Harry Potter and the Fractured Dragon

Chapter 94: 21st September 1991, Saturday: Part 5

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George scratched an itchy horn on the back of his head with one of his claws whilst trying to think of something less depressing. It wasn't doing him any good to brew over all the things he couldn't control, he might as well focus on something within his ability for the time being. He looked back toward the patch of ground where he had transformed and saw a grotesque pile of blooded torn skin and a shredded school uniform.

Normally, pieces of his old human skin would cling to his body but this time he had completely shedded. George guessed that he had grown so much larger relative to his human form that the old skin lost all its purchase, that would explain why the bloody flesh looked almost mulched. The transformation left him naked which meant everything he hadn't had time to take off had been destroyed. Luckily, he had been forward-thinking enough to cast his robe and sack aside which meant all of his valuables were safe.

George hesitantly walked on all fours towards the king-size bed, making sure to avoid the puddle of his fleshy juices, while looking for his sack which had been thrown last minute. He found it on the ground beside the mattress, it still looked in one piece and there was no evidence of damage. George carefully leaned over the bed and picked it up with his teeth whilst making sure not to bite down, he didn't like using his mouth but he had even less confidence using his claws. He dropped the sack onto the dusty mattress and stuck his snout inside to look for a bin bag to put his skin and torn clothes inside.

The following events were almost comical as a deformed dragon attempted to blow open a black bin bag and place his fleshy remains inside. Losing opposable thumbs and fingers made performing ordinary tasks exceedingly difficult and tedious, licking the bin bag didn't help either since his tongue was so abrasive that it tore the bag. The second bin bag was opened partially but when he blew air into it to open it up completely, the bag burst from his powerful breath. Most of George's concentration had to be focused on not losing his temper or he might make the rickety building collapse in a fit of anger.

In the end, George resorted to pulling out a roll of duct tape and wrapping it around his claws so he could use his hands without puncturing the next bag. Once he finished filling the third bin bag with his minced remains, George was greeted with a large stain covering the floor. Besides the dust, the floor had been remarkably clean until he repainted it red. Since he hated leaving a mess behind, he felt the impulse to clean that up as well. He looked at his wrist, where he had messily duct-taped his wristwatch which he had picked out of the skin slushy, and checked the time. His broken wristwatch told him that it was still early in the afternoon and he had plenty of time before dinner.

George thought that he might as well keep the place clean since he would be coming back to transform every month or so. If he keeps on leaving stains like this one then the last decent room will start smelling of decay as well as mould. Being someone who's always prepared, George brought all the cleaning utensils he could need to remove stains in his sack. He once again placed his snout in the enchanted sack and pulled out a mop with an accompanying bucket with his tongue coiled around the handle. He also pulled out a large plastic jug containing over forty litres of drinking water and an assortment of cleaning products. He filled the bucket with the water from the plastic container and mixed in some bleach until it was frothy. Then George very gently picked up the mop between his taped-up claws and dumped it into the bucket.

For the next thirty minutes, George in his draconic form thoroughly mopped the floor until there wasn't a single spec of blood remaining. He had cleaned the floor to such a high sheen that he could see his horrifying reflection in it. He placed the mop into the bucket and patted his wings together whilst having a very toothy grin plastered on his scaly face. George was now happily leaving the Shrieking Shack knowing that it was in a better state than it had been before he arrived. He had spent so much time cleaning that he could turn back into his human form and return to the school, there was no reason to stay in this disgusting house any longer. He was looking forward to having a hot bath the moment he got back to his dorm room so he could wash away the mouldy smell clinging to his scales.

There was only one problem plaguing his mind, the spot where his blood stained the ground was clean but the rest of the floor wasn't. George scratched one of the horns on the back of his head whilst he contemplated how he could fix this issue.

He thought to himself, "if the rest of the floor was cleaned as well then that would fix the problem. It wouldn't even be that difficult since the rest of the floor is just a bit dusty, I doubt it would even take that long."

George looked over at his watch and saw that he still had plenty of time before he had to return to school.

He convinced himself, "if I'm going to keep on coming back here to transform then I might as well make it sterile, there's no harm in cleaning the floor. I'm meant to be relaxing today anyway."

George ended up reaching for the mop in the bucket whilst completely forgetting about the fact he could transform whenever he liked. At this moment, there was a far more important and dirty problem worthy of his attention. And just like that, George spent the rest of the afternoon thoroughly cleaning every square inch of the floor in the master bedroom. His massive form was especially useful when it came to lifting the three-poster bed into the air so he could clean the floor underneath. He ended up pulling out another bin bag just to fill it with scrap pieces of wood and fluff he uncovered on his cleaning journey, more than a few spider lives were ended that day when he uncovered masses of cobwebs.

He stacked all the furniture such as the broken cabinet, piano and various fancy chairs onto the four-poster bed and kept dragging it around the room so he didn't miss any corners. He stood proudly at the entrance of the room whilst overlooking the immaculate wooden panels, the floor was now a better mirror than the mirror itself. His crimson eyes looked around the room and recognised the contrast between what he had and hadn't cleaned, the difference was night and day. The walls and ceiling were still covered in dust and cobwebs made by lucky spiders that had escaped his wrath.

