Heat the Pig Liver

Chapter 2: 2

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 Chapter 2 – Nine Times Out of Ten, Handsome Guys are Sleazebags

Sunlight shone through the gaps between the trees in the dusky forest.  Judging by the angle it was coming from, it must still be early morning.  I woke up in a place that looked like a secret hideout as I was surrounded by dense shrubberies.


Something was on top of my abdomen.  A blonde girl was using me as a pillow to sleep.


I steadily got up on all fours.  Jess’ head slipped from my stomach and landed on the wooden board.  Perhaps it was because she will be traveling a while that she wore an aqua blue one-piece dress, but it gave the impression of being more lighthearted than before.




She made a strange noise and placed a hand over her head.


(Oops, my bad…)


At the same time, I recalled what had happened up until now.  I became a pig, danced at the festival, reunited with Jess under the beautifully moonlit night, locked that guy into the warehouse…


Jess looked at me and petted me on my head.


“I’m so glad you woke up, Mister Pig.”


She had a bright smile on her face, but she looked terrible.  Her complexion was pale, her hair was disheveled, and several strands of hair were stuck to her face from sweat.  What happened?


I looked at Jess carefully – she didn’t have a corset on, her one-piece dress was wrinkled, and her hands were red from chafing.  I then checked my bed – it was just a large wooden board with simple wheels underneath that were made by wrapping metal around a piece of wood.  A long and durable-looking rope hung from it.  We’re in the middle of the forest, so you’re telling me that she pulled me all the way to here?



(Jess, are you doing alright?)


“I’m okay because Mister Pig is with me.”


No matter how you look at it, she didn’t seem fine…


That’s right, now I remember, I was stabbed.


(Did you use those black ristas?)


“Yes.  The bag was dropped outside of the warehouse.  Although there weren’t that many, when I used them together, they worked properly.”


This wasn’t a part of my plan, so I can only call myself lucky that the guy used his bag of ristas as a weapon.


(Thank you, Jess.  You saved my life.)


“No problem.  I did it because I wanted to,” she beamed while stroking my head.


Feeling embarrassed, I looked down at the ground before asking: (Did you leave the note about capturing that guy?)


“I did.  I also left the rest of the ristas at the mansion, I figured they could be used as evidence.”


That’s being a bit too honest…  We could have kept a few for ourselves, since they could come in handy.


Well, the fact that she didn’t do that is one of her charms as well.


“It’s not like that…”


Jess averted her eyes and spoke.  That was a monologue, let’s try and be aware of that.


“Oh, sorry.”


(It’s fine.  Just be careful next time.)




She really is an honest and nice girl.  I don’t think there’s a lot of girls like her out there that are apt to be called an angel or goddess.  She’s not self-centered at all, she’s always kind, and she’s full of virtue.  All of her inner beauty seems to exude from her adorable face and slender hands.


I looked at Jess and saw her staring down with her cheeks flushed.  She’s doing her best to ignore my monologues.  I guess I should stop teasing her.


(At any rate, you really helped me out there.  Thanks to your prayer, even my leg seems to fine now.)


I tried moving a bit and confirmed that the injury I sustained from falling off the festival stage was


Ugh, I was reminded of my dark history.


Still blushing, Jess covered her mouth to hold back from laughing.


(What?  I did my best to dance there.  It’s rude to laugh at that.)


“Sorry, but it was so funny…”


I much prefer seeing her smile than seeing her haggard, so I’ll forgive her.


(So where are we?)


“In the middle of the woods.”


(I mean, I know that much…)


She laughed, appearing amused.


“Sorry, we are located near the Dark Woods’ road, which is north of Quiltli.  If we follow this road, we should be able to find a few small villages, I think.”


(The way you said that doesn’t bring a lot of confidence…  Are you sure we’ll be able to reach the capital?)


“Yes.  As long as you keep heading north, you should be able to see the capital eventually.  It’s said that the capital is located on a conspicuously high mountain, so you’ll be able to tell with just a glance.”


(… Don’t tell me you’ve never been there before.)


“Don’t worry.  I’m sure we’ll reach it!”


Those words can also be taken as saying there’s a chance we won’t make it there…


(Well then, I’m starting to get hungry as well, so let’s go.  Did you get enough rest?)


“Of course!”


Jess clenched her fists and showed me her guts pose, but her face clearly revealed her exhaustion.


(Just for reference sake, how long will it take to reach the village?  And how far are we from Quiltli?)


“I think it will take another two or three o’clocks, since we’re more than half way there.”


(How long is an o’clock?)


“Ah, let me see…  Divide one day into twenty four parts, each part is an o’clock.”


So it’s the same as an hour?  It’s nice to hear the answer being what I expected.  Some simple arithmetic is enough to figure out the truth.  After Jess moved me onto the cart, she definitely walked for more than three hours.  She’s been lugging around a very heavy baggage, so it’s probably been a lot longer.  It’s only been about an hour since the sun rose, and I was stabbed at around midnight.  That means she’s been walking the whole time and barely slept at all.


I tried to visualize my physique.  My eye level reach Jess’ thighs, so my back should be a bit taller.


(Jess, do you want to try riding on my back?)




She’s kind, so if I asked her normally, she would insist on walking on her own.  However, I already knew very well how to deal with this overly gentle girl.


(It’s been a dream of mine since childhood to have a cute girl ride me with her bare legs.)




(Just follow along this road, right?)


“Y-yes… that’s… probably… fine…”


It’s only been three minutes since Jess got on my back, but she sounded somewhat distressed.


(What’s wrong?  Are you not feeling well?)


“No… um… it’s my first time… riding Mister Pig, so… when you rub against me… it tickles…”


I wondered what I was rubbing up against before it dawned upon me and I panicked.


(Stop!  Hold it!  What are you doing?!  You’re not riding properly!)


I hastily got into a sitting posture and lowered Jess to the ground.


“Riding… properly?”


(Yeah.  Ugh… that’s on me for not putting enough care into my ideas.)


I turned around to face Jess.  This innocent girl was holding her hands between her crotch and adjusting her breathing.  Aah, I’m really sorry for what I’ve done. 

I’m just saying this as a hypothetical “what if” situation, but if you ever get the chance to let a girl, especially one wearing a skirt, straddle you, you better act with discretion.


“I’m okay, it’s not unbearable…  It just feels a bit weird…”


Stoooop!  I beg you, no more!  Don’t sully my blissful moments with you by using such ero doujin-like lines!


(How about you try shifting your weight towards your hands when you ride me?  Pigs are digging animals, so they have a pretty sturdy back, as you can see.  Don’t worry about your hands putting too much pressure on me.)


I let Jess back on and tried walking again.


(How’s that?)


“Um… your spine is still… Nn…”



I frantically stopped.  A pig’s backbone should not be teaching this innocent girl about her first time.  If a mage found out about this, I’ll surely get turned into gamjatang instead of back into a human being.


(How about you sit further back?  Around where my thighs are, and squeeze against me with your legs.)


Jess followed my instructions and carefully moved back.  I then resumed walking.


“Oh, you’re right… I should be fine now.”


That was a close one.  Just when I thought it was finally over, I froze up and couldn’t move.


“What’s wrong?”


(Uh…  What’s that?)


Standing to our right, in the middle of the grove, was a strange looking two meter tall beast.  Its body was covered in black fur, and it had long, thin limbs.  It had a bald neck, like that of a condor, and its head was disproportionately small.  Its pair of black eyes were staring right at us.  The thing had bat ears and a pig nose, but what’s even stranger is the fact that it swayed its body left and right in an exaggerated motion at a constant rhythm, all while its head stayed stationary, watching us.


This mysterious beast oscillated its body like a broken clock pendulum.  It was terrifying, and I couldn’t move.


“It doesn’t look like you’ve seen it before, Mister Pig.”


(Of course not…  What is that thing?  Are we being targeted by it?)


Seemingly sensing the tension in my muscles, Jess stroke my back.


“It’s alright.  That’s a hecklepon.”


I thought it sounded familiar, and then I remembered – when the rista shopkeeper, Killings, saw my dance, he described it “like a wounded hecklepon.”


“You can walk by it no problem.  It won’t do anything.”


Really?  Well, to be fair, Jess had no reason to lie here.  I followed her instructions and walked past, ignoring it.  Although the hecklepon kept its eyes on us, it didn’t do anything else and remained where it stood.


