Hero For All Occasions

Chapter 1: Chapter 1 – Killing The Demon King

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The penultimate ending of his 5 year mission on Rathia, he plunged his sword into the mouth of the Demon Lord, pushing his Holy Sword down his throat and piercing his heart

The Demon Lord Arcrabus had his own hand piercing Danny's chest but somehow missed his heart. Even so, Danny knew that he was dying

Danny's left arm had been ripped off, as had his left foot under the knee, and his face had been blasted with only half a face remaining

The Demon Lord was no better, having his demonic wings ripped off, both his legs and left arm chopped off, with his remaining right arm inside Danny's chest

Danny's Holy Sword was in two, broken when it smashed with catastrophic force into Arcrabus' Trident of Destiny

But even so, the remainder of the Holy Sword was somehow used to shove it into Arcrabus' mouth and pierced his heart 

With his heart pierced, the huge 2.5 meter tall Arcrabus collapsed with Danny's arm inside him, breaking Danny's arm as both fell to the ground, seemingly conjoined as one

Arcrabus lay dead facing the ground, but his mouth started puking a strong acid, burning Danny's arm 

Danny scrambled to save himself, but only managed to sever his own arm to save himself

He looked at Arcrabus laying dead on the floor, and through great pain, he crawled to his love, Princess Madeline who was dead, ripped in two at the waist

"Madeline! We did.. it" Danny said in a whisper, looking at the face he has loved since the very first day he has been here

She was 7 years older than him, but she was the most lovely person he has ever met

After 5 years of adventuring with her, she had finally fallen in love back and they had planned to marry after defeating the Demon Lord

He could only think of the one night they had together where he gave his virginity to her

He remembered her beautiful face, moaning in ecstacy as they made love as the next day they would sacrifice all for Rathia. 

Her face was stuck in a grimace of pain before she died and he tried to close her eyes

But he had no arms and was left on resting on her lovely breasts, now covered in her own blood

From his viewpoint, he saw his master, Zoltan the Strongest Warrior of Rathia. His head was smashed into his spine, causing his body to fold in half

No matter how powerful, nobody expected the Demon Lord to be so overpowered, able to kill Zoltan in a single blow

All around were all his friends whom he had fought and bled with

Bechamel, the Archmage and his magic teacher, who had nothing left but his feet on the ground after Arcrabus blasted through his shield, which proved no match for his blast

Marcia the High Elf, unmatched archer of the realm, whose skull was ripped out of his body by the Demon Lord, unable to escape even with his extreme speed and strength

Ganthar the Dwarf, with strength that surpassed all dwarves and was considered the avatar of Dunar the Dwarf God

In the distance, outside the ruined castle, was the whole joint armies of the men of Rathia, as well as that of the Elves, Dwarves and the many different demihumans, all killed in mutual destruction with the Demon Army

There were the Knights of Mayla, led by Sir Galad, as well as the Paladins of Baltor led by the female paladin Macy, both armies burnt to a crisp

There were the demi humans, led by the half bear barbarian Calladan, one of his best friends, all killed in battle against the demon army. Only remnants of fur was evident from the battle

He started recalling all of them, one by one, how they met, how some of them were friendly, and others weren't, but all ended up becoming his friends and training him and adventuring with him

He remembered his innumerable missions, getting stronger, from first struggling to defeat the most meager of foes to easily killing the most fearsome of monsters

All this was thanks to his friends who fought with him through thick and through thin. 

Then he looked at the land. He was in the Demon Realm, but the Rathia where he was raised was a beautiful realm. However, everything got worse and worse with each demon attack and they rushed to the Demon Realm before it was too late. 

The land was ruined with the still fresh scars of the battle, with ravines where he and the Demon Lord swung their weapons, and broken mountains in the distance, and even one of the three moons was cracked and was crashing towards Rathia

In the whole battle, only Danny had any chance of fighting the Demon Lord. Nobody expected him to be so powerful, taking out the warriors of Rathia with ease. 

Seeing his friends and his future wife die, Danny went into a berserk rage, fighting with no thoughts of his own life or damage to his body, eventually managing to kill the Demon Lord

He stared at the sky, leaning on Madeline's soft breasts as the ruined moon came crashing down to Rathia

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The sky started burning as all the bodies started burning up

Danny closed his tear filled eyes, knowing that this was the end for him

Like in the history books, he was going to die with the Demon Lord. But this time, it seemed like Rathia will die with him

He felt the hot flames cover his body, as Madeline's body burned under him

He could smell the flesh burning all around him

But what could he do? He could only hope that the end was quick

With a bright flash, brighter than even what his eyelids could block out, he felt blinded... but there was no pain

Suddenly, he woke up with a start, feeling disoriented and confused

"I... I'm alive!" he said, touching his face

"Wait.... my hands... my feet" he thought to himself realizing that he had his limbs back

He looked at his body and realized that he was completely naked

All around him, were people pointing at him and whispering to each other, staring at the strange and handsome naked man

"Move aside. You are under arrest for public indecency" a police officer said preparing to handcuff him

"I... I'm back! I'm on Earth!" Danny said, accidentally shrugging and causing the officer to fall to the ground with a unconscious shrug

"Don't move, fucker! Suspect resisting arrest" the officer shouted into his walking talkie and pulling out his taser

"Wait. I'm sorry officer. I'll come in peace" Danny said, extending his arms in submission

The officer didn't take any chances and shot the taser, shooting thousands of volts of electricity at Danny

It didn't cause any discomfort to Danny at all, only making his 10 inch penis stand in erection

The cop looked confused but managed to handcuff Danny, who stood silently without resisting 

Finally feeling confident after cuffing him, he tried to drag Danny to the car roughly, but Danny only walked calmly to the car as if not noticing the officer trying to rough him up

From the back, just as he entered the car, the officer used his baton to hit Danny

But Danny didn't respond and ducked as he entered the car

He realized that he had grown so much since he left earth 5 years ago. Now the car seemed smaller than he remembered

He was now tall, muscular and had beautiful wild blonde locks, restored from all his wounds


Danny was brought to the nearby station and walked in unabashedly with his cock still fully erected, much to the viewing pleasure of all the women that were there, and several men as well. 

He had broken his handcuffs behind his back, but he didn't notice it as the police officers started taking his prints before they realized that he could have escaped any time he wanted

It took an hour before they discovered that his prints matched the missing person file of a Daniel Matthews filed by his parents 5 years ago.

But upon enquiring to speak to his parents, he discovered that his parents were killed in a plane crash 3 years ago!

They were flying to Panama, following a tip that Daniel was spotted on that island. They had never stopped looking for him!

His shoulder slumped. Even returning to earth, he was still alone!

He wasn't sure if he had any friends left. He was a reasonably popular guy in school, but all his friends would have graduated high school, and would be in college by now. 

He had never felt so alone, even when he was summoned to Rathia

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