Hakushaku to Yousei

Chapter 51: Volume 11 - CH 2

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"I'm so sorry for springing this on you so suddenly, Lydia."

The Duchess of Maysfield exclaimed to Lydia during their afternoon tea.

The Duchess of Maysfield was an elegant old lady who, for some reasons unknown, adored Edgar, and she treated him as if he was her own grandson.

Not long after Edgar had arrived at England, everyone had thought that he had purposely curried the Duchess' favor to showcase his status as an Earl in the social world. However, since Edgar had also treated the Duchess like family, everyone wouldn't think that the Duchess was being used."

Of course, this may also be because of Edgar's flirtatious ways.

The Duchess of Maysfield had already decided to appoint herself as Lydia and Edgar's guardian, even before Lydia and Edgar, who had clearly expressed his love for her, had spoken their vows.

Because of this, Lydia was to stay at the Duchess' manor for only three days to learn the social etiquette of a noble lady. 

"I have not taught you anything, yet I'm sending you off to somewhere you are unfamiliar with…"

"No, it's fine. I was to be sent there in a week's time anyways."

Lydia had already planned in advance that she was to travel to another noble woman's manor with the Duchess of Maysfield next week. Due to the fact that Countess Othred was well known for teaching young noble ladies social etiquette, the Duchess of Maysfield had planned on letting Lydia stay with the Countess for a short period of time.   

However, the Duchess had just received word of her eldest daughter's sickness this morning, so she has to pay her a visit.

They weren't sure when the Duchess would return to London, and Lydia's lessons could not be postponed for any longer, so Lydia had decided to depart earlier than scheduled, and start her bridal training at Countess Othred's mansion.

"Countess Othred is not only humble, but kind as well. Not to mention, she has repeatedly expressed her excitement at your arrival. I'm sure that it will not be a problem if you depart early."

"Understood. Please do not worry about me anymore. I hope that your daughter gets well soon."

"Thank you, Lydia. However, since I have to send a telegram in advance, I wonder if you can depart for Somersetshire tomorrow?"

Somersetshire is a small county far away from London, in the west parts on England.

Lydia was suddenly reminded of the fact that she wouldn't be seeing Edgar for a while. 

But then again, they hadn't seen one other ever since she had refused to visit him.

They haven't met ever since Lydia had refused to make her debut with him.

Ever since their engagement, he often came to visit her despite the fact that he wasn't invited to. However, he had never tried to visit her here. Perhaps he had thought that it was best for them to not meet  for the moment.

"Lydia, if you have the support of Lady Othred, your debut will be much smoother. Good luck."

Lydia suddenly lifted her head.

Now that she thought about it, Edgar must have already discussed the matter of her debut into society with the Duchess. That must be why the Duchess was so adamant that Lydia have her bridal training under another noblewoman.

Edgar didn't suggest her debut into society on a whim, so he most likely wouldn't ask for Lydia's forgiveness. Now that she understood, her anger at him disappeared.

This allowed her to realise that her fiance was a noble.

And not just any noble, she was getting married to an earl.

It didn't matter whether having a commoner bride will shame Edgar or not, Lydia was going to try her best to enter the noble society. If she fails, she won't be able to stay by Edgar's side. He had already tried his best to help Lydia. 

As he couldn't give up his title as the Earl of Ibrazel,  he had to try to help Lydia become a noble if he were to stay by her side.  

"I understand. I will do my very best."

She suddenly felt so motivated that surprised even herself. 

She wasn't even confident that she will be able to do well, to be honest.

The Duchess smiled.

"Wonderful. I look forward to it. Oh, and you have to bring a maid with you to Somersetshire, but since I have to go to Derbyshire, I don't have anyone to spare."

"If so, I don't mind going alone."

Lydia had come all the way from Scotland all alone, so she didn't think anything of going to Somersetshire.

However, she was immediately shot down by the Duchess.

