Chapter 40: Chapter 40 Challenge. Part 1.

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   Chi-Chi-" Remember if you fall you have to begin again at the bottom, otherwise Mr. Popo will throw you off the lookout himself for cheating, and no flying or aiding each other physically. You must make your own way up."

   The following morning, Kashi, GG, Goku, Bulma, Chi-Chi, and I, all gathered at the tower after a light breakfast. Yamcha and Krillin are staying behind, they have been aiding Puar in getting used to a human body by playing games. Something as small as tossing a baseball or kicking a ball around the grounds. She has made quick progress and has grown more confident as well. She still has a goofy run, but her coordination is nearly there. Tights and Pansy have gotten the excitement out of their system and have left Puar alone for the time being, the poor girl doesn't realize that they are just preparing a clothing and makeover intervention."

   Bulma-" She has no idea what they have planned for her does she?"

   Ryan-" Not at all. Can we blame them though? Puar has awful fashion sense. I made her the clothes in sets, so she could find a style she liked and not have to think too much about them. Yet, she is somehow wearing the oddest mismatched outfit I have ever seen."

   Bulma-" She isn't colorblind is she?"

   Ryan-" She got the same genes all of the humans did, so there is no chance of that."

   Bulma-" Those colors just don't belong together."

   Kashi-" I don't think she cares, it's all about comfort to her. She hates anything tight fitting, she says it feels like she is being smothered. You should have seen the first time we tried to get her to wear socks, or her face when she saw a bra. It was priceless."

   Ryan-" Let's leave her in capable hands,  we have a tower to climb."

   Bulma-" You really think I can make it?"

   Ryan-" It'll be difficult, and you'll need to take a break at Korins house, but yes you can make it if you take your time. Kashi and I'll be with you the whole way, so there is no need to rush. Just remember the climbing techniques for when we get to the power pole, that thing is narrow and slippery."

   Goku-" You want to lead the way Chi-Chi?"

   Chi-Chi-"You just want to look up my skirt, you aren't fooling anyone Goku."

   Goku-" Then why did you still put the skirt and fancy undies on this morning? Ryan is right, women play too many games."

   GG-" Time to go Goku!"

   Goku-" Waaaaahhhh...

   Fast as can be, GG drags Goku up the tower ahead of us out of hearing breaking the rules without a care in the world, leaving me with the three angry women.

   Bulma-" Women like to play games huh?"

   Kashi-" What else have you taught Goku about women?"

   Chi-Chi-"You are a bad influence on my Goku!"

   While the girls stare me down waiting for a response my afterimage fades out of existence and I call down from above.

   Chi-Chi, Bulma, Kashi-" Huh? Where did he go?"

   Ryan-" Are you coming ladies?"

   Bulma- " There he is!"

   Kashi-" Get him!"

   Chi-Chi-" Here Kashi, use my frying pan, I had Mr. Popo enchant it for hardness and a few other things."


   ----Bottom of the Lookout----

   Ryan-" I told you that you could make it up here Bulma. Great job, seeing it through."

   Bulma-" ha, ha, ha, these rooms had better be worth it, that trip was a nightmare on multiple levels, if I didn't know how to fly, Incase I fell, I would have never attempted this."

   Sfx: DOong!!!

   Ryan-" Motherfucker! That hurt! Owww."

   As I'm rubbing the quickly forming knot on my head, from the cast iron pan that somehow made it through my defenses, Bulma laughs at my pain.

   Bulma-" Hahahah! You should have seen the look on your face!"

   Kashi-" Oh yeah, It works real nice Chi-Chi, thanks for letting me use it. I'll have to get one of them from you when you can make me one."

   Note to self, Kashi can hide from your senses. And cast iron frying pans are o.p. You are never safe from her wrath.

   GG-" It's nice to see you all made it up here on the first try, here is some water. Mr. Popo and Kami are waiting, follow me."

   Ryan-" You can't just gloss over ditching me like that GG. That was cold, ruthless even."

   GG doesn't respond, he just whistles and ignores me as he walks ahead through the halls, as if this was a second home to him. And my plight was of no concern.

