High School Syndrome

Chapter 5: Conversation

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There is no ‘I’ in ‘Teamwork’

But, without an individual, there can be no collective. The concept of selflessness as an act of responsibility is vague in a gathering of distinct personalities.

Where competitors are gathered to form a team, the first priority is the ‘individual’ before the ‘collective’.





“Please speak up. While I do not approve of what you did, I would like you to be honest with everyone—whoever you are.”

At this point, Charlotte was trying to call out the architect of the current confusion. Whether or not such a person would respond to her sincerity was a different matter.

Still, wasn’t it obvious what the malefactor would pick?

“Don’t waste your time. They won’t speak up. Someone who would so blatantly lie to us like that… why would they suddenly change their minds?” A harsh voice burst forth.

It was deep and powerful, and everyone could feel their heart skip when he spoke. He had a german tone, and his eyes were fierce. 

While Charlotte’s appeal was her straightforward, yet amicable, personality, the boy who spoke had more of a dominating aura.

“We’re not going to get anywhere with this.” He rose to his feet, displaying his tall and well-built figure.

“My name is Ben Elias. See? It says so on my Student ID Card.” The boy brought forth a card from his jacket and showed the whole class.

A few people were catching on to his intentions, but he emphasized it regardless.

“Everyone should display their Student ID Cards. That way, we’ll be able to tell which one among us is telling a lie.”

It was a brilliant plan, something very forward and daring. If it was left to Charlotte, she would have probably hesitated several times before resorting to something that severe. However, Ben Elias didn’t seem to care.

“We’ve had a breach of trust in this class. If we don’t resolve this quickly, we might have a falling out, and Year 1A will have the advantage. To restore trust, it’s imperative we are transparent with one another.”

Ben glanced in Charlotte’s direction, as though asking for her opinion. Despite his logic, it was still clear who had more influence in the classroom. 

“I agree with what Ben says. It’s better we are all transparent with one another.” Charlotte brought out her Student ID, proving her innocence as well.

Since it was a dicey situation, one where anyone who refused could be labeled the culprit, everyone cooperated.

A few didn’t seem to care while others simply accepted it grudgingly. What most of the studnts had in common was their curiousity. That is… who the culprit was.


“Everyone’s ID Card is valid… what’s going on here?” Charlotte murmured, casting a confused glance at the one who suggested the method.

He didn’t give her an answer, and his expression was still calm, but Ben was just as troubled. He had thought, for sure, he would nab the culprit this way.


‘This won’t work. We recieved our ID a week before resumption, the same day our uniforms got delivered to us. Forgery isn’t exactly uncommon…’ John sighed internally.

Not only had the culprit given a different name for himself, he also had a false ID to boot. Even though John knew fully well who the malefactor was, he couldn’t help but feel impressed.

‘Why did he do this, though? This will definitely tear the class apart, reducing his chances of success…’

Richardson Elite Academy focused on personal ability, but also on group efforts. According to the Academia’s Prospectus that every student possessed, the combined score of everyone—without exception—was fifty percent personal result and fifty percent class performance.

The pass grade for advancing to the next class was also seventy percent—making it imperative that Class Performance had to be as close to average as possible.

‘I don’t understand his motive…’ John sighed, deciding to observe things even further.

That was why he enrolled, wasn’t it? To watch and understand, hoping that one day he too…

“Ah, I guess time is up now.”





The rest of the classes were taught by different persons—each lasting one hour.

There were a few breaks between each class, in which Charlotte made constant appeals to the hidden culprit, yet was met with no response.

She even switched strategies and told the culprit her Email address, so as to ensure privacy and unanimity. Since she had already established an image of trust, only a few would doubt her words. 

Charlotte could only hope that whoever the malefactor was, they could see the danger in carrying on their charade—for the class, and also for their future in Richardson Academy.


It was eventually 12:30 PM, and the class went on break.

After having three classes, it was time to let loose and get some food—or fresh air, depending on preference.

John enviously cast his gaze to the seats beside the windows—wishing he was among the five who could glance at the drifting clouds or look at the fields beyond the walls of the classroom.

