Hentai Transmigration System

Chapter 7: Chapter 7 – Ruins.

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"Haaa~~ Haaa~~" Breathing quickly, I was lying in the middle of the training field without strength. I had exhausted all my strength. I had no idea how many times I had fought Anne, but there were many.

And I couldn't hit her once. I can't feel frustrated anymore. I just wanted to rest.

"You did very well." Anne held out her hand, and I took it. After she lifted me, we both left the training camp together. Late afternoon had arrived, so the sky was orange, and a few stars had already started to appear.

"Looks like we've been training for too long."' I said.

"Well, I had nothing to do today. In the end, it helped me spend time. I would have stayed in my bedroom reading if we hadn't trained together.

"I see. But did you enjoy it?"

"Our training? Of course, I enjoyed it. Isn't it fun?"

"You think so? I wasn't even able to hit you once."

"Well, it's a training session. I didn't want to go easy on you. That would be unfair. Most of our brothers or sisters can't beat me, so don't feel bad." Anne said proudly. This monster.

"I'm not feeling bad. I enjoyed this too. I learned a few more things from you, thank you."

"Well, I'll be here for when you want to train again. Now take a shower and rest. You were training almost all day. Just rest now."

"I'll do that right now. My body was in pain, and my mana was utterly depleted. You, on the other hand, look very good. Is your mana infinite?

"Maybe?" Anne gave a cute smile and then walked away. "Don't forget to keep training your strengthening magic, okay? I'm sure if you train for a few more months, you'll be able to defeat Sigurd."

"Don't worry. I'll keep training."

I cannot tell her that even though I trained for almost three months, my magic remained the same and did not increase its power by even 0.1%. Unlike my strengthening ability, my mana continues to grow normally.

Haaa~~ I sighed once again. I looked at the sky for a few seconds and thought about what I should do. I don't have a way to defeat Sigurd, and I need a way to solve the problem of my abilities not growing.

I guess I'll keep living right here forever...

"No, I can't give up. I'm sure I'll manage to solve this problem." And it was at that moment that in the middle of the forest, a small golden light was coming towards me without my noticing it.

Invisible to the eyes of the guards, the little golden light came through my window and hit my forehead in my sleep.

That night a dream showed me the solution to my problems.

[ The Divine Skill of Black Gold Ruin ]


When I woke up the next day, I felt a slight headache, but it was not enough for me to worry about. The big problem was a strange dream I had during the night.

Something about a ruin with a strange name.

I had never seen these two words before [ Black Gold ]. They were probably words used previously in this world.

The writing was the same as the documents found in ruins, different from our current writing that uses runes. And for this reason, reading and writing are pretty tricky to learn when you are not a nobleman or part of a famous merchant's family.

"But what was that? It seemed too real to be just a dream." I felt there. It was as if I had walked there. The forest wind hit my face, the sound of the trees swaying.

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Even the sound of the night birds.

"Wait, what if I was there? Did I get up during the night? No, I'm sure something like that didn't happen. The guards would have done something if I had gone out during the night. It doesn't make the slightest sense."

"Master Noah, I'm coming in." Then Noelle entered the room. She was carrying a tray with my breakfast. "You weren't feeling very well yesterday, so I decided to bring your coffee here."

"Thank you, Noelle."

"What is it? You look worried about something."

"It's nothing. I just had a strange dream."

"A strange dream?"

"Yes. I dreamed I was in the middle of the forest and found an ancient ruin there. Do you know if there is anything like that in that forest? I've never heard about it before."

"Hm... I don't remember hearing about anything like that. But if there was a ruin there, I'm sure they would have explored it by now and would have publicized it. Isn't that what usually happens?"

"Yes, that's right."

"Now eat everything so you can recover. You look a little pale; you overdid it a lot yesterday."

"All right, don't worry about me."

I sat up in bed and ate my breakfast right there.

And about the ruins, it was like Noelle said. All the ruins found were explored and publicized. They put all the details in documents available for any adventurer read in guilds worldwide.

After all, ruins were also dungeons.

Dungeons change periodically, so they explore them almost daily. All their structures, such as rooms, and secret passages, would be the same, but it was always a surprise what you would find when you entered one.

The rewards in chests, traps, monsters, everything would change daily or after someone completed the dungeon.

If there were a dungeon in this forest, It would be strange that there was no data about it, especially since the forest was in the territory of a noble. And whenever a noble discovers a ruin, they use it to their advantage since it is in their region.

So if this ruin existed, my father would already be using it to increase our family's earnings and train his soldiers. So there is no way that a ruin could exist in this place.

"It was probably just a dream." I spent a long time rambling, and by the time I realized I had finished my coffee. Noelle took the tray and left the room, and I continued to sit on the bed. I was despondent.

I didn't feel excited about my training because I had already accepted that I couldn't defeat Sigurd. But my father will be angry if I don't go to my training. So I have no choice.

I got up and got ready for training. But before I left, something bright caught my attention. A small golden light shone in front of my bedroom window, wanting to get my attention.

"Is that..."



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