Her Mountain, Her Sea

Chapter 2: 2

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Chapter 2 – Stationery

A boy named Wang Jiaoyang sat behind Chi Tang after the chairs were adjusted. He was an example of the typical difficult student. He arrived late, skiped class, and ought. His grades were the fourth-worst in the class. The teacher routinely trimmed his hair, but he’s never changed.

Previously, he and Chi Tang were separated by a seat, and he would frequently switch seats with the person next to him, purposefully coming to talk to her; now, he had moved behind her, and he slapped her sometimes. He purposefully poked her shoulder and back with a pen, moved forward to talk loudly in her ear, and bumped into her when she was chatting away with others.

It was all over the place. Wang Jiaoyang was plainly attracted to her, and Chi Tang could see that as well, but she found it aggravating. Every time someone made a fuss about her, a type of evil creeped out of her cold stomach.

Chi Tang bumped into Wang Jiaoyang and his group of boys playing on the court while going to the tiny shop on campus to get some groceries.

“Hey, Chi Tang, are you going to buy something?” said Wang Jiaoyang as he raced over to her. “Bring me a bottle of water.”

“You want to drink then purchase it yourself,” Chi Tang said.

“Is our brother Yang’s missing a bottle of water? What he wants is someone who can bring him water!” The boy who ran to Wang Jiaoyang laughed, which made the other boys laugh.

“Chi Tang, help,” Wang Jiaoyang said, squinting at her and slapping the ball in his palm, believing he was attractive.

Do these boys not comprehend what it’s like to be rejected by a girl? Chi Tang’s mood was irritated the majority of the time, particularly at that moment. 

She looked at them and noticed that they had all stopped laughing, at which point she added, “I said I don’t want to.  I wasn’t joking?”

It’s not funny.

Chi Tang heard how the gang of boys perceived her after that. They believed she was too haughty and difficult to communicate with, so they shook Wang Jiaoyang and urged him to select another thing. Wang Jiaoyang was a little colder to her, although he still taunted her now and again.

At night, the girls in the dorm talked. Chi Tang seldom joined them. Most of the time, she listened to music through headphones. Song Fangcao was the dormitory’s head, thus she thought Chi Tang felt overwhelmed. When she spoke, invited her to join her in conversation. Chi Tang, too, answered nonchalantly, neither cold nor warm.

Luo Zhengli has been purposefully avoiding her, only inviting other people to talk and encouraging them to ignore her together, but one night when chatting, she asked: “Wang Jiaoyang has feelings for you? I overheard Liu Bin calling you sister-in-law from behind them. Did you talk about it?”

Chi Tang sat on the bed, her eyes closed, and stated, “The family’s civil affairs bureau stated that whomever marries would marry. The parties are not required to know.”

“Haha,” Song Fangcao couldn’t help but giggle. 

Luo Zhengli questioned, “So you dislike Wang Jiaoyang? He’s pretty attractive, and you’re not affected by his chasing you? No way.”

Chi Tang didn’t think Wang Jiaoyang was very attractive, but she heard something like that. She opened her eyes to stare at Luo Zhengli. “Go after him yourself if you like him. There is no need to consult with me about it.”

“Who likes him, what are you talking about?” Luo Zhengli’s expression changed, and lost her temper.

Chi Tang snorted, too tired to speak with her again.

Physical education was the final class on Wednesday afternoon. The rain began in the morning and ended in the afternoon. Everyone rejoiced and dashed downstairs to wait the physical education lesson as soon as the math class ended.

Their physical education teacher was loud and uninterested in them. He  

frequently approached to class by allowing them to run two laps and then disband freely. 

The bell sounded for a long time, and dozens of people in a small group slowly rose up. 

“Running laps, five laps for boys and two laps for girls,” the physical education instructor blew his whistle. 

“Free activities after running.” 

Even though the work was not difficult, everyone wept unconsciously. 

Some students acted like babies, saying things like, “Teacher, it’s pouring and the ground is wet. 

It’s not easy to run, so let’s do a lap!” 

The physical education instructor blew his whistle once more: “You can’t lower it, so let’s add another lap!  

Run swiftly, since young people don’t move as much as I, an elderly man!” 

Several girls banded together and spoke up. 

They grinned and sat aside after receiving a nod from the physical education teacher. 

They have this “luxury” because they menstruate. 

Some people suffer from half-dead agony, backaches, and backaches throughout menstruation, yet those girls don’t appear odd in the least. 

They simply do not want to run, and their pained expression was also fake, but it is not. 

Chi Tang, who had a stomach ache and a pale face, ignored the physical education teacher and began running with the group. With each step she took, the ache in her lower abdomen became more apparent, her pace slowed, and she quickly found herself at the tail end of the group. No one noticed her pain, but everyone thought her demeanor was unpleasant and nonchalant.

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On the screen, a group of boys resembled peacocks. In terms of running speed, Wang Jiaoyang was the quickest. They ran the second lap rapidly and passed Chi Tang.

