Hakushaku to Yousei

Chapter 48: Volume 8 - CH 4

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p. 132


“Lydia, what are you reading?”

To the unexpected voice, Lydia slammed her book shut.

She hadn’t realized that someone had entered the room; the man who was standing by her side was the lord of this estate, Edgar Ashenbert.

P. 135

Lydia, who was a Fairy Doctor, was a girl hired by this man who had just recently attained the title of the Earl of Ibrazel (the fairy world.)

It had only been a few months since she had come out of the countryside in Scotland, and was now hired to help Edgar, who was completely clueless when it came to fairies, by racking her brain on how the fairies who lived on his lands could coexist with humans in peace. 

But putting that aside, Lydia constantly kept her guard up around Edgar who was standing smiling pleasantly at her and then hid the book from his sight by hiding it behind her. 

“It’s nothing,” she said.

But the book was immediately taken away from her with one swift movement of his hand.

“A romance novel? Oh, so you read these kinds of books.”

“It isn’t mine. Someone dropped it here. I think one of the maids might have forgotten it.”

It was thought, nowadays, that it was improper for unmarried young women to be interested in the opposite sex. Lydia was aware that adults who had good common sense would frown at such things like this currently popular romance novel.

But she also knew that it was very popular amongst young women.

Although she heard about it, because she spent more time with fairies than with people, she never had an opportunity to read the book.

That’s why she felt that it was even more improper to read it openly in front of others.

“Is it interesting?”

P. 136

“Huh? I-I don’t know. I flipped it open just now. Oh, someone might be looking for it, so I should hand it to Mr. Tomkins."

Lydia got it back from Edgar and tried to leave the room. 

“Aren’t you curious? About if the two of them in were successful in their runaway?”

She stopped in her tracks.

Of course I’m curious. I just got to the scene when they strengthened their resolve and promised to elope. 

She was so engrossed in the story that she didn’t even notice that Edgar had entered the room. 

But why did he know the plot of this book?

“Isn’t eloping dramatic? Even if they’re opposed by everyone around them, don’t you think it means that they lived up to their love? It proves how strong their bond was to each other.”

He wore a finely tailored flock coat with a silk necktie pinned down with a sparkling yellow crystal. That man narrowed his ash mauve eyes and peered over to Lydia with them. A strand of his shining blond hair dangled down onto his forehead.

If an aristocratic with a handsome face like that smiled in front of a woman, even Lydia couldn’t help but for her heartbeat to beat rapidly. 

“Wouldn’t you dream of something like this?”

P. 137


“It’s really is a lot of work to make an elopement successful. There will be an even more difficult trial awaiting the two of them. If they were to fail….”

“Huh, what happens?”

“If it were me, I’d definitely succeed. Would you like to take a try?”

Edgar had his hands on her shoulders before she had realized it but Lydia snapped back to her senses.

“….You sure know a lot with what goes on in the book, don’t you? So the one who must have left it here…”

“If only you would become a little bit more curious about love; I thought you might understand how wounded my feelings would were.”

She gapped at him with her mouth wide open.

“But do try to read the rest of it. Once you know how such a passionate love ends, then you might want to try and elope with me.”

“I would never want to elope, and never with you!” Lydia pinched the hand that was on her shoulder with all her strength.

It was normal for Edgar to always treat her like he was playing with her.

He’d treat Lydia like his lover and try to sway her by speaking sweet words to you, but she thought of it as something more like his habit.

P. 138

It was in his nature to make advances towards women who he met, regardless of who it was. It wasn’t as if he seriously thought Lydia as special.

She was fully aware of that, but Lydia couldn’t help but be swayed around by what he said.

Like hell he would feel wounded.

Besides, Edgar wasn’t a man who was as serious and loyal like the hero in the story. 

Lydia yelled out at him to stop joking around with her and pushed him away.

But I’m still a little curious the ending was….

Anyways, today is Sunday. I don’t need to commute to work to the earl house, which means it’s my day-off, so that I don’t have to see Edgar’s face.

And yet why do I have to remember what went on between Edgar and I even though I’m here at home.

Lydia stood up to try to shake away the sight his face that filled her head. 

She happened to see Nico come in from the window.

Nico was a fairy who had the form of a cat. He jumped down onto the floor and stood up on his hind feet, putting his paw on his hip and looked up at Lydia.

“Hey Lydia, there’s a strange trespasser in front of the window.” 

Nico, who was her friend, pointed with his fluffy gray tail instead of gesturing with his hand.

P. 139

Beckoned, Lydia looked down to the ground from the window in her room, and saw that the crouching figure leaning against the wall of her house was a pale-faced man.

But that wasn’t what Nico meant as strange. It was the one who was by the man, that figure had long, flowing hair and wore clothing that dragged along the ground; it was a white-colored woman whose body appeared to be transparent and floating in the air.

With fingers that were more colorless than white, she was stroking the crouching man’s cheek lovingly.

“…A fairy?”

Even if it was the kind of fairies who couldn’t normally be seen by people, they showed up clearly with Lydia’s yellowish green eyes.

She leaned over the windowsill to try to get a better look, but the fairy vanished like a cloud.

Lydia rushed out of her room, sprung down the stairs and out the front door, and when she got outside, she approached the man who was crouched down on the side of the street.

It was a young man who was crouched down, looking sick in the face with cold sweat pouring out of him.

"Excuse me, are you all right?"

"Ah, I'm fine. I just felt dizzy all of a sudden," said the man under a groan with his eyes opening just slightly.

He wore a dark red flock coat which seemed a bit on the gaudy side, but maybe because of his kind androgynous face, he didn't give off any indecent impression.

