Heat the Pig Liver

Chapter 12: 2

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Chapter 2 – There’s Always a Reason for Being a Virgin

After a nap, it was evening.  Jess and I waited for Shulavis to finish his training.  He came out of the large, solidly built training ground wearing a loose navy blue robe.  Despite the cool breeze, his fair face was drenched in sweat.


“What’s wrong?  Is it something urgent?”


Shulavis asked while walking briskly.


“Yes, we wish to talk to you about that history book for a bit.”


“Can it wait?  Father’s calling for me.”


(We want to ask that father of yours for something.)



When I conveyed that, Shulavis stopped and looked down at me.


“You want to ask Father?  For what?”


(The history book we gave Hortis this morning was a copy that was partially sealed by the previous king, Evis.  A copy means the original must exist somewhere.  Considering Evis was involved in sealing it, it’s natural to assume that the original history book has been passed down from generation to generation by the king.  We want to read the passages that were sealed in the copy.)


After some thought, Shulavis began walking again.  We followed after him.


“Mr. Shulavis?”


Jess seemed to be looking at his expression while asking.  Did we say something that accidentally put him in a bad mood?


“Why do you want to read the sealed passages?”


Shulavis questioned, still facing forward.


(Because the method to killing the surreptitious sorcerer might be written there.)


This was the conclusion we reached after Jess and I discussed things over.  Given the history book was written in chronological order, we speculated that the sealed pages recorded how Vatis unified Mestria.  If we can decipher that part, we might be able to find a way to kill the immortal mage.


“I see.”


After saying that, Shulavis turned just his face to look at us.


“Looks like you had the same idea as Father.  He had Mother decipher the history book he inherited from Grandfather, and they learned of the location of one of Mestria’s great treasures – the Spear of Destruction.  I’m currently headed to witness the collection of that spear.”


“The Spear of Destruction?”


Jess let out an astonished voice, then looked at her surroundings with concern.  She lowered her voice when continuing.


“That’s the key to breaking the magic of immortality, right?  Where would it be?”


“We’re almost there.  Come with me.  Just… be careful of your thoughts around Father.”


Hearing that, I was reminded that the person we were hiding Hortis from was a mage who could hear my monologues.  But that won’t be a problem, since I had a special countermeasure.


Watch carefully, everyone.  There’s a way to prevent Markus and Wies from hearing my monologues.


The place Shulavis headed towards was the Golden Sanctuary.  It’s a large sanctuary made from glossy black marble, with gold decorations everywhere.  The majestic building was also the resting place for past rulers, including Evis.


With a heavy creak, the sanctuary door opened.  King Markus, in a formal robe, and Queen Wies, in a frilly white dress, stood far inside.


Shulavis hurried towards them.


“You’re late.  If you enjoy training that much, how about I personally teach you how to fight?”


Markus looked at his son with his grey eyes that shone fiercely.  His slicked-back blonde hair and slim figure gave the impression that he was a powerful person you couldn’t let your guard down against, like a successful stockbroker.  King Markus was the strongest mage in Mestria.  For Shulavis, who was still in training, Markus was probably the last person he would want as an opponent.


“Forgive me.  Despite having arrived on time, I would like to apologize.”


This bit of sarcasm made Markus snort in disdain.


“Why’s the girl and pig here?”


His brusque words made Shulavis’ cheeks stiffen.


“It shouldn’t pose any problems to Father regardless of where I take my fiancé.”


Markus sighed as if he was tired of his son’s back talking, and turned his head towards his wife.


“Wies, explain the process so that even an idiot can understand.”


Wies smiled.  This person here is a beautiful lady with long, blonde hair and big boobs.  Do you all remember the story about sunflowers and violets?  Even guys who like small flowers like violets can’t help but be drawn to large flowers like sunflowers.  Although she’s married and had a child, Wies is a woman that can be likened to a sunflower that has fully extended its beautiful petals underneath the radiant sun.  She should be fairly old, but neither her elegant and intellectual looking face nor her brilliant sunflower body have lost their youthful charms.  She could probably be considered a Hollywood celebrity class woman.


While I went on this long thought, Markus averted his eyes and Wies cleared her throat.


Wies pointed at the large sarcophagus enshrined on the altar at the end of the sanctuary.  This was the coffin where the body of the royal dynasty’s ancestor, Vatis, was kept.


“It can only be used once, but the Spear of Destruction, which can take any life without fail, is sealed here.”


Jess gasped beside me.


“According to the history book, the spear seems to be hidden in the sarcophagus’ lid, and only one person in Mestria can break the seal.  It’s the rightful successor to the royal dynasty – the youngest descendent of Vatis-sama’s bloodline.  In other words, that person is you, Shulavis.”


It was as if Shulavis’ heartbeats were echoing across the quiet and spacious sanctuary.  A tense-looking Shulavis walked between his parents, and made his way towards the royal dynasty ancestor’s sarcophagus.


I also approached the sarcophagus, and looked at its lid.  Though it was inconspicuous, I noticed a thin arrow symbol etched on the lid.  Was it a mark to indicate that the spear was hidden here?


Shulavis cautiously spoke.


“What… should I do?”


“It seems you just need to touch the lid while wishing for the Spear of Destruction.”


Shulavis looked at his father.  Markus urged Shulavis with his chin.


After bowing towards the statue of Vatis on the altar, Shulavis slowly extended his right hand on to the sarcophagus.  All eyes in the sanctuary were focused on that hand.


The hand with sturdy bones and thick blood vessels gently touched the lid.


There was a faint creak, then the sound of the thick stone slab shaking.  But other than that, nothing happened.


“What are you doing?  Wish for the spear, and do it again.”


Shulavis responded to Markus’ annoyed voice by touching the lid again.


The lid shook once again, but still, nothing happened.




Markus strode forward and stood right in front of Wies.


“This is just to confirm things-”




“Is Shulavis my child?”


The air froze.




“I’m asking this to rule out the possibilities.  The child you gave birth to is the rightful heir to the royal dynasty; that is to say, he’s my child, correct?”


Wies pulled her head back in fear.


“Of course!  Don’t tell me you think that someone other than yourself-”


In that moment, Shulavis’ body flew up as if he had been knocked into the air, and he was pinned there, his limbs spread wide in midair.  Markus raised his hand in that direction.


“What are you doing, Father-!”


Shulavis’ normally cool face was now twisted in pain.  Markus held his open hand out like a claw, and Shulavis’ throat was squeezed by an invisible hand.  The fair skin on his face turned red in an instant.


“Dear, what are you doing?!”


Wies tried to stop him, but she collided with an invisible barrier and was pushed away.


“If Shulavis is my son, then who are you, who is not my son?”


Markus, with wrinkled brows, was not only powerful, he also exuded a fierce aura.  It was an overwhelming sense of intimidation, as if the surrounding walls were about to shatter and collapse.


Shulavis remained dangling in the air with his limbs outstretched, and he groaned in pain.


There was nothing I could do as I froze up like a tonkatsu shop’s storefront decoration.

>TL Note: Tonkatsu is fried pork cutlet.




It was Jess who raised her voice.


“There might be some kind of mistake.  Please stop strangling him!”


Those eyes, burning with anger, glared at Jess.  Jess took a step back beside me.


“A mistake, you say?  What are some possible examples?  Go ahead and say them.”


Jess couldn’t answer.  I steeled myself, took a step forward, and snorted loudly.


(Perhaps the steps were incorrect.  Perhaps someone had already taken it.  I’m sure there’s plenty of ways to confirm whether this is the real Shulavis without needing to strangle him.  Or is your magic only capable of this?)


I took it one step further and snorted to provoke him.  Markus looked up in disgust, and promptly dropped his hand.  Shulavis, still floating with his limbs outstretched, coughed.


“What an impertinent pig.  How about I roast and eat you?”


He won’t eat me raw?


“That said, my magic is certainly not only capable of this.  Let’s give this a try.”


Markus clasped his hands and cracked his fingers.  The next instant, he swung his right hand violently, aiming straight at Shulavis.


Boom!  A shockwave shook the air.  Shulavis’ body leaned backwards, and fell straight onto the stone floor.




Wies rushed to Shulavis’ side, only to see him sit up.


“I’m fine, there’s no problem.”


His voice was extremely hoarse.


The domestically violent man looked at the two, and lightly sighed.


“I used magic that undoes transformation magic, but it appears to have been ineffective.  Something must have gone wrong.  Investigate the cause and report back to me.”


Just like that, Markus walked away in displeasure and left the sanctuary without looking back even once.


(Are you alright, Shulavis?)


When I ran up to him, the frizzy-haired handsome guy smiled awkwardly.


“I hope you didn’t see my underwear.”


The navy blue robe Shulavis wore was spread open like a skirt.


(I mean, I’m not interested in a guy’s underwear…)


When I conveyed that, Wies looked at me with cold eyes.  Oops.  That kind of phrasing would lead to people misunderstanding me as someone who’s interested in girls’ underwear.  The only underwear I’m interested in are Jess’.


Wies wiped away the sweat sliding down her cheek and spoke.


“I will overlook the fact that you looked at my son’s fiancé indecently this time.  Your courageous words helped us.  Thank you very much.”


(No, no.  It wasn’t a big deal.)


Suddenly, an idea came to mind.


(Speaking of which, you have the history book that’s been passed down the royal family for generations, right ma’am?)


“That is correct.”


(Did you finish reading it?)


My inquiry made Wies tilt her head in confusion.


“No, only a part of it.  My husband was interested in the Spear of Destruction, and he asked me to decipher it… so I used my spare time to figure out where it was hidden and how to retrieve it.  I didn’t read the rest because I didn’t have the time.”


With the death of the previous king, Evis, those that remain were now busy with the royal dynasty’s duties.  When you’re preoccupied with work, the amount of resource your brain can allocate to other things is limited.


(Would you consider letting me and Jess continue the deciphering?  There might still be hints on how to retrieve the Spear of Destruction hidden elsewhere.)


Wies pondered.  The dark circles under her eyes stood out prominently on her beautiful, actress-like face.


“That’s not a bad idea.  But the contents of the history book are extremely cruel and unpleasant.  Even if you’re fine with it, is Jess able to handle it?”


“Of course!”


Jess asserted without hesitation.  Wies looked at her with admiration.


“Is that so?  I haven’t been able to teach you magic at all lately either.  Jess, please try to decipher the history book with Mister Pig.  It should serve as a good opportunity for learning.”




Wies handed the history book that was placed on the side of the altar over to Jess, who answered happily.


“Knowledge can sometimes be more powerful and dangerous than magic.  Please proceed carefully.”


After kindly speaking to Jess, Wies looked down at me.


“Please be careful of your actions from now on as to not suddenly increase the number of dishes for dinner.  With my level of magic power, one can easily roast a whole pig.”


It looks like the royal family won’t eat pigs raw even if you provoke them.  Good for them.


(Understood.  I won’t lay a finger on Jess.)


“Well, pigs don’t have fingers.”


Shulavis, who had gotten up and was sitting on the floor, immediately responded seriously.  Damn, he ruined my plans to exploit that logic loophole.


(Don’t worry, I won’t lay a hand on Jess.)


Although pigs don’t have hands!


“…How about you be a little more careful so that your inner thoughts don’t leak out?”


Shulavis smiled in amazement.  Well, that’s better than his pained look.


I turned to face Wies again, and used my nose to point at the history book in Jess’ hands.


(Then we’ll be borrowing this for some time.  Jess, let’s go decipher it at once.)




Jess’ hands seemed to be itching to open the history book.




“As expected, the procedure was correct.  Does that mean someone already took out the Spear of Destruction?”


It was the middle of the night, and Jess, who was lying prone on the bed, said that with me next to her.