   Kashi-" This place is beautiful, and huge, I can't believe this was hiding up here and that the world isn't aware. Some serious magic is at play here."

   At Kashi said this, Bulma stops moving and pulls out a tablet from a capsule. With quick strokes and taps the inevitable outcome I knew was coming was reached.

   Bulma-" Magic is bullshit!"

   The lookout is much bigger than I expected, with many hallways and small rooms that are unoccupied, it seems uselessly large. While going up a staircase i ask GG about it.

   Ryan-" GG, why are all these rooms here if they go unused?"

   GG-" The lookout was built with the intention that one day the guardian, would have enough prospective replacements to keep these rooms full of students. That time has yet to come to pass, but that may change soon, with the way the world is moving."

   Ryan-" Are you saying that the only reason for them being unoccupied is due to the lack of qualified people with Ki?"

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   GG-" Precisely. Kami, as did the Guardian before him, has found that most humans harbor some amount of evil inside of them, even moreso those who managed to gain control of their spirit. This makes them mostly ineligible. "

   "This is why he tried to recruit myself and why he is trying to recruit Goku. People who are pure of heart are rare, Nimbus itself was one way of sorting candidates, and is why Korin is the one who hands them out, this is also the reason Kami has taken such care in both Chi-Chi and Goku. Both are able to ride the cloud."

   Ryan-" Goku is far too young for that."

   GG -" Indeed, but he will live far long time. He may have a different view of things once he turns a hundred, who knows."

   We eventually made it to the top and could see the sunlight once again through the windows. Our climb from the base took all morning and it was well past noon.

   The lookouts' tile floor was a white so clean I felt bad for walking on the ground almost, the walls where a matching white made of something resembling marble. Many of the fixtures had gold inlaid into them topped off with purple or red curtains, and rugs. GG led us up another set of stairs to floor that acted as a balcony where we found Goku, Kami, and Mr. Popo sitting at a western style table enjoying some water and tea.

   Kami-" Congratulations on making it up here Bulma, you surprised both myself and Mr. Popo here."

   Mr. Popo-" Indeed, she has done well"

   The honest compliment took Bulma off guard a bit, she hasn't had great experiences with them and didn't expect this I can tell.

   Bulma-" Tha, Thank you, Mr. Popo, Kami, it was tough challenge, but I am proud of myself for not giving up."

   Kami-" Now Gohan here has said you, and Kashi here want to see these rooms of mine?"

   Bulma-" Yes sir, we would like to study the magic and take note of how they function."

   Kami-" This is potentially dangerous magic and knowledge, but I'll allow it, if you all can complete a challenge."

   With this statement his demeanor changes and he looks over us all before getting a nod from Mr. Popo, and GG that encourages him.

   Kami-"The world is relatively safe, and has been for some time. This is due to not me, but the great Master Mutaito, Baba, Roshi in his own time, and Gohan here to name a few. And a great deal of luck. These past Hero's have all done great work at taking out hidden threats before they grow too large. This was how Gohan earned his last name 'Son' from the previous King. Unlike them you all have never been faced with an opponent who truly challenges your skill, or places your very lives at risk. It's time that gets remedied. Would you all please follow me."

   Kami stands up and Mr. Popo follows as they lead us back down from where we came, making a stop just a short ways away.

   Kami-" This here is the Pendulum room, anyone inside will have their minds connected to and be taken to some part of the past. The things you do in the recording of history won't have an influence on the past at all, you must remember this is just a recording, but your actions will have real responses. Much like the room of spirit and time, a few hours in there can vary between mere hours in the past or months. This is because the training happens in the mind, time is based on the experience you receive. Any questions?"

   Bulma-" What happens if we get hurt while using it?"

   Kami-" Your mental projection

Will be hurt, and you'll still feel pain, but your real body will be fine. If you should die, the connection is cut, and you must wait a while to try again."

   Ryan-" So what is this challenge?'

   Kami-" That will be determined by the room itself. Mr. Popo has set the room to send you each to places that will give you a personal challenge that is still possible for you to surmount."

   Bulma-"Uh, excuse me, I'm not a fighter, I don't have to do this do I?

   Popo-" You don't have to do anything, and we don't have to show you the magic of the rooms either."

