Heroes Vs. Villains: Pitch of Darkness

Chapter 22: Chapter 10.2 – WTF ~ Now, what you know about karma?

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*WARNING: Mature audience for the song WTF by Nightcore! 


Sara wanted the pull of magic and powers to stop coming to her. All these powers were making her nervous. The nervous, gaunt hero looked scarily around and kept trying to drown her powers inside her from exploding into madness. She sensed so many powers at once her was nerve-wracking because she hadn’t had this experience before. Her body was overloaded with all these powers she could feel her body going excited.

Sara heard a smooth voice, her own tempting her: Come on, why do you hide your sensation of powers from everyone? It’s so much hard work.

She glared up to see Sal smirking back at her. That wasn’t her voice. It was Sal intimating her.

Leave me alone! Sara swirled around her mind racing about why her body was feeling so strange and wanting her powers to flow out of her. It was like having to piss badly, but couldn't. How can Kate stay so calm? She could feel the room start to spin. Her creamy legs were getting weak and her mind was feeling dizzy.

Just as Sara was about to collapse on the floor and faint, she slammed into someone. Her hood flew back from the impact and she stared into emerald eyes. A powerful sensation slammed into her like a wave tide, making her gasp, “I’m sorry. I wasn’t watching where I was going.” Sara pulled away quickly, trying to yank her hood back down.

“It’s alright,” the boy said, concern filling his voice, “Are you okay?”

Sara lied, “Yeah, fine.” She hurried away from him, but he grabbed her pale arms. She froze and wanted to punch him up with a hard blow to the chin for touching her.

“Hey, wait…are you Sara?” the boy asked with shocking intimation in emerald eyes

Sara stared at him in wonder, “How did you know my name?” She looked down at his hand tightly holding her arm.

The boy scoffed incredulously, “I remember you. You saved me from that auction. I was the wizard that was forced to control someone. A little boy, about your age. You saved me. I’ve repaid Michael ever since. I never could thank you in person.”

Sara tugged her arm, feeling her heart skip a beat. She didn’t like to be touched. Although what he said, was alluring. She saved someone who recognized her, “Um, thank you?” was all Sara could muster.

He bowed to her, “No, thank you. I don’t know what would’ve happened to me as a slave. I think death would’ve been a better choice.” The warlock stared at Sara’s afraid face and dropped his hand, “Oh, I’m so sorry. I got excited.”

Sara backed away. Her emotions and powers were getting to her. She didn’t want to hurt him, “No need to be sorry,” she answered quietly. The room had stopped spinning and a flood of relief coursed through her.

The warlock smiled, “My name is Timothy Watt. Most powerful warlock at your service. You saved my life, I am here to help.” He did another slight bow.

Sara took another big step, awkwardly, “Oh, no need to be at my service. I was just doing my job.” She was about to turn and then looked up at the tall boy, “You said, most powerful warlock?” She eyed him suspiciously with narrowed eyes. If he had lavender eyes, she would’ve taken him down in a heartbeat.

Timothy seemed to read her and said, “If you are mistaking me from Thomas Pitch, I am not. When he died, I overtook the status as the most powerful warlock in the world. I was quite young, but I had to do my duty.”

Sara could hardly believe this boy was about the same age as her and acting so friendly and mature. She glanced to find Kate, but couldn’t, “Sorry, I have to go.” She swirled around before she could see the disappointed look from the most powerful warlock. Sara felt Timothy was being a little bit fake.

Or he was excited to meet her finally after all this time? It’s only been three years. He looked much younger than I was at the auction.

Sara shoved past people, trying to distance herself from the warlock and find Kate. What are you scared of, Sara? Sara felt her body tense. Sara? Sal’s voice rang. She could feel the pressure of him rising over her. “I don’t know!” She shouted out.

Some people gave her strange looks and she went hot pink.

“Sara!” Timothy said, calling out to her, “Okay, let me be honest.” He walked to her side easily from his long strides, “Michael called me. I went here to investigate before I came to him. I thought maybe we can help each other out?”

Sara rotated to him in a fast motion, “Leave me alone, Mr. Watt. I’m not in the mood—”

She heard laughter over her shoulder. Sal was grinning and said, “Oh, poor Sara. Have you barely started this mission and are already overwhelmed by powers all around you? Darling…”

Sara’s eyes tugged with stinging as tears started coming down her face. “LEAVE ME ALONE!” She whirled around to him and smacked him. He flung back, slamming against people. People fell and cursed. Sara could feel eyes on her and her heart started to race in a panic.


They are going to think I used my powers. But I didn’t. So, they can’t sense me. But they are going to ask me how they feel as if someone shoved them. They are going to judge me! The room began swirling around her and she could feel a headache coming in like a heavy storm. Sara gritted down her teeth, feeling her emotions about to spill out, her powers on the verge to explode.

A gentle hand was placed on her shoulder and she looked up at Timothy. All the chaos in her head was gone and the spinning was gone in an instant, “You’re okay?” Timothy asked this time with sympathy.

Sara swallowed down her emotions, tears, and powers, “No.” her voice cracked. She saw his face ease up as she answered truthfully. He said that he was the most powerful warlock...he could help me. Take Sal away. She said, her voice feeling rougher and drier than sandpaper, “I need your help.”

“Of course,” Timothy replied with a genuine smile that said he was there for her.

Sara shook her head. She wasn’t focusing on the mission her father trusted her to complete, “I need to finish this mission, and we can help each other.” Guilt spread across her as she was focusing on herself and not helping Kate.

