Chapter 8: Volume I. Chapter VIII. – Forced Apart

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The demon extends one hand behind Himari's ear while holding her in the other, digging its razor-sharp nails into her flesh.

Himari is still crying out. I'm being slowly brought to my tears as well.

Even though I know it's already too late, my legs won't stop. And as I'm about to catch up to them, the demon diverts its attention to me.

Shivers run down my spine; this monster's hideous visage is grinning the same way it did when I first encountered it at the academy.

But it doesn't approach me. No… It's making sure I'm watching, and as soon as it confirms I am, it swings the hand that has stabbed Himari, tearing off her face in the process.

The demon then permits me to grab Himari's lifeless body as I walk on her earlier spilled entrails.

I feel nauseous when I hear the gushy sound they make when I crush them...

I run off a bit further before stopping… it is watching me with a chunk of Himari's skin still within its grasp…

As I stop in my tracks, I take a closer look at her.

Himari's face has been completely skinned, leaving only muscle coated with new blood and the yellowish fat beneath it. Veins surround the white of her eyeballs as her expression screams with pain.

The demon has taken her life. Her soul…

I immediately drop to my knees, lay her down, and vomit next to her.

"I'm sorry, Himari….please forgive me."

I silently say just before I begin to weep tears and slowly progress to crying out loud. I can no longer even look at her face without becoming sick.

The feelings of regret and sorrow overwhelm me.

I feel disheartened and powerless once more. In the end, I couldn't do anything to save her.

My mourning is soon interrupted by the movement I sense behind me.

I sneak a glance at the demon. It's approaching me while chewing on Himari's remains, I can see some of her skin poking through its powerful-looking jaws.

All I can do is stare it down.

What should I do? Maybe I should run? But what's the point? No matter how hard I try, I can't get away from it.

I might as well just let it finish me off.

The demon eventually appears above me, and as Himari's blood drips from its stiff jaw, I gaze at its awful grin, knowing it's the last thing I will ever see.

I close my eyes and begin to count in my head to at least distract myself.


Just as I'm about to reach the five-second mark, the sound of a rock hitting the ground in front of me catches my attention.

I open my eyes and see the demon above me turning its focus away. Moments later, a rock strikes it and drops to the ground, creating the same noise I heard just earlier.


A voice beckons me, and I turn to face the direction where the sound is coming from.

It's Charlotte. She's desperately throwing rocks at it. She looks beaten up; blood is also dripping down her forehead.

"What are you doing, Yuuna? Get away from it, NOW!"

Ah… she is trying to distract it. Does she not realize? It's already over. There is nothing we can do.

Though, I'm really happy my big sister is trying to save me.

I wish I could stay with her a little longer…

The beast approaches while I wait for it to act, but instead of doing so, it turns around, rushes at my elder sister, and knocks her to the ground.


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I yell as the demon is now lingering above her defenseless, pinned-down body.

It leaves me confused because I expected it to finish me off first since I was right before it. It must be because she provoked it.

The demon moves its arm into a position, indicating it's about to strike my older sister.

I thought I was finally through, but now I'm afraid once again.

Please don't...

I don't want to see my older sister's life being taken away...

And so, from the bottom of my lungs, I desperately yell "stop" at it, hoping it would change something.

The monster puts its fist into motion when something none of us expected suddenly occurs. Charlotte is not hit by the blow since the demon's arm instantly got severed in two.

The demon calmly gets up, and an arm quickly materializes from its bloody wound as if nothing had ever happened.

The rapidity of the beast's regeneration abilities astounds me. What's more, why did its arm suddenly fall off?

Did Charlotte do that?

My mind becomes puzzled to the extent that I fail to notice the footsteps coming from behind me.

"Are you alright?"

It's a boy whose voice I don't recognize.

I swiftly direct my attention to him.

A boy who appeared to be approximately Iris's age dressed in black. His short, spikey black hair is concealed behind the general cap he is wearing. His crimson eyes lock onto mine as his dark cloak sways in the light air.

He looks just a little bit taller than me. He also has a weapon strapped to his hip.

Could he be the one that has wounded the demon?

The mysterious person offers me a hand to help me get up. I gratefully take it while simultaneously observing his wound.

The boy's left hand is missing. The wound is not old at all. I can tell because the blood is still bright red and fresh on the bandages that are covering it.

What happened to him?

Is he a knight from our district?
His gaze averts from mine and directs to the ground next to me.

"Was that someone you knew?"

He calmly asks me as he views Himari lying on the ground.

I confirm with a nod.

"You have my condolences."

The boy moves past me and heads straight for the demon looking our way. It became angered.

With each step, the mysterious boy makes, his movement speed increases until he finally transitions into a full sprint with his weapon in hand.

He reaches the beast's range when it wave's one of its arms at him, and as the force hits the ground, a small layer of dust gets lifted into the air, ending up covering the boy whole.

But it's only a matter of seconds before he swiftly emerges from the cloud and circles to his opponent's rear.

The soldier then grabs Charlotte and carries her further back, ensuring a better chance of her safety.

My older sister is confused, and before she gets to say a word, her savior is gone within a blink of an eye.

He begins the assault.


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