Harry Potter and the Elemental

Chapter 4: Ch4: Who in their right minds uses MOVING STAIRS in a school???

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But natuarlly we couldn't.

Dumbledore has risen from his chair, preparing to say something.

"Please don't let it be some long winded welcome speech.", I murmur.

And I could have sworn that he glanced at me for a moment there. Oh, and at everyone else who said something similar. Then he begins speaking: "Welcome! Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts! Before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words. And here they are: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak! Now, start feasting!"

"Phew. And here I thought that would become some lengthy speech about a happy year to come and so on.", I say out loud, now with a full plate of scrambeld eggs, Nürnberger Würstchen and bacon. Man I already love houselves that can make you what you wish. At home Ellis cooked always for us both and while it certainly wasn't bad, far from it actually, she always took her dear time with it and it was always the same, with little variations to it.

"Well that certainly was not a long speech.", answers Hermione having also filled her plate up to the brim.

"I thought girls don't eat much because they don't want to get fat?" 

"Hmpf. Language. As if this applys to us. If we are eating or not doesn't even make a difference for our bodies, well for normal food that is. Ouch!"

I pinched her "Don't talk about us being special in public spaces."  "Yeah alright, makes sense. Take this." "Ouch!" As we are descending in a pinching war the banquet slowly comes to an end, which we only notice as our plates disappear in front of us.

Once again, Dumbledore stands up and the hall becomes silent again: "Just a few more words now that everyone can listen with a full stomach. First years should note that the Forbidden Forest is forbidden for a reason, danger resides there. A few older students should also remember that. Our caretaker, Mr.Filch, has also asked me to remind everyone that magic usage between classes in the corridors is not allowed."

'Only between classes?'

Dumbledore continues with quidditch trials which don't concern us. But then he talks about two interesting  things: "The prefects told me about a disturbance in the train "perhaps involving bossible body harm and torture". They evacuated the wagon as they couldn't open the door and you have my respect for handling this unprecedentetd situation expertly. We have already found out who was involved and will question them at a later date." He was looking straight at Hermione and me, while saying that. I wonder what has given it away. Oh. My Eye. He then talks again, luckily not looking at us anymore but strangely he still looked in direction of the Gryffindor table: "And finally, I must tell you that this year, the third floor corridor on the right hand side is out of bounds to everybody who doesn't wish to die a gruesome death."

Sparse chuckling fills the hall 

"And now, before we go to bed, let us sing the school song together", Dumbledore continues, now with a ailly smile on his face. I can see the other teachers trying to shrink into their chairs in embarrassment.

"Come! Everyone pick a tone for themselves!"

"This is going to be another torture session, right?", I sigh.

"Ah come on, cann't be worse than the hat."

"I pray so."

And then it starts. The words clearly projected in the air. 

It is torture. All the different tunes mixed together with horrible lyrics. And who the hell is singing a funeral march? Ah, the Weasly twins. Who else.

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After the torture, sorry 'song', ended, we can finally go to our rooms. "First years, follow me!", shouts our prefect, another Weasly, before leading us into a corridor out of the hall, through some stairs and some paintings before we stand before a monstrosity: A giant staircase full of moving stairs. And I can see from here that some stairs are missing. 'Oh who in their right mind places this in a school?'

"We must go up to the 7. floor", announces Percy, "No worries, you will figure the pattern out eventually."

"That did not sound reassuring.", I comment loudly. "What? Do you think you can do better?!", hisses a clearly annoyed Percy.

"No no, just do your thing.", I say placatory.

"Hmpf. Follow me and learn.",  comes the arrogant reply from the front.

I would rather not learn.

We are wandering up and down the stairs for 3 minutes now. We were already below, above and beyond the entrance, only not on it. Some freshmen began giving advice to Percy, Hermione ahead of all. I considered trying it myself several times but followed nonetheless. After the XXth attempt to help by Hermione, the livid Percy snaps: "Shut up Granger or do it yourselve!!" "Fine, I'll do it.", she answers calmly, much to the amusement of the rest who had already stared metaphorical holes in Percys head to search for his metaphorical brain. Hermione steps forth and 15 seconds later we stand in front off the portait of the Fat Lady. Hermione turns around and mock bows to Percy while saying: "it was a pleasure."

The others lost it and laughed out loud. Percys face is red in shame as he says: "Good work." He then steps to the front and turns around: "Behind this portrait lies the common room of Gryffindor. The portrait opens only after saying the correct password, which changes weekly. The password for this week is: Caput Draconis." With that the 'door' swings open to reveal a literal hole in the wall we all crawl through. 

The common room looks comfortable to say the least. It is a round room with a fire place at one wall with armchairs around it, couches at the other walls, a pinboard for news and two exits, presumely to the dormitories. "This is our common room", begins Percy, no trace of the former trouble discernible, "there on the pinboard will be the password, the timetables and any other news. A copy of your schedule will be lying on your beds, now boys to the left stairs, and girls to the right, see you tomorrow." And he is gone. "You wait for me tomorrow here so that we can go to breakfest together?", I ask Hermione, who nods back before going up. 

I am in the same room with Harry, Ron, the guy who lost his toad on the train and to other guys I don't know. My trunk already lies before my bed so that I only need to sort around a bit to get everything for tomorrow ready. Then I remember that I had been a bit rude to the well-roundedfat boy. Turning to him, I call out: "Hey! whats your name?"

"Neville", he stammers.

"So Neville, I want to apologize to you, I had been a bit rude to you on the train."

"It is fine, it was nothing."

"Did you find your toad?"

"Yes I did!"

"Then everythings allright. What are your names by the way?", I ask the other two boys.



"Cool, my name is Luke."

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