Timothy nodded, “What do you need help with?”

Sara said, “Just, leave me. I’ll see you at the Heroes’ Headquarters.” She didn’t see Sal anywhere and began walking away, but wizards and witches started to walk around them, forming a circle. She looked around for Kate, wondering if they were after her, but didn’t see her. The teenager moved away from the wizards and witches as they closed into a big circle.

But they weren’t looking at her. They were staring at Timothy with blank expressions.

Timothy gulped and declared with much certainty, “They are being controlled.

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The other magical creatures in the room were staring at the circle in confusion and some of them shouted to get guards.

Sara couldn’t feel any control but knew they were. They all had the same looks and stare. Then, there were some wizards and witches that weren’t controlled walking toward them, with a mincing look on their faces.

Timothy gasped, “No. It’s him.”

Sara stared at him and whirled around, scanning the witches and wizards, who weren’t controlled surrounding them, but not moving anymore, “Who?” she asked in a fearful demanding voice.

“Thomas Pitch,” answered Timothy with such dreadfulness in his sentence.

“You’re sure—” Sara stopped short as a tall man with a lean figure started to walk to them, a small path clearing from the circle.

“Ah, Timothy Watt. What a pleasure to see you again!” Pitch grinned handsomely. His black hair was spiked up in a beautiful shining gloss and rings were all on his fingers. His eyes sparkled off of the jewels. He wore leather pants and a black plain t-shirt, a heavy leather jacket over him, unzipped.

Timothy growled, “Pitch.”

Pitch grinned even bigger and looked down at the girl with much interest. He scanned her up and down and whistled, “My, my, and who is this lady?” He did a slight bow, “Such a looking princess.”

Sara glared at him and spat out, feeling her scariness flatter in her stomach, “None of your concern.” She took a step forward, feeling her nerves flooding her system. Where was Kate when she needed her? She would have to do this on her own if Kate disappeared, “Mr. Pitch,” Sara began, ignoring the curious eyes at her from him, “Please come with us, and we don’t need to make a bigger scenery than there already is. You will be dealt a fair trial at the Heroes’ Headquarters—”

Pitch gave her a disproved look, “I appreciate your such...polite talk, but I’m not going with you.” His accent was British and had a captivity sound to his tone.

Sara’s eyes flickered in astonishment. Did he kill Kate? “What did you do to Kate?” She took an angry step forward, but Timothy pulled her back.

Pitch raised his eyebrows, lavender sparks coming out of his hands, “Katerina? Oh, don’t tell me…” he swallowed, “You’re Sara.”

Sara went white. How did everyone know her name? That wasn’t the point, “What did you do with Kate?” she shouted, doing a slight restrain from Timothy.

Pitch scoffed, “I can’t believe you are still friends with her. And besides seeing her at the beach, I did nothing.”

Damn it, where are you, Kate? Sara put her fingers on her black watch which was as big as a man’s watch and designed fancy. She pressed her finger against a button. That was a trigger for Kate. That she needed help. Of course, she did all this covered by her cloak.

Pitch turned back to Timothy, “How is it being to the most powerful warlock?”

Timothy went stiffly, “That is none of your business. What are you doing here?”

Pitch laughed and narrowed his beautiful eyes, “That’s none of your business.”

Sara’s mind whirled and everything seemed to click. She grasped Timothy’s arm, “This is a trap!”

Timothy gave her a startled stare and went back to Pitch, “What exactly are you planning?”

Pitch chuckled and waved his hands as sparks came out, “Revenge. Simple.”

Kate’s voice barked over the huge room. Everyone looked up at Kate on the second floor, over a railing, “Why revenge? Michael didn’t kill you. So what’s the point?"

Pitch said, calmly, “He tried too.”

Sara muttered to Timothy, “This doesn’t make sense. He wants revenge, but look at his face, it shows no passion for that.”

Timothy gave Sara a surprised look, “You catch on fast. You’re sure you’re right?”

Sara bit down her finger lightly, “No. But, he doesn’t seem he wants revenge and he’s after something else. But what it is, I don’t know.” She eyed Pitch trying to hear their whispering colloquy.

Timothy looked back at Pitch, raising his voice sternly, “I agree with Sara. You come with us, and we can do this peacefully.”

Kate said, “We don’t want violence.”

Pitch snared, “Katerina, you think you can reason with me?” He glared up at her and down at Timothy and Sara, “You all are so selfish. Never think of anyone else besides yourself.” He threw his hands out and all the controlled wizards and witches lurched at them.

Sara heard her blood turning cold. She didn’t want to kill these innocent magical people, this was against their will. She glanced up at Pitch, “Mr. Pitch!” Sara stormed towards him with a glare, Timothy did not have time to catch her back, “You can’t control all these people forever. It takes a lot of energy to do that.” She looked at Pitch with sadness in her eyes and said, “I can see the pain in your face and it’s hard to control everyone this good. Just stop it all.”

Pitch stared back at her and hesitated at the crowd. His eyes turned cold and rumbled a growl, “You are no better than the rest of the heroes.”

Sara grabbed her dagger from her cloak and swung it to her. The butt of the dagger knocked him down and clattered to the floor. Pitch lost focus and fell with a shocking, unexpected gasp. The wizards and witches gave confused looks and were asked, “What’s happening?”

Pitch glared at her and thrust his hands to his people, “Kill them!” 

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