After moving forward intently for a while, I tried inquiring about it.


(From where I came from, I’ve never seen that kind of animal before…)


“Is that so?  It’s very commonly found in Mestria.”


(You mean that thing?)


Since I was familiar with most of the animals and plants here, I assumed all the creatures in this world would be the same as those in my world, but that didn’t seem to be the case.


“Hecklepons seem to be an animal that suddenly appeared around the end of the Dark Ages.  They’re gentle creatures that only eat plants and corpses; they would never attack other animals.  They have a weird habit of swaying, so there’s always been strange rumors about them…  But I’ve never heard anyone claim to have seen a hecklepon attack something before.”


(Huh, okay.  Also, what do you mean by strange rumors?)


“There are various legends about them depending on the region.  Some say that hecklepons are messengers of peace, while others claim that they’re harbingers of bad harvest; in some places, hecklepons are said to bring good fortunes, but in others, encountering one is supposed to cause bad luck.  In the end, it doesn’t look like hecklepons do anything.”


(From the way you talk, it sounds like you enjoy these sorts of things.)


“I do, I love history and folklore!”


(Well, that’s surprising.)


“It’s considered discourteous to be uneducated when receiving guests, so I borrowed a thick book regarding the history of Mestria from the head of the Quiltlin family.  As I read through it, I got interested.”


(Isn’t that a good thing?)


“Really?  I haven’t told anyone about this before, but… it makes me happy to be praised for my interests.”


What a strange girl.  She was happy just from me saying her hobby was nice.


“Do you have any hobbies, Mister Pig?”


Watching anime and fanboying over cute girls every day… is something I shouldn’t say.


(Reading, I guess.  I’ve been particularly fond of the edibleness of grass weeds lately.)


“Do you like stories that have cute girls in them?”


Urk, didn’t I say not to read into my monologues.


(Do you know what mystery novels are?  I like reading about solving them.  They’re the type of story where the unexpected truth is deduced through the minor evidences scattered throughout the narrative.)


“So there are books like that?  I would like to read them too!”


(There probably aren’t any in Mestria though.  It looks like the road ahead will take some time, so I’ll tell you about them along the way.)


“Really?  I’m looking forward to it!”


Talking like this made me realize Jess was also just a normal girl.  Although she serves a prestigious family, has to deal with very hard work, can read minds, and is kind, she’s not that different from the high school girls that I know of.


… I lied.  I went to an all-boys high school, so I’ve never had contact with anyone that could be considered a high school girl.  My apologies, I will make the appropriate corrections.


“Is it possible that the reason Mister Pig is able to notice a lot of details is due to reading those mystery novels?”


(Maybe.  Although it’s probably also caused by my bad habit of worrying about the little things.)


I pushed up my imaginary glasses.


“That means I can’t hide anything from Mister Pig…”


Jess’ tone of voice dropped.


(If there’s something you don’t want to say, it’s fine to keep it a secret.  Just like how you ignore my monologues, I won’t pry into things that you don’t want me to know about.  Everyone deserves some privacy after all.)


Stuff like, why didn’t you tell me that you bought a black rista just before you met me?  Or, why did you lie and claim this was “just an errand of sorts” when you won’t be returning to the Quiltlins after departing on this journey?  I have various other questions as well, but it’s fine if I don’t receive answers to them.


“Um…  I’ll tell you.”




Jess’ hand moved slightly on my back.


“About why this is a one-way trip.”


(When you say one-way trip, do you mean why you won’t be returning to the Quiltlins after going to the capital?)


“Yes, you could put it that way…”


(Are you going to serve a different family?)


“No, that’s not the case.”


What are you trying to say?  Jess seemed to be gathering her thoughts, so I pondered on my end too.  Since it’s been confirmed that the “errand” was a lie, I’m wondering if the capital is even her destination goal.  It could be that she knew I had to go to the capital to turn back into a human, so she lied in order to make me not worry about her.  Knowing her, it’s possible.  I dismissed it as fate at the time, but of course it was too good to be true.  If that’s the case…  Hm…  There’s too many things about this world that I don’t know about.  As of right now, it’s impossible for me to deduce the purpose of her journey.


“I have to go to the capital.  That wasn’t a lie.”


She seemed to be doing her best in figuring out what she should and shouldn’t say.  Let’s believe her.


If Jess didn’t lie about needing to travel to the capital, then it could only be considered a fateful meeting with this kind of timing.  Let’s leave it at that.  I’m satisfied as well.  Oink.


Then what about the purpose of her trip?  If it’s not to serve another family, what is she going there for?


I was then reminded of something that had felt off.  Some of you may have also thought this was strange, but last night after Jess had healed me, she didn’t wait for me to wake up.  She instead decided to put me, a heavy pig, onto a cart and pulled me along through the woods for 3+ hours.


Is this something urgent?  No, Jess mentioned that she was supposed to depart in the morning.  There’s no reason to rush out in the middle of the night.  Then is she running away from someone?  If so, who?  The guy locked inside the warehouse?  Nah, that’s highly unlikely.


She has to go to the capital.  Her purpose isn’t to serve another family.  And she’s running away from someone.


Running away…  That reminded me of the phrase “Yesma hunters” which I heard back in the back alley.


─There’s no way they’ll kill a Yesma that’s currently employed.


Employed.  Which means an unemployed Yesma could be killed.


Hang on a minute.  Isn’t Jess unemployed right now?  She’s currently in a potentially dangerous forest, and without the corset that had the Quiltlin crest embroidered to it.




Wait, Jess has her reasons for not wanting to tell me about it.  I shouldn’t pry.  Although I’ll have some foreboding thoughts, verbalizing them is even more terrifying.  Let’s put a lid on it.


Jess’ fingers gripped my back a little tighter.


“Mister Pig, um… can you promise me that you’ll accompany me to the capital, even after hearing what I have to say?”


(Of course I will.  If I don’t, I’ll have no choice but to live the rest of my life as a pig.)


“That’s true…  I’ve made up my mind.  I will tell you why.”


(Right, then I’ll prepare myself as well.  I won’t be intimidated by anything you say, so don’t worry.)


Jess breathed in and out several times.


“I am to offer my body to the royal family, and should I fail to do so, I shall die during the journey.”




“This is the fate of all Yesmas.  In Mestria, when a Yesma turns 16, it is mandated that she leaves the house she serves and journeys to the capital on their own.  Most die along the way, and those that do reach the capital will never return.”




Jess’ voice was lacking its usual soft tone.  Calm down, me.


(… What awaits you at the capital?)


“No one knows.  The capital is completely isolated from the rest of the world, so no one knows what goes on inside.  There’s just… various rumors, and they say one thing in common: the Yesmas who overcome the ordeal are treated courteously.  Personally, I think the theory that they end up serving in the capital until their death is the most likely.”


I was at a loss for words.


“Mister Pig, you were wondering why I left the mansion as if I was running away.  Let me answer that question.  This silver collar that I’m wearing… it holds a tremendous amount of magic power and sells for a very high price.  However, it’s protected by magic and cannot be removed without cutting the person’s head off.”


I glanced at the girl sitting on my back.  The thick, blackened collar glowed faintly around her neck.  It had no seams, and it didn’t look like it could be removed without forcibly deforming it.


“There’s also the matter of bones and the likes…  A Yesma's body can be sold at a hefty price.  That means, once the royal family pays the Quiltlin family the severance gold and I cease being their servant, I become a prey for the Yesma hunters to hunt down.”


I was dumbfounded as Jess took a deep breath.


“Of course, the Quiltlin family are kind people so they won’t consider selling me out for money, but I ended up revealing to Mr. Killings that today is the day I leave.  He’s also a nice person, so there’s no way he’ll sell me out, but… I don’t know how that information will spread.  That’s why I stayed away from the mansion as much as possible and hid in the forest.”


What is wrong with this world?


“Mister Pig…  Is it no good after all?”  Her voice trembled.  I could feel her hands shaking as well. 


You’re a man, so get it together!


(… There’s no way I’d say no.)


Jess’ quivering stopped.


(Who’d leave a girl like you alone?  There’s no chance I’d sit by idly and let a kind girl get hurt in this twisted world.  Let’s go to the capital together.  I’m just an ordinary pig that can’t wield a sword or use magic, but I’ll use all of my knowledge to protect you and be by your side, Jess.  I’ll stick under your crotch like so until we reached the capital.)


