Harry Potter, The Martial Master

Chapter 2: What large Suction cups you have

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As the train pulled in he got changed into his robes, noticing that as he did he had a small bit more magic that he had access to, he raised a brow a bit. Maybe he should seek out stronger magical items he could wear.

As they lined up outside the train led by Hagrid, the big man greeted him, funnily enough, this man had the largest concentration of Earth, Wood, and nature energy but none of his stars are lit. As Hagrid stepped forward Harry raised a hand toward him, placing it just lightly enough on Hagrid to make contact.

He focused Hagrid's ambient energy and helped him fill a few stars, some minor passives, better travel through the forest, the forest would accept him as its own better. He also filled in a few others that would help him with self-healing the more near he was to the forest and it's trees.

The nature energy focused on a few stars that would help him in a minor passive to his immune system, and better luck when searching for something within nature-heavy areas.

That would be all he could be able to fill without going into deeper meditation.

Hagrid turned around to look back at Harry. '''Erything alright 'Arry?"

"Quite fine Hagrid, was just wondering what material your furs were made out of."

Hagrid looked down, explaining it was a fox's pelt, one he had helped and kept for it's life span.

As they moved on they got into the boats, four to a boat.

As they traveled across the water he got a large amount of water essence for later, storing it for later as he watched a kid fall into the lake. Harry wasn't sure why, but he was moving before he could register. His glasses off and the heaviest of his robes tossed to the side as he dived into the lake after the kid.

As he swam down he caught onto the robes of the kid and pulled him up, the flailing kid began to stop as he noticed he was being saved as Harry began to swim up he noticed just how heavy the robes were underwater, he was about to take more off before he felt something press against his leg.

Looking down he noticed a massive limb with suction cups pressing against his foot. Oh cool, a large tentacle monster, weren't people into this back in the day?

He gathered his meager strength and kicked off the tentacle, giving a thumbs-up as he swam upwards.

Once he broke the service he caught onto the boat the kid had fallen from. Hoisting himself up he dumped the boy into the boat.

As he looked to the boy, dark hair and teeth chattering. "T-t-thank you."

Harry gave a nod. ''Be more careful next time." After Harry said that, the three in the boat including the soaked boy turned to look to a ginger-haired Youth. Harry's eyes squinted a bit as he watched the ginger-haired boy shrink back a bit.

Harry grumbled a bit, muttering something about kids before he felt something press against his feet again, actively lifted him he crouched as the tentacle broke the service and he surfed with it across the dark water back to his own boat. Once he landed back on the boat he sighed as he relaxed back into the boat, not caring for his soaked clothing. Too bad he didn't have any fire energy yet.

"Are you crazy?"

Harry opened an eye to turn and look at the bushy-haired girl from before. "Mad? A little bit, just enough to keep life interesting."

"You could've drowned!" She shouted, anger and worry radiating off her, which caused Harry to laugh, shaking his head.

''For one, I knew how to swim, unlike that kid who couldn't."

"Neville, his name is Neville Longbottom.''

Harry snickered a bit before he nodded. "I'll remember that for next time, and yours?"

"Hermione Granger." She thrust her hand forward towards him in greeting.

Taking her hand he shook it firmly. ''Harry Potter."

After he said that she gaped, staring at him like a fish out of the water just as the boats came to shore. Hagrid's loud voice boomed out as he called everyone up and after the long trek up the stairs, they were passed off to another teacher.

During this time Harry wasn't paying attention really, to focus on sensing all the energy that was around the halls of the castle, there was a large concentration of multiple energies.

A talent like his, brought to a place where a massive amount of all types of energies was just naturally circling? He feels like one of those stupid young masters who were so arrogant to him in his previous life.

At least now he was the young master, he'd do his best to keep his arrogance in check. One thing he needed to figure out was that sudden urge to jump in the lake, that was so strong it completely went past all his self-control, he would need to make sure that didn't happen again.

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Just as he was getting deeper into his mind he heard his name called, at first it wasn't different than the names that had been called before his, but afterward his name brought a lot of silence.