"This house here happens to be my family’s, so you could come in to take a rest. Staying here on the stones is awfully cold, isn't it? It won't make you any better."

P. 140

He still showed a bit of hesitation, but the man eventually nodded and used the wall to steady himself up.

The man's name was Lloyd.

After drinking a sip of the mint tea she offered, that must have calmed him down and he breathed a sigh in 


"Thank you, you really saved me. I'm so lucky to have been rescued by such a nice young lady."

"Even if it wasn't me, it would be normal to help others in need."

"Here in London, even if someone was extremely sick on the road, people would first be suspicious of such a stranger."

Being reminded that, she realized that she might have been too careless. It was Sunday but her father, who is a scholar in Gemology, was out of the house on his rounds to gather gem stones.

But Mr. Lloyd still looked so tired that he couldn't stand up, and when he smiled, he gave a completely harmless impression and didn't look dangerous at all.

"Haven't you been feeling sick like this for a while now?"

He looked at her curiously. 

"Yes, actually I did. How could you guess that?"

The ghostly figure she got a peek at early, that was definitely the cause of his problem.

For now, there was a hobgoblin in this house so no other new fairy could come in.

P. 141

P. 142

Lloyd was starting to look better now, probably because he was away from the influence of that fairy.

But if she were to suddenly tell him that he was possessed by a fairy, he would be sure to think she was crazy.

Even now, there were fairies who lived alongside human as their neighbors, but times were coming into the middle of the 

19thcentury, and there were no longer any people who believed in their existence.

But Lydia was a fairy doctor. It was her job to solve problems between humans and fairies, so she could only tell him the truth.

“Your life source is being sucked away by a fairy.” It wasn’t Lydia, but Nico who suddenly spoke out, as he lay on the sofa pretending to be a cat.

As Nico was looked at from Lloyd like he wanted to believe it was his just imagination; Nico sat up straight on the sofa. 

Just like a human, Nico smartly crossed his hind legs and proudly leaned back against the backrest and after fixing his necktie with his front paws, he grinned up at Lloyd.

“…A-a cat talked…?”

“I’m not a cat.”

“Uh, Mr. Lloyd, he’s actually a fairy. And uh, so…”

“If you were able to figure out that I was the one talking so quickly, that’s because you’re possessed by the fairy and that puts you halfway into the land of the dead. It means you’re also tied to the fairy realm.”

P. 143

“What do you mean I’m possessed by a fairy…?” asked the confused Lloyd, but it looked like he had accepted that Nico talked.

“The fairy is a beautiful woman. Mr. Lloyd, does that sound familiar to you?”

He suddenly covered his face with his hands like he just remembered something.

“Now that I think about it…, but that was a dream….. I always see the same dream. There’s a beautiful woman with me, and she would say she loves me....”

“That would definitely be a Leanan sídhe. They are a fairy that becomes the spiritual lover of a human being and slowly drains them of their life force.”

“Then what’s going to happen to me?”

Lydia couldn’t answer right away as she was hesitant if she should tell him that he wouldn’t have that much time left.

Leanan sídhes were said to grant the human who became their lover a godly and inspirational talent in the arts. There could have been a number of renowned artists who had Leanan sídhes as their lovers and even though they met an early death, they left behind many marvelous pieces of art.

Even so, this lover was only a nuisance for men who had no interest in the arts.

“Human, didn’t you accept the Leanan sídhe as your lover?” If you didn’t then the fairy should have moved on and wouldn’t appear before you,” said Nico again.

“Accepted…., but this was in a dream. If a man was approached by a beautiful woman, uh, well, it would be like being condoled when you’re depressed.”

P. 144

It seemed like he had accepted the proposal of love from theLeanan sídhe. Although one could say it was very difficult for a normal human being to be able to refuse a fairy’s charm.

“Then all that’s left for you is to just live happily ever after with the fairy. Your life will be filled with total bliss, even though it’ll be a short one.”

All the blood drained from the man’s face, and he slumped down with an even more sick face than when they first saw him.

However, it was Lydia’s nature to not pass-by people who were in trouble with fairies.


“Mr. Lloyd is an employee of the cigarette shop on Kings Way. There is no mistake that he is the man that is approaching the lady Norma of the Browser family.”

Edgar, who arrived home, listened to Raven’s report who sent Lloyd home, and made a crease in his brow.

At Lydia’s house, when he heard the name Lloyd and remembered the story that Browser told him the other day, he had a bad feeling.

First of all, this with this man named Lloyd, and his acquaintance with the nub of the problem daughter was because he was squatting down in front of her house from not feeling well, which was exactly the same in Lydia’s case.

P. 150

Lydia’s family, the Carltons, were not particular wealthy, but looking from society in general they would appear to live in comfortable well-to-do circumstances. For this man who was aiming to marry with a daughter from a wealthy family, there was a possibility that she would become the next target in case he failed with the Browser daughter.

“Thank god I stopped by Lydia’s house. That feeling of wanting to see her must have been me sensing the danger she was in.”


Raven, who gave his responses with a blank look, knew that Edgar was listed on the blacklist at Lydia’s house.

It means that compared to the possibly sick Lloyd, Edgar, who came when the man of the house was absent, was actually the more dangerous visitor.

Even the housekeeper had been checking in the room while he was enjoying a happy moment talking with Lydia in the drawing room to make sure nothing was amiss.

“Raven, did you make sure and tell Lloyd that Lydia already has a man like me?”


“Just to be safe, Lydia needs to be told to not get involved with Lloyd.”