I tried to say something cool, but maybe it came out all wrong.  I wondered while waiting for her response.


“… Please keep your distance when I go to the bathroom, okay?”  Jess said with a giggle.


What a strong girl.  Even in the face of such cruel fate, she managed to smile while I was with her yesterday.  She kept it a secret from me because she was worried I would run away, worried that I would flee in fear of her fate.


No, that’s not it.


(I think I know why… I appeared inside the pigpen yesterday.)


“Really…?”  Jess said with unease.


(Yeah.  This is not just your destiny, but mine as well.  I have to reach the capital with Jess to be able to turn back into a human, that’s why, in order to fulfil this destiny of mine, I appeared in the pigpen the day before you left.)


Jess relaxed her hands.


“… Right.”


(We share the same destiny, so at least until we reach the capital, we’ll be together.)


“… Right!”


She responded in a nasally voice as she sniffed her nose.


I made up my mind to continue being Jess’ reliable companion, at least until we arrived at the capital.


─────── was something I couldn’t let Jess know about.




I was told the Yesma hunters don’t enter this forest, so I let Jess lie down on my back to get some rest.  Her cheek and chest clung to me like a futon being aired out in the sun, and I carried on walking along the road as she had informed me to.


She seemed fairly exhausted as she didn’t wake up even as my back swayed.


While she was asleep, my mind regained its freedom.  Although it was the perfect chance to have vulgar delusions, I wasn’t in the mood for any of it.  I had to come up with countermeasures against those Yesma hunters that we’ll eventually have to face.


They must be experts at hunting Yesmas who have reached 16 years old and traveled towards the capital, since they have that title.  Naturally then, their hunting ground will be near the outskirts of the capital.  Yesmas may come from various locations, but they’re all bound to pass through places near the capital, so it’s easier for the hunters to be waiting somewhere there.  That must be why Jess surmised that this forest, located far from the capital, was relatively safe.  This was a journey that became more and more dangerous the closer we got to our goal.


The Yesma hunters are definitely going to check the places that Yesmas are likely to pass by, so we’ll need to take the routes that Yesmas probably won’t use.  Not to mention there’s the problem of the silver collar, which acts as proof that a person is a Yesma since it’s protected by magic and can’t be removed without lopping their head off.  We’re going to need to cover up Jess’ collar as soon as possible.


However, if our countermeasures are only to this extent, any other slightly cleverer Yesma would have been able to come up with them as well, and the same goes for Yesma hunters.  I felt that deciding on how to deal with this problem in further detail was what was going to determine our fate.


The tools Jess has at her disposal are her knowledge of history, and a pig that can think.  Maybe a bit of money on hand as well.  That’s about it.


We’ll need to make the most of it to face our unreasonable destiny.  And once we’ve arrived safely at the capital, let’s interrogate this oh so great king for an hour or so with questions such as: Why are you forcing Yesmas like Jess to go through such a cruel ordeal?  Why don’t you let them to live peaceful lives?  Are you satisfied with creating this kind of society?  Don’t you feel guilty?


My blood was boiling with a sense of duty like never before, to the extent that my liver must’ve been cooked thoroughly as well, I’m sure.  I’ll do everything I can for the sake of the girl sleeping on my back.


We still have time, so think, pig.




It took about two hours of walking before we arrived at a small village.  Though small log cabins were neatly built along the narrow road, there were only a few them, and people were sparse.  The village appears to have been built over the forest, as coniferous trees loomed over its buildings from behind.  Perhaps it was for that reason that the village gave off a gloomy impression.  Even though it was noon, it was still quite dark thanks to the cloudy weather.


I woke Jess up and we entered the village.


(Jess, do you have a scarf, or something like one?)


She rummaged through her leather bag after hearing my question.


“Erm… no.  Why do you ask?”


(That silver collar is the identity of a Yesma, right?  If you cover it up, you won’t be seen as one, which should make you less of a target.)


“That’s certainly… true.”


Uh, is this actually going to be alright?


(You should still have some money, right?  You didn’t end up buying the rista, so you should have at least 200 gold.)


“Yes, thanks to your help.”


(A scarf shouldn’t be too expensive, yeah?)


“Yes, it’ll cost three or four gold at most.”


(How about we buy one then?)




She seemed quite happy as she looked around.


“Ah, over there!  That’s a clothing shop.  Let’s go.”  Jess said as she began walking towards it.


I walked up to the storefront before stopping.


(Are you sure it’s fine for me to enter the store?)


“It’s fine.  See?”


Just as she reassured me, a group of dirt-stained men entered the store, along with a large white dog.


“Let’s head inside.”


Why did she look like she’s having fun?  I wondered, as I followed her in.


The store interiors were made of light-colored wood, and its lanterns emitted a pleasant warm light.  Although their selections didn’t have the vibrant colors found in modern Japanese stores, they had a wide variety of clothes with their natural tones on display.


─Look, they have scarfs!


Jess pointed at the shelf located by the window.  Even someone as bad at fashion as I could tell that was the scarf section, a coarsely made wooden bust with a scarf around its neck was placed there.


─Which one do you think suits me the most?


She looked at selection with sparkling eyes.  It gave me the impression that she really was just a sixteen year old girl.


(If it looks like you’re wearing something around your neck at a distance, it might end up broadcasting to everyone that you’re a Yesma that’s trying to hide her collar.  So I think it’s better if you chose the one that’s closest to your skin tone.)


─Oh, yeah, you’re right.  Sorry…


She appeared to have come back to her senses and started comparing her skin color with the fabric.




Ugh, unbelievable, this is why otakus are so…  Even though Jess was enjoying herself, you just had to ruin the mood.  What would you do if this happened to you…?


(Actually, wait.)


Let’s stop her first, then come up with a justification.


(If you wear a scarf that’s similar to your skin tone, then it’ll seem rather suspicious up close.  I take back what I said earlier.  Pick the one that suits you the most, Jess.)


─Is that so?  Then please chose one for me, Mister Pig!


Hmph.  Is it finally time to reveal my true worth as a scrawny four-eyed shitty virgin who’s never had a girlfriend in his life before?  It’s time to use my extensive knowledge of chino pants and plaid shirts to pick the most suitable scarf for this sixteen year old blonde maiden.






No matter which one I imagined Jess in, they all seemed to suit her.  Her current outfit was an aqua blue dress.  A blue scarf wouldn’t stand out, even at a distance, but choosing the same color is pretty tasteless.  So that leaves…


(How about that light green one?  The one that has a bluish tint to it.)


─This one?  The one that has colors like a beautiful, shallow lake?

Never in my life would I have been able to describe a color like that.




─How does it look?  Does it suit me?


Jess brought the scarf to her neck.  Hm.  I think it’s pretty nice.


(I think it looks good on you.)


─Really?  Thank you!  Then I’ll go purchase it.


She cheerfully went to the back of the store.  After finishing the checkout and returning, she led us back out the store.  I got the feeling that the blonde lad with a dog was looking at us.


Once outside, she immediately wore her scarf.


It’s good that we got her a scarf, but we were both hungry now, so we decided to stop by a traveler’s inn during broad daylight.  The inn appeared to be the only one in this village.  It was a splendid looking building made of white stucco and dark wood.  It even had a pub attached to it.


“Um, excuse me.”


In response to Jess’ call, a fat lady around her fifties came out from the back of the inn.  The lady had curly red hair and plump cheeks that were just a bit flushed, giving us a cheerful impression.


“Oh my, good afternoon missy.  It must have been a lengthy trip, you look tired.  Oh, and you must be hungry.”


“Yes, that’s right…”


“Celes!  Prepare a steamed towel and a simple meal!”


“Okay, understood!”


The owner of that high-pitched voice was a skinny blonde girl around the age of 12 or 13 who exited the back.  She was a Yesma with short hair, large eyes, and thin lips, appearing even more vulnerable and delicate than Jess.


Jess smiled and bowed towards Celes, to which Celes lowered her head deeply before swiftly disappearing inside.


“Missy, whether you’re planning to cross the valley or get to Quiltli from here, it’ll be dark by the time you reach the next town, so why don’t you stay the night?  A meal’s 3 gold, and if you want to rest here, that’ll be an additional 10 gold.  I can also provide food for your pig for 2 gold.”


“Then I will be in your care.  That adds up to 15 gold, right?”