It would be bad if someone were to misunderstand something, so let me make it clear that we’re not doing anything shameful.  There’s just not many positions that allow a pig and a human to read a book at the same time.  It’s just, the chest view of a girl lying on her stomach is, how should I put this, superb.  The curves emphasized by gravity is reminiscent of the unexplored regions of mountains, but with the peaks and valleys reversed.


“Erm, please focus on the book.”


(Sorry, it’s because pigs have a wider field of view than humans.)


“Then it can’t be helped… but please be careful.  Like at the sanctuary earlier, when you started thinking about Ms. Wies’ breasts in front of Markus-sama, I broke out in a cold sweat.”


Oh, that.


(That was my strategy to prevent Markus from reading my mind.)


“Eeeeh, was that so?!”


(Of course.  Markus isn’t interested in me, a pig, to begin with.  So if I keep thinking sleazy thoughts, he’ll get fed up and not try to hear them.  On top of that, I deliberately kept thinking about a bunch of obscene things to prevent him from prying my secrets.)


“I see, so that’s why you did that…  I was thinking you were a fickle Mister Pig.”


(Of course not.  I only like Jess’ boobs.  Believe me.)


“That’s…  It’s a bit troubling if you’re that expectant…”


While worrying about her chest, Jess flipped through several pages of the jet black history book.


“Let’s return to the subject of the Spear of Destruction.  I still think someone already took it out.”


I pulled my gaze back from Jess’ valley to the history book.


(Yeah, but something’s kinda off.  Wasn’t it written that the Spear of Destruction was sealed by Vatis just before she died?  By that point, all the mages hostile to her have been wiped out, so there wouldn’t have been a reason for the royal family to take out the spear.  If you’re a mage, you should be able to kill anyone without the spear, unless an immortal mage appears.)


That means there was someone who could retrieve the spear, but there was no reason for that person to collect it.


“That’s certainly the case.”


Jess placed her hand on her chin, appearing troubled.


(The only person who could have a motive for taking it out would be Hortis.  With the Spear of Destruction, he would have an edge over his powerful brother.  But it’s hard to imagine Hortis could have taken the spear.)


Jess nodded.


“After all, the method to taking out the spear was written in the history book that Mr. Hortis read, but in the section that was sealed by Evis-sama.  So he shouldn’t have known how to retrieve it in the first place.”


Then who took the spear?  In fact, has the spear been taken out?


(Anyway, this mystery will be solved eventually.  For now, let’s figure out another plan that seems promising enough to break the surreptitious sorcerer’s immortality magic.)


“Mister Pig had an idea just now-”


(Right, it’s the Wedge of Contracts.)


Jess opened the appropriate page.  This part was also sealed by Evis.  The three great treasures are depicted with simple drawings.


The Spear of Destruction – it’s a narrow spear decorated with spiral shapes.  It’s stated that the spear will take any life, once.  Next is the Cup of Salvation.  It’s a small cup decorated with various jewels, and is said to be able to save any life, once.  And finally, there’s the small, sharp, tetrahedron-shaped stone – the Wedge of Contracts.  It’s written that it can give any life the power of miracles, once.


(Since the beginning of Mestria, only one instance of the Spear of Destruction and the Cup of Salvation has existed.  But the Wedge of Contracts is different.)


Jess immediately flipped to the passage I mentioned.


“‘The queen found all the dozens of Wedges of Contracts hidden in Mestria, and used all but one.  The Final War ended here, with one wedge remaining.’ …is what’s written here.  Vatis-sama used up many Wedges of Contracts to win the Final War of the Dark Ages.”


(Although the history book isn’t kind enough to detail how the wedges were used, it can be inferred.)


“…It can?”


(Yeah.  Let’s summarize what kind of tool the Wedge of Contracts is.)


Jess muttered “Let’s see…” while dutifully flipping the pages back to confirm things.


“It’s written that when the Wedge of Contracts is pierced into someone’s chest, it turns into light and disappears, granting magic power to that person.”


(Right.  So how did she use that effect to win the war?)


“Hm…  Maybe she organized an army of mages for herself?”


(During the Final War, Vatis either killed or enslaved all other mages – with the exception of the surreptitious sorcerer.  These facts go against Jess’ theory.  What’s the point in increasing the number of mages when she wants to be the only mage left?)


“Yeah,” Jess murmured in agreement, and pondered.


“To begin with, I was always told Vatis-sama obtained the strongest power after experiencing ecydessa forty-three times, and ended the Dark Ages.  This is the first time I’ve heard of her using the Wedges of Contracts.  Hm…”


(What if those two claims are saying the same thing?)


“The same thing…?”


As Jess verbalized that, she had a flash of comprehension.


“I see!  When a mage uses the Wedge of Contracts, they undergo ecydessa!  That’s how Vatis-sama was able to experience ecydessa as many times as forty-three.”


(I believe that’s the case.  Even the greatest mage, Evis, has only had ecydessa happen to him twenty-one times.  Forty-three is an abnormal number.)


The so-called ecydessa is like a mage shedding, it sneaks up on young mages like a spasm.  After they lose consciousness with all magic on them wiped clean, the awakened mage will now be able to use much stronger magic power than before.  In other words, an extreme level up.  Although it’s difficult to generalize because it also depends on the person’s aptitude and training, the more times you undergo ecydessa, the stronger of a mage you become.


(The Wedge of Contracts doesn’t just turn a non-mage into a mage.  If a mage uses it, they can forcibly trigger ecydessa and obtain even stronger magic power.  Vatis repeated this and underwent ecydessa many times, becoming the strongest.)


Just like some kind of rare candy.


But Jess had a question, and tilted her head.


“Erm… I understand how Vatis-sama won the war in the Dark Ages, but how does that lead to a method that allows us to defeat the surreptitious sorcerer?  Even if Markus-sama uses the final Wedge of Contracts, it only changes his ecydessa count from 19 to 20.  I don’t know if that’s enough to kill the surreptitious sorcerer…”


I confidently conveyed this to the anxious Jess.


(No.  The last Wedge of Contracts is not for Markus, but for the surreptitious sorcerer.)


“Eeeeh?!  Is it alright to make the enemy stronger?”


I explained to the shocked Jess.


(I want you to think back to the time when you took over my curse and almost died, Jess.)




(How did you survive the curse there, even though it was able to kill Evis?)


“I wanted to recover the memories that were sealed by Evis-sama, and experienced ecydessa-  Ah!”


It helps that she catches on quick.


“When ecydessa occurs, all magic disappears from the mage’s body.  That means the surreptitious sorcerer’s immortality magic can also be removed this way!”


(Exactly.  We just need to stab the surreptitious sorcerer with the Wedge of Contracts, and after he succumbs to ecydessa, we lay his defenseless body to rest.  That’ll surely kill him.  In fact, I’m sure Vatis used this method to kill the hostile immortal mages.  By using the Wedges of Contracts to strengthen herself and destroy immortality, Vatis ended the Dark Ages.)


With twinkling eyes, Jess added.


“Maybe the reason the surreptitious sorcerer lacked destructive power with his attacks is because he didn’t want to lose his immortality magic, so he suppressed his ecydessas.”


(I see.  It makes sense to think of it this way.)


Our information lined up in various places.  We can probably view this as the answer.


“Then let’s report this to Markus-sama immediately!  Even without the Spear of Destruction, as long as we can find the only remaining Wedge of Contracts, we’ll be able to defeat the surreptitious sorcerer!”




(No, wait a moment.)


As I conveyed that, I looked at Jess’ valle- face.


(Why don’t we search for the Wedge of Contracts ourselves?)




(I’m a little worried if it’s just the two of us, so it might be alright to rely on Shulavis as well, but we can’t let Markus know.)


“Why is that?”


(Think about it.  The Liberation Army has the trump card known as Hortis, but they haven’t gathered the necessary substance to negotiate with the royal dynasty, so right now, it’s just having a person close to the royal dynasty as their ally.  But what if they also happen to have a great treasure that could kill the surreptitious sorcerer?)


Jess lowered her voice and answered.


“That’s right, it becomes more advantageous for them.”


(It’s not an exaggeration to say that the Liberation Army’s survival currently depends on Hortis only.  If Markus manages to cajole Hortis back, the Liberation Army will be reduced to a disposable tool.  It wouldn’t surprise me if they’re all killed the moment Markus feels that they’re in the way even slightly.  So to prevent that from happening, we need to obtain another trump card for the Liberation Army.)


“You mean to use the Wedge of Contracts as a bargaining chip, right?”


(Yeah.  Just like how Shulavis took himself hostage to establish an alliance between the royal dynasty and the Liberation Army, we need a strategy and something of value to make changes to the current Mestria.  We need to make this happen ourselves.)


Jess clenched her fists.


“Let’s do it.  For everyone in the royal family, for everyone in the Liberation Army, and for a future where everyone can be happy, let’s find the Wedge of Contracts!”


(It’s decided then.  We should be able to figure out how to obtain the last wedge as long as we read through the history book.  Let’s gather all the clues and head out tomorrow.  Should we call up Shulavis too?)


Jess appeared a bit hesitant.


“Erm…  W-what do you think, Mister Pig?”


(Naturally it’ll be more reassuring to have Shulavis with us.  He’s a trustworthy, serious-minded guy.  It doesn’t hurt to have him around.  Although if I had to say, it might make it easier for Markus to find out.)


“That’s right!  I’m sorry.  Then let’s inform Mr. Serious-, I mean, Mr. Shulavis, as well.”


Why did she apologize?


(Let’s strike while the iron is hot.  I want to talk to him first thing in the morning tomorrow.  Hopefully by then, we’ll have deciphered enough of the history book to have an idea of where to look for the Wedge of Contracts.  Jess, do you think you can keep going?)


I watched as Jess clenched her hands in front of her chest, as if to say she’ll do her best.


“Of course.  Is Mister Pig going to be okay?”


(Yeah, since I took a nap alongside you, Jess.  The night is still young.)


Jess tucked her shoulders in, and a mischievous smiled surfaced across her lips.


“I won’t let you sleep tonight, Mister Pig.”




“In other words, you want to ask Mother about the location of the Cave of Oaths?”


Shulavis, who had his room assailed right after waking up, asked with his frizzy hair even frizzier than usual.  Although his furniture had an elegant feel to them, they were all made of wood in a simple style, and his sofa and curtains both used a plain grey color scheme.  One of the walls was a tightly packed bookshelf filled with books of all sizes, while another was neatly decorated with weapons and armors.  For a prince’s room, I found it to be quite modest.


Without paying any heed to Shulavis’ sleepy yawn, Jess explained.


“That’s correct.  It was written in the history book that the tool for finding the Wedge of Contracts is hidden there.”


The history book detailed it quite clearly.  It seems the tool called Ruta’s Eye, which Vatis used to collect the Wedges of Contracts, was enshrined at the Cave of Oaths.  However, no matter where we looked, we couldn’t find the location of the cave.  All we knew was that it’s a place used by members of the royal family to establish their marriage vows.


Shulavis groaned.


“I’ve been told that the location of the Cave of Oaths is normally only revealed to royalties just before they marry.  If we can’t come up with a good reason for it, she probably won’t tell us.”


(You just have to lie and say something like it’s necessary for obtaining the Spear of Destruction.)


“I mean, even if you tell me to just lie…”


Shulavis ran his fingers through his hair while looking away.


Jess asked, “…Are there any problems with that?”


“Mother is a very intelligent person.  As her son, if I tell a lie, she’ll definitely see through it.”


(Then let’s go ask Markus.  I’m sure your lies will be more effective there.)


He looked at me with a bitter expression.


“After seeing what happened yesterday, you still dare to say that?  Father may not see through my lies, but he’s already in a foul mood, and doubts me and Mother.  If by any chance I’m caught, I’ll be killed.  I would rather be spanked by Mother instead.”


(Wies spanks you if you lie?)


In that case, it might not be a bad idea for me to lie and see what happens.