   Bulma-" Really? You are going to be like that?"

   Kami-" It is a challenge afterall. Do you accept? I'll consider taking you off the ban list in the Future, if that changes your mind."

   Bulma-" Hmm, you are talking about sending us to random life or death situations, out of the blue. Even if we don't actually die, this is serious training. Why is that?"

   GG-" I told you she is sharp."

   Kami-" Haaa, yes you did, Gohan. Bulma, the truth is that Earth will need protectors in the future, and we want you all to be ready. The universe is cruel and cold, and no, the irony isn't lost on me. I have seen the King's actions and wish to prepare for the future, there will come a day when our planet will be in jeopardy, you and those you have befriended show promise and will be leading the planet by example soon enough. We all know what is at stake, you wish not be a fighter Bulma, and I respect that, yet the universe does not. You cannot be passive when danger comes calling, to be prepared means to gains strength."

   Kashi-" Don't worry Bulma you'll be fine."

   Bulma-" I'm nervous, I have never harmed anyone before."

   Kami-" It may not even be a person you must fight Bulma, it may not be a physical fight either, the challenge will be tailored to you."

   Bulma-"Hmm, I'll give it a try, but I'm blaming you if I have PTSD after this."

   Goku-" Come on everyone, let's start already."

   Popo-" You are right Goku, could you all please enter the room and take a seat, close your eyes, and clear your mind. The magic will make itself known when it begins."

   The room is windowless, dark, and full of various types of clocks along the walls and the domed ceiling, they are all showing different times, and the ticking is nonstop, with no rhythm at all.

   We all have a seat on some pillows. I take Bulma's hand in mine as she sits beside me. Goku, seeing this is smart enough to do the same with Chi-Chi. Not to be left out I feel Kashi grab my free hand. I then give both of them a small squeeze before I close my eyes.

   The magic acts quickly and a feel like I'm falling before I see an opening form ahead of me, dropping me off high above what looks like a recently destroyed cliff side town, with a skyline that is very much not Earth's. With fire's still raging, and the smell of death in the air I know the destruction was recent. My ki sense goes off warning me of multiple power levels, the larger group of around 1000 people sit below the city spread out in what must be bunkers. These people are weak considering the rest I feel. The ones guarding them feel to have a power level of what must be around 700 or so each, but I only feel 8 of them. while I feel three massive powers on the opposite side of the cliff guarding the only bridge from the high ground. If my senses are correct they are around 2k and 3k each. 

   Before I can make it to the ground and gather myself I meet what has destroyed this town as a frightenly fast Ki blast narrowly misses me and I hear the report of it having broken multiple sound barriers. The shit came from the cliff top with the accuracy of a sniper rifle.

   I quickly dive down and suppress my Ki, none too soon as more shots are fired in my direction. Each shot only misses me due to the long range I am being shot from. When I near the ground behind cover one of the missed shots hits the cliff side behind me blasting apart and boring through a tremendous amount of rock. I instinctively dive ahead as my cover and everything behind it has the same fate a mere Moment later. With my ears ringing I vow to not get hit by that at all, it's got far more speed than a dodon and the power to make it dangerous.

   I continue to move, heading towards the other powers I sense, after slipping the sniper. One of powers I sensed defending the town is headed to me. I keep myself ready for anything when we finally meet up, and I get a look at a small alien that looks like some kind of birdman, complete with a large beak and beady eyes. 

   He is in dirty clothes that look like he was wearing them on a normal day out when everything went to hell and hasn't had a chance to change. He is carrying a black futuristic rifle nearly as large as himself. The moment our eyes meet I feel a harmless telepathic link form from nothing. This link gives me meaning to the words he speaks in a language I don't know.

   Alien-" You are not a Saiyan, why are you here? This is not your planet, this is not your fight. Leave outsider, lest the Saiyan menace kill you."

   The setting was easily understood at this point. This was one of many planets and battles the Saiyans waged. When isn't truly consequential at all. My challenge is simple, repel and likely kill the invaders with a bonus for saving the remaining fighters and refugees in the bunkers.

   Ryan-" Hello, my name is Ryan, and I am here to help."



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