Chapter 5: DRAGON LAW PART 1

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Draco came to in a dark cave,

the darkness was so intense that Draco almost felt it tingling on his skin. he was filled with confusion,

was this the fade? what had he done wrong, why was he suddenly in a mysterious cave.

he vividly recalled the system referring to him as a level 1 dragon lord. he did not know what that meant but he had hoped it meant that he had completed the level1 first quest.

after all the quest had been to find the ward with the dragon heartstring.

draco noticed that he still held the Gawain wand in his hands.

he could feel the solid rod in his palm. he wondered just how important this wand was and why dobby had to guard it with his life.

yet even if it held so much power, Draco knew that it was wasted on him since he didn't know how to use it.

he decided to activate the system, maybe it would present him with the answers he sought.

he focused his mind on opening the system display but nothing was happening, what could be the problem,?

till now he had not experienced any hindrance when trying to access the system. had he maybe run out of his vitals? even so, the system should have notified him.

there was something wrong!

Draco felt lost, here he was stuck in a cave in the middle of nowhere, with no clue what to do. the cave was freezing, he wished at least it could be a little warmer, maybe his brain would try and figure out a solution.

he suddenly felt a warmth spreading through his body,

it quickly engulfed him that Draco almost believed that the place had never been cold. he noticed that the warmth was originating from the wand he was holding in his right hand.

the Gawain wand was responding to Draco's wishes.

great, Draco thought,

he had eventually found his way out of this mysterious cave. he focused his mind and wished he was out of this cave.

draco waited for a moment but nothing happened, he felt frustrated," 'why the hell am I still here .he yelled staring at the wand.

" because it is where you need to be", a voice answered from deep within the darkness,

Draco felt the hard pattering of approaching footsteps, he wished there could be light at least so he could see the new company.

a glow suddenly emerged from the tip of the Gawain ward. and immersed the cave in a golden light,

Draco saw an ancient-looking man approaching from deep within the cave,

"I see the Gawain wand has finally found a worthy bearer ", he said as he drew nearer,"

where am I?,...wait, how do you know about the Gawain wand?" Draco asked him,

"first, you are where you need to be" the old man reiterated.

second"I was there when it was  made"

"Why am I here?"

"you are the new dragonlord, your place is here in the dragon's cave," the old man reached where Draco was and bowed to him,

"allow me to introduce myself, my lord. my name is Thorin, and am the dragonlord's chamberlain.at least I was until the previous dragon lord passed 10 days ago, you are his descendant and the heir to the dragon throne."

Draco's thoughts were still floating,

he was no one's lord let alone an heir to the throne,

he was an  kid trying to survive in a weird universe.

was this also part of the system?

Draco decided to ask, "what have you done with my system, I cannot access it. I thought you guys said if I achieve the quest, I keep progressing?.

the old man stared at Draco as if he had gone nuts.

"son, I truly don't understand a word you are saying. but I can tell you are from a different age. here in the dragon cave though, we don't have time, nor are we limited by age. whatever you left behind is still there, but you belong to this moment. please let me take you to the dragon library, you must have a lot of questions crying for answers, and I will do my best to answer."

a lot of, questions? Draco wondered,he had like a gazillion questions,

what did the old chap mean by whatever was left behind is still there and that here in the dragon cave, they were not governed by time?

You are reading story HARRY POTTER:MAGIC PREDATOR SYSTEM at novel35.com

THE old man continued as if sensing his thoughts,

"We are the age between the past and the present, and we must remain unchangeable for the sake of stability".

the Gawain wand was glowing brighter as they neared an entrance to the inner chamber of the cave

"the Gawain wand has recognized its origin," the old man continued,

"it was fashioned by your ancestor from Gawain's scales. so the Gawain wand has no wood like most wands. and it will only work for a worthy dragon descendant who is an heir to the dragon throne.

a deep roar came from within the cave, the whole cave was shaken and Draco thought that it would fall on them.

'Gawain thinks his old friend, your ancestor, is back.

"I'm afraid soon you shall have to meet your charge, after all, you are their new lord"

. Draco felt a shiver run through his entire body.

he couldn't imagine himself standing in front of a dragon that gave that kind of roar.

" their lord?, he asked Thoran, "you mean there are more?,

"son I think you misunderstood things when I said this was a dragon cave? you thought that it was a tight crumbled prison for a dragon."

"in truth, the dragon cave is but an entrance to the dragon realm, here, there are over a thousand dragons without counting dragonets, if they were to roar at once, I think they would cause immense tides in the sapphire sea. not to mention earthquakes in your world,"

Draco followed Thoran into an ancient-looking chamber, they had not taken the corridor from which, Gawain's roars had come.

Draco had experienced momentary relief, by avoiding the encounter with the beasts.

he had gradually pictured himself standing in front of a plain full of dragons and was almost certain that his bladders would give way.

what Thoran referred to as the dragon library was a crumbled-up room which looked like a security room checkpoint, inside there were three people who stood up and bowed to them when Draco entered.

Thoran introduced them to him, a man even older than Thoran was introduced as the librarian and the custodian of the dragon scrolls of knowledge, as Draco found out later, these were the scroll sought after by monks and other martial artists who wanted to master the dragon style

as the second occupant of the room was being introduced, Draco couldn't help but stare helplessly, at another occupant,

she was a young girl of about Draco's age whose beauty Draco was yet to see anywhere else, she had blue eyes that seemed to stare past his flesh and directly to his soul. she had platinum blonde hair that hung on her back flawlessly, her lips were drawing Draco's gaze. yet what drew his eyes further were the two bulges on her chest.

Draco had lived a solitary life. the best part of it he had spent in a comma and thus, his relations with members of the different sex were only limited to his mother and sister.

as for a romantic life, it was entirely nonexistent.

Draco's gaze met her own and Draco stared away, in shame.

" had she caught him ogling her breasts?.

Draco realized that Thoran was already introducing the second occupant of the room.

a bulk man clad in silver armour,

" This is sir Ned, he is the commander of the royal army.

the man slowly bowed to Draco and Draco bowed in return,

the young lady tried to stifle a burst of laughter but failed, she burst out laughing until she noticed conversation had stopped and everyone was staring at her.

the commander turned to the young girl with a stern look,

on seeing the man's icy glare, she blushed deeply and stared at her feet,

" ooh I am sorry father," she said still snickering.

the commander ignored her and bowed again

" This is my daughter  Alicia, my lord, please excuse her childish behaviour.

the young girl's shyness suddenly dissipated, it was replaced by teenage stubbornness.

"Father, when will you stop calling me a child, am all grown up now",

"that is what all the children say" the commander replied getting stern,

the girl seemed to sense the change in her father's  voice and got the cue that further mischief would not be tolerated




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