“I’m to tell her?”

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“If I said it, then it’ll only sound like I’m jealous.”

“It sounds like jealousy.”

Although his emotions were still underdeveloped, he was sharp sometimes.

“….Raven, it looks like you still can’t tell the difference between jealousy and the deep love I have for thinking what’s best for her.”

He, who humbled himself earnestly, wasn’t able to distinguish that which was his master’s sophistry.


The next day, Lydia came to work to the Earl house, and hearing that Edgar was no present, thought she would be able to spend the morning calmly.

When Edgar is around, she couldn’t make good progress in her work, and when he periodically had his schedule open, that was a disaster. All day, Lydia would become his playmate.

Of course Lydia wasn’t aware that it wasn’t that Edgar happened to have nothing in his schedule but he was opening his schedule to spend time with her.

Anyway, if he’s not here that was convenient.

Lydia looked over to Raven who was bringing her tea.

P. 152

“Excuse me, Raven but didn’t you drive Mr. Lloyd home yesterday? Could you tell me where his house is?”

She was worried about Lloyd who was still possessed by the Leanan sídhe.

From her observation yesterday, she was sure Raven had said something to Lloyd by Edgar’s order, and although Lloyd didn’t come to see Lydia, at this rate, he won’t be safe.

“I cannot tell you,” responded Raven in a rigid tone.

So Edgar ordered him this too.

“Why is that? He is someone I am helping.”

“I think its best to not get involved with him. He made rumors with women that are not pleasant to the ears.”

He did have the looks and aura that could make women warm up to him; but.

“Does your master have the right to judge the rumors of other women? And besides its not like I’m curious about him in that way, I’m just worried about him as a Fairy Doctor. He’s possessed by a fairy sprite!”

“Lord Edgar only wishes that Miss Carlton doesn’t get hurt out of his deep love for you.”

His reply was so dignified which could mean that Edgar had taught him to lie in order to camouflage.

And because she could guess that, Lydia became furious.

P. 153

“Where in that man is any deep love? And besides, the fact that he didn’t take you with him when it’s morning proves that he’s off playing with a woman!”

It must have been the truth, as Raven was silent for a few seconds, and quickly said “He was busy,” and played ignorant.

Busy? But being Edgar’s valet was his job.

“Why does he not like that I’m around other men so much? I am not his possession!”

“…Excuse me.”

The young man whisked out of the room, he must be taking precaution so that he wouldn’t widen the tear in his story any further.

So he was with a woman. 

Lydia became even more enraged.

Lloyd is a poor man that’s been enchanted by a fairy. I can’t let Edgar get in my way!

Lydia’s zeal must have worked, because Lloyd unexpectedly came to pay a visit to Lydia’s house.

P. 154

“Ah Miss Carlton, it was just as you said. A fairy appeared!”he cried out, as soon as he saw her. He looked to be in frantic distress, and seemed like he rushed here as soon as he was done working.

“Uh, please calm down. Let’s talk inside, please come in,”said Lydia trying to calm him down and invited him into the drawing room. He had more strength in the way of his walk but still had a white tired expression on his face.

“Oh yes, I’m sorry about the last time. Did the servant of the Earl Ashenbert say something threatening to you?”

But he didn’t seem to be scared at all, and as if he had forgotten about such a thing as he tilted his head.

“Oh yes, right, right. I was told that if I played any tricks on you, I would be made into a stuffed animal and put on display at the British Museum. He has quite a good sense of humor.”

Humor? She was sure that half of it was serious.

“The Earl must have special feelings for you. But there should be no need for him to be jealous of me just because you treat him coldly.”

His tone didn’t sound sarcastic, so he was either bold, or insensitive.

If Edgar were to hear this, Lloyd wouldn’t be pardoned with by being made into a stuffed animal.

But whatever anybody said, Lydia was the only one Lloyd could rely on after he became aware that he was possessed by a fairy.

P. 155

He must have had no time to spare worrying about the threats from the Earl.

“More importantly Miss Carlton, the fairy! I was trying not to sleep yesterday but she appeared again. Even if I hid in the closet, she’d pass right through the door. What should I do?!”

Not giving time even to sit down in a chair, as soon as he entered the room Lloyd went back to the topic. 

Lydia decided that they wouldn’t have time for gossip so she also replied.

“I thought about it but what would be best to ward off the Leanan sídhe would to get married. I recall that you said you were a bachelor.”

“Yes, but…marriage?” There was confusion swirling in Lloyd’s pleading eyes.

Even though there was no other option, Lydia gave a deep sigh thinking it over. Getting married wasn’t something that could be done at first thought. 

“So there isn’t any other way?”

“There are cases when the Leanan sídhe would shift their attention to another man, but I’m sure we can’t wait for that to happen? What’s definitely sure is that they only attached to bachelors.”

Slumping down, he pondered over that in his head.

P. 156

“I’m sure the biggest problem would be a marriage candidate.”

“Actually there is a woman I’m in love with. But her family won’t approve of our marriage…”


Mr. Browser watched satisfyingly as his daughter Norma was invited by the Earl Ashenbert and was leaving to go out happily. 

For his introverted daughter whose only hobby was horse riding, it seems she finally understood that a man from the aristocracy would willingly go along with her hobby. 

With Lloyd, he was sure he never even rode a horse. 

P. 161

In his eyes, it looked like Norma was surrendering to the Earl’s charm. Of course she would. The Earl was much more suited for his daughter than that a greedy man like Lloyd. 

“I wonder what the Earl thinks of Norma. Have you heard of anything?”