Perhaps due to his slip of the tongue, Shulavis kept his mouth shut and frowned.  He did seem bad at lying directly to a person’s face.


(Anyway, it’ll be fine.  You just have to change the fact that we’re looking for the Wedge of Contracts into us looking for the Spear of Destruction.  That’ll be the only lie.  And if you run into any trouble, I’ll back you up.)


“Are you sure?  Mother isn’t as easy to deal with as Father.”


Shulavis’ jade-colored eyes looked in my direction.


(Don’t worry.  Who do you think I am?)


No one said anything.


…I’m the scrawny four-eyed shitty virgin.


Shulavis’ brows furrowed.


“Even with a shitty virgin like you as her opponent, Mother won’t take it lightly and overlook the flaws in your logic.  If she catches onto the lie, not only will the matter regarding the Wedge of Contracts be known to Father, should he probe further, even Uncle’s secret might be at stake.  Are you confident that this won’t fail?”


I got a bit annoyed after being called a shitty virgin by a guy.


(No problem.  I have a trump card in case of an emergency.  Please trust me and lend us your help.)


After momentarily staring at me, Shulavis nodded.


“Alright.  Follow me.”


Shulavis snapped both hands’ fingers, and in an instant, his messy bed hair was fixed.


We left Shulavis’ room and headed for Wies’ study.


Wies’ study was located in a separate location from King Markus’ study.  Markus mainly dealt with top-secret matters, so he basically stayed at the center of the royal palace, but Wies mainly dealt with matters related to the citizens of the royal capital, so she stayed at the outskirts of the royal palace where she can interact with the capital’s residents.


We, two humans and a pig, were welcomed into the reception room built for the capital’s citizens.  Markus’ study used dark-colored wood as its basis and exuded a calm atmosphere, but the reception room here was decorated in white and gold with flashy interiors.  Even its furniture details were engraved and gilded.  Dozens of Yesma collars were stacked on a gemstone-decorated glass shelf.  Was it to put up a front for outsiders?  We sat down on a huge fluffy sofa and faced a tired-looking Wies.


“If possible, please keep it short.”


After drinking a bit of the mysterious, smoking, blue liquid from a small glass goblet, Wies sat in the sofa facing us.


Shulavis chose his words carefully and requested.


“Could you please tell me the location of the Cave of Oaths?”


Wies, who was in the middle of drinking the mysterious liquid, immediately choked, spilling the liquid from the goblet.  The carpet fabric melted with a sizzle.


She took a deep breath, and regained her usual composed and beautiful smile.  With a couple hand waves, the melted carpet was repaired as if time had been rewound.  Wies placed the goblet on the table.  The blue liquid continued to smoke.


“The Cave of Oaths…  Are you serious?  What is this for?”


Shulavis, fidgeting next to me, straightened himself again.


“Because it may contain clues on how to obtain the Spear of Destruction.”


Wies thought about it for a moment.


“Was it written in the history book?”


It was an interrogative question.  Shulavis didn’t speak, so Jess answered.


“Yes.  Mister Pig and I deciphered it.”


“In that case, since this was something I should have been taking care of, I will go there.  Please tell me where the relevant sections are located in the history book.”


This time, Jess didn’t open her mouth either.  I snorted with my nose.


(Actually, it’s not written clearly in the history book.  It’s an idea I came up with out of the blue, so it’s highly likely that it’ll be a waste of time.  I would feel really bad for making you check even though you’re so busy.)


“That place is where members of the royal family go to exchange marriage vows.”


Wies sighed and drank the contents of the goblet.


“It’s not a place for an outsider like you, or people who haven’t even made plans for their marriage.”


(Even when the royal family’s survival is at stake, that’s what you’re worried about?)


When I conveyed that provocatively, Wies raised her thin eyebrows slightly and looked at me.


“That might have been effective on my husband, but provocations won’t work on me.  I’m not foolish enough as to lose my judgement from such words.”


I could see Shulavis’ butt shifting in discomfort from the corner of my eyes.


“You seem to have a reason for wanting to deny my proposal, Mister Pig.  I can’t bring myself to take you seriously if you keep hiding it.  Be honest and tell me why.”


It doesn’t look like she’ll be easy to deal with.  I prepared myself and looked back at Wies.


(The first reason is like I said in the beginning – I don’t want to bother you with my wild ideas that may or may not be correct, and the other reason, I’m not very comfortable talking about it right now, unless you really want to hear it.)


“Go ahead and tell me.”


Wies crossed her slender, beautiful legs with a dignified attitude.  After a short pause, I conveyed.


(It’s to motivate Shulavis and Jess, who are reluctant to marry.)






Surprised voices came from both my sides.


(At this point, I’m just going to say it: these two have no intention of getting married at all.  Shulavis is doing this in order to allow Jess to remain in the royal family, and Jess only agreed to be his fiancé because I asked it of her.)


Stillness.  It was Wies that broke the silence.


“Is that true… you two?”


Neither Jess nor Shulavis uttered a word.  Their actions spoke louder than words.


From between the two silent individuals, I conveyed.


(I figured going to the marriage vow place would be a perfect way to break through this stalemate… but if I misunderstood things, then I apologize.  I was being too nosy.)


Wies gaped with her small mouth and sat there in a daze.  After a while, she spoke.


“…Is that so?  It’s good that you’re so honest.  In fact, this was something I’ve been worrying about ever since you returned to Jess’ side.”


Jess opened her mouth as if to protest, but perhaps she couldn’t find the right words to refute with, as she shut her mouth without saying anything.


“Naturally, I don’t think that just going to the Cave of Oaths will change their minds… but I understand.  It’s true that I’m busy.  As long as you’re able to pay attention to safety, it would be best for you three to go.”


Breathing a sigh of relief, Shulavis asked.


“So you’re willing to tell us the cave’s location, Mother?”


“Alright.  You two will go there eventually anyway.”


Wies returned to her study, and came back with a small map.


“The Cave of Oaths is at the depths of the cave where Vatis-sama exchanged vows with her consort, Ruta.  It’s located at the edge of the Cross Rocklands.”


Her slender finger pointed at a location on the map, and a red dot appeared as if ink was seeping into that spot.


“This place can only be visited by members of the royal family, and only descendants of Vatis-sama can open the cave.  It should be safe, but please be careful.”


Shulavis quickly got up, and lightly bowed.


“Thank you very much, Mother.”


He then urged us to leave the room together.




Whether it was during our dragon ride towards the rocklands or during our walk to the destination cave after dismounting the dragon, Jess kept silent with her head down the entire time.  When I said this trip was to encourage Jess and Shulavis to get married, it was a lie to divert Wies’ attention.  I explained it to the two of them, but it still seems like I offended Jess in some subtle way.


(Hey Jess.)


We were inside a rocky forest.  Even when I appended parentheses to talk to Jess, she would look away with a pout.


Since she already knew the general location of the cave, Jess steadily descended in that direction – the stream, on her own.  She let the black defensive robe that Evis left behind flutter without ever looking back.


“It’s rare for Jess to get this angry.”



Shulavis walked next to me and whispered.  He was also wearing a robe with max defense power.


(Rather than calling it rare, this might be the first time.)


No matter how much I looked at her panties, Jess wouldn’t get angry; and no matter how sleazy my thoughts were, she would smile and pretend to not have heard them.  Even though I had a reason for doing that, I didn’t expect her to be so peeved from me simply hinting I wanted her to marry Shulavis.


“Though I think it’s best you stop looking at her underwear.”


A serious response came from the side.  Sorry, but it can’t be helped because I’m a pig.


“You’re using the same excuse as Uncle…  Just because you have the appearance of an animal doesn’t automatically mean you’ll be forgiven.”


Another serious straight man comment was thrown at me.


(It would help me if you don’t mind my monologues too much.)


When I conveyed that, Shulavis lightly nodded and changed the topic.


“Well… I think you did the right thing, and you were quite quick-witted.  If it were me, I wouldn’t have been able to dodge Mother’s questioning.”


Shulavis clumsily smiled.  He seemed to be encouraging me.


(I simply took advantage of the feelings of a mother who worries about her son.  It’s nothing praiseworthy.)


After contemplating for a while, Shulavis asked back.


“The feelings of a mother who worries about her son…?”


(Yeah.  Wies wishes for your well-being.  She also seems to like Jess very much, so she must be looking forward to your marriage being finalized.  I hinted to her that the marriage might be in jeopardy, and made her think that I wanted to try and do something about it, which allowed me to slip through her guard.)


“I see.  So that’s what happened.  I was wondering why Mother accepted our proposal so willingly.”


We proceeded silently for some time, following after Jess.


“…Hey, Pig.”


Shulavis continued to face forward, even as he said that.


“Are you really going to disappear?”


A cool breeze blew through the forest, rustling the branches and shaking off their dead leaves.


(Yeah, I’ll disappear.)


Even I was surprised by how immediate my response was as I trotted along through the rocks.


(After all, I still have some attachments to my original world, and I don’t intend on staying as a pig for the rest of my life.)


“Then what would you do if you could turn back into a human with magic?  Uncle was able to transform into a dog.  I don’t know of any precedents, but it might be possible to turn a pig into a human.”


This guy sure likes to make things difficult.


(If I change back to how I looked, Jess will be disillusioned with me.  I’m only doted on because I’m a pig.  If I become a human, I’m just going to be a scrawny four-eyed shitty virgin.)


“I don’t think Jess cares about appearances-”


(Besides, Evis told me to go back.  He told me to go back when the critical moment arrives.)


“…If someone tells you to go die, you’ll willingly die?”


Still facing forward with an expressionless look, Shulavis flatly pressed me.


“Why don’t you consider your own happiness?  I’m sure you like Jess.  And I’m certain that Jess is also fond of you.  Why won’t you carry through with that simple setup?”


How should I know?


(If I hadn’t come back, Jess would have married you and been happy as a royalty.  I honestly don’t have the guts to sacrifice that kind of happiness.)


“But as it stands now, Jess doesn’t hold any feelings for me.  Is it alright for the woman you love to marry that kind of guy?  If she marries me, a descendant of the royal family, she’ll eventually have to have a child.”


…How should I know?


(It’s not like anyone can predict how Jess will feel in the future.  I’m sure her feelings for me are temporary, and she may end up falling for you.  You’re a good guy.  You’re bad at jokes, and you take things way too seriously, but you’re an earnest, honest, and understanding guy.  You’re also pretty handsome.  If she can marry a prince like you, I’m confident she’ll forget about this sleazy pig someday.)


“Mother would-”


Shulavis looked down at me.


“Mother would often confide to me that women will only fall in love with the person they fell in love with.”


(What are you talking about?)


Isn’t that obvious and not limited to women only?


“Mother bid farewell to the person she loved and arrived at the capital alone as a Yesma.  She was evaluated highly because of her strength, wisdom, and lack of a partner, so she was chosen as Father’s partner.”


(…So it wasn’t a marriage of love.)


“Yeah.  I grew up being told by Mother that the only person she loves in this world is me.”


I sensed what Shulavis was trying to say, and was at a loss for words.


“I don’t believe marrying into the royal family is a form of happiness.  You should take this more seriously and think about what to do.  You’re drawing a conclusion too hastily.”


Before I knew it, we had reached the stream at the bottom of the valley.  The sun didn’t reach here, and there were many black rocks lying around.  Jess was waiting in front of a small cave that had water trickling out of it.  She had her hands clasped in front of her chest as if in a daze, and was looking downwards.


“This seems to be the place.”


Shulavis checked the map and spoke.


“Let’s head inside.  It’s dark, so try not to leave my side.”


Shulavis raised his left hand and lit it with a warm magic light.  The melancholy side-view of Jess’ biting her lower lip was illuminated by the warm light.


