Hidan no Aria AA

Chapter 5: 5

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Bullet 5: Shino Sasaki Part 1

(Just a little message from the TL. Previously parts of the story might have been confusing with the perspective changing. I have rectified this for this chapter and all future chapters by putting ALL inner thoughts in brackets, not just ones that in the raw have brackets. For some reason no other story had such confusing perspectives, only AA…)


 … About six months ago.


 On a certain day, Shino Sasaki was walking alone in Daiba and looked with contempt at a group of 3 of her classmates from a Tokyo Butei High affiliate school.

 It was a group of girls who looked to be a little tomboyish, which is a common trait among Butei School girls.

 Some carried sniper rifles on their backs, others carried pistols, and they walked along the street, spread out along the road

 The three were walking around and eating leaf pies, a popular women’s food at Daiba…

 The leaf pie was originally a homemade leaf pie made by an adult-oriented restaurant called Estella, but it was so well received in the restaurant that it is now sold at a stall on a street corner in Daiba. It was not uncommon for a juior high school girl to want to eat it, whether they are a butei or not.

 … however.

 Why are they buying and eating it on the way home from school, walking and talking together?

 Shino was raised strictly by her father, an elite prosecutor appointed by the Japanese Prime Minister and certified by the Emperor, and her mother, formerly his faithful subordinate.

 Studies, martial arts, calligraphy, piano lessons…

 Shino was rigorously drilled in these dignified arts.

 As the daughter of an armed prosecutor, who was a defender of justice, it is only natural that she would be well-behaved.

 She would never be allowed to act in such a flamboyant manner.

 From Shino’s point of view, the three girls walking together looked like savages.

 For Shino, it is an unthinkable act to eat and shop after school without hesitation while wearing the uniform of a proud butei.


 (I need to be careful.)

 It is not a violation of the school rules in the first place, so she could not look down on it.

 Because Shino used to actively call out her classmates for this kind of behaviour… She was isolated at school before she knew it.

 She was isolated after doing nothing wrong. From Shino’s point of view, it was unreasonable.

 Now, Shino has no friends.

 No, she had no friends even in the beginning.

 Because, I am…

“Ah! It’s a winner!”

 … on of her classmates, who was holding a leaf pie that she was about to bite into, said this to her inner circle, but was spoken loud enough in a way that was clearly intended to be heard by Shino.

“You’re on your own again.”

“You are always so proud of yourself, pretty lady.”

 The other two girls were also in sync, bad-mouthing Shino as they left the leaf pie stall. This, too, was spoken loud enough to allow Shino to hear them.

 From an early age, Shino received a crammed education from a female tutor…

 And she received good grades. Very good grades.

 Shino was a very beautiful girl as well, a natural beauty that she does not have to try to achieve, with large breasts that she received from her mother. Very large actually.

 What is more, the Sasaki family is rich. And like her breasts, very much so.

 … because of this, she received the nickname “winners”. (TL Note: winners used in Japanese in this context means economically, social, etc.)

 In short, Shino is jealous of what she doesn’t have…

 She doesn’t know how to deal with it. Maybe there is nothing she can do about it.

 When she thinks about it…

 (I feel like I will continue to be jealous, hated, and outcast in this was for the rest of my life.) It is not to a level that will turn to anger and outlash at her classmates, but sadness and the desire of of giving up prevail.


 Shino grips the handle of her schoolbag.

(alone… I have… always been alone… alone…)

 She tells that to herself, to imbue herself with strength.

(I don’t even want to eat a leaf pie…)

 She tells that to herself as well.



 She can smell the sweet smell wafting from the stall, which tickled her nose.

 (Ahh, it smells…)

(…it smells good…!)

 It also looks delicious to Shino.

 The harmony of aromas created by the exquisite balance of flour, butter, and sugar.

 To Shino, it should be as delicious as its reputation suggests, or even better. It is also irresistibly attractive, with the leaf shape being incredibly cute.

 And then she realized…

 Shino was now standing in front of the food stall after the girls in her class had left.

 Estella. Living up to its name, which means “star” in Spanish, the single leaf pie in the glass case appears to shine like a star.

(But I can’t buy food at…)

 Self-control urges Shino to leave the stall, but her instinctive desire won’t let her.

 And so Shino sat there agonizing over the leaf pie.

(Oh, welcome. Do you want a leaf pie?”

