 

“If I didn’t make it an outrageous outfit, the doll looked even more like my mother and it was disturbing.”

I guess that would be the normal reaction.

He took a number of alcoholic drinks in a bottle that were placed in the room as interior accessories and some fruits that were again another interior decoration, he walked over to Lydia who was on the sofa.

He sat himself down onto the carpet and opened the bottle of brandy and poured it into a glass. 

“You’ll warm up a little.”

“Thank you…..”

Even as she took the glass, she had made sure to avoid from touching his fingers, so Edgar made a small sour smile.

“You would hug me, but you don’t allow touching from my side do you.”

P. 184

“That’s because…..”

“Because I kissed you without asking?”

Lydia felt that her body temperature rose up dramatically and so she rounded herself.

“If Marquis Barkston is captured by the goblins, then he might be killed by Ulysses. And you haven’t even pulled out all the information out of him that we wanted yet.”

She purposefully changed the subject because she wanted to avoid the topic about the kiss with just the two of them.

“I was able to grasp the gist of it all. And the reason why that man was called Prince.”

Just listening to that story, Lydia wasn’t able to understand everything. But when she imagined that Edgar didn’t have any intentions of revealing the information about what he had figured out about the heart of the matter regarding Prince, then she wasn’t able to bring herself to ask him. 

“You don’t want to hear anything that has to do with me?”

“Is it all right for someone like me to find out?”

“I learned that nothing good comes out from when I keep things secret from my fiancée.”

You are reading story Hakushaku to Yousei at novel35.com

Because it might have turned out like this. Thought Lydia as she looked down at what she was wearing. 

“I said I’m not your fiancée.”

She objected just for sake. Edgar didn’t let that bother him and went on. 

“In 1688, James II was exiled from England and escaped to France. Do you know that afterwards his descendants had seriously tried on two accountants to claim their succession to the throne and tried to invade into England?”

P. 185


As she replied, Lydia was remembering about how she had heard that King’s name just the other day.

Her father had been talking about the two diamonds that were the issue of this. They were the Royal family’s diamonds, but she was told how they were lost during the commotion of the revolution and James II’s exile.

“Bonnie Prince Charlie was the grandchild of James II and led an invasion into England to retrieve the throne but lost.”

She remembered hearing that Jean-mary carried the blood of that man. 

“Most likely Prince and oh, his descendants too…..anyways, I think that he might be closely related to Jean-mary by blood. He was after the Royal family’s diamond, not because it was the legendary jewel, but I thing it was more like as its owner, and as the heir to Bonnie Prince, he was trying to claim as the Prince of Wales.”

“Prince of Wales….”

“The male heirs of the Stuart family should have all died out, but if you go down the bloodline of the female, you would find out that it would be connected to a number of royal families and nobles in Europe. I’ve heard that there are groups that claim that those are the rightful King of Englandand Scotland. But 

Prince, claims that he himself is the Prince, so he must be in a different organization from that.”

P. 186

“Do you think that he’s planning to return to England?”

“Even if he is, I don’t think it would be the same way as the old Bonnie Prince.”

If Marquis Barkston and Jean-mary had married, then the two royal families would be mixed once again. That man said that that was plotted for the sake of Prince. 

Going against their plan, Jean-mary married Duke Sylvainford, but the plot didn’t end there. 

“So your family had the blood of the royal family in it.”

“That’s right. And several of them.”

Most likely, that was the most ideal part for Prince. Because the child of Jean-mary and the duke was surely going to be born with a much more thicker blood of the royal family. 

“That was the reason you were targeted? But, what was their intention for kidnapping you?”

“I guess it was to make the next Prince.”

Make, she thought that was a strange way to say it.

“He didn’t make his own son his heir? Even if he didn’t have a boy, didn’t he think there was more difficulty in making you his heir after he abducted you and made you came to hate Prince?”

“I’m thinking that he wasn’t planning to make me his heir under the normal meaning. They were under the strong belief that they were able to control the will of others how they liked. If I were to be in that organization for long, I think they were anticipating that I would lose my mind and they would be able to mold a new person that had the same way of thinking and feeling as Prince.”

P. 187

Lydia was taken-aback. What on earth did Edgar witness at that place.

He must have gone through a hundred times more torturing experiences at Prince’s organization than the tragedy that happened at the duke house. 

But, even if she thought that, she wasn’t able to imagine what it was. 

Even if someone like me were to hold him, in reality, wouldn’t that really not be of any comfort to Edgar.

“That organization was originally, how would you put it, it had the characteristic of devoting themselves to magical practices and spells. Even if some heir of the exiled King came out claiming their right to the throne right now, it would be impossible to get succession to the throne. And yet, Prince is gathering the blood of the royal family once again and is attempting to make them his puppets. His methods are so odd like he is forcing to make one.”

It was out of her boundaries of imagination. Lydia was gradually becoming confused. It was too bizarre of a story is try to be understood with her head that had a fever.

She gulped down one mouth-full of spirits and gazed dazzlingly over at Edgar. 

He held a pear in his hand and masterfully peeled it with a knife.