The cave was wide enough for two people to walk side by side.  We walked for some time with Shulavis in front, and me and Jess next to each other behind him.  Black pebbles were piled around our feet, with the flowing water moistening them.  Jess’ robe was long enough to reach her ankles, so her-, no, never mind.


Jess looked in my direction.  Rather than looking sullen or angry, her expression was more akin to – or rather, it was completely filled with sorrow.  It was like she had been betrayed by someone she trusted, or her lover had suddenly broken up with her.


“It’s a dead end.”


Shulavis raised the ball of light high, illuminating the area.  The end of the cave was a bit wider, but there didn’t seem to be a way forward from here.


(Only members of the royal family can enter the Cave of Oaths, right?  Then shouldn’t there be some kind of biometric authentication – something that checks your body’s characteristics, around here?)


“Right.  Let me look for it.”


Shulavis moved his face close to the rock wall and began searching the area.


Next to me, Jess silently pretended to look around the wall for some time, but after sneaking glances at me, she knelt down and opened up.


“Um… Mister Pig.  I’m… sorry.”


Although it was in a low voice, it echoed a lot inside the cave.  I saw Shulavis’ back react for a moment, but the serious prince resumed his search.


(What’s wrong?  Why the sudden apology?)


“No, I… I got too emotional.  Even though Mister Pig didn’t do anything wrong.  Sorry.  Can we please make up?”


Jess smiled.  For some reason, I was reminded of when we first met.


(I may have said something insensitive as well.  Sorry.)


“It’s fine.”


At that moment, I heard a light cough and turned towards it.


“I found a trace of magic.  I think we can enter from here.”


As he spoke, Shulavis pressed his hand against the damp rockface.  The large bedrock moved smoothly, like a revolving door, opening an entrance for us to pass through.  It’s probably a secret door that can only be opened by members of the royal family.


“Is everyone ready?”


We nodded and followed Shulavis.


After stepping through the hidden door, the old lanterns on the walls, made of gold and glass, lit up one after another, illuminating the cramped room.


It was a room with pastel colored wall paintings and an altar.  Windowless rock walls surrounded us from every angle.  It was a fairly enclosed space, but even so, it didn’t feel stuffy probably because of the colorful murals.  They realistically depicted a blonde woman and a black-haired man meeting each other, deepening their relationship, and arriving at this cave.


In front of the altar at the center of the room was a statue of a woman with her left hand on her chest and her right hand raised upright.  She was the dynasty’s founder, Vatis.


“I believe these murals are about Vatis-sama and her consort, Ruta.”


Shulavis analyzed.


“This is where the royalties and their fiancés come to offer their prayers to Vatis-sama.”


Hearing that, Jess quietly averted her eyes from Shulavis.


(Is that all there is to do here?)


When I asked, Shulavis placed a hand on his chin.


“I’m not sure.  Since you’re supposed to exchange vows, I don’t think it’s just praying.  There should be some kind of ritual.”


We stood together and looked around the room.  The room surrounded by thick rocks was silent, and even at a pig’s height, I could clearly hear the breathing sounds of Shulavis and Jess.


Jess carefully took out the history book from her bag.


“It’s written that Ruta’s Eye, which indicates the location of the Wedges of Contracts, is buried in the innermost wall.  I wonder where the innermost part is.”


“Does that mean there’s somewhere further in than this place?”


Shulavis surveyed the walls.  Since the door we entered from had closed, this place became like a cuboidal secret room.  Although this place looked like a dead end…


(The murals seem to be telling a story.)


When I conveyed that, Jess agreed.


“Yeah, it’s just like what was written in the history book.  The two met at the basin of a waterfall, conversed at an orchard, fought at the rocklands, fled to a forest, and exchanged vows in a cave – the scenes that Vatis-sama and Mr. Ruta experienced appear to be faithfully recreated within these murals.”


“I see.”


Shulavis pointed at the painting near the entrance.


“That’s the painting of the waterfall basin.  And-”


Following the wall to the right, he touched the next painting.


“This is the orchard.  Next to it is the rocklands, the forest, and finally, the cave.  It even shows them entering this cave.”


In front of Shulavis’ eyes was a drawing of a woman leading a man through the cave.


Jess looked next to the painting.  The altar was there, but there was no painting.


“The crucial scene where they exchange vows isn’t here.”


(I’m sure there’s a continuation to that painting.  Perhaps somewhere out of sight?)


Without me needing to ask, Shulavis stepped forward and touched the cave painting.


Click.  There was a square cut inside the rock wall, and it was about to open inwards.


“Looks like you were right.  There’s another hidden door here.”


Shulavis pushed against the wall with his hands and opened the hidden door.  It was dark inside.


Just as I thought that, the lanterns made of gold and glass lit up one after another in the darkness, illuminating the straight passageway that stretched ahead.  It was a long and narrow path, and I couldn’t see where it led.


“Let’s go!”


Despite her efforts to restrain herself, Jess spoke in an excited tone.  Shulavis and I nodded.  I got the feeling we were steadily getting closer to Ruta’s Eye.


After passing through the door, I saw that the murals continued through the long passageway.  In the first painting, the man and woman were passionately kissing each other.


My virgin antenna reacted sharply to the words “exchanging vows.”  And then I remembered: when Shulavis asked about the location of this place, Wies was shaken and accidentally choked on her drink.


─Shulavis…  Are you serious?  What is this for?


Wies is married to Markus.  She must have visited this place before.  What did she see here?  What’s depicted in the depths of this passageway?


(…Jess, this passageway is pretty narrow, and it’ll probably be fine for just me and Shulavis to proceed.  After all, this place was likely built to allow only two people to enter.  What do you say?  It’s not good to be too crowded, so why don’t you wait at the altar room?)


Looking dissatisfied, Jess tried to push forward.


“Why?  I also want to see what’s up ahead.”


“Is there a problem?”


Being stared at by two pairs of innocent eyes was troubling.  This is why pure people are so…


(Alright, fine.  It’s none of my business if you come to regret it later.)


I yielded.  The two of them didn’t seem to have noticed the dangerous atmosphere, and proceeded without hesitation.


The passageway was narrow.  Shulavis, who had to tuck his head in as to not scrape it, walked in front and was followed by an expectant Jess.  I was in the rear.  The walls, painted white, continued the earlier drawings.  The man and woman’s clothes were disheveled, and the process of their clothes falling onto the floor were serialized like a storyboard.


After walking for some time, the man and woman on the mural were completely naked.  Shulavis, who couldn’t turn back, advanced silently with bright red ears; and Jess, who seemed to have finally noticed, walked while staring at the floor.


I was reminded of the guy who forgot his textbook for health class, and the girl who sat next to him and had to share her textbook with him.  How adorable.  At my level, these kinds of paintings don’t do anything for me.


The erotic passageway eventually led to a stone chamber that was even smaller than the altar room.  The floor was covered with a thick carpet, and the nude figures of the man and woman intertwined were boldly depicted on the wall.


Jess froze after noticing the mural.  Shulavis was also visibly shaken, as he quickly looked away and turned his body towards us.  Even though we were inside a cool cave, the two of them were flushed and sweating.  Jeez.  That’s why I warned you.


“I-if you realized it already, couldn’t you have told us beforehand?”


Shulavis spoke with his chiseled face contorted in shame.


(I’m pretty sure I said it’s none of my business if you come to regret it later.)


In response to my indifferent answer, Shulavis opened and closed his mouth like a fish as if to argue back.  With that said, I didn’t expect the usually super calm Shulavis to lose this much composure.  Is he a virgin?


“W… Wh-what’s wrong with being a virgin?!”


The handsome prince retorted sharply, freezing the atmosphere of the room that was already at its limits.


Jess looked at her feet, as if to try and eliminate her presence as much as possible.


“The act of making a child should only be done with the appropriate woman at the appropriate time for those who bear the royal bloodline.  Vatis-sama’s blood is god’s blood.  If any mistakes were made, it could threaten the royal family itself.  And if I were to fool around, I wouldn’t be able to explain myself to Uncle, who was forbidden from falling in love with a woman as the king’s brother.  Unlike you, I’m not a virgin because that’s just how things turned out; I disciplined myself to remain a virgin because it’s my responsibility.”


For some reason, I felt a sense of kinship with Shulavis, who was red-faced and quick to explain himself.


(Um, sorry.  I get it…  That was my fault, so if you could, please ignore my monologues…)


It’s problematic for me as well when someone listens to my thoughts without permission and then gets offended.


Shulavis glanced at Jess and noticed she was observing our situation with a wry smile.  He took a deep breath, and calmed himself.


“…No, um, I should be apologizing.  I lost my temper there.”


That’s right.  Let’s get along as fellow virgins.


Shulavis avoided the carpet and strode towards the back of the room with his head held high.  It’s not hard to imagine what happened on this carpet, in this secret room where marriage vows are exchanged.


(Jess, you can head back if you want to.)


When I conveyed this to Jess, who stood hesitantly at the entrance, she shook her head.


“I’m okay.  I was just a little surprised.”


In the end, Jess and I followed Shulavis and stood before the mural with the intertwined man and woman.


“It’s gone.”


That’s all Shulavis said.  Ruta’s Eye – I focused on the man’s face on the mural.  Only the part of the wall where his eye should have been painted had been dug deeply into and gouged out.


“Eeeeh…  Does this mean someone took it before us…?”


Jess voiced dejectedly.


“Well, it was written in the history book after all.  Grandfather may have already taken it out.”


(Or perhaps even earlier than that?)


At my words, Shulavis shook his head.


“No.  I heard the history book was sealed for many years by Vatis-sama, and it was Grandfather who unsealed it.  It seems the original was strictly managed by Grandfather until he passed away; and as for the history book replica, the passages related to the three great treasures should have been sealed by him.”


Shulavis pondered indifferently while facing the erotic mural.


“The only person who could have come here before us would have to be Grandfather.  I’m afraid he might have obtained Ruta’s Eye and hid it somewhere else.”


I also stared at the erotic mural, and paid attention to where the man’s eye was gouged out.  When I shifted my gaze downwards-


(Or perhaps someone very recently came here.)


The two of them looked at me.


“But, after Evis-sama passed away, aren’t we the first to…?”


Hearing Jess’ question, I pointed at Shulavis’ feet with my nose.


(Look.  The stone fragments from when the wall was gouged are still here and haven’t been scattered.)


I can see it clearly from a pig’s perspective.  It looked like fine debris that had recently fallen and accumulated.


(In fact, there’s one other person who could have reached here before us, isn’t there?)


Shulavis tilted his head, perplexed.


“Apart from us, only Father and Mother should have read the inherited history book.  But the two of them have remained in the capital the entire time, and there’s no reason for them to hide the fact that they found Ruta’s Eye from us.”


(Isn’t there one other person?  Someone who currently has the history book in his hands?)


Jess immediately realized it.


“You mean Mr. Hortis?”


(That’s right.  I overlooked it before because I was focused on the crass mystery game, but thinking back, there was something strange about it.  Why did he need both the water and history book to turn back into a human?  It’s weird to pair them together since they’re completely unrelated.  Both are things that couldn’t be acquired without entering the capital, but were relatively easy to get once you’re in the capital.  In that case, was it necessary for him to require two keys to unlock his anklet?)


Jess placed a hand on her chin.


“Erm, in other words… he could have changed back into a human with just the water, but he wanted the history book and lied about there being two keys?”


(Correct.  When Hortis was going to change back, didn’t he say he was going to be completely naked and hid somewhere?  And then after he returned to being a human, he didn’t hand back the history book by saying he damaged it.  Isn’t that suspicious?)


When he sent us to get the water from the spring, he made us also bring the history book that was not actually necessary for his transformation.


Jess and I were cleverly used by Hortis as his hands and feet to bring the history book out of the capital to him, who couldn’t enter it.


Shulavis tilted his head in doubt while looking at me.