 A older girl wearing a hat with a star on it, who was working at the stall, accosted Shino.


“You are in luck. It is the last leaf, freshly backed, and usually we sell out very quickly.”

 With only 1 left, apparently it was very close to selling out.

 The clerk in front of Shino picked up the leaf pie with a pair of tongs.

“Eh, no, I was just watching…”

 Even though Shino answered “no”, the clerk couldn’t hear her because her voice was so quiet and the BGM of the store was loud.

“Do you have a loyalty card?”

 The onee-chan asked while filling a paper bag with the leaf pie.

 (What is a loyalty card?) Shino, who is not familiar with the customs of the common people, tilts her head.

 But she can at least make out that they are asking for a card of some kind.

“…? I have a gold card…”

 And the naive Shino gently pulls out her American Express card.

“Ah-, we do not accept credit cards here.”

 The onee-chan laughed, and seemed to naturally think that Shino would just pay in cash, and so fastened the mouth of the bag with a ribbon.

 Apparently, now that Shino had shown her credit card, the onee-chan thought that meant she was determined to buy the leaf pie.

 But what should she do?

 Shino rarely shops outside of her own home. This is because it is the job of the Miyamoto sisters, maids employed by the Sasaki family. Therefore, she never had a need to carry cash on her.

 So naturally, Shino only had a credit card. She had no physical cash, coins or bills, on her.

 However, the lady at the stall has assumed that Shino is buying the leaf pie.

 Shino was in trouble… but someone just appeared by her side.

“Just in time!!”

 A girl with short twin-tail hair, wearing a sailor uniform from a school attached to Butei High School, the same school as Shino, came running and out of breath.

“Leaf Pie, please!”

 While holding out a 500 yen coin, the petite girl orders with an excited expression on her face…

“I am sorry little girl but you are too late. This customer is buying the last one.”

 The lady at the stall, who apparently mistook the child for an elementary school students, responded with a bit of jest.

“Ehhhh?! Sold out again-!?”

 The child’s face became so expressive and shocked that you can almost see the word “really?!” on it.

 Then she looked up at Shino, due to how short she was, who seemed to have bought the last one.


“N-, no! I was just looking at it because it looked delicious…. please, go ahead.”

 With a wave of her hand, Shino let her order the last leaf pie.

 Shino was having a hard time buying one, so this for her was some relief in a pinch.

 With her short, twin tails, the little girl… was adorable…

“… are you sure?”

 This, small surprise with a comical expression too, was very adorable.


“Thank you–!”

 With a dazzling smile on her face, she took Shino’s hand.

 She expressed her joy by waving her hands in the air.

 Shino, who hadn’t held hands with anyone in years, was a little taken aback, but…

 Her smile was carefree, like a little sunbeam, and Shino couldn’t take her eyes off of her…

 That… was how Shino Sasaki and Akari Mamiya met.

 Shino could still smell the sweet aroma of a leaf pie…

 She was reminded of that day.

 … “I will be spending the night with Aria-senpai at her room.”…

 Shino, who managed to get over the stress last night by coating the shock of the e-mail with happy memories from the past… was not walking down the corridor of Butei High after school.

 On her chest, she is holding a small paper bag with a leaf symbol in her arms.

 She went to Estella’s stall right after class to pick up a freshly made leaf pie that the maid had reserved for her.

(hot, hot)

 Shino entered the classroom of Class 1A, and finds Akari chatting with Raika.

 Shino has various statistics for Akari’s behavioural patters based off of the day of the week and weather. Shino has a general idea of where she is now no matter what.

 She quietly entered the classroom with a ladylike smile that should have made her highly desirable to anyone…

“Akari, you can get Estella’s limited edition Sugar Leaf pie at…”

 And she started talking to Akari.

 Shino’s voice, however, did not reach the ears of Akari, who was engrossed in telling Raika a story.

“… I see!! Aria-senpai, used it!!”

 Akari says this with a smile, but does not even look at Shino.

“Aria… senpai?”

 Shino repeated the hateful name out loud that Akari just said.

“Ah, Shino-chan.”

 … a little later, Akari noticed Shino’s presence.

 Raika beckoned Shino to join the conversation.

“This morning, there was a bombing on the second field. I happened to be near the scene.”

 Talk about a somewhat disturbing story.