Jess rummaged through her bag and paid the bill.


In the meantime, Celes had brought over a steaming hot brown towel.


“Here, please use this.”


Celes held the towel towards Jess.


“You should wipe your face, missy.  The dirt’s ruining your pretty face.”


“That’s… very kind of you, thank you very much.”


Jess accepted the towel and wiped her face while the innkeeper lady stared at her intently.


I observed the innkeeper’s gaze as her actions seemed strange to me, but I failed to realize why until it was too late.


Jess’ silver collar was slightly visible from underneath the scarf while she wiped her neck.  The innkeeper raised her eyebrows, as if to say “good grief.”


“Did you come from Quiltli, Yesma missy?”




I was about to warn her, but Jess unguardedly responded “yes” while nodding.


A smile appeared on the innkeeper’s face.


“I see, I see.  Are you heading to the capital?”


“Yes, that’s correct.”


I felt Jess was acting too carelessly, before being struck by a sudden realization.  That’s right, she can read people’s minds.  If the innkeeper held any ill will towards her, she would’ve been anxious.


With that said, I shouldn’t overestimate Jess’ ability.  She’s an unbelievably good-natured person, so it’s possible that she wasn’t able to grasp the other person’s motives.  As a matter of fact, when this otaku stood close to her and oinked while saying “Jess-tasso!” she accepted it with a smile.  I kept my guard up and surveyed our surroundings.


For exits, there’s the entrance we came from, and the door that acts as the entryway to the pub.  We should be able to get out using either of them if anything were to happen.  Judging by the innkeeper’s physique, she shouldn’t be able to catch us.  As for things we could use as weapons or obstacles…  My eyes suddenly landed on something outrageous.


It was a Yesma collar.  Two swords were adorned on the wall in a cross shape, and the silver collar hung at the intersection as if it were maintaining their positions.


If a silver collar can’t be removed without decapitating the Yesma, that means…


(Jess, let’s get out of here.  Those swords on the wall have a Yesma collar on it.)


Noticing my words, Jess looked at my face and turned her gaze towards the direction I was facing.


She then caught her eyes on the two swords and silver collar.


I expected her to turn pale and immediately prepare to escape, but…


─It’s okay.


She assured me, before turning back to the innkeeper with a solemn expression.


“Whose… collar is that over there?”


The innkeeper’s eyes were tinged with sadness.


“That collar belonged to a Yesma named Ys.  She… used to work here, and is the predecessor of the girl from earlier, Celes.”


Woah, what’s going on?


“That’s unfortunate…  When did she pass away?”


The innkeeper beckoned to Jess, and led her to a seat at the bar.  Not able to follow the situation at hand, I slowly followed suit.


After sitting Jess down, the innkeeper took a seat from across and gazed at Jess before continuing.


“Truth be told, Ys never set out on her journey.  That was five years ago.  We used to hide any Yesmas that turned sixteen at a monastery.”


“Might it be the Bapsas monastery?”


The innkeeper’s eyes widened.


“So you know about it.  Yes, this is the Bapsas village.”


“I see…  Actually, I used to serve the Quiltlin family… so when I heard that it happened not too far away from me, I remember being shocked even though I was young at the time.


“Oh my, so you’re lord Quiltlin’s Yesma?  That’s quite something…”


Celes brought over a plate of rye bread, vegetables, and cheese, and a separate bowl filled with various vegetables.  The plate with the bread was set in front of Jess, while the bowl that had vegetables only was placed in front of me.  When Jess smiled and thanked her, Celes smiled awkwardly and bowed in return.


“Celes, this is lord Quiltlin’s Yesma.  Come have a seat.”


At the innkeeper’s request, Celes sat down next to me.  A pair of fair and slender legs settled in in front of me.  Their beautiful curves extended from their thin Achilles heels to their soft-looking calves, and the back of their knees were slightly pinkish.  Oink oink.


I noticed Celes was looking at me in surprise, and realized I shouldn’t be doing this, so I set about meditating.  Jess wasn’t the only person able to read minds, it’s a trait of all Yesmas.


I’m just a pig, I’m just a pig, I’m just a pig…


Jess took a small bite of the bread and inquired, “Speaking of Bapsas, did Ms. Ys die due to the fire?”


“No, she was captured by Yesma hunters.  I’m sure they must have done terrible things to her before killing her…”


“Then that collar is…?”


“It was retrieved from the Yesma hunters by one of our huntsmen.  He’s the pride of this village, which is why we decorated it with a silver coat of arms like so.”


“So that’s why…”


The conversation proceeded in a direction I didn’t understand, but even if I couldn’t follow what they were talking about, I knew for sure that that collar wasn’t something bad, but instead helped put Jess at ease.


I’ve got nothing to do, so I can only eat vegetables and wait.  It smells of dirt, but it’s not unpleasant.  I wonder if my tastes are assimilating to those of a pig?


I noticed Celes looking at me strangely again and resumed meditating.


Grass is tasty, grass is tasty, grass is tasty…


Their conversation continued on for a while.  Jess then brought up that she would like to visit the monastery, as it was a rare opportunity and she wanted to see it in person.


The innkeeper mentioned that there was a clear spring around that area, and asked that I be washed there.  In addition, since it was still during the day, there wasn’t much work that needed to be taken care of, so she lent us Celes as our guide.  Once Jess finished her meal, we left the inn and walked towards the monastery.




It seemed like the monastery was located on the village outskirts, just up on a mountain.  Jess, Celes, and a pig – this strange group weaved its way up through the terrace.


“Um… Ms. Jess, is this pig your friend?”


Celes, who was leading us from the front, turned around and asked in a mystified tone.


“Yes.  He’s actually a nineteen year old man.”


I’m a scrawny four-eyed shitty virgin.  Nice to meet you.


“Erm, a human…?”


“Right, it seems like he was turned into a pig for some reason…  We were planning to ask a mage to change him back once we arrive at the capital.”


“Is that so…?  He was looking at my legs and thinking about various things, so I thought he was just a weird pig.”


Hearing that, Jess puffed out her cheeks slightly and look at me.


“Jeez, Mister Pig sure is fickle.”


I’m so sorry.  From now on, I’ll live the rest of my life only looking at Jess’ legs.


Jess chuckled.  In her hands, she held a bouquet of wildflowers that were picked from nearby.


As we made our way through the terrace, Jess informed me about the Bapsas monastery.


It was said that the monastery secretly housing the Yesmas that turned sixteen had suddenly burst into flames one night, with the cause still unknown.  The fire was so sudden that many Yesmas were burned to death, and those that managed to escape ended up disappearing as they were also attacked by Yesma hunters who seemed to have appeared out of nowhere.  That was what happened five years ago.


When the situation came to light, it was an open rumor that people believed this was divine punishment for the Yesmas who tried to escape their duty of journeying to the capital.  On the other hand, the villagers who hid those Yesmas were spared from such condemnations.  The reason seems to be that people naturally sympathized with the Yesma's ordeal, even if they were just servants…


Jess said she wished to witness the place where such a major incident occurred with her own eyes, and to pay her respects.


Once we arrived at the entrance to the mountain’s forest trail, Celes explained that although it’s not visible from here, the ruins of the monastery was just up ahead.


That’s when a clattering noise came from behind and we turned around.


A tall young man with short blonde hair was standing there.  He looked around my age, maybe a little younger.  He was an eye-poppingly handsome guy with double lidded eyes and a straight nose.  He wore a pair of leather boots, a light beige trouser, an open collar white shirt, and a celadon waistcoat.  A wide belt was fastened around his waist, from which two daggers hanged from.


“Where are you headed, Celes?  It’s dangerous for two girls to be going out alone.”


I immediately recognized him as the lad that was staring at us when we bought the scarf at that store.


“Good afternoon, Mr. Nott.”


Celes bowed politely.


The unsociable-looking handsome guy called Nott pointed his finger at Jess.


“Celes, isn’t she the Yesma girl headed to the capital?  Are you taking her to the monastery for sightseeing?”


“Well, rather than sightseeing, it’s more like… going there to pay my respects…”


Hearing Jess interject from the side, the handsome lad eyed the bouquet she was holding.  He then shifted his gaze up towards her face and froze.  His eyes widened slightly, and his face turned red.


