Heroine’s sister in an erotic game?

Chapter 22: Chapter 20: Banquet Part 1

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Building after building flashed past before my eyes, as I stared out the window of my sister’s car.

According to Vanessa, the banquet would start at noon, and it would continue until late at night. 

I was sitting silently in the passenger seat, with my gaze trained on the street whizzing by. 

However, from time to time, my eyes fell on the driver–my sister.

She was wearing a beautiful dress, same as I.

Before leaving the house, Vanessa showed me several dresses and told me to pick one. Among them was a rather closed black dress, much less revealing than the other two. 

I had mixed feelings, having chosen this dress. I don’t know when I stopped being so embarrassed to wear something like this. 

Well, after the short skirts I was forced to wear every day to school, anything else I put on would be better. 

But I was also visited by the thought that, most likely, I had already adapted to this new life of mine.

<<I once heard that a person adapts very quickly…now I know what that’s like.>> 

The dress was very exquisite to the touch, and when I put it on and looked in the mirror in front of me, I was enthralled. 

On top of that, my sister helped fix my hair, which made me feel like the center of beauty in the room. 

Looking in the mirror this time, I didn't feel aroused; rather, it was an inexplicable feeling. 

A feeling that I have seen many times in some photos where everything was perfect. Satisfaction? Pride, perhaps?

And at this time, such a picture appeared before me live and without any effects or tricks of the camera. 

A charming girl with flowing hair outfitted in a dress that revealed some parts of the neck and nape.

I had such thoughts until the moment when my sister re-entered the room dressed in a matching outfit, the same dress as mine. 

When I first saw her, I stood frozen and stared blankly at her. 

Deep blue eyes, her silvery hair falling to her shoulders–all this adorned by a gorgeous black dress, elevating her beauty to a new level. 

I don’t know if it was my imagination, but I think I saw a slight shyness in her eyes. 

…I was probably just hallucinating, because the emotionless face has not gone away. 

Honestly, I wanted to praise her for her beauty, but remembering what happened to Amber when she did that the first time, I closed my mouth and tried to look at her as little as possible. 

The feeling of an elegant queen came from her, with that expressionless face. Furthermore, the tight dress also showed off her sleek curves.

Again looking at the driver's seat, I plunged into my thoughts. 

<<My insides are burning with…is this jealousy?>> 

As I looked at her ever-unmoving face, I couldn’t help but feel bad. 

<<I thought I left these thoughts of her behind already…still, I can’t help but remember them when she is in front of me in such clothes.>> 

As I continued to stare, I recalled the smile I happened upon not too long ago. 

<<Imagine if she showed off that smile of hers now…I think everyone would go crazy with such beauty.>> 

But as I remembered that, I also remembered who it was that she showed this smile to. That's where the jealousy came from…I couldn't even take any action, and my sister had already fallen into the wrong hands. 

<<I still don’t know if that was actually the protagonist, but it probably was.>> 

While I was thinking about it, something suddenly popped up in my vision.

[10% => 11%↑] 

<<What? That doesn’t make sense…why can’t I be jealous? Yesterday, I clearly felt irritation, but this didn’t increase the numbers. Then again, in the bathroom, when I remembered the demon, the figure changed in the blink of an eye. That fucking demon–>> 

[11% => 12%↑]

<<Okay, okay, fine…>> 

I slowly breathed in and out, until I finally got my emotions in order. 

<<I never thought that I’d be afraid of my own thoughts. The main problem is that I don’t know what the skill does…if I knew it would be a different matter. But, judging by the fact that it’s just…slowly ticking up without ever decreasing, like some kind of time-bomb, it will most likely become a disaster for me. 

Control yourself!>> 

Deciding it was best to ignore my sister so as not to feel any more jealousy, instead I looked outside through the window and counted the cars we overtook.

It seemed that the speed of the car increased, but I was still feeling comfortable in my seat. 

After attending the banquet, I needed to go somewhere to farm experience. 

<<Ah, come to think of it, it would be nice if I had something like an RPG, or a tank; I would blow that whole hotel to smithereens. As far as I remember, there was no one inside the building except demons. Can I obtain some way to make an explosion? 

