Heiress of the Empire

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

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Cold Season, Wet Season, Stormy Season, Dry Season, Temperate Season... Five hundred days pass every time, every year seeing the same cycle. But for Fredericka "Rika" Madeleine Euphoria von und zu Hobenberg-Kyffhauser, Scion of the Noble House ruling the elven country of Alheim, there was meaning to be found in all of this. After all, with her 14th birthday having arrived, so too came the time to take on her family's traditional challenge to prove herself a worthy successor of the house.

"A toast!"

An older gentleman raised his glass of fine wine, his battle-worn face betraying a softness one would not expect at first glance.

"Happy birthday, Lady Fredericka!", the assembly of nobles cheered in unison. People from all over the Empire of Alheim had assembled to celebrate the 14th birthday of Fredericka; their variety in dress evidence of their varied origins. Different cuts, different colours, yet they would pay their respects just the same to the young girl sitting beside her parents.

"Thank you dearly, everyone.", she said curtly but with conviction. Everyone took in the sight of the beautiful blonde girl with eyes the colour of amethyst, and gave their approving nods. This was her great day after all; the day when she formally became an adult by Alheim's ancient laws and thus the day she would be given a great responsibility... but first she would have to prove herself in a challenge equally as old.

Of course, that challenge would come only in two days' time, so for the time being it was appropriate to simply enjoy the celebration.


After the opulent meal cooked by the expert chefs of House Hobenberg-Kyffhauser and served by a staff of beautiful maids, each and every hand-picked by Lord August himself, Fredericka decided to head to the balcony overlooking the great yard of the mansion. Despite the late hour the city was alight with merriment, with people everywhere celebrating her birthday with cheer.

"Rika?", a quiet male voice asked from behind her back.

She turned around, her lavender-coloured dress slightly swaying in the wind and motion, to spot Albert. Her fiancé of two years - the man she would one day marry. Now most noble girls would be delighted to find their future husband nearby during such an occasion, but Rika could only see a mistake: an ugly, fat bastard of little tact and worse demeanour. Seeing the man look her up and down, clearly lost in thought what he might do to her once they have formally been wed... it was the kind of thing that would make her lose sleep at times.

"...What do you want?"

"Oh, I was jus' thinking how pretty you are this night. Why, can't ya fiancé admire ya beauty? Soon we'll get married after all, heh."

She tried to suppress a shudder, and failed at doing so. But it did not appear as if he even noticed, which only made her feel even worse about the situation.

(Why this one!? Just what are father and mother thinking to get me engaged to a person as loathsome as him!? Just because his family is the highest up the social ladder should not mean that I must be wed to such a pig! He must be close to twice my age, too! This just cannot be right...)

She was shortly lost in thought, which most would take as a sign to leave her alone. Yet the oaf had the arrogance to come closer and try taking her hand. Were she not wearing gloves, she would have to spend hours later just cleaning it.

"...Do please excuse me, Albert, but I must take my leave. I fear the festivities have been too much for me to handle, so I shall head to my chambers. We shall see each other again."

She quickly left, glad to be away from the loathsome man.

"...Uhh, a'right?"


In a dark chamber, from behind pure white curtains, came many frustrated screams that night.


Rika punched into her assembly of pillows, all white and lavender and embroidered with the night skies.

"Why why why why whyyyyy!? I had a wonderful day, a wonderful celebration, and of course he had to show up. Fiancé!? Gods forbid! I wanted to forget about him for just this one day, and he ruined it!"

The sounds of sobbing followed not soon after.

(I have to annul this marriage! Surely... surely father and mother will understand anyone else would do just as well. Anyone but Albert...)


On the second-next morning, under the chandelier of the main hall, Lord and Lady Hobenberg-Kyffhauser were accompanied by two rows of knights. A congregation of the Church stood at the ready as well, as did a group of maids. They all awaited the young Lady Fredericka to descend the grand stairs, ready to head out and face the traditional challenge to prove her worthiness to inherit the throne.

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Unlike the fanciful dress two days prior, on this day Rika wore the traditional dress of a scion versed in magic. The white beret of the magic academy with its golden pin rested on her head, the dark purple and gold-lined dress alongside a white cape was draped over her body to protect her from harm, and her white tights offering her trained legs all the free room and mobility she would need for this challenge to come. Her hair was swaying behind her as she approached the people here to send her off.

(There really are a lot of people assembling for such a simple send-off, are there not?)

Idling for only a moment, she descended with grace and curtsied to the Minister present.

"As per the law of the Church, in place of the pope I hereby bless the young scion of House Hobenberg-Kyffhauser, Fredericka Madeleine Euphoria, to have success during her trials to come."

She was only half-listening to the lengthy speech the old man gave, but when she noticed he was nearly done, she curtsied once more. Looking at his face, he probably did not even notice how nobody was paying attention.

"Rika, I expect that you will do well. Bring honour to our house, no matter what challenges you'll face."

"Of course, father, I will do my very best."

"And I hope you will not come to harm, Rika.", her mother said instead while giving her a short hug.

"Thank you, mother. I will take care."

Pleasantries exchanged, it was now time for Rika to step outside, but not before one final word from her parents.

"Remember what your father and I told you."

She nodded, understanding perfectly.

"Better the hands who work than the mouths who just pray."

It was something her mother had once said to her, and she had taken it to heart.


Finally she entered the waiting carriage, the coachman already informed of the destination; it was Helboldt's Dungeon, the ancestral site of her rite of passage. Unlike a typical carriage intended for long travel, and possibly diplomatic missions, this one was much older and unassuming as it was often said that those who travelled within it to the dungeon in former times would give their blessings and protection to any new person undertaking the same.

The trip itself was an uneventful affair; the large white estate with its towering walls and surrounding gardens grew ever smaller in Rika's view as they left the hilly property, and not long after did they also exit the city's perimeter. Soon the countryside with its various forests, fields, rivers under a greyed sky slowly but steadily passed by. Anxiously she grabbed her staff, the blessed wood and gold inlays depicting her family crest and holding an amethyst in the upper end. It was chosen as it matched her eyes and hair.

Her long ears picked up sounds from outside, indicating that the carriage was beginning to slow down. They had arrived at the site of Helboldt's Dungeon, a private property of her family for hundreds of years at the least. With an aiding hand held out by the coachman, she stepped outside, the fresh air still carrying an ominous note as she looked at the giant stone gate, its double doors clad in mysterious runes.

"My Lady, as is tradition, my family presents you a gift for good cheer and good luck. Please, accept it."
The coachman presented her with a small coin-shaped charm. Her hands cupped, she received it gracefully and admired the shiny lustre. She could feel the magic within it, its affinity clearly related to ice.

"It is the duty of a coachman of your esteemed family to pick out a gift that befits the scion. Since your affinity is ice magic, it seemed clear that I should bestow you with this token. I hope it will bring you good luck in your future endeavours."

She nodded wordlessly at the bowing man, then put the charm into one of her pockets. With a curtsy, she thanked the coachman.

"I appreciate the gift. You are dismissed."

"As you wish, milady."

The time had come to enter, and for that she had to be alone or the doors would refuse to open. As soon as the coach had driven off to a sufficient distance, the feeling of the area changed dramatically.

She took in the sight of slight movements, heard the stone doors groan and creak. Even the smell of the glade changed ever so mildly towards a sourer note. Old dust fell down from cracks before unseen, the mysterious symbols faintly alight. Slowly, very slowly, the pair of doors opened and revealed a stark darkness ahead. The sight gave Rika an ill feeling, but she knew in her heart that she was ready for whatever challenge would await her.


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