“You have a point, but the history book you gave Uncle is a copy, and the important parts were sealed by Grandfather, right?  He shouldn’t have been able to read the passages written about the location of the great treasures.”


That might not be the case.


(Think back to Jess’ memories.)


“My memories…?”


You are reading story Heat the Pig Liver at novel35.com

I nodded in affirmation.


(By sealing the pages instead of tearing them off, Evis was hoping the seal would be broken someday.  Do you think he would cast a magic seal that would remain sealed even after his death?)


Jess quickly spoke.


“So when Evis-sama casted the magic, he set it so that the seal would be easier to break after his death, right?”


“…I see.  That does sound like something Grandfather would have done.  Uncle is a skilled mage, so it wouldn’t be out of the ordinary for him to be able to undo the sealing magic that was weakened after Grandfather’s death.”


(Then let’s check our answer.)


I moved over to Shulavis’ feet and sniffed the ground.  Beyond the rock’s scent – there was an unmistakably familiar smell mixed within.  It was a dog’s smell.  The passageway to get here was narrow, which meant he didn’t come to this stone room in the form of a tall human, but in the form of a nimble dog.


(We got it right.  Hortis was here, so recently, in fact, that his smell hasn’t even faded.)




It was past noon when we arrived at the mansion of the Liberation Army.


“So he really isn’t here?”


Shulavis confirmed with Nott from behind the gate.  Nott glanced at us and replied.


“Yeah.  Hortis said he had something to take care of and would be gone for a while.  I figured he headed towards where you guys were.”


“Was that the first time he’s gone out since changing back into a human yesterday morning?”


“No, he wasn’t here yesterday afternoon either.  He returned at night, and left before noon today.”


He went out twice.  Assuming he deciphered the history book he got yesterday and immediately went to find Ruta’s Eye, and he left today to look for the Wedge of Contracts, then that number lines up.


After making eye contact with us, Shulavis nodded towards Nott.


“…I see.  Thank you for your help.  That’s all we wanted to ask.”


“Hold it.  I’ve answered your questions, so tell me what’s going on.  Didn’t Hortis give Jess a shell?  Why don’t you use that to contact him?  Where and what is Hortis doing?”


Nott asked with a piercing gaze while pulling the black stole up to his chin.  It looks like he doesn’t trust Hortis at all, since Hortis could be a spy sent by the royal dynasty.


Shulavis took a step towards the gate, held his breath, and explained.


“Uncle is acting on his own.  He seems to be plotting something, but he isn’t just keeping it from you, he’s also been silent to us.  It’s something that might be disadvantageous to the royal dynasty, and beneficial to the Liberation Army.”


“So you’re trying to get ahead of him and stop him?”


Nott also took a step closer to the gate.


Even though he’s got the looks, this guy’s conversation skills are terrible as hell.  Sensing the dangerous atmosphere, I walked towards those two’s feet.


(It’s just the opposite, Nott.  We’d love to cooperate with him if it’s in the interests of the Liberation Army.  But I still can’t trust Hortis.  He manipulated us to his advantage, and it feels like he’s acting alone with some kind of purpose in mind.)


Nott knitted his eyebrows.


“That perverted bastard does seem to be hiding something serious behind his playful attitude.  Sanon also warned me not to trust him too much.”


(I agree with him.  We’re currently looking for a treasure that will give the Liberation Army an advantage, but Hortis got ahead of us.)


“Give the Liberation Army an advantage?  What kind of treasure is that?”


(Simply put, it’s a tool for killing the surreptitious sorcerer.)


Nott pulled the stole up his chin again.  I wonder if he’s feeling cold.


“I get it.  So it’s a plan that tries to equalize the power between the royal dynasty and the Liberation Army as much as possible.  And you don’t want that incomprehensible perverted bastard snatching it away, right?”


(I think Hortis is on our side, but we’re taking precautions just to be sure.  We can’t put too much trust in those who are acting in secrecy.)


“Okay.  I’ll keep an eye on him too.”


Nott seemed to understand, so I proposed an idea.  I had him let us into the garden, and from there, the three humans plus a pig will contact Hortis together.  As for how, we’ll use the shell that Jess received from Hortis.


(Shulavis, this form of communication can’t read my thoughts, right?)


When asked, Shulavis turned his attention to the shell Jess was holding.


“As long as you don’t make a sound, it’ll be fine.  To begin with, outside of very special conditions, the power of heart doesn’t work unless you’re close to and aware of the target.”


I remembered the praying voice that once reached Jess from the outskirts of here, Munires.  Very special conditions, huh?  I guess it’s probably not applicable this time around.


We sat in a circle on the manicured lawn in the cypress-filled garden, and Jess held the white conch shell she received from Hortis.


“Okay, here I go.”


After looking at us, Jess leaned her face into the shell.


“Mr. Hortis!”


Around thirty seconds passed after Jess called.  As we waited motionlessly, the white shell changed colors to a reddish brown in an instant.  A man’s voice answered.


『Hey hey, Jess.  Did you miss me?』


A rumbling noise could be heard behind his voice.  It didn’t sound anywhere near here.


“Erm, um… I didn’t really miss you that much…”


After Jess’ serious reply, there was a pause.  He was probably moping.


『So what did you need me for?』


He sure switched gears quickly.


Nott, Shulavis, and I held our breath and listened to their conversation.


“There’s something I would like to discuss with you…  Mr. Hortis, where are you right now?”


『It’s difficult to describe.  I’m currently one with nature, with not a single thread on me.』


He dodged the question.


“Are you not staying with the members of the Liberation Army?”


As per our discussion earlier, Jess asked the leading question.  He paused for a while, and only the mysterious rumbling sound resounded from the shell.  Jess gave me a worried look.


(Don’t worry.  I’ll definitely help when you run into trouble.)


Our exchange shouldn’t have been heard by the other party because it didn’t make any sound.


Seemingly relieved, Jess relaxed her shoulders.


『Hrm.  It looks like someone’s behind you.  The innocent Jess that I know of wouldn’t try to trick people like this.  Did Virgin-kun put that idea in your head?』


Not just me – Shulavis, and even Nott reacted with a twitch.  Lol.


(Look, calm down.  The virgin he’s referring to is me.  Jess, tell him the pig is with you.)


“Um, Mister Pig is here with me.”


『No doubt about it.  But that’s odd.  If you’re at the Liberation Army’s mansion, then you should have heard my story from Nott-kun.  And since you’re outside, Shulavis should be with you just like last time.』


Crap, did the shell have positional magic set on it?  That means our movements have been tracked since leaving the capital this morning.


Nott looked at me with composed eyes.  Shulavis, meanwhile, pressed his hand between his brows.


We need to figure out what to say immediately, or else the period of silence will raise suspicions.  I reviewed the facts we could reveal so that we could maintain as much of our information advantage as possible.


(Tell him Shulavis is the only other person with you.  Let’s pretend we’re keeping this communication with him a secret from Nott.  It’s fine to admit you heard his story from Nott.)


“Um, sorry… Mr. Shulavis is here too.”


『Is Nott-kun not there?』


“We kept it a secret from Mr. Nott and contacted you.”


『I see, I see.  Then it should be fine to talk about you guys being in that erotic room up until now, right?』


Nott eyeballed us suspiciously.  Shulavis placed a hand against his forehead.  This man, Hortis, is quite cunning.  By implying that he’s going to babble about the royal dynasty’s secrets, he’s threatening to make things worse for us if Nott really was nearby.


However, even if Hortis were to start talking about the royal dynasty’s secrets, Nott is a trustworthy person, so there won’t be any problems.  On the contrary, sharing these secrets with Nott will strengthen his trust in us.


(No need to give into his threats.  Shulavis, insist to him that Nott isn’t here.)


“Uncle, Nott is not here.”


When the serious-minded guy says it, it carries a lot of persuasive power.


As if he fell into thought, Hortis paused eerily for some time before replying.


『You don’t seem to have much faith in Nott-kun.  He’s a trustworthy man.  As his pet dog, I can guarantee it.』


(Let’s ask him where he is for now, Jess.)


When I conveyed that, Jess nodded with serious eyes.


“Mr. Hortis, where are you right now?”


『What are you going to do after hearing where?』


“What Mr. Hortis is looking for, and what we’re looking for, should be the same thing.  Let’s stop acting separately and work together.”


Jess answered according to the plan.


『If you’ll let me sniff your thighs again, I’ll think about it.』




Shulavis responded angrily in my stead.


“We’re having a serious conversation.  Please answer seriously.  Uncle should be searching for the Wedge of Contracts; and you have Ruta’s Eye to indicate where it is.  Please tell us where you’re currently headed.”


“Hm…”  Hortis mused from the shell.


『It’s not a problem if you want to come here, but unfortunately, it’s a long way from there.  I’d rather not trouble you guys by making you come all the way here.  I can handle it on my own, so why don’t you leave handling the wedge to me?』


I didn’t miss the fact that Nott, who was frowning because he couldn’t keep up with the development of the conversation, twitched in reaction to those words.


(Be firm, Shulavis.  Tell him that, for the sake of mutual trust, we’re going to see him.)


Without changing expressions, Shulavis signaled with a nod.


“Uncle, for the sake of mutual trust, we wish to meet and search for the wedge together.  We’ll ride the dragon there, no matter how far away it is.  Please tell us the location.”


After another brief silence, Hortis’ voice, lowered a notch, echoed.


『I’m sorry, but I can’t allow those with Elder Brother’s backing to hold the key.  Don’t think ill of me, Shulavis.  This is my battle alone.』


As soon as he finished speaking, the reddish-brown shell returned white, and the rumbling noise disappeared.


“Uncle!  Uncle!  …Hortis-sama!”


No matter how Shulavis called out, the shell remained white and silent.


We looked at each other.


(Looks like he hung up.  It’s not like I don’t understand what that perverted bastard is saying, but he seems even more suspicious now.)


I conveyed to the three of them, before turning towards Nott.


(There’s one thing I would like to confirm.  Can we leave the shell here and talk inside?)


At my suggestion, we silently entered the mansion.  The white wallpaper and dark brown wood of the floor created a calming contrast interior.  It’s a cozy place, and there was the smell of pie or the likes floating around.  Celes was standing by herself by the window beside the entrance.  A black pig was by her side.


“Mr. Nott, everyone.  Is something the matter…?”


Celes looked at us worriedly.  The fact that she was by the window must’ve meant she was watching what happened outside.  As soon as Jess saw Celes, she stopped and lightly bowed.


However, Nott spoke without stopping.


“Sorry, but it’s a secret matter.  Please inform everyone that no one is allowed in my room.”


Nott continued down the corridor and guided us to the door at the end.  It was Nott’s office.  Despite it being a spacious room, it only had the bare minimum furniture, such as a plain desk and chair, and a simple rack for hanging clothes with.


“Sorry that you’ll need to stand and talk, but what’s the business?”


Nott sat on the desk with a thud, and faced this way.


(Earlier, when Hortis said “I’d rather not trouble you guys by making you come all the way here,” Nott reacted slightly, right?  Was there something off about what he said?)


“Oh, that?”


Nott crossed his legs.


“Hortis left before noon, but he said he’s heading somewhere fairly close and would be back before sunset.  So I found it strange when he said he was far away.”


I see.


“Does that mean he believed Mr. Nott wasn’t there, and said a lie that would have been exposed if Mr. Nott was there?”


Jess conjectured.


(That’s very probable.  I’m glad we hid Nott’s existence.  The fact that he lied, and the contents of the lie, can become important clues.  Lies and silences can tell the eloquent truth.)


I contemplated while walking around the wide wood floor with my pig trotters.


(Why did he lie?  It’s because he didn’t want his location to be known.  Now, why did he lie about it being far away?  It’s probably to hide the fact that the location wasn’t that far away.)


Jess held up the history book and asked.


“Mister Pig, there’s something I’m curious about.”


(What is it?)