Although I’d need to make other preparations for this, I still don’t know if I’d be able to get out of there alive.>> 

While I was imagining how I would blow up hordes of demons, I felt the speed of the vehicle gradually decreasing. Before my eyes appeared a mansion somewhat reminiscent of the Victorian style. 

At this time, luxurious cars were parked one after another in front of the mansion, and people in equally luxurious outfits got out of them.

But what I saw next almost made me pull my assault rifle out of inventory and start shooting. 

[12% => 13%↑]

<<Calm down, calm down…>> 

Yes, there were demons, and not just one. There were a ton of them, and some of them even came intermingled with humans.

But soon I noticed something that made me even more worried. 

Some people that I was seeing in front of me did not appear at all on the radar; most likely, they were demons, and clearly above my level. 

What made me laugh out of my nerves was that a lot of normal human beings were talking to these demons while they were entering the mansion. 

 <<It looks like the scale of what’s going on here is way more than I thought…I don’t know how large the influence of demons on this world is. Surely there’s a way to tell the difference between a human and a demon in human form…>>

When I got out of the car, I went around it and stood next to my sister. Looking at her, she has no idea how many demons are there. 

Controlling myself from committing mass demon genocide, I followed her inside. 

Passing through the large doors of the mansion, step by step, we were immersed in the atmosphere of a banquet. 

It was light so far, and nothing particular was happening at the moment, so most people were talking. As I learned from my sister, there would be a performance in a few hours. Then, after that, a congratulatory party. 

I wasn't interested; I only wanted to grab a bite to eat here and then leave to start cleaning. 

We entered a huge room filled with people greeting and commingling with each other.

It was more like a business banquet than a normal one. 

Walking after Vanessa, I occasionally noticed glances being thrown at us from some people in the crowd.. 

Especially from men.

Eventually we stopped at a specific empty table by the side. With how she seemed to confidently approach this one, I couldn’t tell whether we were assigned these seats or whether Vanessa just really liked the look of it. 

Following her example, I also sat down; as in all banquets, if you do not have specific goals, then you will become quite bored. 

What puzzled me was that no one came to greet my sister. 

Just as I was about to yawn, a maid came and offered champagne. After a moment of thought, I moved to accept it, but as soon as I tried to raise my hand, another hand grabbed mine. 

My gaze shifted to my sister holding me. 

After we stared at each other for a few seconds, she finally let go. 

Finally obtaining the glass of champagne and thanking the maid, I began to slowly sip it. 

I turned my attention to the radar, and began counting how many demons I saw that didn’t show up as blips.

There were almost 20.

But something caught my attention: there were too many people around one specific demon. 

I couldn’t do anything but ask my sister about it. 

"Who is that popular person?" 

Having asked my question, I raised my glass and wanted to take a sip of champagne, but I almost choked on my sister's answer. 

"Hmm? That is the new leader of the first Demon Hunter Squad. His name is Wolmar Bek." 

I subconsciously looked at the demon in the center of the crowd, and then back at my sister with a questioning face. 

<<Is everything in this God-forsaken world already fucking arranged by demons?>> 

You are reading story Heroine’s sister in an erotic game? at novel35.com

Such a thought was spinning in my head, but apparently my sister misunderstood me and began to explain.

“There are a few advance squads, and they mainly hunt powerful demons. He earned himself prestige after defeating one of the more powerful demons, all by himself. He is said to be very talented and diligent.” 

The more I listened, the weirder it got. 

But mentioning that he is a demon is probably not the best idea. If I did, they most likely wouldn’t believe me, and this would have a bad effect on both me and my sister.

I took another sip out of my glass, but when nothing liquid touched my lips, I realized I was out of alcohol.

There was nothing left to do but to sit still and wait. 

When I thought that I would fall asleep from boredom, my attention was attracted by a sudden shout in the distance. 

All the people at the banquet looked in that direction. 

Soon, under everyone's attention, a tall girl entered. 

I narrowed my eyes. I had doubts that perhaps my vision was failing me.

Because it was someone I knew from the game. 

The most haughty and arrogant character in the game. 

Her purple hair swayed as she walked, and her purple eyes stared forward at no one, as if no one else in the room deserved to have her full attention. 

Her slender figure wore a purple dress, with a red rose near her chest. 

A graceful face, was blessed with large eyes and small lips. 

It was a face that no mortal words could dare to describe–beautiful, it was just beautiful. 

