
Chapter 5: chapter 4

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- Well class, today we will take a little look at all the "gifts" and their different classifications.

- Again? -asked one of the students.

- i know this is repetitive, but it is important, as everyone already knows, humans have "gifts" that allow us to do different things, like for example levitate a rock with our minds or lift 500 kilos with one hand, not all that can be explained scientifically like how it works to control water or how we can move objects with our minds, we only have assumptions and theories about how these and other "gifts" work, the "gifts" can be categorized in different classes, all of these vary from individual to individual, starting with the most common is the impetus type, this gift gives the individual a disproportionate strength compared to other people without this gift, this type of gift is present in 40% of the global population, then there are the gifts "ignis" and "Acqua" each occupy 15% of the world population, people born with the gift "ignis" can manipulate flames at will within a small area of the individual, as for the gift "Acqua" they control a water-like liquid which is created within the bearer of the gift.

- What, so it's sweat, is it? -said a student interrupting the professor's explanation, causing a slight laughter in the room.

- Very funny, but if he keeps making comments like that I doubt he'll get a partner," replied the teacher.

- continuing with the lesson, this liquid is colorless, odorless, tasteless and poisonous to everyone except the person who produced the liquid, after this follows the gift "esprit" which occupies 19% of the global population, the bearer of this gift can move objects with the mind at will, the maximum weight is usually 50 kilos but it all depends on individual to individual, then -said the teacher to be interrupted by a couple of knocks on the door of the classroom.
Extending his hand towards the door, the professor turned his wrist and the door opened.
Standing in the doorway were two people, a girl and a boy, the girl had a pretty face with brown eyes accompanied by black hair that reached to the middle of the girl's back, wearing a black women's jacket over a white shirt all with an ash gray tie and a dark red skirt with formal women's shoes, She took a few steps forward to see the boy behind her, wearing a gray jacket over a dark red shirt, along with an ash gray tie and black pants, all neatly arranged.

- Why are you late? -asked the professor, a little annoyed by the interruption.

- I was just showing the new transfer student around," he replied, pointing slightly to the boy.

- I understand, go sit down and you please introduce yourself to the rest of the class.
Natalia looking relieved began to walk to her seat leaving Jack behind, Jack slowly stood in front of the class.

- I'm Jack William and I look forward to working with all of you.

- Good, now Mr. Jack, please find an open seat so we can continue with the class.
With a slight nod, Jack began to walk to an open seat to sit in. Watching Jack sit in his seat, the professor continued to explain.

- Then there is the "bolt" gift, which occupies 10% of the population, the possessors of this gift have an extra pair of organs inside their bodies that works as a battery and a biological super capacitor respectively, thanks to this, the technology of storing electrical energy has been researched in depth, returning to the subject, they can give a strong discharge of high amperage through their entire body at their own will.

- and finally there is the gift "difod" that occupies the last 1% of the population, this encompasses all kinds of unique and special skills that occurs in certain individuals, these types of gifts are not hereditary and is currently creating a database to store the different appearances among the world's population, An example of this type of gifts is the ability to levitate in the air or telepathy between two people, as I said these gifts are very varied and different from each other which makes them difficult to control and can even lead to the death of the bearer if not handled with caution, does anyone have a question about the gift "difod"? -asked the professor.

- Where technopaths are classified," someone raised their hand.

- that's hard to say, currently there are so few and so far between that they are currently in a special conservation program, but formally they are in the difod category, any other questions?

- None, next I will explain the reason for the reduced amount of (sound of bell) please leave for the break, in another class I will continue today's explanation," said the teacher and then took his tablet and left.
Quickly all the students began to put away their objects but not before giving a small glance towards jack to then leave the room in large and small groups.
In a hurry, Leo approached Jack's seat, only to see him slowly finish writing in his small notebook and then put it away again.

- Come, we have to say thank you.
Nodding his head, Jack got up and started walking towards Natalia's seat accompanied by Leo.

- Hello again," said Leo shortly.

- Hi, I think it would be better if you didn't cut off calls in the middle of negotiations, Leo Bosco," she replied.

- I'm sorry, I was in a hurry.

- Natalia Stone.

- Well, Natalia, thanks for bringing Jack, is it okay if I buy you something from the food store?

- Sure," said Natalia and then got up from her seat.
Quickly the three of them arrived at the food store, getting three cans of juice and some snacks, then the three of them went to find a bench under a shade.

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- Tell me, how did he break up with you? -said Natalia while pointing slightly with the can at Jack.

- We were on the subway when a big group of people suddenly appeared, I was pushed into the train while he stayed on the subway platform," answered Leo as he opened his can.

- And all that being new in the city, that's bad luck," said Natalia opening her can as well.

- Cheers, to improve Jack's bad luck," said Leo while proposing a toast with Natalia.
Clinking their cans gently, the two began to drink the juice inside.
Not paying attention to the conversation, Jack took out his small notebook and started scribbling on it with a pencil, giving a quick glance to Natalia and Leo and then scribbling again.

- Are you drawing again? -asked Natalia as she put her juice can aside.

- (nod).

- Can I see it?

- (nod) -answering affirmatively, Jack passes his notebook to Natalia.
Inside the notebook are some half-drawn sketches of people.

- Are we the ones you're drawing? -asked Natalia, as she handed the notebook back.

- (nod).

- Tell me jack, who taught you to draw?

- I taught myself.

- Hey Leo," asked Natalia as she fixed her gaze on Leo.

- Yes?

- Why does he always answer with short words?

- I don't know, when asked he just stays silent," answered Leo with a bitter look on his face.

- Aren't you supposed to know why he does it, he's your cousin after all?

- Well, he's a distant cousin, a few weeks ago I didn't even know he existed, no offense Jack," said Leo only to discover that Jack was drawing again.

- Hey, why haven't you opened your can, Jack," asked Natalia noticing the unopened can next to her.
Tilting his head in confusion, Jack looks at the play can studying it from afar, making a decision, he takes the can firmly in his hands and proceeds to open it, slowly bringing the can to his lips, with a slight expression of surprise on his face he takes another drink.

-Hey, did you see what I saw? -asked Natalia towards Leo.

-Well, who knew she could make a different face," replied Leo with appreciable astonishment.

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