Chapter 21: Chapter 21. Cattynip

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   I rented the hotel for less then virtuous reasons. Namely Pansy, Bulma's mother and her unorthodox cockblocking strategies. She does it in such a way that you can't even be mad at her. More than once she has come in bringing us some beer right when things got hot and steamy, killing the mood. Or she'll spill something on Bulma's work while bringing us a snack. It's all an 'accident' of course, but enough is enough. 

   Ryan-"I got us the suite for tonight. You don't need to rush off do you?"

   Bulma-" What would you do if I did?"

   Ryan-"I may just have to take you by force and have my way with you."

   When I said this Bulma blushed hard. I long realized she likes to tease most of the time, but be dominated in bed. This is something that comes from her trust in me. But I did not expect it. Although, her relationship with Vegeta in the original makes a little more sense, not much, but a little more.

   Kashi-" What are you two talking about? 

   Ryan-" I'm just telling her how pretty she is."

   Kashi-" Yeah, that was actually smooth. Anyway, have you figured out your gift completely?

   Ryan-" Not at all. I still can't increase the amount of quicksilver I have in total. We also tried to increase the amount of whatever makes the barrier on me, but once it gets trapped for long enough for what its protecting to die a cellular death it simply disappears. It was only through Bulma's observations that I figured out my transformation. Is your gift giving you trouble?

   Kashi-" Not really, I haven't had the time to explore it much. Training with Roshi kept us all busy. I'm still surprised to find you could use yours in the way that you do."

   Ryan-" If only Shenron gave us manuals with these gifts."

   We made it to our hotel, the nicest one nearby. Mainly because it features a buffet we haven't been banned from yet.

   Ryan-" Here we are. Let's get checked in and Goku, Roshi, if you get kicked out, that's on you."

   The night went long after everyone had their fill. GG seems to have taken an interest in Yamcha, probably due to him dating Kashi formally now. Krillin and Goku are close. Chichi, Bulma, and Kashi are up to something. Leaving me with Roshi, and Puar"

   Roshi-" look at those bozongas! Woo hoo hehehe!"

   Too bad he is loud drunk after a few shots. Having had enough of the noise I head to the outdoor rooftop area for some peace and quiet while I burn a joint courtesy of Dr. Briefs.

   GG-" You are too young to be sneaking off during a party, Ryan."

   Ryan-" I didn't realize there was an age limit on finding drunks annoying."

   GG-"Hmm, Roshi is quite annoying. Everyone has already went to their rooms to avoid being grouped and kicked out with him as is."

   Ryan-" You truly intend to train Yamcha? Or is this so you can keep an eye on him?"

   GG-" Both. Everything I said is true, however I also can't let Kashi make a dumb mistake."

   Ryan-" She looks like a women with her first crush to me. There are far worse picks than Yamcha out there. Perhaps it'll work out."

   GG-" Maybe."

   Goku-" There you are. I knew I could feel you two on the roof."

   GG-" It's a full moon, are you sure you want to be out here Goku?"

   Goku-" It's fine GG, I won't turn if I don't want to anymore."

   GG-" That's good, I'm sure your parents would be proud to see you come so far."

   When GG said that we all got quiet. Everyone here remembers the heartfelt goodbye issued by Goku's parents we saw through the crystal ball of Baba's.

   Ryan-" Baba said that she would bring your mother back for a day Goku. Have you decided on when you want to meet her?"

   Goku-" No, not yet, I think it would be best if I spend that day with her when I'm older. Not just any day."

   Ryan-"You could wait until you have a child of your own. I'm sure she would love to see your first-born.

   Goku-" I bet Chi-Chi would like that."

   GG-" Thinking like a married man already, what possessed you to propose anyway?"

   Goku-" Ugh, don't remind me. I just didn't want to have to hurt her!"

   Ryan-" Sounds like love to me."

   GG-" Either you suck it up, or break her heart. Do you love this girl Goku?"

   Goku-"... Yes, GG I'm sure. I wouldn't want anyone else."

   GG-" What about you and that Bulma girl Ryan? You two seem to get along well. I saw how cuddly you two were at the tournament."

   Ryan-" We are still young but eventually I plan to have a large family with her. As Goku said, I wouldn't want anyone else."

   GG-" That's good enough for me. Goodnight boys."

   Ryan-" Any ideas what the girls want to wish for?"

   Goku-" They haven't told me. Said I would spill the beans to you if they did."

   Ryan-" Well don't let them do anything stupid ok?"

   Goku-" Hmm. You still going to that tower?"

   Ryan-" I think I will."