 But then again, at Butei High, shots fired and bombs exploding are a daily occurrence.

 Shino, though, was more concerned about Akari’s condition.

 Akari though…

“Aria-senpai rescued the victim with a paraglider! I sewed the stitches for her! For Aria-senpai!”

 … despite the tension being high, there was a twinkle in Akari’s eyes.

 (Why are you looking at me with those eyes right now?)

“For Aria-senpai…?”

 Akari had such happy eyes right now.

 Happy eyes.

 (those happy eyes should be made for me.)

“-Yes! It was a rescue operation from the sky! Aria-senpai is so cool!”

 Akari was standing on her chair and gesturing like a child as she pretended to be Aria, happy that she could help her in some way.

 The excitement radiating from Akari was so great, even the tomboy Raika had a restrained wry smile on her face.

 In this atmosphere, Shino should be smiling too… but her expression was drawn.

“I-, I’m glad you got to help her. Let’s go home now and eat this together.”

 Hiding her stormy heart, Shino makes a smile with only her facial muscles and invites Akari to join her.

“Oooh, Leaf Pie!”

 But it was Raika who reacted quickly to Shino’s offer.

 (…that offer wasn’t for you.)

 Raika was a valuable friend of Shino, but not who she wanted to talk to right now.

 Raika, who did not notice the intentions of Shino, moved her nose close to the bag of leaf pies.

 Raika was not lying though

 (Yes. The leaf pie smells very good and is delicious.)

 (Surely Akari will forget all about Aria if she eats this leaf pie.)

 Shino’s victory is–

“Ah, I cannot go home together with you today, I am sorry Shino-chan.”

 Akari’s response left Shino shattered.

“I have to pack a overnight bag for Aria-senpai. I even have to pack her negligees and underwear.”

 Akari’s eyes turn into heart symbols as she begins getting excited.


 Shino is stunned into silence.

 (Since they are War Sisters now, she is packing Aria’s suitcase for an overnight stay. Let’s say that this is okay.)

 (To do this act, Akari must touch her negligee, bra’s, and panties.)

 (Let’s say that is okay too.)




You are reading story Hidan no Aria AA at novel35.com

 (Why do you do these things with such glee?)

 (She seems so gleeful, even though I am so shocked after she turned down my invitation.)


 (What happened to you?)

 (Who changed you…)

“And now I’m NG for sweets.” (TL Note: NG is English in raw, means No Good.)

 Akari, who stated that she would leave alone, followed up her rejection with a declaration that she wouldn’t eat sweets anymore.

 She declared that she wouldn’t eat leaf pies anymore.

“Aria-senpai told me that I should lose some weight after we had our bath together.”

 Akari uttered this line with a bit of embarrassment.

 That part…

(B-, b-, bath?!)

 That word sent an electric current through Shino’s entire body.

 (Bath. Bath. Bath…! Bath, together…!)

 (In other, it is a Hadaka relationship.) (TL Note: Hadaka is a skinship festival in Japan, basically put, it is a relationship where both members have seen each other naked.)

 In other words, Akari and Aria have become such close friends that they have shown each other naked and nude. Already.

(A bath with Akari-chan!)

 Shino has not fantasized about this act dozens, if not hundreds of times while bathing or sleeping…

 (But Aria has already realized this dream?)

 (Akari’s naked body, which I have not seen yet. But Aria saw her? With her own eyes!?)

 Leaving Shino, who has sunk into despair as deep as the Japan Trench, Akari waved her hand and walks out of the classroom.

 The moment Akari disappears from sight, Shino’s consciousness fades away.

 Her whole body loses strength and Shino wobbles, dropping the paper bag containing the leaf pie…

“… got it.”

 With a snap, Raika caught it in mid-air.

 Raikia took the liberty of opening the bag of leaf pies that Shino had bought for Akari.

“She has been talking about Aria-senpai since this morning. She must really like her.”

 Raika did not mean anything malicious with what she had said, but this is just another thing that dug into Shino’s heart.

 Shino tries to leave the classroom while wrapping her right fist, which is shaking slightly, with her left hand…

“Hmm, are you going home?”

 Shino smiles a mournful smile at Raika, who is chewing on a leaf pie…

“…Y-, yes… I feel… a little…”

 Shino left the classroom feeling dizzy, barely able to speak.

 Shirokanedai, Minato-ku, an upscale residential area.