Browser asked Norma’s governess who just appeared before him. 

“He spoke of her as an honest and pure young lady.”

“Does that mean we have a chance?”

“She is a lady that I educated. There is no gentleman that wouldn’t be pleased with her,” she replied proudly. Of course that’s true, thought Browser.

“But the Earl has so many female acquaintances.”

“All of them are just playmates. It doesn’t look like there is one to make him consider marriage.” Once she cuts off her train of speech, the governess meaningfully lowered her voice. “Although, there is one, I hear that he is courting a young woman the same age as my lady.”

“Is that true?”

“It’s only a rumor, but it’s the daughter of a professor that the Earl deeply admires, and she was even written in the gossip papers as his true love. But she isn’t from the high society, so I don’t think he’s serious.”

The governess said so, but the part about her being the same age as Norma, was a worry for Browser. 

P. 162

The Earl Ashenbert had only recently arrived aback in England, and as he lived overseas for a long period, he didn’t seem to priority the family background to his marriage partner. And, if it was a daughter from a family who had ties with the Earl, then it isn’t a terrible difference in their social class to make it hard for marriage. 

“What is that woman’s name?”

“I think it was Miss Carlton.”

Browser snapped up and darted his eyes to the table beside him. 

All the letters addressed to Normal were first sent to him, her father. Of course that was because he planned to slip out the letters that were from Lloyd. 

There was an unfamiliar addressee’s name on one of the letters in the pile, but since it looked like the name of a woman, he thought it may be a new friend of Norma’s. 

Once again he picked up that letter. 

The addressee’s name was Lydia Carlton. 

He didn’t hesitate to cut open the seal. In it, there was a letter from Lloyd asking Normal to meet him. 

“What is the meaning of this?”

Did Lloyd have some kind of ulterior motive by approaching this girl who was acquainted with the Earl? 

It would have been great if Lloyd would just give up on Norma and go off with this girl on a runaway wedding or something, he thought, and was about to rip the letter, when he stopped to think it over. 

P. 163

Maybe this could be useful. I’ll go to the meeting place of the letter and see Lloyd, thought Browser.


It wasn’t long for Lloyd to come to Lydia’s residence, who completely believed that his letter arrived safely to the hands of Miss Norma, to report that she agreed to his plan to elope. 

Even through all of this, Lloyd was still getting drained of his life force by the fairy; the quicker the marriage the better. 

Hearing that their departure was tomorrow night, Lydia breathed a deep sigh of relief for now. All that was left was to watch over and hope that the elopement of the two were successful. Of course she did want to answer to Lloyd’s hope as he thought that Lydia’s assistance was absolutely necessary. 

That day, Lydiamade up her mind and sneaked into Edgar’s study. She wanted to look for the romance novel from earlier to get information that might help Lloyd’s elopement. As she searched the shelves of the bookcase, she quickly spotted the familiar blue book cover. 

She was relieved as she gripped the cover to pull it out from the shelf, but as soon as she yanked it out all the books that were on the same shelf came falling out like an avalanche. 

P. 164


Lydia jumped back in surprise and at the spot where her feet were, a small pile of books came crashing down. Lydia stood in shock and disbelief but then came the number one voice that she didn’t want to hear. 

“Welcome to my study.”

It was Edgar, who was supposed to be gone and not in the house.

Lydia panicked at being discovered of her entry into his study without permission.

“Uh, I’m so sorry, I…., I had just barely touched it. Umm, I couldn’t help it, the door was open a crack...”

“If it was you, then you’re always welcome to come into my study, or my bedchamber.”

As he had approached her, he must have noticed the book that was in Lydia’s hands. He smiled with a grin like he found something signifying.

“That was booby-trapped so when you pull that book out, the rest of them come falling out all at once.”


“…For what purpose?”

“In the case you become interested in eloping, I thought that you would naturally be curious as to what happens in the rest of the story.”

“Wh-what are you thinking?!”

“So, if I heard a loud commotion, I could arrive at the scene of the crime immediately and catch you.”

P. 165

Catch me?!

Lydia felt like he compared her to some wild bird caught in a trap. He walked right up to her and she tried to back away but he only cornered her into the bookcase.

“Who are you casting for your eloping partner?”

He spoke in a deep, melting voice to her, as he played with Lydia’s reddish-brown hair, twirling around with his finger. 

“You have to say me, or I won’t let you borrow that book.”

“I have no interest in eloping. A friend, yes, my friend is thinking about eloping, so I thought I should know the process so that I could think of anyway I could do to help.”

Edgar’s expression suddenly became very forbidding. 

“You didn’t happen to meet Lloyd again did you?”

Why did he know?! 

“It doesn’t matter to you. I decided I’m going to celebrate his marriage. That’s right, Mr. Lloyd loves a woman who he is seriously considering to marry. You surely did talk bad of him, but he isn’t that bad of a person.”

“Lydia, if a man said he had a lover then most women would let their guard down. You can’t fall into a trap set by a man who says that he isn’t doing well in his relationship and tries to be alone with you seeking for your advice.”

“Tha-that’s something only someone like you would think up!”

P. 166

“I’m worried. You’re so soft-hearted and so kind to others, I’m worried you might be deceived by a bad man.”

There is no more of a bad man than you.

“You look at yourself. Why don’t you stop tricking young women?”

“I’m not tricking anybody.”

“Fine, then the marriage arrangement between the daughter you’ve been seeing for a while must be going well, congratulations.”

Saying her fill, Lydia slipped past him. But he rushed to grab Lydia’s arm with a worried expression.  

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“Wait, I don’t know who you heard it from, but there’s no such marriage arrangement.”