He looked up, a brow raised as he looked at the older teacher holding a dusty hat.

Stepping forward he sat onto the stool, the teacher seeming shocked out of her state as she set the hat onto his head.

'Oh, this is...  You're one of a kind aren't you boy? A talent for all houses, but enough knowledge to rival Ravenclaw, enough ambition to topple Slytherin, the loyalty to disrupt Hufflepuff, and the makings of a true Hero... Then there is no else but..'


A wave of applause rippled across the houses as the Gryffindor house burst into hollering and roars of approval, a magic seemed to wave over him as his robes changed colors slightly. He just now noticed that he had been dried off completely, magic was involved for sure, now that he focuses it was sometime after he passed into the main hall.

As he moved to sit at the Gryffindor table he noticed that the choice he had was the ginger-haired dolt and Hermione.

He moved to sit next to her, shaking a few hands as he sat down. Hermione seemed to fill with pride for some reason as he sat next to her he was soon joined by Neville, and soon the whole table had been filled up and a large feast had appeared before them.

Without hesitation he began to eat, keeping his manners about him, unlike Ron who ate like a starving dog.

Harry needed the nutrition and calories if he was going to reach his optimal foundation as soon as possible. Despite the difference in eating, Harry still ate much more than Ron.

But due to how he ate, no one seemed to notice but Ron who seemed to think he was in some primitive eating contest.

The ghosts had appeared, the amount of spirit energy they had was massive, but it was so densely concentrated in them it was hard to get any energy, but he still stole what he could, as he was doing actively. His talent was monstrous and he had the ability to light up all the stars, so he was going to pull as much energy as he could. Mana would most likely end up being the first one filled.

The concentration of mana was so thick here, a few more stars and Harry could actively shift it to his will with ease just as the teachers seemed to do, all be it not to as great a degree as Dumbledore, that man had some serious power in him.

His eyes swept the teachers, memorizing their faces as he would be dealing with them for the coming years.

It was when his eyes passed over Quirrel, someone he had been introduced to before when he felt a pain in his scar, and another smaller feeling of someone attempting to breach his mind.

Mind skimming would be met with a harsh response as he gathered the ambient mana and forcibly shoved Quirrel back into his own mind.

The recoil was so harsh that Quirrel's eyes began to bleed and he was forced back, stumbling from his seat as he fell from the teachers' table.

Harry chuckled a bit, that small forceful probe had given him a lot of information. It seemed whatever dark star was affecting him, and the cause of the star. Was part of that man as well, Harry had planned not to begin mind energy manipulation yet until he was better situated, but it seem magic had a way to peak at the mind. He couldn't always use brute force to respond to things so he would need to train his mind a bit.

The kids were too busy eating to notice much but what looked to be a nurse had pulled Quirrel away, from Dumbledore's seat, a twinkle in his eyes as he watched his DA teacher get taken away as he then swept his eyes out over the kids. Had a prank gone wrong maybe?

Soon the food had been replaced by Dessert and Harry ate less, but he still ate some pudding, which was nice.

After they finished they were led to their dorm rooms, he got to share a room with a few others, the notable ones being the Neville kid he had saved from the lake and the ginger who looked hesitant to approach either of the two.

It was Neville who came forward, offering his hand to Harry, which Harry took into a firm handshake.

''T-Thank you for before when you saved me from the lake... H-Hermione also said it was you who said to seek out an older student."

"It's fine Neville, I feel it wasn't all your fault as to why you decided to take a dip in the lake." Harry's eyes briefly looked to the ginger who almost grew red in anger or embarrassment.

Neville's hand tightened a bit around Harry's hand before he let go, a small thing but Harry understood the meaning of it. "Neville, since it's the weekend and we don't have classes until Monday, how about you join me for a morning jog? We'll explore the castle and make sure where all our classes are."

Neville looked up to him before he nodded. ''T-T-that would be nice Harry."

Once that finished they all changed into their pajamas, in which Harry only wore shorts as he climbed into bed with the rest of them and they all went to sleep.

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