 When Shino returns home to her mansion, which was one of the largest in the area, she enters the spacious entrance hall.

“Welcome back, Shino-sama.”

 In the entrance hall, Shiori Miyamoto and Iori Miyamoto – twin beauties a little older than Shino – greet her with reverence.

 These two are apparently descendants of a person who had an enmity with Shino’s ancestor, but in the present day they are faithful maids who take care of Shino in the Sasaki household.

 Shino hands her bag to one of the Miyamoto sisters, who is dressed in a stereotypical black and white maid’s uniform, and attempts to slip past them silently.

“Shino-sama, you don’t seem to be in a good mod…”

 Shino was acting strangely, and Shiori, who was worried about her, approached her.

“… Shut up!”

 Shino, who is usually a shy girl, makes a screeching statement and enters her room without hiding her annoyance.

 Then, slam! , the door was violently slammed shut.

 In Shino’s room, which is bigger than her classroom in Class 1A.

“… Why! Aria-senpai this, Aria-senpai that!”

 Shino exploded with the anger that had been dragging behind her since the left the classroom.

 Shouting in anger, she kicked her piano chair hard with her black stocking clad feet.

“Akari-chan! Is! My! Friend! And! Yet!”

 Gasu! Gasu! Gasu! Gasu! Gasu!

 She even took out her anger on her stuffed rabbit, and after hitting it five times against the sofa, the rabbits body was torn apart and the stuffing inside came flying out.

“… fuu…. Fuu….“

 Still breathing heavily…

 After venting about 1% of her anger in a violent outburst, Shino regained a slight measure of composure.

 Who was the cause of this anger? Who was to blame?

 That went without saying.

 (…Kanzaki H. Aria.)

 (Akari is addicted to that villain.)

(If I don’t do something… Aria will take Akari away from me…!)

 (I have to get Akari away from that woman.)


 (Akari should not belong to anyone but me!)

 (If I dont do something, I will lose her!)

 (This must be stopped. What is wrong is bad. To stop what is wrong is therefore nothing but good. In other words, this will be justice.)

 … Shino took a deep breath with a serious expression on her face at the justification of the giant evil that is Aria.

(Ah, calm down, Shino.)

 (Now I find myself trapped in perpetual anger.)

 (To do justice, calm judgment is required.)

 (So first I must calm down.)

 (Calming down is the first thing I must do.)

 In the corner of the room where Shino was walking was her “Akari-chan Box”…

 So accurately named, her treasure chest was waiting.

(First, I need to get my Akari items from the Akari-chan Box…!)

 Shino opens the lid of the treasure chest with her pale hands.

 At that moment, Shino’s eyes see sparkling particles of light gushing from inside the box.

 Inside there was…

 A framed, sneakily taken photo of Akari, a popular favourite of Shino’s

 A part of the “Akari-chan Album”, this was an album filled with various sneakily taken photos of Akari.

 There was also a handmade stuffed animal, an Akari-chan doll.

 Next to that was a “Akari-chan Favor Graph” that records everything according to Akari’s daily interactions and reactions.

 There was a plastic bottle that Akari drank the contents of and then threw away.

 Hair, which was collected from Akari’s clothes after she returned to class and had to miss gym class.

 The treasure chest is filled with a large number of Akari related items that Shino has collected over the past six months…

 After burying her face in the box…

 Shino’s heart was very, very much at ease.

“Ahh… Akari-chan…”

 Shino then pulls out the Akari doll from her treasure chest, and hugs it with all her might.

 Shino’s heart was filled with an inexpressible sense of happiness, as she held this holy doll, which she handled as if it were Akari herself, between her large breasts that were over 90cm in circumference…

“… Akari-chan, we will always be friends!”

 Shino dived into her canopied princess bed with the Akari doll still in her arms.

 Then, with the blanket completely over her head, she was left alone with the Akari doll.

 While hugging the Akari doll to escape an undesirable reality…

 The memories of six months ago come vividly to mind.

 The Akari in Shino’s mind still sees Shino as she did back then.

 … that day in autumn when the fallen leaves were dancing.

 When Akari and Shino bought a leaf pie together…

 Where they sat on a bench side by side in Odaiba Seaside Park and each ate half of a leaf pie together.

 It was the first time Shino went out of her way to buy food.

 For her, it was a very naughty thing.

