
Chapter 1: Prologue

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Running through corridors dimly lit by the moonlight coming through the broken windows, a young blonde-haired girl ran without stopping, looking for a way out of that place.
Gasping for air, she leans against a wall looking for a break from that abandoned office building, hearing a faint noise she shakes her head nervously trying to see something in the gloom without success.
Feeling the nervousness in her body, she decides to continue the search, barely taking a few steps she feels a strong pull coming from behind.
- get away or she dies! -shouted a desperate voice from behind her as she felt him tighten his grip on her neck.
The young woman, trying to look behind her, distinguished the appearance of a grown man dressed in black armor over dark clothing along with a mountain pass over his head that only revealed brown eyes full of fear.
- Please let me go," replied the young woman in a low voice, almost crying.
Hearing a sound of something falling, the man nervously tightened his arm around her neck.
-I told you to stay away, asshole!
After having spoken, a cylinder began to come out of the gloom rolling quickly on the floor in bad conditions until it reached the young woman's foot.
-Shit! -replied the man as he noticed the cylinder.
Trying to get away from the cylinder, the man abruptly pushes the girl away making her fall to the ground, only to hear the crackling sound of high voltage electricity traveling through his body, plunging him into unconsciousness.
The young woman gets up from the floor and hears a thud, confused the girl looks towards the source of the sound only to observe how her captor is on the floor without getting up, frightened, she takes a few steps backwards.
- shhhh, don't make any noise or they will kill us both -said a low voice behind her.
Overexcited, she slowly turns and sees the figure of a young 16 year old boy wearing a black hooded jacket over a set of black clothes.
- You! -shouted the young woman.
- I told you, be quiet or we will be murdered, understand? -the boy replied calmly.
- What are you doing here, we have to get out of this place fast or more people will come! -said the young woman pointing to the man on the ground.
- First, calm down," said the young man putting his two hands on the girl's shoulders.
- How can I calm down in a situation like this! -he said shaking his hands off his shoulders.

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- We have a plan, but you have to calm down.
- Fuck your plan, we have to go now.
- get them! -shouted a muffled voice from the distance.
- Shit," the young man grabbed the girl's hand.
- Hey! -exclaimed the girl as she was dragged away.
Being towed by the hand, the young woman is guided through the abandoned building to the main door of this without finding signs of life, already in the lower silver more illuminated by the moon, the young man releases the girl's hand begins to look for something in his jacket without paying attention to his surroundings.
Without saying anything, the girl puts her hand on the young man's shoulder and then shakes him.
- Wait a moment," the boy answered without stopping his search.
- Look," she said in a weak, almost inaudible tone, pressing her hand on the young man's shoulder.
- What's the matter? -The boy stops looking, noticing the young woman's condition.
Following the young woman's sight, the boy notices several people dressed in black tactical gear wielding different types of weapons all surrounding the entrance.
- All right the game is over here you little bastard, now lie down on the floor face down with your hands outstretched towards me, you too, girl! -answered the only person whose face was not hidden.
- Hey, what do we do? -said the young woman in a low voice.
- Do as they say, we have no choice," replied the young man quietly in resignation, doing as he was told.
- Okay, approach them slowly, the others, if they make a move, shoot them, but don't kill them, we need them alive.
- Yes! -answered all the men as they divided into two different groups.
The first group, made up of eight people, divided into two smaller groups of four which slowly approached from both the left and right surrounding the young duo lying on the ground.
Quickly, the second group of two people pointed toward the young couple.
Just a few steps away from the couple, four cylinders bounced on the floor, exploding and releasing a blinding light throughout the room.

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