The sound of the goblins digging their hole was making a tremendous rumbling vibration throughout the ground. Kelpie’s sensitive mane was able to sense any small vibration that came to the water through the ground. 

“What on earth are they doing, those little pests?”

He wondered if they weren’t planning on making the London underground full of tunnels and pathways. 

The hole they dug was cut off from the human realm and more closer to the fairy realm, but if they went on digging without being careful, it was going to affect the humans on the ground above them.

Kelpie wondered if that was their actual goal, as he gazed at the white diamond that fainted sparkled even in the bottom of water.

“What shall I do with this?”

The diamond that the master of the goblins was looking for was also something that the Blue Knight Earl was searching.

However, that earl kicked away the bargain that Kelpie offered him. 

“That man, is Lydia more important to him that this?”

That was unexpected. Because, he was an earl that carried unending rumors of women with him. He was imaging that the earl just wanted to keep Lydia by his side as one to put in his group of female followers. 

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It should have been a temporary engagement where it benefited him and Lydia, who wished to stay in the human world.

The clear glass-like diamond that was cut in a tear-drop shape was so transparent that it seemed like it could dissolve into the water as it kept its faint light of a silhouette. 

Even the devilish fairy Kelpie felt like there was a magic that seeped out of the jewel and almost sensed a fainting-like dizziness.

While he stared at the jewel, he felt like someone had called him and so he lifted his head up. 

He had a feeling like it was Lydia’s voice.

He rose up to the surface of the water and transformed into his human form to walk up to the bank and listened carefully.

It was Lydia’s voice just like he thought and when he walked over to the group of trees, he spotted someone standing behind in a shadow of a tree. 

The person’s reddish-brown hair flowed in the wind.

“Lydia, what is the matter?”


When he found her, Lydia came dashing over to him and suddenly threw her arms around him.     

“What is it? Were you bullied by that earl?”

Kelpie felt that she was trembling and carefully embraced her shoulders. He wasn’t used to handling humans as other than his meals, so he take particularly caution with Lydia.

P. 193

"I can’t take it anymore. I want to go home to Scotland.”

However, a feeling of tender loving care came rising up in the core of Kelpie’s body that he never experienced before.

The satisfaction that he felt when he ate humans only lasted for a short while, but the pleasing comfort that he felt when he was with Lydia wouldn’t disappear no matter how much time passed by.

“All right then let’s go home.”

“But, Edgar won’t annual our engagement. He’s trying to force me to become his bride.”

“He’s horrible,” said Kelpie, completely forgetting about the fact that he also had tried to force Lydia to become his bride.

“I really am not able to trust Edgar. I realized that fairies understand me much more than humans.”

Her chamomile smelling hair came closer to his face. He felt the blood of the fae in her golden-green eyes. A human that was shared the magic of a fairy; that’s why she is a fairy doctor.

In Lydia’s eyes, there might be some magic. He unexpectedly felt a thrilling shiver run up his body. 

“Lydia, if your saying that, then I’ll go have a talk with the earl. If he doesn’t agree to calling off the engagement, then I’ll bite off his head…., no, I mean,

I’ll protect you so he can’t come close, so you can relax.”


P. 194

It didn’t feel bad to be depended on. When he recalled how adorable she was than usual, he didn’t pay attention to the fact that she was leaning up so close to him which was unusual for Lydia’s character.

“Hey, do you still have that diamond with you?”

“Eh, ah, yes. Do you want it?”

She made a small nod. 

“I was just thinking of throwing it away.”

He put the necklace around her head. He thought it really didn’t suit her, but when he saw how Lydia smiled so happily like never before, then he felt completely satisfied.

However, just then the scenery around him shifted.

Lydia’s body melted away. 


For an instant, everything around him went completely white, like his eyes were being burned from a light that was so unbearably bright.

When his view gradually returned, he saw in his view of the park, there was a young boy of a man standing next to a tree that was a little ways away. 

It was him. The master of the goblins.

“Boy, what did you do?”

He made a grin and held up the diamond necklace.

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“I’ll let you know what the name of this diamond is. It’s called Daydream. Gemstones and fairies all have their names reveal their character. I just brought out the power that this stone holds.”

“So you showed me an illusion.”

“It’s a vision you saw on your own. Your dream? Or your desire? I was wondering why a water horse kelpie was in London, but now I understand, you’re after that fairy doctor girl.”

Kelpie gave a menacing glare at the lad that was much more slender than that earl and seemed like he was able to snap in two with his bare hands.

If he was just a regular human, Kelpie would be jumping in and taking a bite out of him, but he was a man that knew how to use fairy magic. Kelpie couldn’t act recklessly. 

“Boy, I heard that your going against that Blue Knight Earl.”

As soon as the lad heard that name, his face twisted into a cruel, cold-blooded one. 

“Ah, yes, since it’s my duty to kill the earl.”

“Hmm, so you’re going to kill him. How?”

“I’m going to slowly torture him and finish him off.”

He had no reason to oppose. However, Kelpie was worried about Lydiawho was in close proximity to the earl. 

And besides, this boy was much more despicable than that stuck-up earl. And Kelpie felt that because he could see that this human had the power to communicate with fairies and considered them only to use as he pleased.

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