   Goku-" Well, you'll have to tell me all about it when you get back. Goodnight Ryan, I'll see you in the morning."

   As Goku left, Bulma arrived taking the spot on my right.

   Ryan-" What's such a pretty little thing doing up here all alone on this moonlit night? Don't you know how dangerous that is?"

   Instead of responding to my playful question in kind. Bulma looks at me seriously, and asks.

   Bulma-" I heard what you said about me, did you really mean that?"

   Ryan-".... I wouldn't say that if I didn't mean it Bulma."

   Bulma-" Just full of sweet words aren't you?"

   Bulma moves in closer letting me wrap my arm around her waist, I pull her in tight as she leans against my much larger chest.

   Bulma-" I love you Ryan"

   Ryan-" I love you too Bulma."

    We held each other until the impatient Bulma had enough. 

   Bulma-"We have the suite all to ourselves, and my mother is hundreds of miles away. What are you waiting for?"

   Ryan-" You play a dangerous game young Miss Bulma."

   Bulma-" ah! Hahaha!"

   Bulma screams and laughs as I pick her up carrying her like a bride to our suite closing the door behind us with a firm telepathic kick behind me.

   Ryan-" This is going to be a long night"

    In the morning I let a tired Bulma sleep, while I get ready for the day to come then head downstairs for breakfast.

   Roshi-" Why didn't you stop me Gohan, I went way too far last night. My poor head."

   Gohan-" the price of hubris is alive and well, all is right in the world."

   Roshi-" Oww."

   Ryan-" Goodmorning, Master Roshi, Master Gohan. I hope you rested well. We are not welcome another night.

   Gohan-"The fact they didn't kick us out last night is amazing."

   Ryan-" And expensive. I paid off the staff. Otherwise we would have been."

   Roshi-" Where does a young buck like you get that kind of money?"

   Ryan-" Date a young genuis who creates an adaptive cure for nearly everything from your very blood."

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   Roshi-" That was her! No wonder you shocked me so hard that day. That's a keeper."

   Bulma-" Yes I am. Glad to see that someone realizes it.

   And here goes Bulma and the wedding fever. Time to make myself scarce.

   Ryan-" Are you and the girls headed out this morning?"

   Bulma-" Yes we are and don't ask."

   Bulma's last statement was said in a way, that even the old men were not willing to interject. 

   Ryan-" I'm going to head off to Korins Tower. Goodluck with whatever you intend to do. It may be a while before I finish there."

   I give Bulma a kiss, and she gives me the capsule we have the aircraft in.

   Bulma-" Take it, Kashi will be flying us. Goku and Chi-Chi will ride the Nimbus."

   GG-" Goodluck Ryan."

   Roshi-" Don't trust the cat."

   Ryan-" Give Goku and Kashi my best when they wake GG."


   This isn't the fist time I have flown an aircraft but it is the first time I have been truly alone since I got to this world. Bulma has nothing but the best and has made our ride brand new herself. Custom with the new tech additions she could make work in the past six months. I convinced her to make a clean sleek design, reminiscent of the Naboo royal cruiser just far smaller and in white. Apparently there are glare laws on flying vehicles being too shiny. It can hold up to ten people easily and has large  wrap around windows and an open cockpit design. And you board it from a dropdown automated walkway at the rear. When I see et the course for the ship I feel the sci-fi aspect of this world like never before. I Absolutley cannot wait to have a proper spaceship.        

   That will have to wait though, many of the things her, and her father need require advanced manufacturing. It's why they are taking their time and building the elevator first. Instead of ships. They could build one now, but in five years they could build a far better one.

   I pulled up my destination on the GPS and set the ship to followed the plotted course. I found myself flying over a large island that I recognize is South city. The location of Android 19, and 20's appearance. And also the location of the soon to be space elevator. Its right on the equator making it the prime location.

   I keep flying northwest. I should beat the Red Ribbon Army by a few months atleast. If I simply get the dragonball first and make it disappear into my hammerspace. It would freak them out, plus I'd have to explain finding it and why I hid it from Bulma and them. Or I could let things play out and help Bora defend against the Red Ribbon army and Mercenary Tao should he come looking for the one he has before heading to the other dragonballs. He would be a great fight for me right now. And poor Upa doesn't need to be dangled from a plane. Or see his father killed.

   My trip is mostly over water. Due to the advanced nature of the ship, and the efficient design, I make it there in a few hours never actually flying myself. I pull up the ships built in power scanner and find Bora or what should be bora near the tower clocking in at a respectable 55. I set down a ways away from him and capsule the ship just as he arrives.

   Bora-" Who are you?"

   Ryan-" A traveler here to climb the tower."