“It’s written that Ruta’s Eye points in the direction of the wedge.  With a tool that only indicates the direction, how was he able to tell the distance before heading out?”


I see, how perceptive.  However…


(Hortis got Ruta’s Eye from the cave yesterday and returned to this mansion.  If the Wedge of Contracts is nearby, it’s possible to calculate the distance after traveling that amount of distance.)


“Erm, is that so…?”


It’s simple arithmetic.


(Shulavis, watch Jess’ breasts.)


When I conveyed that, Shulavis turned to me with a serious look.


“I won’t though?”


(It’s for the purpose of explaining.  If you’re embarrassed, you can look at her face.)


The innocent virgin then looked at Jess’ face.  I stepped away from Shulavis and stared at Jess’ breasts.  A pair of gently-sloped mounds softly asserted themselves from underneath the white blouse.  That’s where paradise-, actually, now’s not the time to be thinking about this.


(Right now, Shulavis and I are standing in different places, both looking at Jess’ breasts.  Assume Jess’ breasts are the treasure, and the direction of my and Shulavis’ faces represent the direction Ruta’s Eye is pointing towards.)


“Like I said, I’m not looking…”


I ignored the straight-laced response and continued my explanation.


(If you only have information from either one of them, you can’t tell where Jess’ breasts are located along that line of sight.  But if you have two lines of sight, you’ll be able to tell that Jess’ breasts are at the intersection of those two lines.  As long as he travels a certain distance, I’m sure Hortis can roughly calculate the location of the treasure.  Naturally, if the Wedge of Contracts is far away, the direction in which Ruta’s Eye points at won’t change very much, which would make the calculations difficult.)


As I conveyed this while legally staring at Jess’ boobs, Jess nodded in resignation.  She then took out a map, and spread it out on the floor for me.


“That means the Wedge of Contracts is definitely not far from here.”


“That makes sense.”


Perhaps from being conditioned, Shulavis spoke while looking at Jess’ face.


Shulavis then quickly looked away.  Did he hear my monologue?


“So, do you think you’ll be able to figure out where Uncle is?  Are there any other clues?”


I thought about it.  Was there any other information?


(When Hortis left before noon, he said he would be back before sunset.  Would simply knowing the rough location give him enough confidence to say he will be back that soon?  When he calculated the approximate location, something probably stood out – some kind of landmark that looked like a good place to hide the Wedge of Contracts.)


Jess thought about it.


“Meaning it’s a place where you would shout ‘This is it!’ when you see it?”


We moved our heads close to the map and focused on the vicinity of Munires.  There were some places that looked like landmarks which could be visited within a day, but…


(It’s the sound.)


My flash of insight allowed Jess to answer excitedly.


“That’s right!  The shell was making a rumbling sound the entire time.”


(There’s only a limited number of places where you could hear that much noise.  If it’s around here…)


“It would have to be the waterfall.”


Shulavis pointed at a place on the map.  It appeared to be a large waterfall, upstream from the Valley of Oil located near Munires.  Shulavis’ dark green eyes seemed to glow with excitement for a change.


“This is the Waterfall of Encountering.  It’s where Vatis-sama is said to have met Ruta.”




We decided to head for the Waterfall of Encountering to immediately catch up to Hortis.  We were going to take the royal dynasty’s dragon.  It seems Nott can’t enter the royal army’s grounds, so Shulavis will have to bring the dragon to this mansion’s garden.


Nott quickly put on his coat and headed out into the garden.  However, Jess stopped in front of the entrance and looked around restlessly.


(What’s wrong?  Do you need to use the restroom?)


At my inquiry, Jess shook her head.


“No, I was wondering where Ms. Celes was…”


I heard a voice talking from the far end of the corridor that extended to our right.


(She’s probably over there.  Is it something important you need to discuss with Celes?)


“It’s not quite to the extent of being important, but I wanted to talk to her for a bit.”


Jess peered down the corridor.


(Why don’t you go take a look?  It’ll take some time for Shulavis to bring the dragon over here anyway.)


“Right.  I’ll be right back.  Please wait outside with Mr. Nott, Mister Pig.”


Got it. – As I was about to reply with that, I changed my mind.


(No, I’ll go with you.)


“Are you sure?  Then let’s go together.”


We walked down the carpeted corridor, towards the voice.  The aroma of wheat and roasted meat wafted through the air.  I took a deep breath, feeling out the air flow.  The source of the smell was just nearby.  Out of curiosity, I peeked through the open door and spotted Celes standing alone in front of a brick oven in the large kitchen.  A black pig sat next to her.


“Ms. Celes!”


Jess peeked into the kitchen alongside me and raised her voice happily.


“Ah, Ms. Jess… and Mr. Shitty Virgin.  Hello there.”


Celes bowed politely.


Jess briefly showed an irritated expression when I was called a shitty virgin, but she immediately bowed back.


“Hello.  Are you baking a pie?”


Jess walked into the kitchen and peered into the oven.


“Yes, it’s a rabbit pie…  It’s Mr. Nott’s favorite.”


As I was wondering if it was pork, Jess covered her mouth with her hands.


“I’m so sorry.  Mr. Nott will be heading out with us very soon…”


Celes’ large eyes widened slightly, but she immediately smiled as if nothing had happened.


“Is that so?  Then I will save Mr. Nott’s share for him until dinner.”


“Eeeh?  But after spending so much effort, I’m sure you want to treat him to the freshly baked pie.  It’s not easy to make after all.”


Celes shook her head vigorously at the worried Jess.


“I can’t hinder Mr. Nott for my own sake.  I also like pies, so I just baked one on a whim.”


“Is that so…?”


Jess turned to look at the kitchen counter.  I also extended my head towards it.  It’s hard to see from a pig’s perspective, but a pot with the scent of meat stew was left there, and the cutting board that slightly protruded from the table smelled of chopped mushrooms and herbs.  The effort put into this felt way more than something done just on a whim.


“After all, there’s nothing else I can do…”


Celes gave a forced smile, and placed a hand on her slender neck.


“Um, Ms. Celes.”


Jess stepped forward and approached Celes.  The black pig looked at Jess and started twitching his nose, so I hurriedly guarded her.  I can’t let Jess become this perverted pig’s prey.


Paying no heed to our offense and defense, Jess gently placed her hands on Celes’ shoulders.


“I’m always causing trouble for you, Ms. Celes.”


Celes looked bewildered.


“Erm… that’s not true at all.”


“No, it’s true.  It’s my fault that Mr. Nott left Bapsus; and the reason why Mr. Nott was being hunted down by the Northern Forces was because he fought to protect me…  Him heading out right now is also a result of the matters that I brought here.  I understand Ms. Celes just wants to live peacefully with Mr. Nott…  I’m so sorry.  I just really wanted to apologize to you.”


Celes shook her head fiercely in denial, as if to say Jess was exaggerating things.


Regardless, Jess continued.


“I very much understand Ms. Celes’ feelings.”


Jess wordlessly stared at Celes.  Celes’ shoulders then twitched, followed by Celes glancing at me, before looking back at Jess.


“Um… but my standing is too different from yours, Ms. Jess…”


It sounded as though Jess had told Celes something with her power of heart.  Jess slowly shook her head and refuted Celes.


“Please be more confident in yourself, Ms. Celes.  Being able to live in the same world at the same time may seem like a matter of course, but that alone is a wonderful enough miracle.”


With a serious expression, Celes blinked.


It was getting dark outside the window, so I shifted my gaze there and saw a dragon, slowly flapping its wings, land in the garden.  I felt uncomfortable for some reason, so I stepped away from Jess.


(Jess, I’ll go on ahead.  Come to the garden as soon as you finish talking.)


And then I left the kitchen behind almost as if I was fleeing.


I reflected as I walked towards the door.  I don’t know what Jess silently conveyed to Celes, but it somehow felt like she was talking about me.


─A peaceful life where your important person isn’t taken away from you, your memories aren’t forgotten, you aren’t caught up in a war, and your life isn’t being threatened…  Don’t you long for that sort of life, Mister Pig?


I recalled what Jess said the day before yesterday.  Jess must have felt empathy and sympathy for Celes, who seemed to be by Nott’s side, yet couldn’t be with Nott.  And Jess felt bad for being a not insignificant cause of this happening, so she apologized.


Even I know Celes is having a hard time because Nott won’t look her way.  And I also understand that I’m making Jess feel the same way.  I shouldn’t have said I was trying to push for Shulavis and her to get married in front of her.


But I chose to say it anyway.


I chose to push away the only girl who told me that she liked me – a wonderful girl who I didn’t suit.  Because I know I’m destined to leave someday.


It’s because I know if I let the sorrow of parting grow any further, I won’t be able to bear it.


And most importantly, I recognize that I can’t make Jess happy.


Don’t you all think so too?  If you’re an otaku, you should only wish for the happiness of your oshi.  You’re obviously not capable of handling your oshi, so you shouldn’t say anything willful.

>TL Note: 推し is commonly used to describe an idol that someone actively supports.  A more suitable English equivalent here would be waifu, but that sounded too weird here.  For more context: https://japanoscope.com/oshi-meaning-%E6%8E%A8%E3%81%97%E3%81%A8%E3%81%AF/


I’m not capable enough to make Jess happy.  I, who should leave Mestria when the critical moment arrives, shouldn’t resist in vain or go against fate, and leave the stage with dignity in front of Jess.


I arrived at the garden.  Shulavis was stroking the dragon’s jaw, which was lined with sharp, black scales.  Even though the dragon’s body was large enough to fill the large garden, its face was unexpectedly cute, like that of a lizard.  It bent its long and narrow neck, stretching its head towards Shulavis, and purred like a car engine.


When Shulavis noticed only a pig came out, he tilted his head in confusion.


“What happened to Jess?”


(She’ll be out soon.  She’s having a bit of girl talk right now.)


Shulavis appeared to have relayed my thoughts, as Nott revealed a baffled look while placing his hands on his hips.


“What’s that supposed to mean?”


(It means the girls are having a secret conversation.  Should we do the same?  A virgin talk?)


Nott’s face turned red, and he glared at me.


“Are you making fun of me?!  You sleazy virgin pig bastard!”


I’m not at all happy to hear that from a guy…


Just as I was thinking that, Nott glowered at me and added, “You know my past, don’t you?  I don’t open my heart easily to other women.  Unlike you guys, I’ve been proposed to by dozens of women, but not even once has my heart wavered.  Don’t lump me in with you two.  I’m a virgin because I want to be.”


“‘You guys’?”


Shulavis reacted with a twitch.


“What are you trying to say?  Are you insulting me?”


“Hah, did I hit the mark, frizzy-hair?  Since you shut yourself inside the capital, it’s obvious that you didn’t get to meet anyone.”


“Are you provoking me?!”


“What?  You wanna go?!”


I thought about it while watching these two virgins instantly create this dangerous mood.


The prince, who restrains himself to be a virgin out of a sense of responsibility; and the leader of the Liberation Army, who’s a virgin because he wants to be.  Compared to them, what am I?


I lived my life simply doing what I could do.  As a result, I’m a boring, stupid pig, and a virgin.


I’m just a virgin with no self-identity, who only thinks about the best approach objectively because I don’t have any self-confidence.


Forget it, that’s okay.  After all, it’s my way of life.


As I watched the two handsome guys draw close to each other and considered calling Jess over, Jess and Celes exited the front door.  The girls froze when they saw the volatile situation between the two virgins.


“U-um…  Did something happen between the two of you…?”


Shulavis cleared his throat and pointed at the dragon for the confused Jess.


“Uncle might act at any moment.  Let’s leave as soon as possible.”


Nott also exhaled, straightened his collar, and walked towards the dragon.


“You’re late.”


We then left behind Celes and the black pig, and boarded the dragon’s back.  Its large, folded wings extended out at once, flapped against the air, and lifted us up.


