Hermes: Finding an apostle

Chapter 1: Hermes introduction

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Hey! my name is hermes god of... lots of things and I'm trying to find an apostle, so i got to a high-ranked academy and there are some strong people there

Wait... you don't know the origin of how i got here? well lets start at the beginning, so i was guiding a soul to hades but then BOOM a crack appeared, i was like holy shit, what do i do? but i just went on my way and gave the soul to Charon but when he was going to Asphodel

Bye bye! i said but then this creepy bug-like mammal hybrid came up to me and shrieked so i beat him up, it was fast but so slow too like slow slow, anyways so i went up and it was so hectic like dear god

So these monsters from out of nowhere came to earth from some crack dimension, i don't get it zeus told me it anyways so the norse and greek team up to give these people powers, oh and i guess other gods too

but when i tried, i successfully did get an apostle but all he could do... was run! couldn't do anything! I'm strong, I'm not some cartoon movie weak-ass god

I am strong! but over the years the people reject me because they don't even like me! even the farmers too! they just follow me like I'm sad like IM SPEED

but i guess i cant, so yea I'm gonna try and get an apostle in this high-ranked academy which might be the stupidest thing because maybe some of the students do have a god already

Anyways lets look outside

*Door opens*

The wind calms down hermes but he sees something... a man in a rooftop with dead eyes prepares to jump but hermes was fast enough to stop it


"..." he turns around as he sees a boy with yellow hair, gold like eyes, and sandals with wings and a neat hat

"Why dont you stop? hades is a calm person... but he will not forgive you"

"W-where do you...ill go?"

"Tartarus...although... if you become a hero.. you will go to elysium"

"Then... what are you?"

"Messenger of god, Hermes"

"Ill become your follower if that's okay"

"Wait.. why not an apostle?"

"...I would rather not say it"

"Tch fine... I have so many followers and no apostle"

As he opens the door, he jumps to his bed and slept

*Alarm, sound?? i don't know*

The God wakes up late for his school noticing the time he runs at fast speed and the... he was outside of his designated classroom, opening the door he introduces himself

"My name is Kōun and my god is Hermes" (this is the standard greeting now)

Everyone laughed at him as they told him

"Why would you even be an apostle of Hermes?!?!? AHAHAHAH"

"Hey! don't laugh at him, sorry Koun you can sit just in the back"

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Hermes smiled at the class and went to his seat, right next to him was a boy with pale skin and grey eyes, Hermes greets him

"Hello, My name is koun nice to meet you?"


"What's your name?"

" its aojiroi"

Hermes open his hand for a handshake, although aojiroi was hesitant but he shook his hand and everyone looks at him in shock, Hermes looks around and tried to pull out his hand but aojiroi didn't budge

He looked... satisfied? as he shakes my hand faster... and faster until the teacher told him to stop... the class was dismissed after that he was followed... by enemies, going to a corner they laugh and turn but he was not there... and he there at there backs eating some snickers

they turn around and started attacking, he was then nowhere, but in the back again... with a burger and a manga

"Ayo! look at this, this guy got possessed by a granny and goes to fight an alien getting there dicks! trying to save this girl!"


"oh sure!"


"What? wanna fight lets fight!"


the students turn their heads as the boys smacks there badges, and a robot came making them follow to the arena, arriving there was empty except a girl with pink hair with a seductive body and the boy he shook hands with

"Oh! who are you guys?"


Hermes waves at aojiroi

"Ohhh~ so your the one he talked about" The lady bites her lip giving hermes goosebumps

"We are gonna have a little spar... is that okay?" he grins and the two jumped out of the arena and sat on the ground and see the fight

It was 3 v 1 but... it was easy, the first one charged at Hermes with Hercules strength but was easily dodged and with a quick punch he was knocked out looking back he saw the 2nd one charging a shot

it seems to have be formed from artemis power and the 3rd one engulfing his hands with magic, swing after swing, arrow after arrow they still couldn't hit him and after hermes was done  having fun they were quickly knocked out making hermes the winner

the two cheered mostly Aojiroi but the two cheered, and the day ended like usual with 2 new friends or 1? i don't know next chapter



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