“The maids here were rumoring about it. An impressive gentleman came here directly with a gracious dowry, asking you to take his daughter’s hand in marriage, didn’t he? And so that’s why you’ve been seeing that daughter every day now.”

“You’re wrong, I was just asked to cheer up a daughter of an acquaintance of mine. I already told them that I have someone I have serious feelings for...”

“Oh, I didn’t know you had someone like that.”


He looked unusually troubled which made Lydia feel victorious.

“But telling a lady that you have a lover, is just a step in trying to win her down, right? Then, good luck.”


For Lydia who was always being talked down, she thought she was successfully able to counter-argue with him. 

Shutting the door forcefully, she exited the study refreshed but once she returned to her office, she suddenly felt her anger rising. 

He really is such a womanizer. 

But I wonder if it’s a real marriage arrangement. 

It wouldn’t be any surprise for Edgar, who was now an Earl, to have however many marriage arrangements lined up before him. No matter what kind of sweet talk he threw at her, Lydia didn’t think that she had a special attraction that could win against an aristocrat’s daughter. 

And thinking those things in her head, the more and more she thought about it, she wasn’t feeling any bit refreshed but for some reason started to become depressed. 

More importantly, she needed to learn a bit more about eloping. Lydiasoftly opened the book. 

On a shining moon night, the two of them slipped out of their homes and meet up with each other. From there, their long escape journey began. 

The carriage pulled by four horses galloped across the town streets. 

How many more miles is there till we reach Scotland? The pursuing party that followed them to break them apart slowly crept up behind them in their carriage. 

By engrossing herself in the story, Lydia tried to take her mind away from her depressed feelings. 

P. 168


It’s unbelievable how soft-hearted Lydia is to want to help out on an elopement, mumbled Nico, as he slipped through the fence. Getting down on all 

fours pretending to be a feline, he passed by the lane swiftly walking over to the brick colored building. 

He made sure no one saw him as he climbed up on to a windowsill of the mansion where Lloyd’s lover apparently lives. “Nevertheless, making the departure tonight is just too sudden.” He wanted to wait until the moon came out to departure and promised to meet up with her in a place in the outskirts of Londonto escape being noticed.

At that time, Lloyd also asked for Lydia to accompany him to there.

When it came to the Lady Norma, he was apparently being watched, and so if he got on a hack to get out of London by himself, there was the possibility that their elopement plan would be figured out immediately. 

If Lydia accompanied him, no one would imagine that he would try to elope with Lady Norma with another woman with him.

And how Nico came in all of this, was that he was supposed to make sure that the daughter of this house was safely able to sneak out of the house without being seen by anyone. 

P. 169

Lydia asked him to help her if something happened as if so easily, but Nico thought to himself how would I help in what way.

All he could do was wish that the daughter didn’t screw up anything.

“Oh bother, I don’t want to do this.”

Peeking into the room where light was spilling out, there must have been some sort of banquet starting as there were crowds of people making conversation with each other. 

There were a number of young ladies, but you could immediately judge who was Lady Norma. 

She was a girl who gave a plain impression, and listened and responded with a shy expression. She was dressed extravagantly, but appearedlike she didn’t fit in with the lavish people and place. 

Even the invited young men went past the main host’s daughter, maybe because she didn’t stand out or they had no interest in her. 

For a girl who was completely used to that sort of treatment, maybe Lloyd was different. 

Even so, she continued to just sit in the chair. If she didn’t leave pretty soon she wouldn’t make it in time, but she still didn’t show a hint of a hurry.

“Huh?” Just then Nico noticed the blond young man that walked up to the girl and pressed himself up to the window. 

“Isn’t that the Earl?”

P. 170

With the soft composure and perfect smile, he lowered his face to girl and whispered something to her. There was no mistake, it was that rake. 

Edgar was already a popular figure in the high society of London. It seems like this house is also high class, so it wouldn’t be a surprise if he were invited to their ball. 

However, if he was interested in Lady Norma and was following her, then she wouldn’t be able to slip out of the house. 

“Oh, no, this is bad.”

Nico circled over to the terrace, and from an open window slipped inside.

When he was about to head over to the open hall they were in, he heard a voice come from a different room. 

“My lord, so did Mr. Lloyd promise to never appear in front of the young miss ever again?”

“Who knows, he kept quiet, but must have understood.”

The one that was called lord must be the lord of this house, Browser. The woman was not a servant, more like at a position of the daughter’s governess.

“Although he was surprised that I showed up at the secret location where he was suppose to meet up with Norma.”


Nico, tilted his head in confusion. Did this old man get his hands on the letter that was suppose to call our Norma and open it. 

“I told him that Norma showed me the letter. And that she has a brilliant proposal and is deeply in love with her suitor the Earl Ashenbert and that she has long forgotten about Lloyd.”

P. 171

P. 172

“Did he believe that?”

“I let him see Norma from afar. That was just when the Earl invited Norma to horseback riding in Rotten Row. Seeing the two of them having fun, he must have realized that he has her no longer.”

Wait a minute. Lloyd didn’t make the promise with Norma to elope tonight?

“That is a relief to hear. Besides he was a man who approached the young miss aiming for her fortune. He wouldn’t linger on one target once he’s figured that he has no chance.”

Wanting the fortune? Nico pricked his ear up to listen closer. 

“Good god, I heard that there were con-artists for ages who tricked young rich daughters into eloping to live lavishly off their money or fortune, but I never imagined my own daughter would become a target.”

“Now that I remember, Mr. Lloyd seems to be approaching the young lady that was rumored with the Earl once.”