What are you, a pubescent kid…?  I know Jess is cute and all, but to fall in love at first sight is pretty pathetic.  Right, everyone?  It’s impossible for someone to falling in love with a girl that they’ve just met, isn’t it?


When Jess looked back at the handsome pubescent lad, he furrowed his brows and turned away.


“So you’re planning to pay your respects.  That’s fine, but it’s too obvious that your scarf is hiding your collar.  Take it off.”  Asserted the annoying handsome lad.


“Um… but what else could I do…?”


He approached the bewildered Jess and took out a cream-colored cloth.


“Put this on.  It’ll be difficult to tell apart from your skin color from a distance.”


“Still… wouldn’t that make it obvious when seen up close…?”


“It’s more important that it’s not noticeable at a glance from far away.  I’m not doing this for your sake.  It’s because you could put Celes in danger as well, so do as I say and wear this instead.”


“Who do you think are you?” is what I’d like to say to him, but I was just a pig.  All I could do was watch Jess take off her scarf, and let this Nott guy brazenly wrap the piece of cloth around her collar with his own hands.


How nice of him to have prepared a cloth for wrapping around the collar, is what I thought at first, but then I realized another possibility.  Right, there’s no reason for someone to be carrying that kind of cloth around at all times.  Besides, what’s this guy’s purpose for coming all the way over here?  Did he follow us all the way here after seeing Jess buy a scarf at the clothing store?


Evidently having understood my thoughts, Jess silently asked.


─Mister Pig, what should I do…?


(This guy’s armed, if we fight him head-on, we won’t win.  In that case…)


I stared at Celes.  She seemed to have realized my intentions and trembled.


─Um, Mr. Nott is alright!  He’s a very nice person, please trust me.


─Okay, I understand!


(Wait a second there, Jess.  How can you be so quick to trust him?)


I retorted as I peeped at Nott as he struggled to wrap the cloth around the collar.  I couldn’t tell what this obnoxious and overly familiar guy was thinking, but he didn’t seem dangerous. 


(… To be fair, it’s not nice to be suspicious of others.  Let’s keep my existence a secret, and I’ll keep an eye on him.  If it looks like he might put Jess in danger, I’ll let you know immediately.  How’s that sound?)


─Good idea, please do so.


(Could you please cooperate with us, Celes-tasso?)


─ …… tasso.


(If he seems trustworthy, I’ll reveal my true identity right away, so can you please treat me like an ordinary pig for now, Celes?)


─If that’s the case, I understand.


After responding, Celes turned to face Nott, but when she saw him bring his face closer to Jess’ neck, Celes stiffly averted her eyes.  Jess saw this and her eyes widened.  Hm.


“That should be fine.  You’re headed towards the monastery, right?  I’ll escort you.  Let’s go.”


You are reading story Heat the Pig Liver at novel35.com

After saying that, Nott led the way with his daggers rattling.


“Then let’s continue on.”


At Celes’ words, Jess and I followed along.  I was in charge of the rear, and I climbed the forest trail while ogling at Jess’ legs.  Although they were covered in dust, unlike Celes’, I still thought her skin was beautiful.  Perhaps it was because she had gone through puberty, but Jess’ legs had softer outlines to them compared to Celes’ slender legs.  Both are great, but frankly, I prefer Jess’.  With every step, her calf muscles periodically change shapes.  Her soft-looking skin expanded and contracted according to her muscles.  Nice.  Very nice.  However, looking at it from the perspective of dynamic and functional beauty, observing Celes’ legs would be fun too.  It might be easier to make out her muscle movements compared to Jess’.


─Um, Mister Pig, all your thoughts will be leaked to Ms. Celes, so…


I reflected on it after being told by Jess.  If two people are listening in on my monologues, it’ll become like I really am a pervert.  It’s pretty difficult to live in another world.




We arrived at the Bapsas monastery.  It seems like it was built on the side of the mountain beside a steep cliff, like a wall-mounted shelf.  I used “seems like” because the monastery was so badly damaged that only the floor and some parts of the wall remained.  It looked to have been built from stones, is a fire enough to destroy it this badly?


“We’re here.  You…  Come to think of it, I haven’t heard your name yet.”


Jess bowed in response to Nott’s discourteousness.


“I’m Jess.  Pleased to meet you.”


“Sure.  What’s your plan for coming here?”


“Erm…  I would like to see the structure first.  May I go inside?”


“As you can see, it’s in a state where there’s no walls left to collapse.  There’s nothing much to see, but suit yourself.”


“Thank you.”


I followed Jess into the ruins of the monastery.  I didn’t notice it earlier because I was focused on her legs, but she tied the scarf that was taken off by that guy on her left wrist.  It seemed like it might get in the way, but as a fashion item, it was good.  Having said that, it’s unfortunate that the collar wrapped in cream-colored fabric looked so bad.  That guy sure lacks fashion sense.  Then again, I don’t have the right to say that.  It annoys me to say this, but he has a handsome face, so he’ll look good no matter what he wears.


With her left hand on the collapsed stone wall, Jess held the bouquet in her right hand to her chest and walked slowly in silence.  There was nothing left of the monastery’s ceiling.  The walls were so destroyed that I couldn’t tell what they were meant to look like.  Char marks and scratches remained from what must have been a fierce fire, but I had to wonder, did this monastery have that many flammable objects to result in such a fire?  Thinking about the fact that Jess’ kindreds were burned here five years ago, I felt a crushing feeling in my chest.


Jess placed her bouquet on the corner of the wall, knelt down, and prayed about something.


When we left the monastery, we found Celes and Nott waiting for us.


“Are you finished?”


At Nott’s question, Jess looked around.


“Um, I was told there was a spring nearby…”


“What, are you going to take a bath?”


What are you hoping for, you lecherous pig?!


“No, I was thinking about washing Mister Pig…”


“Is that so?  It’s just over there.  Come on.”


That’s when…


Nott stopped walking and pulled out two small red ristas from his waistcoat pocket.  Jess and Celes also halted their steps.  He inserted a rista into each of his daggers’ hilt, then unfastened and gripped them.


What’s he doing?  Is he intending to kill Jess…?  No, if that was the case, he would have done so after making sure Celes isn’t with us… but just in case…


Right as I dashed to in-between Jess and Celes, Nott asserted, “Celes, don’t let Jess and her pig move away from here.”


He drew his daggers in the blink of an eye, thrusting his left dagger into the ground and quickly swinging the dagger on his right.


A banging sound could be heard as fire and dust clouds appeared in the distance.  I focused my eyes on there and spotted a hecklepon leaping back, nimbly avoiding the flames.  Just as it touched the ground, a crescent-shaped flame shot out of Nott’s right dagger like an arrow.


Did he anticipate the direction of its jump?


The hecklepon followed up by leaping into the air like a cricket, dodging the incoming flame.  Nott, in the meantime, drew his left dagger out from the ground and dashed forward.  He swung his left hand towards a cliff and chased after the hecklepon.


The flames from his left dagger shattered the cliff and rained down rocks and gravel on the hecklepon where it landed.  Nott ran into the dust cloud and caught up to the hecklepon in no time.


The last thing I could make out were two red blade glints.



When the dust settled, I saw the hecklepon lying down beside Nott.  Its bald-looking head was sliced off, and its black torso was slashed wide open.


This happened in the span of about 10 seconds.


Nott lowered his hands and casually walked back.  His daggers glowed like flames and the hecklepon blood dripping from the blades instantly evaporated.  After the light subsided, the blades returned to its original metallic luster and were sheathed.


With her eyes wide and hands over her mouth, Jess stared at Nott.


“Sorry for startling you, I always kill a hecklepon when I see one.”


Nott explained to Jess with a somber smile.


This guy is bad news, I thought to myself.  According to Jess, hecklepons may look scary, but they’re actually harmless; yet he seemingly took his anger out on them and expertly killed one in an instant.


I had a friend that would undoubtedly kill a mosquito if he spotted one.  Come to think of it, he said something along the lines of “first you stun the flying mosquito using the wind pressure from a karate chop, then you stomp on it to make sure it’s dead.  Only an amateur would consider squashing them by clapping their hands.”  He was able to sense the moment he got stung and would flatten the mosquito clinging onto his skin the very next second.  I believe he was prone to mosquito bites.  Hatred makes a person stronger.  I wonder if Nott also has some sort of grudge against those harmless hecklepons.


