Hentai Transmigration System

Chapter 10: Chapter 10 – Strange Ruin.

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We walked for almost twenty minutes until we finally found something in the middle of the forest. It was a large rock, but it looked like someone else had carved it because it had a unique shape.

It was the shape of someone's head, a man's head. I had no idea who it was, but it was an older man. The rock had a light gray color and was covered with mud because of the frequent rains in this region.

"Do you know what this is?"

[ It's a sculpture, isn't it? ]

"Do you know who this person is?" I started to remove the sludge from the rock. But it was so big that I couldn't clean anything.

[ I don't know who this person is. I'm surprised that nobody has found this yet. Isn't it a little too big? ]

"Yes. Isn't that almost four meters tall?"

[ I can't calculate just by looking, but I think so ]

"You hadn't seen that before either?"

[ When I went to your mansion, I went through another way, not this way. ]

"And why are we going this way? Shouldn't we go the way you used?"

[ It won't make a difference since the distance is the same ]

"All right. But I'm surprised no one has found this before. It's pretty close to the mansion. Although the forest is giant and hasn't been fully explored."

[ Or maybe this head just appeared here a little while ago ]

"But how would it end up in this place? There's no way anyone could carry it."

[ But that doesn't matter. Now step aside, for we have company. ]

The golden light went in front of me to protect me. I then took a few steps back and hid behind a tree. Then, from behind the big head, some monsters started to appear. There were four goblins.

Monsters about one meter tall with green skin. They had a very human faces, but their eyes were large, and their noses were small. And their mouths had sharp teeth that could easily tear a human.

All the goblins were bald, and they had warts on top of their heads. They were hideous monsters. And because they walked around without their clothes on, their disgusting genitals were showing.

They were all men. There are no female goblins. These monsters would usually kidnap females from other races to reproduce. Despicable monsters that Noah hated.

Not that any goblin had ever done anything against anyone he knew, but knowing that these monsters would probably take a victim and rape a woman in the future was enough to make him quite angry.


[ Don't worry, I can beat them easily ]

"Can you fight being a light?"

[ I can use magic. ]

"That's fine, but I'll help you if I have to. I don't have a weapon, but I can punch." I giggled.

[Watch. ]



Making strange sounds, the goblins seemed curious about the floating golden light. They all seemed reluctant to attack. They seemed to feel that that light was dangerous. But goblins were dumb monsters, so they soon set out to attack.

Ignoring the light, they focused their gaze on me.

But before they could attack, the light blew their heads off with magic. It wasn't a projectile or anything like that. Their heads just swelled up and exploded. Because of this, everything had become dirty with the green blood of the goblins.

"Couldn't you have done this more cleanly? Even I got dirty with goblin blood. You didn't have to overdo it that much."

[ I just wanted to kill them as efficiently as possible. So, what do you think? Cool, huh? ]

"It was cool magic. What is it?"

[ Not just magic, but unique magic of mine. Molecular magic. ]

"Molecular magic? But what is that?"

[ It's simple. I can mess with the structure of a person's body. So I can even blow them up. But at the moment, I'm weak, so I could only blow their heads off. ]

"The inheritance you want to give me is this? This magic."

[ It's also included in the inheritance, but that's not all. ]

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"You're making me very curious."

[ Calm down, we'll get there in no time .]

"I'm looking forward to it."


After almost fifty minutes of walking through the dense, damp forest, we had finally arrived somewhere. A rock was in the center in an open space of about 20 square meters.

The rock was covered with moss, and some insects were walking around. But what caught my attention was the entrance. It was a small entrance. It would only fit a grown man in there, no more than that.

"Is that a ruin? I heard the ruins were a little different."

[ Usually, ruins discovered by humans have a different, larger entrance, don't they? They usually find caves or large constructions randomly or in excavations. ]

"Yes. There is even a ruin that is an underground building. It's identical to a house, although it's full of monsters and interesting things. They even discovered a strange device that can use to descend the floors."

[ Ah, that's called an elevator. ]


[ Yes. But it probably isn't working. ]

"A big metal box that moved automatically, taking people down or up through the floors. But they couldn't make that work or recreate anything like it."

[ Yes, it's a technology that will probably take a while to be created. ]

"You seem to know a lot about ruins."

[ A little. ]

"Do I need to go into this place?" I approached the entrance. It was dark inside and quite damp. There were some steps leading down.

[ Don't worry; you won't find any monsters here. Just get to the end of the dungeon so you can find my inheritance. ]

'Really, I don't know if I should trust him. But now that I've come this far, I can't go back, can I?' I swallowed my saliva and then went down the first few steps. The golden light was in front and increased its brightness to light the way.

[ Be careful, the steps might be a little slippery ].


After going down several steps for a few minutes, I finally reached the first room of the dungeon. But that... was it a room? It was a big room with a dirty bed and an old closet that was all broken.

[ That was my room. ]

"Your room?"

[ Yes, it was the room I used before everything happened. ]


[ Don't worry about it. You don't need to know. Just go ahead. If you go through that door, you'll find my body. ]

"Your body?"

[ That's right. But don't be scared. ]


Walking to the door on the right of the room, I opened it. And when I opened it, I found a bathroom. Yes, it was a bathroom. It had a sink and a toilet, and everything was decorated with white tiles.

But what caught my attention was the bathtub that was being hidden by a curtain that seemed to be made of plastic.

[ My body is in there. ]

"Inside the bathtub?"

[ That's right. ]



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