"You are a precious young lady that Professor Carlton had entrusted to me. I simply cannot do something so shameful such as making you travel alone before marriage. Luckily, there's a maid that is planning on moving to another mansion in Somersetshire,  so I'll ask her to accompany you to Countess Othred's mansion."

Lydia noticed that even though she was fine with travelling alone, she was not supposed to show it in front of others.

"Lydia, Earl Ashenbert thinks that you're fine just the way you are. He didn't send you here to change you - just for you to learn the social etiquette and mannerisms of nobles.

That doesn't mean that you're not allowed to be independent. It just means that you have to be more pleasant in front of others. That's it." 

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"Yes… I understand."

However, it was hard to please everybody. Could she succeed?

What if she couldn't please Lady Othred?

She felt distressed, and suddenly the desire to see Edgar before her trip welled up within her.

But she hesitated.

Just as Edgar thought, Lydia still didn't have the confidence to step into the noble society with her head held high. If she were to see him now, would he think that Lydia was surrendering? 

Even though they already understood each other's feelings, even though they were already engaged, but Lydia simply couldn't imagine going to her partner for help when she was distressed or lost.

In the end, Lydia had departed with a maid the next day, without seeing Edgar.

Outside the carriage window, the calming scenery with green hills quickly passed by.

Even though Somersetshire was a county in England, it was a place were many legends of fairies originated from. 

It may be Lydia's first time in this place, but she still felt some sort of sense of familiarity.

Because she could feel the presence of fairies whenever she sees green hills and woods.

"You were born in Somersetshire, right?" 

Lydia asked the maid sitting across from her in the carriage. Apparently, she quit working for the Duchess of Masefield to work at her hometown.

"Then, do you know about the red legged Danish fairies?"

Although the girl had cocked her head to the side in surprise, she still nodded.

"I've heard about it from my great grandmother. She said that they hid their treasures in a secret place, and that one will be rich if he or she finds that treasure."

"That's right. Because they are chatterboxes, they will often accidentally reveal the location of their hidden treasure. However, it's wiser to pretend not to know anything even though you've accidentally learned anout their secret. In return, if you promise to keep it a secret, then you can request for a wish to be granted in exchange."

"That's a myth, Miss."

That's right.

People that actually believe in fairies have been declining nowadays, so Lydia merely smiled mysteriously. 

One can only negotiate with the Danish fairies when he or she knows where they hid their treasure. One must not make a widh if one didn't use the secret to exchange for it.

That's because the fairies' magic will affect the person. If he or she were to simply blurt out their wish, the mischievous fairies will cast spells that have unpredictable results.

That's why, it's best to pretend not to know anything even after having accidentally having heard of it.

Although she didn't know whether the maid's grandmother was the one who told her those things, but she was sure that the maid didn't really care.

"But Miss, aren't the Danish fairies vikings in actuality? If there were vikings who lived here before, maybe their treasure really is hidden somewhere in this area."

"The Danish fairies are not vikings. In fact, although they are often misunderstood, the Danish fairies are fairies that are related to the Danu tribe."


It seems that she had brought up the wrong topic. Just as Lydia wanted to change it, the conductor appeared, causing her to let out a sigh of relief. 

They must be close to the station.

"Miss, the carriage is really behind schedule! "

The young maid exclaimed as she alighted the carriage and spotted the clock.

"You're right! You'll have to take the next shift then." 

The maid's new master's mansion was at the next stop. 

The original plan was for the maid to accompany Lydia to Countess Othred's mansion as she waited for the next shift. However, if she was to do so now, she might miss it.

"Yes, that's right. That is the last shift…"

The maid said apologetically,  and Lydia hadn't had the heart to make the poor thing accompany her to…

After all, she heard that the mansion was only around one hour away from the station, so Lydia decided to take a carriage there alone.

At least the maid offered to accompany Lydia just until the carriage arrived, and that she will see her off.

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