Nott led us to the spring with a nonchalant look on his face.  It was about the size of a ryokan’s large public bath.  Clear blue spring water welled up from below, constantly forming ripples on the surface.


Jess took out a small brush with stiff bristles from her bag, walked barefoot into the spring, and brushed me with the clean water.  The current climate was like summer in Japan, and the cool water was at just the right temperature, so it felt very comfortable.  Her brushing techniques were also superb.  Have any of you ever had the experience of being buck naked and letting a sixteen year old girl wash your body?  I doubt it.  That’s too bad.  I mean, you’re not even on the level of a pig.


─I have to thank you, Mister Pig, for carrying me the entire time I was asleep.


Jess conveyed her thoughts and petted me.


(After all, we’re in this together.)


─I had to run away, so I needed to pull Mister Pig along, but it’s different for Mister Pig because it was so I could get some sleep…


(You’re wrong about that.)


─Is that so?


(I just wanted to be sandwiched between your soft thighs, Jess.)


Jess giggled.


─Then I’ll treat that as the reason.


Sensing a gaze, I looked at Nott.  He was leaning against a tree and staring absentmindedly at Jess.  Wow, he’s being real obvious with that.


While I was at it, I also took a glance at Celes.  She appeared lonely as she stood a short distance away from Nott and stared at him with a complicated look from the side.  Once she noticed my gaze, she immediately lowered her sights towards the ground.


Hm.  I hope this doesn’t cause any trouble for later.




By the time we returned to the inn, it was already evening.  In the end, Nott didn’t do anything strange outside of killing a hecklepon.  Celes rushed inside towards the inn’s kitchen for work.


“Hey Jess, why don’t we have dinner together?  You probably don’t have money anyway.  It’ll be my treat.”


Nott asked casually while still outside the inn.


“That’s… very kind of you, but won’t Celes be mad about it…?”


At Jess’ question, Nott frowned in confusion.


“Why would she be mad about us eating a meal together?  Come on, let’s head inside.”


Nott pushed open the pub door and entered.  Jess lightly bowed her head and followed.


Sigh.  If only I could invite a girl out for dinner as naturally as this.  Unfortunately, my odds against this handsome lad are zero.  As much as I’d like to get in the way of this meal, I didn’t have that kind of right.  So instead, I decided to dutifully act as a pig and accompany them during their meal.


We entered the pub, and they sat down near the back in a semi-private area facing each other.  I laid down next to Jess with my ears pricked up.


“Oh Nott, you came today?”


The innkeeper lady came by.


“Hey auntie, it’s been a while.”


“How did your hunt go?  Hope it went well.”


“It was good.  I’m sure we’ll be able to deliver the bear meat tomorrow.”


“I see, I see.  As expected of you.  How about I treat you to some hot pot then?”


“I’m looking forward to it.  Oh, and auntie, do you think you can treat Jess as well?”


In front of me, the innkeeper’s legs stretched outwards in dissatisfaction.


“You know we can let a Yesma that’s headed to the capital stay here for long.  I’m sorry, but I’m going to need Jess to leave tomorrow morning…  Is that alright?”


“Yes.  I was already planning on departing for the capital tomorrow morning.”


“I see.  In that case, it’s fine.”


“Nott, you should stick to hunting beasts.  Even I can tell what you’re thinking about.”




“I mean, they look similar, don’t they?  I had the same feeling when I first met her too.”


“… Yeah yeah, drop it.  Gimme some beer.”


“For two?”


“… Hm, yeah make it for two.”


The innkeeper’s legs left, and after a while, Celes’ legs showed up.  I heard the sound of two mugs being placed, but before I had a chance to admire those pair of slender legs, Celes left without a word.


“Ah, um… this is…?”  Jess asked in confusion.


“What, you’ve never had this before?”


“Yes, this will be my first time trying alcohol…”


“The beer here is tasty.  I’ll finish it for you if you don’t like it, so give it a sip.”


“Okay, then I’ll take you up on your offer.”


Clink, I heard the sound of their toast.  Aw, I haven’t had a chance to drink before…  A twenty plus year old ronin friend of mine once told me that beer tasted bitter, but I wonder what beer in this world tastes like.  It wouldn’t be chilled, that’s for sure, and the brewing process is likely different.  I’m very interested in the taste, but would it be okay for a pig to drink?  Although their livers aren’t functionally too different from those of humans… I’ll need to also consider the metabolic enzymes present.  Asians are more susceptible to getting drunk than Europeans because of their genetics, and onions are toxic to some animals even though they can be eaten by humans.  Thinking about it like that, it would be dangerous to gamble my life away just for the sake of trying some beer…

>TL Note: A ronin is someone who failed their entrance exam to their university of choice and have to wait (and study) another year to try again.


If I didn’t occupy myself with such frivolous thoughts, I felt that my heart wouldn’t be able to take it.


Jess seemed to enjoy the taste of beer, and after a while, their conversation steered towards the topic of hecklepons.


“Why do you kill hecklepons, Mr. Nott?”


“They bring misfortune, that’s why I kill them.”


“You mean the people around here view hecklepons as bringers of misfortune, right?”


“Yeah.  Although that’s only been the case as of recent years.”


“So that’s how it is…”


When Celes came by to serve food on the table, she brought some for me as well.  There were well-washed vegetables, small apples, and some kind of steamed grains.  She clearly put care into making it acceptable enough for a human to eat.


(Much appreciated.)


After I conveyed my thoughts, Celes-tasso crouched down and met my gaze.  She was a girl of ephemeral beauty – she had large eyes, thin lips, a childlike appearance, short blonde hair that was smooth and fine, and smooth but delicate skin.


─That’s okay, it’s no problem.


After petting me briefly, she returned to the kitchen.  I had a much harder time being able to tell what she was thinking about as compared to Jess.


“Right.  Jess, is that pig your pet?” Nott asked.


“Um… he’s my friend.”


“I see.  You seem to cherish him.  Did you raise him for a long time?”


“No, not really, but… Mister Pig and I share the same destiny.”


“Destiny…?  Well, that kind of stuff does happen to you Yesmas.”


Yeah, I’m Jess’ partner, in other words, someone who shares the same destiny as her.  That’s why I should focus on my duties and not encroach any further than that.


After that, I suppressed my heart and continued eating.




“Um, I’m feeling a bit sleepy…”


Jess commented.  It looks like they finished their meal.


Nott stood up.


“Alright, then I’ll send you off to your room.”


“That’s…  Thank you.”


Jess got up and stumbled briefly.  Nott immediately supported her shoulders without a word.


(Hey Jess, are you alright?)


When I asked her that question, she looked at me and smiled.


─I’m fine.  I’m feeling great.


(That’s not my point.  This guy is-)


─Don’t worry, Mr. Nott won’t attack me.


Jess allowed her shoulders be lightly supported by Nott and walked towards the lodging.  Since she said not to worry, I’ll trust her and do just that.


I maintained a bit of distance and followed them from behind.  After arriving in front of the room, Nott entered directly and laid Jess on the bed.  The room was tiny and plain, with the only source of light coming from the moon outside the window.  I decided to wait outside until Nott had left.


“Jess, can you keep me company for a bit?”  He asked while standing.


But he didn’t receive a reply.


“… Did you fall asleep?”


“Huh?  … Um, I wasn’t sleeping, I just dozed off slightly…”




I couldn’t tell what he was thinking as he stood motionlessly just inside the doorway.


Hey, you better not be getting any strange ideas.


Right as I was about to snort to hurry him along, Nott closed the door in my face from the inside.  Gathunk.  It sounded like the door latch locking into place, and I was left out in the hallway.




I tried pushing the door open with my nose, but the door was latched and wouldn’t open from the outside.  I attempted it again, this time by charging at the door, but it only made a loud noise.  I whimpered.  Since the door wouldn’t open, I listened carefully.  It was quiet.




As I was about to contact her, Nott’s voice came from inside.


“-ss, lend me your chest.”


Followed by a creaking sound from the bed.


Eh?  … Hah?


My thoughts froze.  Never before have I felt such an unpleasant feeling from the pit of my stomach.  It trembled and burned as if it had caught a fever.


Not knowing what to do, I backed away from the door.  Right, I don’t need to do anything.  Jess is safe because she made it clear that Nott wouldn’t attack her.  Let’s believe in her.  It’s better if I don’t stay here.


I dashed out the inn.




It was during the middle of the night that the sound of a door opening woke me up.


