Chapter 17: Volume II. Chapter XVI. – Our Training Begins!

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It’s the third of April, year eighty-hundred and sixty-three. We begin our preparations for joining the military this day. Our trainings starts right now!

“Alright kids, before we start, remember that you aren’t training just to be accepted into the military. You are training to slay Demons as well. Hidiku, what do you know about them?”

Our new Master is about to test our knowledge as he stands on the mansion’s veranda before us. We are wearing short-sleeved kimonos with a short skirt… well, shorts in Hidiku’s case. We are standing on a ground covered in tiny white rocks. It’s a part of a backyard. Actually, I’m not sure if this does count as one. It’s just an open area, like the rest of the space surrounding this building.

Oh, I also got a ribbon and tie my hair back into a ponytail!

“Yes! Demons are monster-like creatures that came straight from hell, crawling out of the ground whenever they please. They possess superhuman physique but their intelligence is close to non-existent, or that’s at least the true in most cases. We have so little information that we don’t know when or where they have come from, especially now that they are much less of a threat.”

Master Abe nods with nothing but interest present on his face.

“Alright, that’s enough. Now then, Yuuna. How can we defeat Demons?”

Oh, my turn? Let’s see…

“Unlike us humans, Demons have regenerative powers scaled depending on their might. Regenerating a severed limb usually takes them one to several minutes. The only known way to kill a demon is to separate its brain from the rest of the body. But even that can be a problem, as some can move their brain around or have a multiple of them.”

The Master’s expression changes. He now looks surprised. Did I say something wrong?

“Yuuna, where did you get the brain part from? And you Hidiku. Since when are demons less of a threat?”

Well, that’s an odd question. It almost sounds like we said something we weren’t supposed to.

“We got it from the school books.”

I nod in agreement as Hidiku replies.

“First, Demons never became less of a threat. In fact, the danger grows more and more with each passing year. I’ve also never heard about a demon having multiple brains, not to mention being able to move one around. What about you, Nagi?”

He seems bothered. Miss Kurenai seems to have no more clues than he does.

“I am afraid I have never met or heard of any Demons that can do such a thing either.”

So what does this mean? Did nobody teach them about this? Do I have more knowledge than they do?

“Seriously… What do they teach kids these days? Is this a teacher’s attempt at trying to have the class entertained? We will have to revise everything, but let’s leave that for later. It’s time to train you kids.”

Yes, the wait is over! To hell with revisions! Let’s get to it already!

Raring to begin the awaited training, the sudden sound of tumbling logs catches Hidiku and me off-guard. Overrun by curiosity, we look toward that unexpected noise coming from our rear.

“During your first week of training, you will repeat the same exercises. The aim is to increase the strength of your whole body. By doing this, your body will be prepared for what’s to come next. Usually we would drag it on for at least a month, but since you two have been training your whole lives, a single week should be sufficient.”

Says the Master as we stand speechless and glare at the person standing before us so hard our eyeballs could fall out of their sockets. What we see is Vilia, but her appearance is not what got us in this state of shock. It’s the fact that she’s holding a giant chunk of a tree on a single shoulder. Not to mention the second massive log already rolling on the ground.

What is she? A cyclops?!

“Hidiku, Yuuna, this will be your first task.”

Overcome by terror, we direct our attention back to Master Abe. I already know what he is going to say.

“You will travel through the rough forest terrain with logs tied to your waist.”

You are reading story HELL’S DAWN x HEAVEN’S DUSK at novel35.com

“I quit.”

- Is my immediate response. Nobody says a word for a good few seconds. I was so fired up that nobody saw it coming.

“But Yuuna… you were so excited to do this.”

Hidiku breaks the silence with displeasure, lingering within most of his tone, after which the Master joins him.

“Yuuna, don’t you want to see your friends again? I thought you were going to crush all of our doubts.”

“Are you nuts?! Look at the size of that thing! It’s so much bigger and heavier than me! How do you expect me to pull THAT further than a millimeter!? My waist is going to split! And they aren’t friends! They are family!”

My blood is boiling from anger. He must realize how unrealistic his idea is, and yet he taunts me.

“Please, calm down. Take in a deep breath. I’ve never said you would train with these in particular. That’s just some firewood. The ones you will use are smaller.”

Is that so… I bet he tried to scare us on purpose. Well, whatever. As long as it’s movable, I should be fine.

“Fine! Have it your way!”

I cross my arms as I reply after embarrassing myself in front of everyone. The shame in my tone is obvious, together with the irritation as a backup. Hidiku sighs almost immediately.


[One hour later]

What the hell… the log, it’s so heavy! He said we would use smaller ones, but they aren’t that much smaller! With each step I make through this dark forest, I feel like a piece of my lungs just ceases to exist; I can breathe.

“Are we there yet?”

I ask Hidiku, hoping to hear some good news. Apparently, Vilia set up a checkpoint when she was out for wood. Once we reach it, we can turn our backs to the rest of the forest and return to our starting point.

“I would like to know that myself. Just hold on. I’m sure we will be there soon.”

He doesn't seem to struggle as much as me. My legs are killing me. I will have a mark around my waist for a while.

I know he said we will do this for only a week, but I think a single day is more than enough. At least he has Miss Kurenai looking over the area for any demons. I guess she’s pretty strong if she can handle it on her own. But isn’t the entire area too much for her? Man, I’d like to hunt some demons too.

As I’m lost in my thoughts, I soon come to register a cold drop kissing my forehead. But after that single drop, rainfall hitting like falling rocks pours down from above within an instant.

Great, just what we needed. Lost in the middle of a forest as I walk through the muddy soil. Honestly, feels all too familiar.

Maybe… just maybe, I could try cheating. I’ll use my gift to get some energy pouring through the tired legs of mine. Though it’s wet all around me, it’ll spread all the way to Hidiku, but I’m sure he can manage a bit of voltage.

Then, amidst my struggle through torture and boredom, a new genius idea sprouts within my mind. What if I hit myself with my electric current? Will I receive any damage? I always wanted to test it.

I stop in my tracks as the rain pours cold, then I take in a deep breath. I let the air fill up my lungs and flow through every cell in my body. Vapor leaks through my mouth as my body rises in temperature and then Hidiku turns around. That boy always had good intuition. He can tell when danger is near.

“Yuuna, stop! Are you crazy? You are going to deep fry us both with all this water around!”

Oh well, guess I’ll leave it for another time. And I was so close too.


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