High School Syndrome

Chapter 1: Brand New Day

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Just as the morning alarm was about to ring, it was already stopped by a finger hitting the ‘Stop’ button.

Usually, such a blaring object would be allowed a few seconds of activity before the intervention of the unfortunate soul that was being awoken by its sound. However, such wasn’t the case with this alarm.

“Haa…” A soft breath proceeded from the curled-up lips of the boy who prematurely turned off the Alarm Clock.

His blue eyes took in the brightness of his room—caused by the radiation of sunlight from the window beside his bed.

“... I thought it would last forever.” He murmured.

The young boy, appearing not older than fifteen, sat upright. His black hair fluttered ever so slightly whenever he moved, and his smile never faded.

“It’s a brand new day.”

With this declaration, he jumped to his feet and stretched his body.

His room was colored was spacious enough to allow his light stretches, and he did everything with vigor and precision. 

“All done!”

Alone in his sparse room, John took in his surroundings. 

Not much could be seen in the wide expanse. His bed, wardrobe, study desk, and chair; those were practically the only pieces of furniture he had.

The room’s cooling system was traditional, and the large window he had—coupled with the coolness of his surroundings—made sure he never became too cold, hot, or uncomfortable.

It was a perfect room.

Of course, there were three doors that could be seen from where he stood.

One led to his bathroom, another took him to his closet, and the last one was the exit/entrance. 

At the moment, John only cared about one of these three.

“Time to get set. It’s my first day of school, after all!”




“Grandfather is at it again, uh?”

In the large compound, a man was jugging passionately. Sweat poured from his body despite the cool climate, yet the man did not stop.

This man, Dr. Matthew Lucien, was John’s very eccentric grandfather. He was a bit weird and orthodox—correction, a little extreme—but he was a good person.

“You’d never believe he was a PHD Holder.” John smiled, watching his grandfather’s grey hair accentuate his youthful face.

The young boy was currently wearing his school uniform—comprising a black blazer that matched the trousers, a white shirt, and a royal blue tie. The badge of his school was proudly placed on his blazer, and every single fiber of what he wore seemed to be born of perfection.

Of course, this was only expected, considering the kind of academy he was going to be attending.

“Grandfather, I’m leaving!” John raised his voice to call the sixty-seven year old man.

Considering how immersed Dr. Matthew Lucien was anytime he exercised, this much was necessary.

“Ah? John? How long have you been standing there?” The man said, chuckling as h slowed down.

He abandoned his exercise and approached John with his sweaty body.

“It’s not my fault that you’re a workout addict,” John murmured, shrugging. “Hey! Don’t come any closer. You reek!”

Dr. Matt was forced to stop dead in his tracks before he could hug his adorable grandson. It seemed he was so overwhelmed with the boy’s cuteness that he couldn’t resist.

“A-ah, sorry about that. Hahahaha!”

John sighed as he shook his head. This man drove him crazy sometimes.

“So, you’re going to school already, uh? You have everything you need?”


“You sure?”



John and Matthew exchanged glances as a short second elapsed. The former was smiling, and the latter… was also smiling.

They were both excited.

“Alright, John. Have fun in school. Do what you need to do.”

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The boy didn’t wait for any more before skidding away, once again avoiding the sweaty embrace of his perfectly shaped grandfather.

“This kid…” With a slight chuckle, Dr. Matthew Lucien watched his grandson run to school.

“... He’ll run out of breath too quickly.”

Resuming his jog, the old man thought only about his grandson. 

‘I hope you find what you’re searching for…’




“Here I am.” John smiled, looking at the large premises in front of him.


It was about twenty acres large; comprised of several buildings and structures that could make anyone’s jaw drop. Considering the fact that an acre of land was as large as a football field, the school premises was insanely big.

The gate was also very tall, and even the compound’s fense was high and luxurious enough to ward off outsiders who had no business with the institute.

John could help but smile wider with each step he took. The fresh smell of trees, and the lovely scent of flowers, tickled his nose. As he got close to the gate, it automatically opened up—scanning him before he reached it completely.

“Modern technology sure is nice.” There was no need for security personnel.

One or two people brushed past John—also students of the institute—and none of them paid him any heed as they went about their businesses.

It was currently 8:21 AM, and while classes usually started by 9: 00 AM, there was a general assembly to be held thirty minutes prior.

“Can’t be late, can I?” John ceased his gawking and began quickening his pace.

It was impossible to traverse twenty acres in just nine minutes, especially considering John’s build. However, there was no need to worry. 

The High School Campus itself was smaller, and a large chunk of the land was used for residential and tertiary facilities. It wasn’t absurdly large.

In essence, since John was here for High School, he could easily reach the main hall for the General Assembly, and then head straight to class.

And so, the boy walked past the garden that greeted him and feasted his eyes on the environment once more—making his way to the hall.




“I made it.”

It was exactly 8:30 when John entered the Hall. Seeing organized lines spread within the massive building, he easily spotted the place where his classmates were gathered. 

It helped that there were labels for each line, but without the signs, John didn’t think he would have had a problem.

“Greetings, students.” Just as he joined his line of twenty, a middle-aged man took to the stage and addressed everyone.

His hands were placed behind him as he spoke with poise—the dignity expected of the most successful educationalist in the world, as well as one of the richest people around. 

“My name is Charles Richardson. I am the founder of this school, as well as your Principal. It is my humble pleasure to see you all gathered here for resumption, and I do hope you have an enjoyable stay in this institute.”

John watched everything with a smiling face.

This was the first time he would be hearing an address like this in person. It was the first time he would be standing in line for a general assembly. It would be the first time he was attending an actual school.

“I see…” He spoke in a barely audible tone, watching as the man on the podium continued.

“This entire academic institute accepts only three hundred and ninety students per academic session, and only fifty for High School. And so, I would like to appreciate the newcomers for their abilities. Among the millions who strived to get in, only you fifty have been chosen.”

It sounded ridiculous, but it wasn’t. This wasn’t just your ordinary school, after all. 

“However, do be reminded that this is only just the beginning. As you know, entering is one thing, but getting promoted to the next class is another ball game entirely.”

It took four years to get through High School. Depending on the year, it was most likely that many of these students would not be present by the time of graduation.

“You must strive to be the best, to be exceptional in your various fields. I expect nothing less from the geniuses of this generation.”

This was an Academy with the acceptance rate of less than 0.1 percent of applicants. A truly hardcore environment where only the best thrived and the dregs were left behind.

John smiled.

He knew all of this.

That was precisely why he chose to come here. It had the ideal environment, and the best people humanity could offer from all over the globe.

It was literally the best High School in the world.

“Welcome once again to The Richardson Elite Academy… I do hope you have a wonderful time.”

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