Celes kept waving from the garden, but Nott didn’t appear to have noticed.




The dragon flew straight towards the Waterfall of Encountering.  A forest of dark coniferous trees and brown broad-leaved trees that had their leaves fallen, spread beneath the giant wings.  Not long after we took off, I spotted a round hole in the forest.  Blue water pooled at the bottom of the cliff where the waterfall was.


“That’s the basin of the Waterfall of Encountering.  It’s surrounded by the forest, so there’s no place for the dragon to land.  I’ll have it lower its height as much as possible, and we’ll jump.”


“We’ll jump?”


Nott had an unenthusiastic look on his face.


“Don’t worry, I’ll protect everyone here with magic.”


Shulavis pulled the reins and we started losing altitude.  Soon, the dragon was hovering.  Shulavis looked down and muttered, “Alright.”  One look was enough for me to tell that we were still around 100 meters off the ground.  Alright, my ass!  You’re not a cat!


“Are you all ready?  We’re getting off.”


Just as Shulavis’ words made me tremble in fear from wondering how we’ll get down there, the dragon suddenly folded its wings and swooped down, disappearing from beneath us.  We were basically still sitting when we were left in midair at an altitude of 100 meters.




Jess, who was next to me, hugged my stomach.  But my worries were needless.  We were surrounded by a buoyancy-like force and were floating.  I could see the trees from the forest far below my dangling pig trotters.  It felt like my pig heart was about to stop dead in its track.


I felt the updraft and acceleration, and knew that a steep descent was about to begin.  My field of view was immediately covered by Jess’ skirt.


…Not good!


I instantly twisted my body and stretched my pig legs as far as I could towards Jess’ crotch.  Though I barely had any sensation of my hooves as a pig, my feet should be holding the fabric of the skirt against her lower abdomen.


“Eh?  Hold on, Mister… Pig…”



I heard Jess make a strange noise from beyond the skirt fluttering in my ears.


My four legs touched the ground without me being able to see anything.  Jess’ skirt unraveled, and I was able to see where we were standing.  We were in the forest next to the waterfall basin.  There was no one around but us.  Dead leaves were piled up on the ground, and the soft blue sky of autumn could be seen through the gaps in trees where their leaves have fallen.


“U-um, Mister Pig, doing that sort of thing, er, in front of those two… is a bit…”


With her face blushing hard, Jess placed her hand over her lower abdomen.


(What are you talking about…?)


Jess refused to elaborate, so I looked at Shulavis and Nott.  The two of them looked away in embarrassment.


(You guys didn’t see anything, right?)


When I tried to confirm it with them, Nott answered while fixing his stole.


“We couldn’t see anything because you covered it with your feet.”


Jess didn’t seem to understand what we were talking about, and looked back and forth.


Shulavis muttered while looking slightly downwards.


“Uh, sorry.  I didn’t consider that carefully enough.”


That’s exactly right.


As we were descending, we were hit by the wind blowing upwards from below.  Meanwhile, Jess’ skirt, which was covering my face, failed to cover what it was supposed to cover.  If I didn’t guard her with my pig feet, Jess’ panties would have been seen by these virgin bunches.


“Oh, so that’s why…”


Jess appeared to have finally realized it after reading my monologue, and her already reddened face blushed harder.  Since she’s going to marry into the royal family, I hope she can take better care of herself in this regard.


─I’m sorry, Mister Pig…


Jess’ voice resounded in my mind.  I mean, you didn’t have to apologize to me.


However, these perverted bastards who blushed because Jess’ skirt was flipped up need to be punished.


“Across all of Mestria, you’re the one I least want to hear that from…”


After he gave a serious response, Shulavis cleared his throat and got back to business.


“Okay, we need to find Uncle quickly.  We’re counting on you, Pig.  Find his scent.”


Hearing that, I sniffed the ground.  It didn’t take long for me to find a dog smell.


(…It’s a strong smell.  This is the place, no doubt about it.)


As we followed the scent, we got closer and closer to the waterfall.  The Waterfall of Encountering.  It’s a wide waterfall that boasts a height of dozens of meters, and carries an abundance of water.  Clear water flowed evenly, covering the black cliff like a curtain.  The falling water gathered in the large blue basin, from which it re-emerged as a river.


With me in the front, our party reached the side of the waterfall.  Behind the waterfall that cascaded like a curtain, there was a walkable, rocky area.


“We have to go behind the waterfall?”


Nott asked while crossing his arms like he was cold.


(That seems to be the case.  Let’s go.)


We made our way through the narrow rock crevice, and were behind the cascading water.  To our left was the rumbling wall of water, and to our right was a drenched, black, rock wall.  The wall had been slightly dug into, and there was a narrow passage wide enough for a person to just barely pass through.  The smell seemed to lead in that direction, so I led the way without hesitation.


As we bathed in the misty cold water, we proceeded while listening to the low rumbling sound of water splashing against rock.


Behind me was Jess, and following her was Shulavis, then Nott.  Along the rocks that were wet from water splashing on them, the dog smell steadily grew stronger.


When I reached the middle of the waterfall, I stopped.  That’s strange – I thought, and sniffed my surroundings.


“What’s wrong?”


Hearing Shulavis’ question, I moved forward slightly.


(The dog smell suddenly disappears around here.)


We stood around the place where the smell disappeared, and faced each other.


Shulavis touched the wet rock surface.


“I see.  Then maybe there’s a secret passageway somewhere.”


Shulavis’ fair hands searched the rock surface, but nothing happened.  No matter where he pressed or hit, the rock remained a rock.


“What about up ahead, Mister Pig?  Maybe the smell here was just washed away by the water.”


I see.  I moved my nose close to the ground and continued on for a bit.




(No, there’s no smell up ahead.  Did Hortis find a passageway in the rock?  Or perhaps…)


I looked over towards the waterfall.  The floor path we were standing on became as precipitous as a cliff there.  A large amount of water poured down beside it, with me close enough to touch it as long as I extend my pig leg out.


“In that case, there’s no other option here.  Either he headed back, or he dove into the water and fell into the basin.”


The way here was a slightly uphill slope.  There’s a bit of height before landing in the basin if he was to fall from here.


(He probably turned back?  It’s hard to imagine him jumping from here.)


“But Mister Pig, didn’t you say the smell got stronger up until you got here?”


That’s true – I thought, when pointed out by Jess.  If he returned from here, the smell should have gradually become weaker.  It didn’t sound right to assume he turned back.


With a hand on his chin, Shulavis pondered.


“This is tricky.  Was there some way for him to move from this place…?”


As we were troubling over this, Nott drew his twin daggers impatiently.


“What’s on the other side of the water?”


Pushing Shulavis aside, Nott crossed his daggers and plunged them into the falling water.  The daggers shone red.  The blades and their aura of fire blocked the water, opening a hole the size of a window in the wall of water.  Nott’s face, illuminated by the flames of his twin daggers, revealed his surprise.


“What’s this…?”


Seeing Nott’s response, Shulavis brought his face closer to the small window that Nott created.  Shortly after, Shulavis’ eyes widened in amazement.  With my pig’s point of view, I wasn’t able to see what was beyond the small window.


(What’s over there?)


Nott withdrew his twin daggers and turned to look at us.


“The path ahead.”


After saying that, he rushed into the wall of falling water without hesitation and disappeared with a splash.


“How impatient.”


Shulavis smiled wryly and extended his hand up towards the waterfall.  From left to right, he drew an arch-shaped line across the veil of water, opening the entrance to the “other side.”


Jess gasped beside me.  What we saw beyond the entrance was not the scenery of the waterfall basin and forest.  It was a huge stalactite cave that we had never seen before.  Mysterious blue lights leaked from the cracks in the stalactites, eerily illuminating the white cave.  The cave was so wide that you would think it was the inside of a mountain, and the ceiling was so high that I couldn’t see it through the darkness.  The waterfall became a magic gate that divided this place from another space.


(Let’s follow Nott.)


We jumped through the gate Shulavis opened and entered the cave.  It wasn’t an optical illusion or hallucination.  We should have jumped out the front of the waterfall, but we landed on the ground of a stalactite cave.  The limestone surface was covered in shallow water.  It was cold.


Nott, who was soaking wet, looked at us, who weren’t wet, with a face that said “You should have told me if there was a way to not get wet.”  I turned around to look at the way we came, and saw the inner side of the waterfall that we had just passed through become a waterfall that flowed down into the stalactite cave.  It looks like we entered a completely different place, separated by the waterfall.


“I’ve never heard of this kind of magic before.”


Shulavis curiously touched the waterfall.  Through that gap he just created, I could see the inside of the waterfall where we were earlier.


“For some reason, I feel a terrifying power.”


Jess whispered to me.


The stalactite cave was an eerie place.  The stalactites that looked like they were melting hanged down from the ceiling far above, and depending on the location, they were connected together like huge curtains.  The ground was flooded everywhere, and flat white rocks were connected like terraced fields.  The blue light illuminating them shone intensely from every direction, making me lose my sense of direction.


Nott shook his head like a dog, spraying water everywhere, and spoke to me.


“Let’s hurry up and find Hortis.  Can you still smell his scent, sleazy pig?”


Just as I was about to sniff the ground… Plip, plip, came the sound of footsteps.  A red light flashed before my eyes, and I knew Nott had drawn his twin daggers.


“No need to look for me.  I’m right here.”


A man’s feet appeared closer than I expected.  He was barefoot.  I looked up, and something I didn’t want to see was hanging in front of me.  The man who appeared from behind a stalactite was just as naked as when we first met him.


“You’ve managed to make it this far, I see.  Your minds are more brilliant that I gave you credit for.”


“Please put on some clothes, Uncle.”


At Shulavis’ composed, straight-laced response, Hortis waved his hand with a hopeless look.  A white cloth magically appeared, covering Hortis from his shoulders down.


“It would be problematic if a hecklepon spotted me, so I was traveling in the form of Rossi.  And when I change from a dog into a human, I’m left naked no matter what, so there’s nothing I could have done.


I see-, wait no, that’s not an excuse for him to be completely naked, but that does explain why he smelled like a dog instead of a human.


Though Hortis was smiling cheerfully, Nott didn’t let down his guard and continued to hold up his red-glowing twin daggers.


“Did you think you could distract us with that kind of joke, you exhibitionist?  Explain why you lied and acted on your own.”


Hortis maintained his smile.


“Using the great treasure to negotiate with Elder Brother is as dangerous as walking on a tightrope.  If you all get involved, you’ll be held responsible as well.  I didn’t want that to happen.  I figured I could handle it all by myself, so I decided to keep you all out of it.  I assumed if it were you guys, you would have understood that without needing me to explain…”


“You weren’t planning on stealing the treasure?”


“Steal?  Why would I?”


Hortis approached Nott, paying no heed to the twin dagger’s flames.


“Think about it.  I objected to Father’s and Elder Brother’s approach, quit being a mage, transformed myself into a dog, and accompanied you for five years.  Why would I betray you now?  I’m your ally.  I’m a sensible mage who wants the Liberation Army to shine and save the Yesma girls.”


I don’t think it’s very sensible to show off your nakedness in front of a girl who’s old enough to be your daughter, but as he claimed, it’s hard to imagine this pervert as an enemy based on his past actions.


Hortis gently took Nott’s hand, and placed the red-hot tip of the dagger to his own throat.


“If you have any doubts, you can cut me down at any time.”


Still furrowing his brows, Nott sheathed his twin daggers back to his hips.


I think it’s worth trusting him.


(Please show us the Wedge of Contracts as proof of our trust.)


When I conveyed that, Hortis shrugged.


“About this matter, I actually haven’t acquired it yet.  But I do have this.”


He then showed us his right hand.  Between his thumb and forefinger, he held a gold-decorated glass ball.  It was filled with clear water, and a single human eyeball was floating inside, spinning violently on its own.