“That is a different matter, it was nothing to do with me who that man runs off with.”

Said Browser irresponsibly, pulling the edges of his mouth up slightly. 

That, oh no, could that be Lydia?

Hmmm, Nico stood up on his back legs and folded his arms to think it over. 

Lloyd said to Lydia that the Lady Norma had agreed to his elopement. Then why did he lie.

P. 173

Even now, if he knew that she wasn’t coming, then that means he was headed to the outskirts with Lydia. 

That means, he plans to take Lydia with him in place of Norma

Before his life is sucked away by the Leanan sídhe, Lloyd needs to marry someone in order to save himself. 

Lydia didn’t have a fortune compared to the Browser family but for Lloyd right now, his life was more important than inheriting a fortune. 

“That’s right, he did seem like the type to take the liberty and get over-familiar with women and once Norma is out of the picture and he sets his eyes on Lydia who happened to show him her kindness, then I shouldn’t taking my time right now!”

It was just when he was about to turn to dash out from the door’s shadow. Someone suddenly grabbed a hold of the ruff on Nico’s neck. He was dangled up off his feet.

“I finally found you, you little pest. How dare you flip over the pudding that took so much time to prepare!”

The woman looked like one of the kitchen maids, and she started to walk off with the Nico dangling by his neck. 

“No, that wasn’t me!” He struggled to get free by moving around his legs but the maid didn’t loosen her grip. 

“I’m not a cat! Hey let me go! You’ve ruffling my fur!”

Even if he yelled with all his might, to the maid’s ear it only seemed to sound like a cat that was howling its head off. 

“Good lord, I should throw you into the washing pot.”

P. 174

“No, stop it,” Nico searched the area to look for an escape.

And then his eyes stopped on Edgar who was in the landing of the stairs. Being alone together with Norma who he must have lead away from the hall, he seemed to be in full flirting mode. He whispered something into the young girl’s ears who was flushed red in her cheeks as her hands were held by his. 

“Hey Earl! Come over here and help me!”

Edgar just moved his eyes toward Nico and the maid’s direction. But, simply ignoring the cat, he turned back to the girl. He even put his hand on her shoulders casually. 

“Oh fine, so women are more important!  ….You scoundrel, flirt! You don’t care what happens to Lydiaat all!”

“Excuse me, miss.” Just then he heard Edgar’s voice stopping the maid.

“That cat is a pet of mine that I brought along, is there a problem?”

Being called a pet, Nico felt humiliated and sick, but seeing the maid who immediately dropped him and left after meekly excused herself which made the chagrin lift off his chest a little. 

“Nico, was there something that happened to Lydia?”

But then he was only picked right back up by Edgar at the scruff of his neck.

P. 175

“Hey don’t pick me up.”

“How’s Lydia?”

This egotistical Earl, wouldn’t make a concession for Nico in times like this. Reluctantly Nico remained held at the scruff of his neck like a cat and spoke humiliatingly. 

“Lloyd told Lydia that he made a promise to elope with the daughter of this house tonight and asked for her help. That man, he’s possessed by a fae, and he’ll die unless scares away the fairy by marrying someone, and so Lydia’s being soft on him. Right now the two of them should be heading to the spot that he was going to meet up with the Lady Norma in the outskirts of London.”

“Elope from now? She’s here right now and doesn’t seem to be preparing to go, besides the ball is about to start.”

“That’s why that Lloyd is hoodwinking Lydia. Because he figured he couldn’t marry that girl, he must be planning to take Lydia with him and force her to consent to marrying him…”

Nico was suddenly tossed away. 

Edgar half-forcefully asked his pardon from the dumbfounded Lady Norma and swiftly headed to the entrance hall.

Nico got up and scurried after him.

The hackney carriage that was carrying Lydia and Lloyd, left the London town buildings and was going along a wooded dirt road.

P. 176

In between the short trees, the round white moon was slowly creeping its way up into the darkening sky.

Lydia looked up at it with the strange feeling that this reminded her of the eloping scene that was in the romance novel.

For Norma, this would be the romantic trip that she dreamed of.

“I hope that she snuck out safely.”

Lloyd had a nervous look the whole way, and sat silent with his eyes fixed on the landscape outside the window.

She was told that further along this road, there was a noticeable spot that had two high trees standing together. Apparently, that was the meeting place that had also came out in the novel.

Lydia was planning to watch off the both of their departures and head back to London. 

“Mr. Lloyd, are you feeling all right?”

“Yes, I’m fine. But, the fae, is still near me, isn’t it?”

“She doesn’t look like she’s come inside the hackney…”whispered Lydia.“If she heard about the elopement, she might try to interfere, so even if you meet with Miss Norma, you mustn’t talk about it.”

He was able to nod back to her, but then just stared towardsLydia.

Just then, Lloyd’s expression suddenly turned grief-stricken and mournful.

“Miss Lydia, there is something that I must apologize to you for.”

P. 177


“To tell you the truth, Norma isn’t coming.”

Surprised, Lydia bent herself forward. “I don’t understand, what happened?”

“She must become happy with the right man that she deserves. And because I thought so, I realized that I needed to give her up.”

“But, then you wouldn’t be able to fend off the Leanan sídhe.”

“Yes, but then, I’m all right with that. As long as she’s happy.” From his expression, she could see his unwavering resolve.

But, if he thought so, then why did he talk to me like he was going through with this runaway.

There didn’t seem to be a point of going all the way and taking Lydia out of London.

Just as she was sensing something suspicious, Lloyd reached over and grabbed Lydia’s arm.