 But Shino did it anyway because Akari took her hand. She did something that her teacher and mother would call naughty, something undignified, something to her that was crazy…


 Akari told Shino at the time.

 Words that Shino would never forget, with a smile that she will never forget either.

“Akari-chan… Akari-chan, yes, yes, leaf pie is delicious, isn’t it? Please… have some of my pie, just kidding…”

 Shino was actively immersed in memories of a happy past, and her body had a mature and sexy quality that girls her age did not usually have.

“Ahh… Akari-chan…”

 Shino was rubbing up against the Akari-chan doll like a cat.

 Shino, who had been moseying around for 15 minutes doing such a thing under the blanket where no one could see her when…


 By comforting herself in that way, the stress accumulated that day was relieved and she returned to normal.

 Then, after a few seconds of silence, wham!, and the blanket was flung away.

“… this is no time for escapism!”

 Her expression switches to one that is typical of a brave and typical daughter of an armed prosecutor.

 Finished pampering herself, she got out of bed and headed to her PC with a crisp face.

 And when she put on her blue light blocking glasses, pakapakapaka!, and with an aggressive expression on her face, she taps on the keyboard, and slid the mouse around on her desk.

 … Kanzaki H. Aria.

 The reason for this research was to find out more about the women who seduced Shino’s dear friend, a woman who was nothing less than a thief.

 Shino, who information-gathering ability increases tenfold when Akari is involved, quickly and steadily read up on the “Butei High Internet” website, the “Butei High Back Site” website, as well as a general search for Kanzaki H. Aria.

 However, the content is…

 An S-Ranked Butei who has been active throughout Europe since her early teens.

 An expert in handguns, swords, and hand-to-hand combat.

 99 consecutive successful raids and criminal arrests.

 (… why is she so strong?)

 Giri… Shino begins to grind her teeth.

(So strong…! It would be unreasonable to try and kill her directly…)

 With a crease forming on her forehead, Shino searches the various school’s websites to learn more.

 Even if she tried to bring Aria to justice by force, she would surely be beaten. Shino, who has a future with Akari (according to her own beliefs), will not settle for a crushing defeat though.

 In other words, if Shino was to win, it would not be through killing Aria, and victory must be through other means.

 (Are there any scandals in the past that could be used to blackmail Aria? Any weak family members or friends that I could take hostage?)

 (If Aria has no Achilles Heel though, I could use various institutions such as laws and school rules.)

 To ensure justice is done, Shino is willing to use any means necessary.

 And then, as the sun was setting…

“… Shino-sama, we have brought your meal for you.”

 Twin maids bring a meal with a silver dome on a brass tray for Shino.

“Leave it there!”

 Shino doesn’t show her face to her maids and commands them through the door.

 (I am not in the mood for food right now. In a battle against a strong enemy, a momentary lapse of guard can be fatal. It is the same in combat as well as in this operation planning phase.)

 (I need to hurry up. In a battle, time can be on your side or against you.)

 (As soon as possible… I must find it. I must find a winning move that will let me take Akari away from Aria.)

 By the time Shino noticed what time it was, morning light was leaking in through the curtains.

 The time was 5a.m of the next day.

 Shino has not eaten or slept at all since she began her research.

 She has dark circles under her eyes and a dizzy head, but…

“… this… this is it…!”

 (It was worth it after all, I found a way!)

 (I am so glad that I looked for the answer as fast as I could. This method has a time limit.)

 (… 8p.m later that evening.)

 (That is the time limit for this operation)

 (There is only half a day before then, but that should be plenty of time to get ready.)

 …ufufu, fufufufu…

 Shino smiles as the light from the display illuminates her face.

(… with this, I can get Akari back!)

  §   §

 Two hours later, around the time Shino had fallen spectacularly asleep at home…

“Umm… how long is Aria-senpai… going to be away?”

 Akari was helping Aria prepare for her outing.

 Aria will have to live away from home for a while due to a top-secret mission.

 Akari was disgruntled with the fact that their communal life in the same room that had just begun was already coming to a temporary end.

“Hm. I am not sure how long I will be away… but you should be alone from time to time. You are my War Sister, so you can do that much, right?”

 Aria said.

 When asked this by her beloved Aria, Akari has only one possible answer.

“– Yes! I will be all right even if I am alone!”

 With a sparkling, innocent smile, she replied honestly.

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