It was the third heroine. 

Although her face was already prettier in the game's images, I still compared my sister to her. 

But now it seems I was mistaken; it far exceeds it. 

Her haughty eyes wandered across the auditorium for a moment to rest on us before moving towards some people.

But, as before, countless pairs of eyes followed her as she walked. 

Finally, as she approached the group of these people, the crowd slowly went back to normal. 

<<She's more beautiful than I thought. Well…maybe she was just painted by the fact that she at least expressed something, even if it was nothing but arrogance.>> 

Looking at my sister, I could only mentally sigh. 

She was still sitting in her seat with a familiar lack of expression. 

Bored again, I looked around, and saw several familiar figures. 

The first was the class leader

The class president was sitting with several other young people, which clearly puzzled me.

<<What is she doing here? Is it possible that she also knows about demons, or did she come here by accident?>> 

I wanted to ask her, but remembering our relationship, I threw such thoughts out of my mind. 

The second was one of the girls I had met before in that basement. 

She looked like she was not in the best condition, since her face was unnaturally pale. 

She was wearing a dark blue dress and her brown hair was in a ponytail. 

Her sparkling green eyes wandered around the banquet without finding their place. 

As I was watching her, she suddenly got up from her seat and walked away. 

After thinking for a while, I said to my sister. 

"I'll be back in a little bit." 

She grabbed my arm and held me back again. 

"Where are you going?" 

Listening to her questioning and slightly reproachful voice, I rolled my eyes. 

"’Where, where?’ To the restroom"

When she heard me, she finally let go. 

Passing through the crowd, instead of going to the restroom, I followed the girl. 

As I passed through the glass doors, a large garden revealed itself behind them. 

The garden was very spacious and ornate. 

Flowers of every color imaginable surrounded the small pond in the center, adorned by marble arches and sitting benches. Carefully pruned hedges bordered the entire garden, and what looked like an artificial stream fed the pond from elsewhere.

At this time, I saw that the girl was sitting on a bench in the distance. 

After thinking a little, I approached her from the other side. The benches were placed in such a way that they faced opposite directions, and a small bush lay in between them.. 

I sat down on the other bench, with my back to the girl. 

Then I spoke. 

"Stay where you are; if you move, I’ll kill you."

My words seemed to have an effect, and her deep breathing stopped abruptly. Fortunately, at such a distance, it wouldn’t be difficult to communicate. 

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" 

When I asked the question, she seemed to have misunderstood me and answered. 

"Yes, this garden is very beautiful..." 

"I'm not talking about the garden," I interrupted her.

But soon, she asked, "Then what are you talking about?" 

"I'm talking about the beauty that takes place at a banquet. Two very different races feast together, though most of one side don't know the other side." 

When I finished speaking there was no answer for a few seconds, but after that I heard a voice that seemed to be a little scared. 

"What are you…talking about, I–I don't understand."

"Ah, nothing, it's good that you understand your situation. Remember, if one day they find out, you’ll likely get in a lot of trouble." 

Realizing that she was in denial that she felt demons, I did not continue and instead left her with a warning. 

<<Yes, most likely, if they find out, then it's over for her.>>

In this world, apart from this girl and me using the radar, there was no one else to understand how deep the demons’ roots went in this society. 

"Strength above all." 

Having said the last words, I cautiously got up and left. 

Although I had already warned her before the last time I saw her, seeing the current situation I wanted to remind her again, but she had already realized what kind of situation she got into because of her peculiarity. Given that she is the only other human so far who can feel a demon, losing her would be bad.

Entering the banquet hall again, I returned to my sister, and this time, she was not alone. 

Beside her stood a familiar stunning figure–it was the third heroine. 

And they seemed to be talking about something. 

As I got closer, I could gradually make out the third heroine’s words. 

"I know I made a mistake last time, but that was your fault too." 

Her voice was clear and pleasant, but the haughtiness in her tone spoiled it.

When I finally came to them, they stopped talking and the gaze of the third heroine fell on me. 

"Oh, finally our heavy burden has come, dragging down her sister." 

I was wondering what she would say to me the first time we met, but hearing what she said made me feel like cold water had doused me. Maybe pursuing the third heroine romantically would be a bad idea after all.

Her eyes were full of contempt.

This was my first acquaintance with Maria Fritsch.

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