“Grandfather brought me here. Maybe he knows a way I can appeal… to get a seat there.” It sounded childish—and it was—but John was obsessed with getting whatever he wanted.

Even something as measly as having a seat beside the window meant more to him than identifying the culprit and saving his class so much trouble.

Break lasted for thirty minutes, during which John didn’t leave the class.

He watched as groups slowly formed—he observed everyone’s conversations, he critically examined his environment. Taking everything in and completely digesting the information was how he knew to function.

Of course, not to seem like a wierdo, John brought out his Tablet and started fiddling with it. There was no rule stating they couldn’t use it after classes, and since he knew how to operate it well, there was no issue.

In fact, the boy considered it weird that no one else was attempting to work through the Tablet assigned to them beyond the boundaries of class sessions. If they hd, then maybe they would have solved the problem that bothered them.

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“Hi there, I couldn’t help but notice what you were doing.” Charlotte waved at John and approached him.

“Uh… hi…?” His voice was low, but certainly not inaudible.

“I’m just curious about how you’re operating the Tablet even after classes. Don’t they turn off after the teacher is done?” Charlotte gave a friendly smile.

She had a warm approach, and she did not display any form of ill will. Most importantly… she was the first girl John’s age to have spoken to him—ever!

“Well, there’s no rule saying we can’t” John said, raising his tablet to Charlotte’s face. “You just have to swipe your Student ID right here, and the Tablet reads it. It turns on after that, and you can use it for various things.”

Charlotte’s eyes widened as John explained. The latter didn’t show it, but he hoped the girl would catch on to the hint he was dropping.

Fortunately, she didn’t disappoint this time.

“That means only genuine IDs can unlock the Tablets. We can use this to identify the culprit!” Her voice contained amazement, though she toned it down at the last minute.

‘You figured it out. Good. But…’

“I should raise this up in our next short break.” Charlotte beamed.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“Oh? Why do you say so?” The girl cocked her head.

“Well, don’t you think you’ve done enough for today? Any more and everyone will think you’re overbearing. You should exercise some degree of moderation in everything.” Of course, John had no practical knowledge of these things.

‘I’m just repeating what grandfather told me…’

His words rang true, though. 

Surely, Charlotte had also realized it by now. Pushing everyone to cooperate any further would only make her seem too pushy and bossy. It wasn’t as though she was the Class Representative, or anything.

“I-I see. You have a good point…”

The conversation was flowing so seamlessly that John himself was amazed by how and why he was able to keep up. It was his first time conversing like this, yet…

‘This… this is different!’ John’s thoughts rang, and he felt a stimulation he couldn’t explain.

“... Thank you.”

A warm feeling coursed through John’s heart, and his cheeks became just a tiny bit flushed with pink.

‘This is…’ It wasn’t an unpleasant feeling.

John had heard the word “Thank you” from severalpeople, but the effect this particular one had on him was too strange.

“You’re welcome. Thank you too.” 

Charlotte looked a little surprised at first, but then smiled.

“Well, I’ll talk to you later, John. Break is almost over. It was nice speaking to you.”


Charlotte Olivia’s skirt swayed as she salaciously walked back to her seat, keenly observed by John.

As he observed her movements—every single step and motion—something began swelling from within the young boy’s depths.

“This is nice… I guess I’ll talk to her later, after all.” 

Break ended and everyone returned to their seats.

The next class was about to begin, and everyone prepared for what would come next. 

John’s mind was elsewhere, though.

For the first time, he wasn’t paying any attention to anyone or anything around him.

He was lost in thought.

And then—

‘I want to talk to her some more…’

—He opened his eyes.







The first five chapters have a slow pace. 

This is to introduce the setting and to somewhat lay a foundation for a lot of events in this book. 

Please, prepare yourself.

Yes, there’s going to be romance and action in this book, but it also contains a lot of psychological and mysterious elements.

It’s a Slice Of Life Academy Story, but please keep an open mind while reading. I promise… you will enjoy it.


Please forgive the errors. I sort of wrote these chapters in a rush, and I don't have enough time to edit it... yet.



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