
Chapter 3: chapter 2

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I ran to the subway station and quickly went down the stairs to reach the station only to see the train moving forward, leaving the station behind, I quickly glance at the station clock, which indicated that it was 2 hours until the arrival of the next train.
With a helpless sigh I climb the stairs to reach the station entrance.
Arriving, I pull my phone out of my pocket to call a cab, when I hear a muffled scream, alarmed I quickly start dialing the emergency number, when I see a young man in a mismatched uniform close to my age coming out of an empty alley near me.
With a flat expression he approaches me.
- Phone," he said as he extended his hand towards me, stopping a couple of steps away.
- I don't understand," I replied reflexively.
- Phone, broken," he said as he pulled a broken cell phone out of his pockets.
- I see," I mumbled as I handed him my phone.
He quickly dialed a phone number and turned around, without being able to hear any of his conversation I started to look at his clothes.
He was wearing a dark red shirt along with a set of black formal pants and shoes, without warning he turns to my direction and extends his arm to hand me my phone.
- For you," he says after handing me my cell phone.
Confused, I look at the number on the screen without recognizing it and bring it close to my ear.
- I'm Leo Bosco, I'm sorry for asking this but I need a favor from you.
- it's not something you ask for the first time you meet a stranger, leo bosco.
- I know, but I'm in a bind you know, person unknown," he said with a bitter laugh.
- What favor do you need?
- Will you do it? Fantastic, I need you to take my . Cousin to Unity High School.
- I haven't agreed to do your favor, I just want to know what I get in return, and to change the subject, why can't your cousin go to high school himself?
- He's new in town, thanks anyway, I have to go.
- Hey, I'm not done talking yet! -I said as I heard the call cut off.

Giving a sigh, I move the cell phone away from my ear holding it in my left hand and wave with my right hand towards the boy with the misaligned clothes to come closer.
- What's your name," I asked.
- Jack.
- Well Jack, you're in luck today, because I'm going to lead you to Unity High School since I'm heading in the same direction.
- Well, proceed to the mission point.
- .... sure, wait for me to call a cab," I said while thinking that my new partner was a military otaku.
Tilting my head slightly, I start to call for an autonomous cab through my phone, immediately a gray vehicle parks near us.
I approach the gray cab, opening its door to sit inside, looking through the window I see how jack has a perplexed face looking at the whole cab, slowly jack begins to approach the car opening the door, taking a seat in front of me.
- First time in an autonomous car? -I asked him.
- Yes," he replied as he inspected the interior of the vehicle, closing the door in the process.

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- Apparently you're not very talkative," I said as I selected the destination from my cell phone.
- I'm not," he replied briefly, closing his eyes.
- By the way I haven't introduced myself yet, I'm Natalia Stone but my friends call me Lia, nice to meet you," I said as the cab started moving.
Quickly the cab started to go through the streets full of pedestrians going about their private business, inside the car there was an uncomfortable silence surrounding both of us.
- I would like to ask you something -I spoke while I looked away from the window, putting my eyes on Jack.
- What is it," he said, opening his eyes as he urged me to keep talking.
- What were you doing in the alley? -I said, asking the question that had been on my mind.
- Curious," he said shortly, as he pulled out a small notebook from his vest.
He quickly flipped through the pages until he stopped at a certain page, turning the notebook towards me and showing me a detailed drawing of a cat sitting on a trash can.
- What's his name," he said as he pointed to the drawn cat.
- .... you're kidding right? -I spoke in an incredulous tone.
Without saying anything, he turned the pages of the notebook until he stopped at another drawing, not paying attention to my answer.
- What's his name," he said this time, pointing to the drawing of a man playing the guitar.
- Tell me, did you grow up under a rock or did your parents not let you leave the house?
- I'm an orphan," he said shortly, slamming the notebook shut.
- I'm sorry," I said shortly, feeling sorry for what I said as I lowered my head.

- It doesn't matter," he said shortly, marking the beginning of a suffocating silence inside the cab.
The cab slowly began to slow to a stop, suddenly an electronic voice began to indicate that we had arrived at our destination, getting out of the cab we see a large entrance for vehicles with a fence of metal rods that allow us to see through them the large expanse of grass to several buildings scattered throughout the place.
- Well, welcome to Unity High School," I said as I turned to the back.
- mmm," Jack nodded as he glanced from right to left, taking in the red brick wall and then pulled out his notebook and began to write.
- (and again with the notebook), do you have your student I.D. yet?
- no," he said shortly as he put his notebook away.
- Okay, please follow me," I said as I turned around and started walking to the pedestrian door on my right.
With a few steps I reach the door and then quickly pull out my ID and slide in the card reader next to the door opening it to see a stone path.
Without saying anything we continue walking until we reach the stairs of a mansion.
- This is the administration office, tell them you are a new student, someone will guide you to your classroom," I said as I pointed to the doors of the mansion.
- Thank you," said Jack as he extended his hand.
- You're welcome," I replied as I shook his hand and felt a familiar roughness from his hand.
- I'm glad you're getting along well with your new partner, Miss Stone.
- Principal April! -I said as she stepped out of the doorway.

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