Jess walked over to Hortis and stared at it with deep interest.


“Ruta’s Eye…”


“That’s right.  It wasn’t easy getting a hold of it; and even though it helped me find this place, the moment I entered here, the eye moved wildly and couldn’t be used anymore.”


“This is your proof of trust,” Hortis said, as he gently handed Ruta’s Eye to Jess.


“This stalactite cave is filled with extraordinary magic.  This place must have existed since the Ancient Era, long before Vatis.  We’ll need to find the wedge without relying on magic.”


“The Ancient Era…”  Jess murmured.


Hortis raised his eyebrows as he glanced at the eyeball that continued to spin in Jess’ hand.


“However, I didn’t expect you all to come to the same conclusion as I did so quickly.  When I changed back into a human yesterday morning, you didn’t even seem to know anything about the Wedge of Contracts.  To have deduced the location of Ruta’s Eye only a day later… you must have studied the history book quite intensely.  What incredible, inquisitive minds.”


I proudly raised my nose.


(Jess-taso finished reading it in one night.)


Jess shook her head.


“No, I simply read the words.  It was Mister Pig who considered those things in the end…”


Hortis smiled at the shy Jess.


“Why, isn’t this a wonderful partnership?  Then how about we split into two teams and compete to see which side finds the wedge in this stalactite cave first?  I’ll look around with my cute nephew, and Jess, Virgin-kun, and Nott-kun, you three search as a group.  Wouldn’t this be more fun than everyone simply splitting up and looking for it?”


Now’s not the time to be playing around – is what I was going to say, but that wasn’t a bad idea.  If we’re going to search through this expansive stalactite cave, it would be better to split up to some extent.


“Then let’s start looking.  I want to head back before sunset.”  Nott remarked.


And we decided to split up to find the Wedge of Contracts.


Nott steadily advanced through the stalactite cave that was wrapped in a pale blue light.  Jess and I followed behind him.  I was reminded of our journey to the capital, and thought to myself – what a nostalgic trio.  Naturally, at the time, Hortis, transformed as a dog, was also by Nott’s side…


“Hey Jess, can I ask you something?”


Nott asked while passing through a narrow gap between some large stalactites.  The path beyond it was winding and difficult to see.


“Yes, what is it?”


Jess replied while following.


“So you became that frizzy-hair’s fiancé?”




She responded in a tiny voice.


“I haven’t heard the details, but I was told it had to do with your memories, so I can kinda tell you’re in a difficult position.  I don’t mean to criticize you or anything.  Just make sure you don’t regret it.”


The hero of the Liberation Army spoke plainly without looking back.  Jess glanced at me, but said nothing.


“It’s too late to get some things back once you lose them.”


The pair of sheathed daggers on Nott’s hips swayed as he muttered softly.




I conveyed to Nott through Jess.


(Then what’s Jess supposed to do?  Maybe it’s true that Jess doesn’t want to marry that frizzy-haired guy.  But if her engagement gets canceled, her safety would no longer guaranteed, and it would make it difficult for me to gain the royal family’s favor.  The Liberation Army, Jess, and I – all of us might end up being used and thrown away by that violent king.)


“Isn’t that fine?”


I couldn’t believe my ears when I heard Nott’s words from behind his back.


(What’s “fine”?)


“What I’m saying is, it doesn’t matter how the king treats us, as long as Jess can accept that.”


(Don’t be stupid.  Don’t you understand what it means for Jess, who’s close to the Liberation Army, to become the future princess?)


His cold blue eyes glanced at me.


“I’m not Jess.  Whatever path she chooses for her own happiness, I won’t blame her.  I’m simply doing my best to do what I want to do.  Jess should simply do her best to do what she wants to do.”


I saw Jess swallow nervously beside me.


That won’t do.


(This may be our one and only chance at changing this country.  Breaking off the engagement is a dangerous choice that could ruin that chance.  That’s absolutely not allowed.)


“Mister Pig…”


A pair of sorrowful looking eyes stared at me.


“What you’re saying is certainly true, sleazy pig, but we’re people who only get to live our life once.  It doesn’t matter what kind of righteousness other people try and throw at us, we have no obligation to accept them.  The reason why I’m trying to change this world is to avenge Ys’ death.  But if Ys was still alive, I wouldn’t be doing this.  I’m sure I would have been cherishing my life instead.”


Hearing that, I was finally able to see the true nature of this person named Nott.  If Jess is someone who earnestly acts for the sake of others, Nott is someone who earnestly acts for the sake of himself.  Nott helped Jess out of regret that he couldn’t help his beloved.  As a result, he succeeded in delivering his beloved’s sister to the royal dynasty safely without even knowing that…


I didn’t have any words to say back, and I silently walked on the wet ground.  It was a straight path after the narrow stalactite passage.  As I quietly walked in the pale blue light, Jess opened her mouth.


“Mr. Nott.  Thank you very much for your advice, but I’m fine with this right now.”


Nott wordlessly and expressionlessly looked at Jess.


“I believe in Mister Pig.  Mister Pig is always thinking for my happiness, so I’ll follow his decisions.”


Jess replied resolutely, and gently placed her hand on my back.


“That so?  Then do whatever you want.”


I felt the coolness of Jess’ fingertips on my back, and at the same time, I wanted to refute Nott.


(Although you said it’s fine as long as you do what you want to do, what about Celes?)


Nott, who led the way, didn’t look back.


(I know you’re aware of Celes’ feelings, Nott.  Is it fine for you to disregard Celes, who purposefully left her master to be with you, because you’re “doing what you want to do”?)


“What are you talking about?  Celes is doing what she wants to do.  Isn’t that fine?”


Next to me, Jess was about to open her mouth to say something, but she changed her mind and tightly pressed her lips together.


There was nothing we could say to that.  Everything Nott said made sense.  As long as everyone does what they want, it’s fine.  Even if conflict arose because of that, it’s not a problem.  It was a simple reasoning.


“Remember this, sleazy pig.  I might be selfish in your eyes, but there’s no value living in this world if you lie about what you want to do.”


Nott pulled the black stole up to his chin and rounded a narrow corner.  Jess and I tried to follow, but ended up running into him.


“Watch where you’re going.”


Nott turned his gaze forward.  It looked like a place where the passageway would continue, but there was a pure white, flat, artificial wall in place, and we couldn’t go any further.


Nott’s slender fingers touched the wall.


“Looks like someone blocked this place.  It’s a dead end.”


I got close to the wall and observed it.  Is it limestone?  The spectacularly flat piece of rock blocked the narrow passageway without any gaps.  If it wasn’t the work of a master stonemason who hauled the large stone through the narrow, winding path, then it was a mage who did it.


“Mister Pig!  Look!”


Jess pointed at the center of the wall.  A long, vertical, isosceles triangle was engraved with a thin line.  The mark looked familiar, and I realized it was also on the lid of Vatis’ sarcophagus – where the Spear of Destruction was hidden.


I nodded, and felt Jess’ hand tighten on my back.  There was a sense that we were actually nearing the wedge.


“Is that a clue?  What do we do now?”  Nott asked beside us.


Jess lightly touched the wall – the next moment, the white wall closed in on our vision; and when I looked around, the two of us were on the other side of the wall.


My sights changed dramatically.


The narrow passageway in the stalactite cave suddenly opened up, leading to a large open space.  The place was still surrounded by white, icicle-like stalactites, but there was a round hole in part of the high ceiling, and warm-colored light streamed in straight from there.


At the bottom of the ladder of light was a stone platform, and on top of it, something was placed there all on its own.


“Mister Pig…!”


Jess’ eyes lit up.  I looked behind us, but there was only a white wall.  Nott was nowhere to be seen.  Before I could think about what to do, Jess started walking towards the stone pedestal.


(Jess, Nott’s not…)


“We’ll head back soon, so let’s take a look together!”


Jess looked back at me in delight, and I had no choice but to follow her.


I walked side by side with Jess.  In the silence, only the sound of two people’s footsteps on water reverberated.


We reached the stone pedestal.  It was a small pedestal with a flat top.  Even with a pig’s eye level, I could see “it” at the top when I stretched my neck.


It was a shockingly clear and colorless stone in the shape of a long and narrow tetrahedron.  It shone a bright white as it was illuminated by the warm light coming in from the ceiling.


“The Wedge of Contracts…”  Jess muttered.


There’s no mistaking it.  It was a great treasure that exuded a clear and mysterious aura.


It’s currently the only way to kill the surreptitious sorcerer who’s trying to destroy the royal dynasty.


(Incredible.  You found this place in no time.)


“It’s thanks to Mister Pig.”


I shook my head at Jess’ praise.


(All I did was come up with a few ideas and suggested them.  It was none other than Jess who deciphered the history book in order to solve the problem.  You should be proud of that.)


After being troubled by it for some time, Jess smiled at me.


“Then let’s treat it as both of us who found it.”


(…Right.  Let’s do that.)


Jess slowly extended her hand towards the Wedge of Contracts.


“Mister Pig.”


Hearing Jess call me, I turned and saw her brown eyes looking straight at me.  Long eyelashes.  Small nose.  Thin lips that were smiling slightly.


Jess didn’t touch the Wedge of Contracts, and blinked with a serious expression.


“I can believe in Mister Pig, right?”


(…What do you mean?  I’ll never betray you.  Don’t worry.)


“Erm, that’s not what I meant…”


Jess seemed to be looking for the right words.  After hesitatingly opening and closing her mouth, she spoke.


“Mister Pig is working very hard for the sake of the royal dynasty, for the sake of the Yesmas, and for the sake of the Liberation Army.  I don’t have the slightest doubts about this.”


The light shining in from the open ceiling made Jess’ eyelashes glisten melancholically.


“We were able to come this far because of Mister Pig’s help.  I somehow feel that, as long as I’m with Mister Pig, I’ll be able to change the world.”


(Yeah, that’s what I’m here for.  Believe me.)


“Of course I believe you.  But, I’m a little worried…”


(What are you worried about?)


The sound of flowing water could be heard from somewhere far away.  Jess’ hand stopped before the Wedge of Contracts and didn’t move.


“Even after you’ve finished everything that needs to be done by accomplishing the things you can do, one by one, like this…  Mister Pig, you’ll always stay by my side, won’t you…?”


It was as if she was saying, if I didn’t promise her that, she won’t take the Wedge of Contracts.


(I don’t know what the future will hold, but right now, let’s do the best we can together.  During this time, I’ll always be by your side, Jess.)


“No, I’m not talking about right now.”


By the time I realized it, Jess looked like she was about to cry.  I immediately looked down.


“Lately, it feels like you’ve been slowly trying to distance yourself from me, Mister Pig.  Why?”




“If you don’t like me anymore, please tell me so.”


(No, it’s definitely not that I don’t like you-)


“If there’s something you dislike, I’ll change.  I’ll even do my best to learn naughty things.  So please, please don’t leave me.”


The corners of Jess’ eyes glistened with tears.  I can’t handle tears.


(No, it’s not that there something about you that I dislike, so you don’t have to do your best to learn naughty things.  I won’t leave your side, so don’t worry.)






“I can believe that you intend to stay with me forever, right?”


(Yeah, I want to be with you.)


It wasn’t a lie.


Jess stared at me for some time.


(It’s a tough world, but let’s pursue happiness together.)


I never thought I’d have the chance to say those words so seriously in my life.  With utmost sincerity, I returned Jess’ gaze.


“I’m so happy.”


Jess whispered, and wiped her tears with her sleeves before they spilled.


“If you disappear again, I’ll make sure to chase you to the ends of the world.”


Jess, who was smiling, appeared to be serious when she said that.


Her gaze turned towards the stone pedestal, and her beautiful fair-colored fingers touched the great treasure of Mestria.


The Wedge of Contracts shone so brightly that it was hard to believe it was an ancient item.


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