After I got locked out, I hid inside the bushes in front of the inn to keep an eye out for suspicious individuals that entered.


About 30 minutes later, Nott left the inn and disappeared into the darkness of the night, so I returned to Jess’ room.  Jess was sleeping peacefully inside.  I had no way of knowing what he did, and to be honest, I didn’t want to think about what that bastard did to her chest.  As soon as I entered the room, I curled up into the small crevice next to the bed and fell asleep.


My eyes regained focus, and in the darkness, I quietly turned my head in the direction of the door, from which the noise came from.  Although it was half open, no one entered.  I heighted my vigilance and wondered who opened the door.


─Sorry for waking you up, Mister Pig.


It was Celes.  I spotted her small face and slender neck on the other side of the door as she peered at me.


(It’s pretty late, is something up?)


─I have something to discuss with you.  Do you have some time to spare?


(Sure.  Where do you want to go?)


─How about outside?


(I don’t really want to leave this place though…)


─It’s okay, we won’t be far.


Celes brought me outside the inn.  Countless stars adorned the sky.  The forest surrounding the village, in contrast, was enveloped in darkness that seemingly absorbed all light.


She sat down on the grassy field, which seemed like a suitable place to talk, so I also laid down on the ground next to her.


(What’s the discussion about?  Is it something I can help with as a pig?)


She looked at me with an inexplicable expression.




(Tell me.  I’ll do what I can to help.)


“… I want Mister Pig to reveal his identity to Mr. Nott first thing in the morning tomorrow.”


That’s it?  I thought.


(No problem, it’s not like we’ll be returning to the village anyway.  But is there any reason why we’ll be paying him a visit tomorrow morning?)


“No, we won’t have to visit Mr. Nott.  He will definitely come and meet Ms. Jess in the morning.”


I was wondering why while thinking back to what happened not too long ago.  Nott closed the door in my face and was alone with Jess.  He asked Jess to lend him her chest and got on the bed.  I thought he was a sensible guy, but he might have forced himself onto Jess while I wasn’t looking…


Celes gave me a blank stare for a while.  I looked back at her.  Her large eyes seemed to reflect the stars above.  On closer inspection, I saw a small bead forming in the corner of her right eye.  The tear glistened under the moonlight.


Before I knew it, tears flowed from her eyes and ran down her cheeks.


(Hey… what’s wrong?)


I was at a loss, seeing this twelve or thirteen year old girl tear up.


“Sure enough… Mr. Nott sees Ms. Jess…”


And then Celes began crying.  She hugged me from above while I was under confusion.  Her thin breast bone pressed against my back, and her sobbing continued ceaselessly.


Ah, I see.  The contents of my imagination were broadcasted to Celes.  Maybe I should’ve hid them from this love-struck young girl.


“I’m already thirteen.”  Celes informed me while crying.


(Celes, do you like Nott?)


I felt her nodding on my back in response to my question.


“I know that as a Yesma, and as a child, I don’t have those rights.  But…”


She finally pulled herself away from me.


“But I don’t want Mr. Nott to go.”


(What do you mean by not wanting him to go?)


“Mr. Nott intends to go to the capital with Ms. Jess.”




“Mr. Nott intends to become Ms. Jess’ chavillon.”


“Chavillon?  Wait a minute, what are you talking about?”


Celes explained with tears streaming down her eyes and nose, “Legend has it that Yesmas who were able to enter the capital safely all met a certain condition.  That condition is having a brave and wise companion known as a chavillon…  But it’s said that the chavillon will always disappear alongside the Yesma… forever.”


Now I get it.  Has Nott made up his mind about abandoning his current life and traveling to the capital with Jess?  The capital that’s isolated from the rest of the world with no way out.  Celes doesn’t want that, so she wants me to reveal my true identity and tell him that we don’t need another companion.


“You also don’t want Mr. Nott to become her chavillon, right?  Because Mister Pig-”


Don’t say it.


“Because Mister Pig, you like Ms. Jess.”


Her words stabbed at this otaku pig’s heart.


(… Even if I like her, the world of adults is very complicated.  The innkeeper lady said you’ve been working here since around five years ago, right?  It must have taken quite some time for you to fall in love with Nott.  In that case, isn’t that fine?  I think it’s something wonderful, it’s a love that deserves to be fulfilled.)


“Is Mister Pig’s wish not worth fulfilling?”


(It’s not.)


“Why not?”


(Jess and I just met yesterday.  She was kind to me, so I egotistically developed feelings for her.  That’s all there is to it.  I’m just a pig, so it’s too selfish of me to claim Jess is mine.  She’s nice to everyone.  She’s someone that’s willing to do her best for others.  She’s not someone that belongs to me.  That’s only natural, of course.)


It’s also because of Jess’s compassion towards everyone that I forgave Nott.  Her warmth wasn’t something only directed at me.  Regarding this matter, there wasn’t anything for me to say at this point.  It’s not like I’ve been a virgin for nineteen years for nothing.


I heard a snorting sound nearby and realized it was from my own rough breathing.  What am I getting so agitated for?  Settle down.


While I regulated my breathing, Celes looked at me in the eyes.


“But Mister Pig would hate it if Mr. Nott became her chavillon, right?”


(Maybe so.  But I can’t let my feelings get in the way of her travels.)


“Eh?  But then…”


Her large eyes began to water again.


(Calm down, don’t worry.  I’ll reveal my identity tomorrow for Celes’ sake.)


“I see…  Thank you.”


She rubbed her eyes with her hands and stared at the starry sky.


“But even if I do my best for however many years, I feel like I won’t beat Ms. Jess.  After all, they’ve only met for less than a day and…”


(That’s not true at all.  Celes is also a very attractive woman.  So charming in fact, that if I was a human, I might have pushed you down right now.)


“Um, that’s a bit…”


She was put off by what I said.  It’s a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding I tell you!


“… Are you into younger girls, Mister Pig?”


(No, that was just a slip of the tongue.  Please disregard it.)


Celes laughed modestly.  It was my first time seeing it, and it was very cute.


“But I know I’m no match for Ms. Jess, because she resembles her.”


Resemble who?  I was about to ask, before a memory resurfaced.


─I mean, they look similar, don’t they?  I had the same feeling when I first met her too.


The innkeeper lady said something similar back then as well.  Who does Jess look like?  In this context, it would have to be a woman who was close to Nott.  Was she someone he yearned for, or perhaps an ex-lover?


It finally clicked for me.  Does everyone know the answer to this?


─Sorry for startling you, I always kill a hecklepon when I see one.


Nott’s persistent killing intent towards heckpons.


─You mean the people around here view hecklepons as bringers of misfortune, right?


─Yeah.  Although that’s only been the case as of recent years.


Based on that conversation, it could be understood that Nott’s hatred towards hecklepons began a few years ago.


What happened a few years ago?


─That was five years ago.  We used to hide any Yesmas that turned sixteen at a monastery.


─Might it be the Bapsas monastery?


The tragedy of the Bapsas monastery.  Because of the fire and hunters, many Yesmas lost their lives.


One of their collars was adorned at the inn.


─It was retrieved from the Yesma hunters by one of our huntsmen.  He’s the pride of this village.


From the conversations with the innkeeper and Nott, we can infer that the huntsman is Nott.  He was quite skilled in killing the hecklepon.  He should be considered an excellent huntsman, even in this world.  It stands to reason that he would therefore be the pride of the village.  Everything lines up too well to be a coincidence.


In other words…


Was Nott in love with Ys, the Yesma who died five years ago?


I think that’s the case.


Nott fell in love with Ys, the Yesma who worked at the inn, when he was younger.  When she turned 16, she chose not to depart for the capital and instead lived at the Bapsas monastery.  However, when the monastery burned down, she was killed by the Yesma hunters.  Hecklepons must have gathered there or something, which led to them being regarded as a sign of misfortune to the village, and why Nott began harboring murderous intent towards them.  Eventually, he would take back Ys’ collar from the hunters…


Looking at it this way, the information I’ve gleaned thus far fits perfectly.


“Mister Pig’s intuition is very sharp.  That’s correct, Mr. Nott was in love with the person called Ms. Ys.  Although in the end, that love didn’t come true…”


(Have you ever met Ys?)


“No, I’ve only seen a picture of her.  Mr. Nott always wears a glass pendant with her on it.”


(He sure is devoted.)