“I have a favor to ask you. Miss Lydia, please give up your courtship with the Earl Ashenbert.”

“Eh, what, what are you…”

“Norma apparently has an arrangement with the Earl. And it looks like she’s built feelings for the Earl, I saw the two of them looking happy, enjoying horseback riding with each other. She seemed so much happier than when she was with me.”

P. 178

Oh my god, was the woman that Edgar had been seeing lately, Miss Browser?

“Sir Browser may think of me as after her fortune and wealth, but I truly had sincere feelings for Norma. I just wanted him to know only that, but then he say that I should take you, for Norma’s sake, and said that I should try to separate you from the Earl.”

“I-I’m not, there’s nothing between me and Edgar”

“I’m aware of that. More or less, it seemed like the Earl was just teasing you. But, then what I plan to do, shouldn’t be something that would hurt 

you that much. Anyway, as long as the Earl loses his interest in you, then there’s a chance that the arrangement with Norma would work out well, wouldn’t it?”

Lydia had not idea what Edgar was planning on doing in his approach of the Lady Norma. 

She had a feeling like she wanted to think he had the intention of just playing around and flirting with her, but Lydia just took in a deep breath to 

calm herself down.

“What are you planning to do with me?”

“Please come along with me for just a while longer. Just that. I have no intention of harming you in any way.”

It looks like he planned to do a sham elopement.

P. 179

If Edgar was offered an arrangement by the Browser family, then he would have found out that Lydia was purloined by Browser’s servant who was monitoring Lloyd. If Edgar were to hear that Lloyd, who had approached Norma to elope with her, changed his target to Lydia, then even he would believe it.

Perhaps if someone had the tile of Earl, then one could assume that his feelings would disappear for a girl who tried to elope with another man.

Yes, Edgar might give up.

On a girl who wouldn’t listen to his warnings and warm up to a man after other’s fortune and become interested in eloping.

But Lloyd wasn’t after money. But just because he was pure and sincere, this was becoming a misfortunate situation for Lydia.


It was just that Edgar might loose interest in Lydia, that’s all.

“I’ll drop you off at the next town. You can still return toLondon by train.”

So no disgraceful rumors about an unsuccessful elopement would spread and so that this would only reach Edgar’s ears as just rendezvous escape that lasted a few hours. If it turned out like that then Lloyd thought that Lydiawouldn’t be that hurt.

That’s right, who cares if Edgar’s attitude changes. It just means that he was indeed that low of a level frivolous man.

P. 180

Lydia went over that in her head, and tried to focus her attention away from the prickle that she felt paining her heart.

She only wanted to help Lloyd as a Fairy Doctor. She had no regret.

Since she wasn’t able to help him, then she wouldn’t mind at least giving her hand in helping Sir Browser understand his serious, earnest feelings.

It was just when she thought that.

“…..Was I wrong?”


“Oh, no, Uh, Miss Lydia, please don’t cry.”

I’m crying? Lydiaflustered and rushed her eyes.

“Oh, no, was there someone you love in London? …..No, it must be the Earl, isn’t it? You really care about him…”

“No, no, I don’t! There is absolutely no way of that happening.” But even Lydiadidn’t know the reason why her heart was so bothered.

“I’m sorry, I had no intention of hurting you.” Alarmed and thrown off balance, Lloyd dropped his head into his hands. Then lifted it back up. 

P. 181

P. 186

Lydia grabbed onto Edgar who had the scruff of Llyod’s shirt in his hand to stop him.

“No, don’t hurt him, Edgar! Mister Lloyd just seriously loves Lady Norma. He thought if her feelings had switched to you then he was going to give up and do as Sir Browser said for her sake!”

“Hey, Lydia, the Leanan sídhe is..”

The one who interrupted was Nico. 

He must have accompanied Edgar as he stood atop of the carriage roof and pointed to the sky.

Like she was carrying the moon on her back, a female figure was floating softly in the air as her long, white hair was waving in the wind.

She must have heard about eloping and marriage. The fairy that purposefully made her body appear to human eyes came floating down to land in front of Lloyd.

It looked as if there was light glowing under from her pale white skin and she was wearing an extremely thin vale that looked almost transparent. She was so beautiful but also had a lush and sultry air about her.

She looked at Lloyd with her eyes that were clear as a pond and he stood frozen.

Even Edgar was standing in amazement as his grip on Lloyd went loose as he seemed to be awe-stricken in the sudden appearance of something that was like not of this world. 

The Leanan sídhe slowly lifted up her arms as if she was going to wrap them around Lloyd to embrace him.

P. 187

“No, Stop!” cried out Lydia.

The sídhe was going to take control of Lloyd’s will and take him away somewhere. So that he wouldn’t be able to betray her.

“Mister Lloyd, you mustn’t look at the fairy!”

However, Lloyd couldn’t fight back from the power of the fairy and weakly lifted up his hands.

“Please wait, don’t take him!”

Just then, there was a young woman who came running out of the tree shadows as she shouted out towards them.

It seemed like she had come on horse-back by herself and must have been watching them secretly from all this time.

She snatched Lloyd’s hands which were about to touch the Leanan sídhe like she was stealing them back and stood in between them.

As she stood trembling, she didn’t let go of her grip on his hands as she looked back at the fae with strong resolve in her eyes.

“Th-this person is my fiancé! It’s useless for you to possess him!”

Norma, whispered Lloyd in a weak cry.

“I was so surprised when the earl was talking with a cat. Oh, yes, I couldn’t believe that a cat would talk, but it was indeed talking, but the thing I was more surprised about was what it said, that you were possessed by a fairy and nearly dying… So after that, I questioned my father. He told me everything and so I came as fast as I could after the earl.”