Chi Tang was jogging along with her head down. Huge applause rang out in her ear. Wang Jiaoyang purposefully slammed his palm in her ear. After scaring her, he dashed to the front with a burst of bravado.

Chi Tang’s ears were ringing. Her head was hurting from the unexpected blast, so she rubbed her ears and cursed.

Chi Tang disliked this place in Nanlin. It’s moist and hot, making people irritably desire to peel off the skin on her body so she can breathe freely.

The school uniform and coat were all removed, but a thin film of sweat remained. Chi Tang instinctively moved back as someone rushed past her, and then she discovered it wasn’t Wang Jiaoyang, but You Yu.

The oldest roommate, who was engrossed in jogging, did not appear tired at all. She ran seriously, as opposed to other girls’ and guys’ slapsticks, who simply run at their own pace.

She appeared to be serious in whatever she did. But truly, in the view of boys and girls this age, it is ridiculous and deserving of mockery. 

Chi Tang noted that You Yu had not removed her school uniform jacket, despite the fact that she was the only one in the class. Chi Tang hypothesized that she wouldn’t take off her jacket no matter how hot it was, possibly because she was worried that the torn clothes inside would be exposed.

She moved her attention away from You Yu and, after two laps, proceeded directly to the tiny grocery, where she purchased another bottle of ice water.

Chi Tang was harmed every time, yet she still drank ice water when she wanted to. On such a hot day, she was still sweating behind her back after sprinting, yet her hands were frigid, holding icy water, more like ice.

It was more painful than ever this time. Chi Tang stayed in the dormitory instead of going to eat her dinner. The dormitory was always quite quiet at this hour, with just You Yu present. She would eat at the table from a lunch box. She ate rapidly, and the bath follows suit.

Chi Tang got dizzy until she was softly patted through the comforter.

“Do you want hot water?”

Chi Tang was taken aback that You Yu took the initiative to approach her, but it was just a brief surprise. Her pain caused her to grimace subconsciously, and she didn’t want to talk to anyone.

You Yu noticed it and put down the cup in her hand, saying, “I left it on the table.”

After saying so, You Yu collected her belongings and went to the classroom to study as normal, without doing anything out of the ordinary. Chi Tang looked at the cup of hot water with white smoke on the table and suddenly remembered that no one had ever handed her a cup of hot water while she was in pain since she was a child.

Chi Tang closed her eyes as she rolled over.

It will only take two days, no matter how terrible it was. she ‘d become accustomed to it. 

You Yu was first again after the second monthly exam paper was released, and she avoided second place by thirty points, ten points more than the previous time.   For a while in class, the lecturers lauded the school and used her exam papers as a model to teach.

Those who cared about grades, on the other hand, were quite anxious, while students who didn’t care were equally apathetic.

Almost no one was in charge of the exam papers in the later half of the classroom, and the test papers were folded into planes and hit people.
Chi Tang took a twelve-question exam and didn’t care about the results, so she looked at it and pushed the test paper beneath the book.

Wang Jiaoyang removed a scentenced pink letter paper from the desk before class in the afternoon.

“Wow, Brother Yang got a love letter; who wrote it, let me see?”

“Go away, go away, go away.” Wang Xiaoyang pulled away from the arrogant guys, opened the letter, and read it. He took the letter and waved it about “I’m not going to ask for this love letter; I’m going to have to return it .”

He rose up and proceeded to the front, where he placed the letter paper in front of You Yu, saying, “Hey, the Academic Committee, I’m return the letter you wrote.”

You Yu gazed up at him after pausing to copy the English words. Wang Jiaoyang’s eyes were victorious and disapproving, with a hint of scorn in them.

A bunch of students burst out laughing, pounded the table, and whispered, making You Yu eventually say, “I didn’t write it.”

“It’s hard for me to write your name,” Wang Jiaoyang shrugged, putting his hand in his school uniform pocket.

Several girls laughed, saying, “It’s too shameful, I didn’t expect You Yu to like Wang Jiaoyang as well.”

Chi Tang sang along to English songs while wearing headphones.

During the song, she stood up, walked to You Yu, took the love letter from Wang Jiaoyang’s hand, glanced at it, turned her head and walked to Luo Zhengli, and dumped it on her desk. 

“Your letter, collect it yourself; next time, don’t write someone else’s name at random.”

Luo Zhengli’s cheeks reddened unexpectedly, and she felt enraged from embarrassment, “I didn’t write it!”

“I watched you write that,” Chi Tang said. This type of letter paper is in your drawer. Her handwriting is better than yours, and she will not purchase this expensive letter paper. I recommend that you frame others the next time.”

You Yu did, in fact, always write using assignment books and the cheapest type of red line letter paper. You Yu was incompatible with such pink perfumed letter paper.

Luo Zhengli was unable to respond, so she abruptly rose up and hurried out of the classroom, crying.

Chi Tang walked back to her seat and sat down.

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