Even though he crawled into Jess’ bed.


“Yes.  And a part of Mr. Nott’s dagger hilts are made from Ms. Ys’ bones.  As long as his will persists, their flames will continue to burn ristas and cut down foes.”


Instead of devotion, perhaps it’s more akin to obsession.  Was it the flames of hatred that killed that hecklepon?


(I see.)


“There’s no place in Mr. Nott’s heart for me.”


Celes stared at the ground, and I decided to change the subject.


(Hey, do you know why hecklepons started being called bringers of misfortune?)


“… I think it’s just as you guessed.  I heard that hecklepons started appearing frequently near the monastery not long before the fire incident.  They don’t seem to have caused any harm, but… the villagers have since come to view them as bringers of disaster.”


(Ah.  Thanks.)


“… Now then, shall we head back?”




While I stared at Celes’ legs, we returned inn.  Just before the entrance, I stopped her.


(Celes, just one more thing.)


She turned around and crouched down to look at me.


“Okay, please go ahead.”


(Can you wait for us at the pub tomorrow morning?  I’d like your help in persuading him.)


“Understood.  Of course I’ll help.”


(I’m counting on you.)


“Let me take you back to your room.”


Just like that, Celes saw me off at Jess’ room.


Now that I was alone, I could finally formulate a plan.


Although we’ve only been together for a short period of time, I feel like I have an adequate understanding of Jess’ thought process.  Given that she’s aware of Celes’ love, I expect she would firmly refuse Nott’s accompaniment, even if I wasn’t in the picture.


What I need to be thinking about is how to convince Jess.




I woke up to the sound of a bed creaking, and with bleary-eyes noticed the light of dawn streaming through the window.


“Um, Mister Pig, it’s morning already.”


Jess lightly tapped my back.


(Mm… it’s morning already?)


“About last night… um… sorry.”


(Sorry for what?)


My choice of words were a little spiteful.


“Uhm… After dinner, I fell asleep as soon as I got back to our room… and I think I left Mister Pig alone.  Even though you were willing to accompany me, I’m really sorry.”


(Don’t let it bother you.  You were tired, so it couldn't be helped.)


“Are you mad after all?”


Jess got out of bed and faced me.  Although her dress was wrinkled, they weren’t particularly disorderly.


(Why should I be angry?  As long as Jess gets a good night’s sleep, I’ll be satisfied.  How are you feeling?  Does your head… or body hurt anywhere?)


She had a puzzled look on her face, but soon smiled.


“I’m good.  I’m in tip-top shape.”  She replied while performing a guts pose.


(Is that so…  Then let’s have breakfast and head out.)


We entered the pub and saw one other customer there.  It was Nott.  The handsome blonde bastard with bed-hair was asleep while sitting cross-legged, his head was against the window and his mouth was wide open.


When Jess received her breakfast from the kitchen, she sat a distance away from him as to not disturb him.  I noticed Celes glancing at me from the kitchen from time to time.


If I don’t wake Nott up here…  The thought briefly crossed my mind, but I resolved myself and sneezed on purpose.




An indescribably unpleasant sound shook through my nose.  There was a rattling sound as Nott was jolted awake.


He rubbed his eyes and looked in our direction.  Jess turned her head, and their eyes met.


“Ah… good morning Mr. Nott.”


Without responding, Nott got up slowly and walked over here.


He then sat down in the seat next to Jess.


“Hey, Jess.”


Nott cleared his throat.


“I thought about it for a bit, but how about, um, I join-”




Celes ran over here and interrupted Nott.


“Mr. Nott, I have something to tell you.”


“Celes… what is it?”


“Mister Pig is a human.”


Nott was left stupefied.  Celes, that was a terrible attempt at persuasion.  


“What did you say about the pig?”


“The pig that is with Ms. Jess is actually a human on the inside.  Isn’t that right?”


I heard Celes’ voice say “Please speak” inside my head.


(Uh, morning.)


I looked at Nott and conveyed those thoughts, to which he stared at me in bewilderment.


“Was that you?”


It seems like the Yesma's ability can also be used like a router.


(That is correct.  I am the pig.)


“That seems suspicious.  How about you do a jump.”


I immediately jumped, which led to Nott’s face instantly reddening.


(How’s that?  Do you believe me now?)


“You…  Since when…?”


(I’ve been watching you ever since we first met yesterday.  Even after you gave Jess a drink.)


He looked at me dumbfounded with his ears bright red.


Celes then said desperately, “Ms. Jess already has a chavillon, so-”


(So that’s why I have a request for you, Nott.)


“What is it?”


(Could you come with us to the capital?)




Both Celes and Jess raised their voice at the same time.


“What’s the big idea?”


I answered Nott’s question while trotting about.


(Your swordsmanship and achievement in retrieving the collar from the Yesma hunters.  In order for Jess to reach the capital safely, I believe you’re necessary.  So please, can you accompany us just up until we reach the capital?  You came here intending to do just that anyway, right?)


He seemed to be trying to figure out what’s going on and kept his mouth shut.


“Mister Pig… this is different from what you promised.”


Celes looked at me, terribly confused.


Jess then spoke, “Um, I’ll be fine without Mr. Nott because Mister Pig is with me.”


(Do you really think so?  I know the both of us combined were able to handle that scar-faced man, but he had difficulty walking and had no weapons or skills to speak of.  Not to mention I was badly wounded.  If we continue our journey as is, there’s no guarantee that we’ll be fine if we get attacked again.)


Jess became silent.


─But Ms. Celes will be…


She conveyed those words to me without saying them.


I looked at Celes.


(Celes, there aren’t any other customers around, so how about you tell him your true feelings?)


“Eh?  But…”


(What’s the matter?  If you don’t tell Nott right now, he’ll be gone.)


─Mister Pig, Ms. Celes also has her own reasons.


(I know.  After all, I heard it from her directly last night.)


Nott frowned and watched our exchange.


“What’s going on, Celes?”


“Um…  I…”


Give it your all, Celes.  There’s no other way out of this.


“I don’t want Mr. Nott to go, because… I like you”


She revealed a girly expression that Nott had not seen before.


Ah, how enviable.  I also want to live a life where I get confessed to by a cute girl like this.


I doubt I’ll ever get that kind of chance in my lifetime.


“Celes, you…”


Nott blushed.  Five years ago, he was probably around the same age as Celes.


“I know I don’t have the rights to say this.  I know Mr. Nott doesn’t think much of me.  But even so, I don’t want you to leave.  My heart aches when I think about you leaving with Ms. Jess and never being able to see you again…”


(I won’t let that happen.)


Sorry for interrupting you two, but I have to say this first.


(I’ll make sure to send Nott back to this village before we enter the capital.  After all, he needs to be Celes’ chavillon when she turns sixteen.  The only one who’ll disappear with Jess is me.)


Celes looked in my direction.


“Can you promise me?”


(Yeah, of course.)


“Then… I don’t have any reason to keep Mr. Nott here.”


(So she says.  What about you, Jess?)


“If… Mister Pig says it’s necessary, then I would like for Mr. Nott to accompany us.”


(Well Nott, all that’s left is your decision.)


“… What, so are you asking me to escort you two for free?”


He was furious.  This huntsman glared at me as if he was fed up.


(Were you expecting something in return?  It’s to protect Jess.  There’s no other reason.)


Nott clicked his tongue.


“Why should I have that kind of obligation?”


(Are you okay with Jess being killed by those Yesma hunters?  Do you plan on retrieving her collar and making another blade with her bones?)


His eyes widened.




(A man doesn’t go back on his words.  You came all the way here intending to accompany Jess, didn’t you?  Even with a pig in the way, I hope that you’ll act on what you set out to do.  Please.  I beg you, don’t let Jess die.)


Nott kept silent for some time.  He frowned as he stared at the ceiling, then at the collar on the wall, before finally at me.


“Alright.  You better not regret it, stupid pig.”


After we paid the innkeeper for our breakfast, Jess, Nott, and I departed from the village.


Celes saw us off at the front of the inn.


When parting, Jess told her, “I’ll make sure to return Mr. Nott.  Goodbye.”


(Celes, you’ve helped me out a lot.  Take care.)  I said to Celes as she petted me.


“I hope your wish comes true as well, Mister Pig.”


She whispered to me with a smile.


We left the inn with Celes exaggeratedly waving her small hand.

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