P. 188

“But, Norma, you looked so happy when you were with the earl, and so I thought you might have forgotten about me….”

“You’re not going to believe me? From the beginning, I had told the earl that I already had someone I loved. And so he advised that it was best that we should pretend like we are enjoying each other’s company so that we could let my father’s guard down. And as we did, he was kind enough to advise me on my worries.”

That was completely a method he was using to put her guard down. Edgar, who was saying negative things about Lloyd, would have no such intention of helping him out.

Lydia had that thought, but this wasn’t the time to be thinking of sarcastic things about Edgar.

Because, the Leanan sídhe had grabbed ahold of Lloyd’s shoulder.

Norma resisted by clinging onto him.

Lloyd too, must have finally made up his mind and let out a strong, firm yell.

“……L-let go of me! I’m in love with Norma. I’m going to marry her!”

A strong tornado-like wind erupted out of no where.

The fairy’s long hair wrapped around Lloyd like they had a will of their own which was so strong that his hand was nearly going to be pulled away from Norma’s.

“Leanan sídhe, listen to me!” cried out Lydia.

P. 189

“Please, please let that man go. You’re a being who should find a man whose pledged his soul to the arts, aren’t you?”

As Lydia wobbled from the wind, she continued on.

“There is sure to be a man who desires you as his muse more than a human woman!”

She thought she saw the sídhe had looked over to her for an instant.

She felt the tension of the fairy magic loosen, which made Lydiathink that the fae had understood her and so she relaxed; but.

“But still, she really is a beauty.”

She heard Edgar’s whisper.

“Idiot, don’t say anything unnecessary,” panicked Lydia. 

In an instant, the wind had fallen and that was because the Leanan sídhe turned her face to look over to Edgar.

Lydia felt cold sweat rush out of her.

Oh, no, she might plan on switching over.

Just as she feared, the fairy gracefully turned herself around and was slowly heading over to their direction.

Lydia didn’t think and her body reacted by grabbing onto Edgar’s arm.

“No! Don’t come! You absolutely can’t do that! This man is my…..”

P. 190

Once again, the tree leaves in the area rustled and shook and the sound of heavy winds sounded like they were circling around them.

Lydia stood ready in fear of another gust of wind that might hit them and gripped onto Edgar so that he wouldn’t be taken. Just when she felt a pair of warm arms wrap around her as if they were protecting her, everything went silent.

In the dark crossroad path in the forest, the Leanan sídhe was gone and no where in sight.

*                *

The light of the moon made the shadow of the horse stretch out long across the side of the road. 

Lydia had her waist cradle by one of Edgar’s arm and was so unbelievably close to him. She wanted to resist but she couldn’t allow herself to push him away. Because, she was on top of a galloping horse.

The carriage was used to carry off Lloyd and Norma after the driver was slapped awake and now currently heading to Scotland.

Lydia was left with the option of going home with Edgar and since she couldn’t ride a horse by herself, it was inevitable that the situation would turn to this.

A little ways behind them, Raven was riding another horse with Nico.

She wondered if it was a better idea to ride with Raven, but even if she asked for something like that, her request probably wouldn’t be considered.

P. 191

“I wonder if the two of them won't be followed and will be able to peacefully have their wedding,” said Lydia, as remaining silent was too unbarably embarassing for her.

“I’ll make sure to tell Sir Browser to not to anything pointless like going after them.”

Edgar’s tone of voice had a little bit of irritation in it, which could have been because he still had a grudge about Browser telling Lloyd to take Lydia with him.

Edgar should have been asked to turn Norma away from Lloyd, but since he ended up helping them elope, then that means it wasn’t that much of a deal to him.

More like he probably was going to demand an apology from Browser with an overbearing attitude.

“By the way, Lydia, what were you going to say back then?”

Out of the blue, he leaned down to whisper suggestively into her ear, which made Lydiaflinch up at the air from his breath brushing up against her hair.

“Wh-what do you mean?”

She tried to play dumb just for sake.

“When you protected me from the fairy. I’m your lover?”

“………….My employer.”

Edgar made a frown like he was a little unsatisfied and suddenly picked up the horse’s pace.

Lydia wasn’t used to riding on a live horse at all, so that alone surprised her and so she tightened her grip on Edgar’s coat.

P. 192

“No, go slower! I’ll fall off!”

“If you answer me honestly.”

It probably wasn’t that fast of a speed, but to Lydia, it felt like they were cutting through the wind.

“That was…, I was just saying it to ward off the Leanan sídhe!”

“I see. I guess I’ll have to have you hold on more tightly.”

“You mean brute!”

He snickered as he tightened his arm around her to hold her pressed up to him.

He didn’t speed down, and yet, with just that gesture she didn’t feel any insecurity of falling down.

“While I’m being mean, maybe I should slay you away like this to Scotland. What do you think about having a eloping wedding at your hometown?”

“What are you thinking!”

She panicked because there were times when Edgar would actually go through with the jokes he said.

When she imagined that, she started to feel like the road was different from the way she came. 

Lydia swiftly turned her head about.

After she spotted the Londoncity buildings beyond in the distance as they loomed up like shadows under the moon light like they were welcoming them, she relaxed, but at the same time, had a small feeling like pity that they were nearing their arrival soon. 

P. 193

She thought, if it was for a little while longer, then an outing in a moon-lit night wasn’t going to be that bad. 

P. 194

Cover of this story when published in Cobalt magazine in February 2006 issue

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