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The urge to clean the rest of the room was starting to overcome George as he gripped the mop tightly enough to make it bend into a U shape. He looked down towards his watch which he had reattached to his large scaly wrist with duct tape and was shocked to see how much time had passed by, the watch was telling him that it was half five which meant he had been cleaning for over three hours. George immediately looked towards the boarded-up window and saw that it was dark outside. Now that he thought about it, the entire room was almost pitch black. It seemed that in his current form, his eyes could adjust to extremely low light without him realising it. He was shocked by how distracted he'd become and how fast time had gone by whilst cleaning the floor.

He thought to himself, "time might fly by when you're having fun but this is ridiculous. And when did I start enjoying cleaning? I'm not a house-elf."

For the entire time George was cleaning, he hadn't thought about doing anything besides mopping and dusting. He started to question if A.D.H.D was the only mental illness he might have, O.C.D was looking like another good candidate for things wrong with his head. George decided that he had spent far too much time in the Shrieking Shack and he needed to get back to Hogwarts before anyone noticed he was missing. He picked up the bucket full of filthy water and carried it over to the window.

Walking around for three hours had given George plenty of time to adapt and he now strutted around the room like a real dragon. He wrapped his claws around one of the wooden boards nailed to the window frame and ripped it off the wall, this inadvertently caused the scattering of pieces of rotten wood and dust to fall all over the floor. He desperately tried to ignore the mess he'd just made and proceeded to pour the bucket out of the window. George then tied a knot in his two bin bags and placed them, along with his cleaning utensils, back into his leather sack. He picked up the sack with his mouth and headed towards the landing but stopped once he realised he wouldn't fit down the stairwell.

George had become so familiar with this new monstrous form that he had forgotten to turn back into a human. He felt it was funny that he could feel more accustomed to cleaning a haunted house as a naked abomination than he could as a student at Hogwarts. Maybe he was destined to become a janitor like Filch after his plan was completed, that thought sent a shiver down his spiky spine. George dropped the sack to the floor and took off the duct tape watch and stuck it on the bannister so he didn't lose track of it.

Then George craned his long neck down and looked toward his abdomen, he found a faint purple scar to the right of his navel. He was relieved to see that although transformations were ever-modifying his anatomy, the scar always remained in the same place regardless of whether he was human or a monster. George pressed what was formally his right hand against the scar and closed his eyes so he could concentrate. He was normally in a rush to conduct this particular piece of magic and it would often cause him a great deal of pain, now he could take his time to reduce the discomfort.

Whilst reading the illegible enchantment in his head, George felt his claws descend into his abdomen and reach his intestines without the need to make an incision. He was very careful as he moved the intestines aside so he didn't accidentally cause internal bleeding. He moved his hand until he reached a fleshy sac just below his liver. He wiggled his two claws into the sack and pinched a tacky marble-sized ball, he then pulled the ball out of the fleshy bag. George continued to pull his hand out of his abdomen and opened his eyes to see the yellow and veiny hard-boiled sweet clasped between his slimy claws.

George looked down and saw that his abdomen was completely unharmed due to the encantation, the small scar was exactly the same as before. He hesitated slightly before opening his mouth and swallowing the 'sweet' in one go. His whole body instinctively shivered as it travelled down his long neck, there were no words to describe the other-worldly sensation. Once the 'sweet' in his stomach started to dissolve, George immediately felt himself starting to shrink. The transformation was the polar opposite of before as his body cooled and shrank, there was hardly any pain or discomfort.

His scaly body flaked away as new smooth skin was revealed underneath, the human skin was pale and smooth like a newborn baby's. His horns retracted back into his spine whilst his tail separated from his body and vanished a moment later. His arms and legs bent back into their original shape and his talons and claws retracted back into his fingers and toes until they looked like slightly pointy nails. Finally, George's long neck collapsed in on itself and his snout deformed back into his nose. His only complaint was the unbelievably intense cold that overcame his rapidly lowering body temperature, it didn't help that he was naked in an unheated building.

George reached for his sack and pulled out his mirror so he could see his reflection. He was curious if his physical appearance in this form had changed since his other scaly form had quite significantly. He was relieved to see that his eyes had just returned to their normal colour and his brown hair was growing back out of his bald head. Perhaps the only concerning issue was his sunken cheeks and pale complexion which made him look like a poorly fed prisoner who hadn't seen the sun in years. He wasn't too concerned about this since his complexion always improved after eating a large meal which Hogwarts would no doubtedly provide.

George stood up unsteadily and could tell he had grown by at least an inch or two, his muscles felt slightly more developed as he clenched the bannister for support. He hoped that no one would notice since he could easily explain it as a sudden growth spurt which wasn't uncommon in boys his age. George pulled a fresh uniform out of his sack and quickly dressed his shaking body. He would have to come up with an excuse for Amanda when she asks about his missing uniform, maybe he could say it got lost in the laundry. He also pulled out a large pair of scissors so he could cut his hair since it would always grow back down to his shoulders.

After transforming more than a dozen times, George had become quite competent in cutting his hair. The first few times, when he had no idea what he was doing, he had to make something up for Amanda so that she didn't question why his hair looked like it had been cut with a dull rock. George finished cutting his hair and was satisfied with the reflection in the mirror, he was now ready to go back to Hogwarts. He took one last look back into the room he'd cleaned so vigorously and smiled before descending the staircase. George could imagine indulging his cleaning impulses and slowly renovating this building over the next few months to the point it was ready to be lived in once again.

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