   Bora-" Follow me."

   Bora is a man of few words who takes his job as guardian seriously.

   Upa-" What was that thing you flew here in?"

   Ryan-"That was a machine my girlfriend made."

   Upa-" She's a witch?"


   I followed the massive Bora towards the tower, answering tiny Upa's questions along the way. When we arrived I saw their tent just as in cannon.

   Bora-" Many have tried to climb the tower, yet none have succeeded."

   Upa-" What about the legend Papa?"

   Bora-" Just stories Upa."

   Korins Tower is magnificent to behold. Some kind of magic stops me from seeing  the peak when I zoomed in with the ships camera. I'll find out as I go up the natural way.

 Ryan-" I'll be back."

   With my cheesy line delivered, I stored my loose fitting kosode in a flash of magic, and began the long climb without flying.


   Korin-"Cattynip, cattynip i want a mouse. Catch me a mouse as fast as I meow. Swat it, lick it, pierce it with your teeth. Put it in the liter for you and me!"

   There were a lot of things I imagined when reaching the top of the tower. This is not one of them.

   Ryan-" Ehem!"

   Korin-"Who are you, and why can't I sense your mind!?"

   Ahh, so thats why I snuck up on him. Interesting. 

   Ryan-" My name is Ryan, to answer your first question, and Innate mental shields to answer the second. I apologize for the sudden interruption Master Korin."

   Korin-" Yes, yes I am the great Master korin. You here for the sacred water?"

   Ryan-" Perhaps, but may I rest first? I'm aware of a challenge i must surmount and wish to be ready."

   Korin-"Sure, make yourself at home kid."

   Making friends over food and drink is always easy. To that end I bought some things out from capsules and my hammerspace. Creating a small kitchen in Korins tower, and begin to make a mouthwatering lunch. Korin did his best to seem disinterested, however once I finished making the cold Mori Soba noodles, and moved on to making tuna nigiri I had his full attention. Like any cat he likes fish.

   Korin-" What are you making kid?"

   Ryan-" The noodles are meant to be eaten cold dipped in a salty sauce. The sushi is made from raw tuna as I'm sure you can tell. Would you care to join me for a late lunch, Master Korin?"

   Korin-"Well, I can't turn down such a generous offer of food now can I?"

   As the fat cat takes a seat at the small table i set out, I offer him some cold sake. It's not that strong, just a bit stronger than a wine. While I finish the sushi with the now cold rice, and using some pre-made sauces from Kashi. A rice cooker is essential to get the proper stickiness of the rice. Once everything has finished and cooled I sit down next to a drooling cat. With a tray full of tuna nigiri, and a few spicy tuna rolls for myself.

   Ryan-" Please help your-"

   Korin-" Om nom nom, This is good. Om where, om, did you learn, om, how to cook like this?"

   Ryan-" Truth be told, both of these recipes, have been taught to me by those I consider family. The noodles where taught to me by Gohan who is my master and someone I consider family, The sushi recipe is something my sister made. She got the recipe from her home island of Amaitochi."

   Korin-" Hmm, nom, friends and family are important, nom, for someone who walks the martial path, nom."

   Ryan-" Yes they are. That is why I climbed the tower. Training with you is on my path. I hope to make a new friend as well. I have lots of Tuna to share."

   Korin-" Very well, but you must stay here and cook for the two of us until you can get the sacred water, deal?"

   Ryan-" What happened to making new friends?"

   Korin-" Master first, friend second. Now that lunch is finished. We will begin the first task. Match my speed and rythym, follow along and learn my words of wisdom."

   Ryan-" Huh?

   Three months later...

   Duet-" Cattynip, Cattynip I want a mouse. Catch me a mouse as fast as I meow. Swat it, lick it, pierce it with your teeth. Put it in the liter for you and me!"


   Korin-" What the hell was that!"

   Ryan-" Sounds like a volcano erupted."

   Korin and I walked to the observation windows. Korin manipulated it to focused in on what we wanted to see with a bit of nifty magic. These were the only entertainment korin seemed to have prior to my arrival.

   Ryan-" I'll go check on what's going on. The Karinga tribe's gaurdian may know more."

   Korin- "Hmm, you should go, I don't know what is going on, but I sense malice down there."

   As I fall down from the tower I see volcanic debris falling from the sky. Using my magic I extinguish the ones on fire just to be safe and redirect those headed towards the tower. It's during this that I see the four star ball headed in the same direction. I swiftly grab it with my telekinesis, and land beside an extremely angry and concerned Bora and an upset, scared Upa.

   Ryan-" I'm back!"

   Upa-" Look Papa, the weird guy is back!"


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